require File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/../simple_notifier' daemonize! class EmailNotifier < SimpleNotifier def initialize(settings = {}, read_config = true) @name = 'email_notifier' @no_settings_message = "Please edit ~/.webstats_clients and add some URLs to monitor and an email address to notfiy on" super({ 'recipient' => '', 'mail_server' => { 'address' => 'localhost', 'domain' => 'localhost', 'port' => 25 } }.merge(settings), read_config) end private def send_mail(subject, message) sm = @settings[:mail_server] msg = < To: #{@settings[:recipient]} <#{@settings[:recipient]}> Subject: #{subject} Date: #{} Message-Id: <#{}.#{rand(10000000)}@#{sm[:domain]}> #{message} END_OF_MESSAGE Net::SMTP.start(sm[:address], sm[:port], sm[:domain], sm[:username], sm[:password], sm[:authentication]) { |smtp| smtp.send_message msg, @settings[:recipient], @settings[:recipient] } end def failed_url(url, password, exception) send_mail("Webstats Notification - Cannot load Webstats data", "Could not load #{url}#{!password.nil? ? " with password #{password}" : ""}, error was #{exception.message}. Will try again in 60 seconds.") sleep(60) true end def notify messages = [] has_warnings = has_dangers = false @settings[:urls].each do |url| if !url[:bad].empty? and (url[:changed] or url[:time_past]) has_warnings = !url[:warnings].empty? has_dangers = !url[:dangers].empty? title = [] title << "Danger" if has_dangers title << "Warnings" if has_warnings title = title.join(" & ") warnings_text = !url[:warnings].empty? ? "Warnings for #{url[:bad].select { |(k, v)| v['status'] == 'warning' }.map { |(k, v)| url[:meta_info][k]['in_sentence'] }.join(", ")}." : nil danger_text = !url[:dangers].empty? ? "Dangerous situation for #{url[:bad].select { |(k, v)| v['status'] == 'danger' }.map { |(k, v)| url[:meta_info][k]['in_sentence'] }.join(", ")}." : nil host = URI.parse(url[:url]).host messages << "#{title} for #{host}\n#{"-" * (title.length + host.length + 5)}\n\n#{[danger_text, warnings_text].compact.join("\n")}\n\nCheck statistics online at #{url[:url]}" end end title = [] title << "Danger" if has_dangers title << "Warnings" if has_warnings send_mail("Webstats Notification - #{title.join(" & ")}", messages.join("\n\n\n")) unless messages.empty? end end s = s.start