module PubliSci module Readers class MAF < Base COLUMN_NAMES = %w{ Hugo_Symbol Entrez_Gene_Id Center NCBI_Build Chromosome Start_Position End_Position Strand Variant_Classification Variant_Type Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 dbSNP_RS dbSNP_Val_Status Tumor_Sample_Barcode Matched_Norm_Sample_Barcode Match_Norm_Seq_Allele1 Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2 Tumor_Validation_Allele1 Tumor_Validation_Allele2 Match_Norm_Validation_Allele1 Match_Norm_Validation_Allele2 Verification_Status Validation_Status Mutation_Status Sequencing_Phase Sequence_Source Validation_Method Score BAM_File Sequencer Tumor_Sample_UUID Matched_Norm_Sample_UUID patient_id sample_id} COMPONENT_RANGES = { "Tumor_Sample_Barcode" => "xsd:string", "Start_position" => "xsd:int", "Center" => "xsd:string", "NCBI_Build" => "xsd:int", "Chromosome" => "xsd:int" } TCGA_CODES = { "Variant_Classification" => %w{Frame_Shift_Del Frame_Shift_Ins In_Frame_Del In_Frame_Ins Missense_Mutation Nonsense_Mutation Silent Splice_Site Translation_Start_Site Nonstop_Mutation 3'UTR 3'Flank 5'UTR 5'Flank IGR1 Intron RNA Targeted_Region}, "Variant_Type" => %w{SNP DNP TNP ONP INS DEL Consolidated}, "dbSNP_Val_Status" => %w{by1000genomes by2Hit2Allele byCluster byFrequency byHapMap byOtherPop bySubmitter alternate_allele}, "Verification_Status" => %w{Verified, Unknown}, "Validation_Status" => %w{Untested Inconclusive Valid Invalid}, "Mutation_Status" => %w{None Germline Somatic LOH Post-transcriptional modification Unknown}, "Sequence_Source" => %w{WGS WGA WXS RNA-Seq miRNA-Seq Bisulfite-Seq VALIDATION Other ncRNA-Seq WCS CLONE POOLCLONE AMPLICON CLONEEND FINISHING ChIP-Seq MNase-Seq DNase-Hypersensitivity EST FL-cDNA CTS MRE-Seq MeDIP-Seq MBD-Seq Tn-Seq FAIRE-seq SELEX RIP-Seq ChIA-PET}, "Sequencer" => ["Illumina GAIIx", "Illumina HiSeq", "SOLID", "454", "ABI 3730xl", "Ion Torrent PGM", "Ion Torrent Proton", "PacBio RS", "Illumina MiSeq", "Illumina HiSeq 2500", "454 GS FLX Titanium", "AB SOLiD 4 System" ] } def generate_n3(input_file, options={}) dataset_name = options[:dataset_name] || nil output = options[:output] || :file output_base = options[:output_base] || nil @dimensions = %w{Variant_Classification Variant_Type dbSNP_Val_Status Verification_Status Validation_Status Mutation_Status Sequence_Source Sequencer} # @codes = %w{Variant_Classification Variant_Type} @codes = @dimensions @measures = (COLUMN_NAMES - @dimensions - @codes) @dataset_name ||= File.basename(input_file,'.*') @barcode_index = COLUMN_NAMES.index('Tumor_Sample_Barcode') options[:no_labels] ||= true options[:lookup_hugo] ||= false options[:complex_objects] ||= false options[:ranges] ||= COMPONENT_RANGES if output == :print str = structure(options) f = open(input_file) n = 0 f.each_line{|line| processed = process_line(line,n.to_s,options) str << processed.first if processed n +=1 } str else # TODO - allow multi file / separate structure output for very large datasets # open("#{file_base}_structure.ttl",'w'){|f| f.write structure(options)} file_base = output_base || @dataset_name out = open("#{file_base}.ttl",'w') out.write(structure(options)) f = open(input_file) n = 0 f.each_line{|line| processed = process_line(line,n.to_s,options) out.write(processed.first) if processed n += 1 } if options[:lookup_hugo] post_process(out) else out end end end def process_line(line,label,options) unless line[0] == "#" || line[0..3] == "Hugo" entry = ::CSV.parse(line, {col_sep: "\t"}).flatten[0..(COLUMN_NAMES.length-3)] entry = (entry.fill(nil,entry.length...COLUMN_NAMES.length-2) + parse_barcode(entry[@barcode_index])).flatten entry[0] = "{entry[0]}" if entry[0] # A 0 in the entrez-id column appears to mean null col=1 entry[col] = nil if entry[col] == '0' entry[col] = "{entry[col]}" if entry[col] # Only link non-novel dbSNP entries col = COLUMN_NAMES.index('dbSNP_RS') if entry[col] && entry[col][0..1] == "rs" entry[col] = "{entry[col].gsub('rs','')}" end # optionally create typed objects using sio nodes if options[:complex_objects] entry = sio_values(entry) end data = {} COLUMN_NAMES.each_with_index{|col,i| data[col] = [entry[i]] } observations(@measures,@dimensions,@codes,data,[label],@dataset_name,options) end end def sio_values(entry) entry[0] = sio_value('',entry[0]) if entry[0] # Link entrez genes col=1 entry[col] = sio_value("",entry[col]) if entry[col] col = COLUMN_NAMES.index('dbSNP_RS') entry[col] = sio_value("", entry[col]) # test SIO attributes for chromosome col = COLUMN_NAMES.index('Chromosome') entry[col] = sio_value("",entry[col]) # More SIO attrtibutes for alleles %w{Reference_Allele Tumor_Seq_Allele1 Tumor_Seq_Allele2 Match_Norm_Seq_Allele1 Match_Norm_Seq_Allele2}.each{|name| col = COLUMN_NAMES.index(name) entry[col] = sio_value("",entry[col]) } col = COLUMN_NAMES.index("Strand") entry[col] = sio_attribute("",entry[col]) col = COLUMN_NAMES.index("Center") entry[col] = sio_attribute("foaf:homepage",entry[col]) # entry[col] = [ # ["a", "foaf:Organization"], # ["foaf:homepage", entry[col]], # ] # Use faldo for locations End_Position col = COLUMN_NAMES.index("Start_Position") entry[col] = sio_attribute("", entry[col],"") col = COLUMN_NAMES.index("End_Position") entry[col] = sio_attribute("", entry[col],"") entry end def column_replace(entry,column,prefix,value=nil) if value entry[COLUMN_NAMES.index(column)] = prefix + value else entry[COLUMN_NAMES.index(column)] += prefix end end def official_symbol(hugo_symbol) qry = <<-EOF SELECT distinct ?official where { {?hgnc "#{hugo_symbol}"} UNION {?hgnc "#{hugo_symbol}"} ?hgnc ?official } EOF sparql ="") sparql.query(qry).map(&:official).first.to_s end def parse_barcode(code) #TCGA-E9-A22B-01A-11D-A159-09 [code[5..11], code[13..-1]] end def structure(options={}) str = prefixes(@dataset_name,options) str << data_structure_definition(@measures,@dimensions,@codes,@dataset_name,options) str << dataset(@dataset_name,options) component_specifications(@measures, @dimensions, @codes, @dataset_name, options).map{ |c| str << c } measure_properties(@measures,@dataset_name,options).map{|m| str << m} dimension_properties(@dimensions,@codes, @dataset_name,options).map{|d| str << d} code_lists(@codes,TCGA_CODES,@dataset_name,options).map{|c| str << c} concept_codes(@codes,TCGA_CODES,@dataset_name,options).map{|c| str << c} str end def post_process(file) reg = %r{\w+)} @@hugo_cache ||= {} PubliSci::PostProcessor.process(file,file,reg){|g| @@hugo_cache[g] ||= official_symbol(g) '' + cache[g] } end end end end