module Workarea module Search class Admin include Elasticsearch::Document def self.jump_to(params, size = Workarea.config.default_admin_jump_to_result_count) query = { aggs: { grouped_by_type: { filter: { match_phrase_prefix: { jump_to_search_text: { query: params[:q], max_expansions: 10 } } }, aggs: { type: { terms: { field: 'facets.type', size: Workarea.config.jump_to_type_limit }, aggs: { top: { top_hits: { size: Workarea.config.jump_to_results_per_type } } } } } } } } aggregation = search(query)['aggregations']['grouped_by_type']['type'] aggregation['buckets'] .reduce([]) { |m, b| m + b['top']['hits']['hits'] } .sort_by { |r| [r['_source']['jump_to_position'], r['_score']] } .map do |result| { label: result['_source']['jump_to_text'], type: result['_source']['facets']['type'], model_class: result['_source']['model_class'], route_helper: result['_source']['jump_to_route_helper'], to_param: result['_source']['jump_to_param'] } end end def self.for(model) subclass = model.model_name.singular_route_key.camelize "Workarea::Search::Admin::#{subclass}" rescue NameError nil end # Allows subclass instances to specify whether they should be included in # the Admin index. For example, allow system Content to be included, # but not Content that belongs to a model. # # @return [Boolean] # def should_be_indexed? true end def id "#{type}-#{}" end def name end def type end def status nil end def search_text raise(NotImplementedError, "#{self.class} must implement #search_text") end def keywords [, *model.try(:tags)] end def sanitized_keywords keywords.reject(&:blank?).map(&:to_s).map(&:downcase).map(&:strip) end def facets base = { status: status, type: type } base[:tags] = model.tags if model.respond_to?(:tags) base end def jump_to_text name end def jump_to_search_text search_text end def jump_to_position 999 end def jump_to_route_helper "#{model.model_name.singular_route_key}_path" end def jump_to_param model.to_param end def created_at model.created_at end def updated_at model.updated_at end def releasable? model.is_a?(Workarea::Releasable) end def as_document { id: id, name: name, facets: facets, created_at: created_at, updated_at: updated_at, keywords: sanitized_keywords, search_text: search_text, jump_to_text: jump_to_text, jump_to_search_text: jump_to_search_text, jump_to_position: jump_to_position, jump_to_route_helper: jump_to_route_helper, jump_to_param: jump_to_param, releasable: releasable? } end end end end