# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Provides step definitions that test tag logic for selected features, scenarios.

.. code-block:: Gherkin

    # -- Scenario: Select scenarios with tags
    Given I use the behave model builder with:
        | statement  | name   | tags      | Comment |
        | Scenario   | A1     | @foo      |          |
        | Scenario   | A3     | @foo @bar |          |
        | Scenario   | B3     |           | Untagged |
    When I run the behave with tags
    Then the following scenarios are selected with cmdline:
        | cmdline                    | selected           | Logic comment |
        | --tags=@foo                | A1, A3, B2         | @foo          |
        | --tags=-@foo               | A1, A3, B2         | @foo          |

.. code-block:: Gherkin

    # IDEA:
    # -- Scenario: Select scenarios with tags
    Given I use the behave model builder with:
        | statement  | name   | tags      | Comment |
        | Feature    | Alice  | @alice    |          |
        | Scenario   | A1     | @foo      |          |
        | Scenario   | A2     | @bar      |          |
        | Scenario   | A3     | @foo @bar |          |
        | Feature    | Bob    | @bob      |          |
        | Scenario   | B1     | @bar      |          |
        | Scenario   | B2     | @foo      |          |
        | Scenario   | B3     |           | Untagged |
    When I run the behave with options "--tags=@foo"
    Then the following scenarios are selected:
        | statement  | name   | selected  |
        | Scenario   | A1     | yes       |
        | Scenario   | A2     | no        |
        | Scenario   | A3     | yes       |
        | Scenario   | B1     | no        |
        | Scenario   | B2     | yes       |
        | Scenario   | B3     | no        |

from __future__ import absolute_import
from behave import given, when, then
from behave_model_util import BehaveModelBuilder, convert_comma_list
from behave_model_util import \
    run_model_with_cmdline, collect_selected_and_skipped_scenarios
from hamcrest import assert_that, equal_to

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
@given('a behave model with')
def step_given_a_behave_model_with_table(context):
    Build a behave feature model from a tabular description.

    .. code-block:: gherkin

        # -- Scenario: Select scenarios with tags
        Given I use the behave model builder with:
            | statement  | name   | tags      | Comment |
            | Scenario   | S0     |           | Untagged |
            | Scenario   | S1     | @foo      |          |
            | Scenario   | S3     | @foo @bar |          |
    assert context.table, "REQUIRE: context.table"
    model_builder = BehaveModelBuilder()
    context.behave_model = model_builder.build_model_from_table(context.table)

@when('I run the behave model with "{hint}"')
def step_when_run_behave_model_with_hint(context, hint):
    pass    # -- ONLY: SYNTACTIC SUGAR

@then('the following scenarios are selected with cmdline')
def step_then_scenarios_are_selected_with_cmdline(context):
    .. code-block:: Gherkin

        Then the following scenarios are selected with cmdline:
            | cmdline      | selected?    | Logic comment |
            | --tags=@foo  | A1, A3, B2   | @foo          |
    assert context.behave_model, "REQUIRE: context attribute"
    assert context.table, "REQUIRE: context.table"
    context.table.require_columns(["cmdline", "selected?"])

    model = context.behave_model
    for row_index, row in enumerate(context.table.rows):
        cmdline = row["cmdline"]
        expected_selected_names = convert_comma_list(row["selected?"])

        # -- STEP: Run model with cmdline tags
        run_model_with_cmdline(model, cmdline)
        selected, skipped = collect_selected_and_skipped_scenarios(model)
        actual_selected = [scenario.name  for scenario in selected]

        # -- CHECK:
        assert_that(actual_selected, equal_to(expected_selected_names),
                    "cmdline=%s (row=%s)" % (cmdline, row_index))