# Sample localization file for English. Add more files in this directory for other locales. # See https://github.com/svenfuchs/rails-i18n/tree/master/rails%2Flocale for starting points. en: name: English mongoid: attributes: workarea/payment/saved_credit_card: cvv: Security Code workarea/payment/tender/credit_card: cvv: Security Code workarea/release: undo_at: Undo Date errors: messages: password_weak_requirements: must be at least %{min} characters in length password_medium_requirements: must be at least %{min} characters in length, and include a combination of upper and lowercase letters or letters and numbers password_strong_requirements: must be at least %{min} characters in length, and include a combination of both upper and lowercase letters and numbers time: formats: long: "%b %e, %Y %l:%M %p" short_date_at_time: "%m/%d/%Y at %I:%M %p" workarea: add_multiple_cart_items: errors: missing_product: 'Product could not be found' alerts: issues: no_categories: No Categories no_description: No Description no_displayable_products: No Displayable Products not_in_taxonomy: Not in taxonomy no_images: No Images no_variants: No Variants sku_missing_price: SKU missing price low_inventory: Low Inventory variants_missing_details: Variants Missing Details inconsistent_variant_details: Inconsistent Variant Details authentication: login: Please log in to continue. logout: Please log out to continue. password_expired: Your password has expired and must be changed. breadcrumbs: search_results: Search Results for "%{query}" carts: product_unavailable: 'Item #%{product_id} is unavailable for purchase, it has been removed from your cart' sku_unavailable: 'SKU %{sku} is unavailable for purchase, it has been removed from your cart' data_file: json: unit: instance csv: unit: row duration: years: one: '%{count} year' other: '%{count} years' months: one: '%{count} month' other: '%{count} months' weeks: one: '%{count} week' other: '%{count} weeks' days: one: '%{count} day' other: '%{count} days' hours: one: '%{count} hour' other: '%{count} hours' minutes: one: '%{count} minute' other: '%{count} minutes' seconds: one: '%{count} second' other: '%{count} seconds' errors: messages: contains_type: cannot contain 'type' not_a_date: must be a date invalid_credit_card_number: is not a valid credit card number expired_date: is an expired date incomplete: is incomplete must_be_future: must be in the future po_box: may not be a PO box exceeds_non_tiered_rate_limit: cannot have more than one non-tiered rate linkable_not_unique: "This %{linkable_text} already has a link in this menu" quantity_one_first_price: Minimum quantity must be one for the first price. sku_unavailable: "Sorry, %{sku} is unavailable, it has been removed." sku_limited_quantity: "Only %{quantity} of %{sku} is available, your quantity has been adjusted" must_be_updated: must be updated nothing_to_act_on: must have some selections to act on must_be_unique: must be unique not_star_query: "cannot be '*'" undo_unpublished_release: cannot be set when Publish Date is blank facets: price_range: over: 'Over %{price}' under: 'Under %{price}' inventory_sku: name: "Inventory %{id}" order: name: "Order %{id}" traffic_referrer: direct: direct email: email refferal: referral search: search social: social unknown: unknown messages: info: Info error: Error success: Success generic_error_text: Sorry, there was an error processing your request. loading: Loading... copied: Copied! copy_failed: Failed to Copy! payment: insufficient_payment: "Your payment is insufficient. The remaining balance is %{balance}." transaction_failure: "There was a problem processing your payment. %{message}" transaction_error: An error occurred while processing your payment. store_credit_debit: "%{amount} deducted from store credit for %{email}" store_credit_credit: "%{amount} refunded to store credit for %{email}" store_credit_insufficient_funds: This account does not have enough store credit. store_credit_capture: Store credit is captured on authorization exceeds_authed_amount: exceeds the authorized amount. exceeds_captured_amount: exceeds the captured amount. store_credit_card_failure: There was a problem storing your credit card. pricing_overrides: description: Price Override pricing_sku: name: "Pricing %{id}" sorts: available: Available average_order_value: Average Order Total destination: Destination end: End Date last_updated: Recently Updated modified: Last Updated most_orders: Most Orders most_spent: Most Total Spent name_asc: Name name_desc: Name, Z to A newest: Newest oldest: Oldest path: Path pending: Pending popularity: Most Popular price_asc: Price, Low to High price_desc: Price, High to Low published_date: Published Date purchased: Purchased query: Search Terms rating: Highest Rated redemptions: Most Redeemed relevance: Relevance sales: Sales sku: SKU start: Start Date title: Title top_sellers: Top Sellers total: Highest Total type: Type undo_date: Undo Date user: password_not_recent: cannot be one of your last %{length} passwords metadata: shop: Shop shop_selection: Shop %{name} for a great selection including reveal_password: show: Show Password hide: Hide Password validate: required: This field is required. remote: Please fix this field. email: Please enter a valid email address. url: Please enter a valid URL. date: Please enter a valid date. dateISO: Please enter a valid date (ISO). number: Please enter a valid number. digits: Please enter only digits. creditcard: Please enter a valid credit card number. equalTo: Please enter the same value again. maxlength: Please enter no more than {0} characters. minlength: Please enter at least {0} characters. rangelength: Please enter a value between {0} and {1} characters long. range: Please enter a value between {0} and {1}. max: Please enter a value less than or equal to {0}. min: Please enter a value greater than or equal to {0}. cvv: Please enter a valid security code. extendedCreditCard: Please enter a valid credit card number. noTypeFilter: Filters cannot contain 'type'. Please choose another keyword. validDate: Please enter a valid date using the format YYYY-MM-DD