class TwiteratorCLI attr_accessor :doc, :user, :tweet def initialize puts " " puts "************ | TWITERATOR 0.1.0 | ************" puts " " puts "\nHi there! I'm Twiterator, a Ruby cli scraper for" puts "the popular social networking site, Twitter." puts "You can type a twitter handle (or search for one!), and I will" puts "display that user's basic info along with their most" puts "recent tweets. From there, you'll be able to dive into" puts "each tweet and play around until your thirst for" puts "knowledge of the twitterverse is quenched." new_user_menu end def new_user_menu puts "\nPlease enter a twitter handle or search for the user you're thinking of." puts "(ex. 'kanyewest' or 'President of Mexico')" user = gets.chomp if not_verified(user) search_possible(user) display_possible new_user_menu else @user = end display_profile end def not_verified(user) new_verify = new_verify.verify == false end def search_possible(user) formatted_user = user.gsub(' ', '%20') html = open("{formatted_user}&src=typd") @doc = Nokogiri::HTML(html) end def display_possible counter = 0 puts " " puts "Hmm, that's not a twitter handle, but here are some users you might have been looking for:" puts "-" until (self.doc.css('.js-action-profile-name')[counter] == nil) || (counter == 4) do display_name = self.doc.css('.js-action-profile-name')[counter].text.strip user_name = self.doc.css('.ProfileCard-screenname')[counter].text.strip bio = self.doc.css('.ProfileCard-bio')[counter].text.strip puts "For #{display_name.upcase}, type '#{user_name}'" puts bio puts " " counter +=1 end end def display_profile puts " " puts "#{self.user.display_name.upcase} - @#{self.user.user_name}" puts "#{self.user.following_count}" puts "#{self.user.follower_count}" puts " " if self.user.private? puts "Out of respect for this user's privacy, I'm not willing to display their tweets at this time." new_user_menu else self.user.show_five give_options end end def give_options puts "-To see more of #{self.user.display_name}'s tweets, type 'more.'" puts "-To check out a different user's tweets, type 'new'" puts "-To learn more about a tweet, simply type the number of the tweet you'd like to learn about." #options_response tweet_response end def display_tweet(index) tweet_number = index-1 @tweet = self.user.tweets[tweet_number] puts "-------------" puts "On #{}, at approximately #{tweet.time} #{tweet.user_name} wrote:" puts "'#{tweet.content}'" puts "-----" puts "#{tweet.reply_count} people replied to this tweet." puts "#{tweet.retweets} people retweeted." puts "#{tweet.likes} people liked it." puts "--" tweet_options end def tweet_options puts "To view some of the replies to this tweet, type 'replies'" puts "To see more tweets from #{self.user.display_name}, type 'more'" puts "To check out a different user's tweets, type 'new'" set_replies tweet_response end def set_replies self.tweet.set_replies end # def options_response # answer = gets.strip.upcase # if answer == "MORE" # self.user.five_more # give_options # elsif answer == "NEW" # new_user_menu # elsif answer.to_i > 0 # display_tweet(answer.to_i) # end # end def tweet_response answer = gets.strip.upcase if answer == "REPLIES" && self.tweet != nil show_replies elsif answer == "MORE" self.user.five_more give_options elsif answer == "BACK" self.user.redisplay give_options elsif answer == "NEW" new_user_menu elsif answer.to_i > 0 display_tweet(answer.to_i) else puts "Uh oh!! I don't know what you're trying to say! Sorry about that." give_options end end def show_replies self.tweet.replies.each_with_index do |reply, index| puts "#{index+1}. #{reply.content}\n" end puts "---" puts "To redisplay #{self.user.display_name}'s tweets, type 'back'" puts "OR" puts "To search for a new tweeter, type 'new'" tweet_response end end