# frozen_string_literal: true module ShopifyCLI module Messages MESSAGES = { apps: { create: { info: { created: "{{v}} {{green:%s}} was created in the organization's Partner Dashboard {{underline:%s}}", serve: "{{*}} Change directories to your new project folder {{green:%s}} and run "\ "{{command:%s app serve}} to start a local server", install: "{{*}} Then, visit {{underline:%s/test}} to install {{green:%s}} on your Dev Store", }, }, }, core: { errors: { missing_node: "Node.js is required to continue. Install Node.js here: https://nodejs.org/en/download.", missing_npm: "npm is required to continue. Install npm here: https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm.", missing_ruby: "Ruby is required to continue. Install Ruby here: https://www.ruby-lang.org/en/downloads.", bundle_info_failure: "Error getting version for %s gem", option_parser: { invalid_option: "The option {{command:%s}} is not supported.", invalid_option_store_equals: <<~MESSAGE, The option {{command:%s}} isn't recognized. Try this: {{command:--store=%s}}. MESSAGE missing_argument: "The required argument {{command:%s}} is missing.", }, }, app: { help: <<~HELP, Suite of commands for developing apps. See {{command:%1$s app <command> --help}} for usage of each command. Usage: {{command:%1$s app [ %2$s ]}} HELP error: { type_not_found: <<~MESSAGE, Couldn't detect the app type in directory %s. We currently support Rails, PHP, and NodeJS apps. MESSAGE missing_shopify_cli_yml: <<~MESSAGE, Couldn't find a #{Constants::Files::SHOPIFY_CLI_YML} file in the directory %s to determine the app type. MESSAGE invalid_project_type: <<~MESSAGE, The project type %s doesn't represent an app. MESSAGE }, create: { type_required_error: "", invalid_type: "The type %s is not supported. The only supported types are"\ " {{command:[ rails | node | php ]}}", help: <<~HELP, {{command:%s app create}}: Creates a new project in a subdirectory. Usage: {{command:%s app create [ rails | node | php ]}} HELP rails: { help: <<~HELP, {{command:%s app create rails}}: Creates a ruby on rails app. Usage: {{command:%s app create rails}} Options: {{command:--name=NAME}} App name. Any string. {{command:--organization-id=ID}} Partner organization ID. Must be an existing organization. {{command:--store-domain=MYSHOPIFYDOMAIN }} Development store URL. Must be an existing development store. {{command:--db=DB}} Database type. Must be one of: mysql, postgresql, sqlite3, oracle, frontbase, ibm_db, sqlserver, jdbcmysql, jdbcsqlite3, jdbcpostgresql, jdbc. {{command:--rails-opts=RAILSOPTS}} Additional options. Must be a string containing one or more valid Rails options, separated by spaces. HELP error: { invalid_ruby_version: "This project requires a Ruby version ~> 2.5 or Ruby 3.0.", dir_exists: "Project directory %s already exists. Please use a different name.", install_failure: "Error installing %s gem", node_required: "node is required to create a rails project. Download at https://nodejs.org/en/download.", node_version_failure: "Failed to get the current node version. Please make sure it is installed as " \ "per the instructions at https://nodejs.org/en.", yarn_required: "yarn is required to create a rails project. Download at " \ "https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install.", yarn_version_failure: "Failed to get the current yarn version. Please make sure it is " \ "installed as per the instructions at https://classic.yarnpkg.com/en/docs/install.", }, info: { open_new_shell: "{{*}} {{yellow:After installing %s, please open a new Command Prompt or PowerShell " \ "window to continue.}}", }, installing_bundler: "Installing bundler…", generating_app: "Generating new rails app project in %s…", adding_shopify_gem: "{{v}} Adding shopify_app gem…", node_version: "node %s", yarn_version: "yarn %s", running_bundle_install: "Running bundle install…", running_generator: "Running shopify_app generator…", running_migrations: "Running migrations…", running_webpacker_install: "Running webpacker:install…", }, node: { help: <<~HELP, {{command:%s app create node}}: Creates an embedded nodejs app. Usage: {{command:%s app create node}} Options: {{command:--name=NAME}} App name. Any string. {{command:--organization-id=ID}} Partner organization ID. Must be an existing organization. {{command:--store-domain=MYSHOPIFYDOMAIN }} Development store URL. Must be an existing development store. HELP error: { node_required: "node is required to create an app project. Download at https://nodejs.org/en/download.", npm_required: "npm is required to create an app project. Download at https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm.", npm_version_failure: "Failed to get the current npm version. Please make sure it is installed as per " \ "the instructions at https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm.", }, node_version: "node %s", npm_version: "npm %s", }, php: { help: <<~HELP, {{command:%s app create php}}: Creates an embedded PHP app. Usage: {{command:%s app create php}} Options: {{command:--name=NAME}} App name. Any string. {{command:--organization-id=ID}} Partner organization ID. Must be an existing organization. {{command:--store-domain=MYSHOPIFYDOMAIN}} Development store URL. Must be an existing development store. {{command:--type=APPTYPE}} Whether this app is public or custom. {{command:--verbose}} Output verbose information when installing dependencies. HELP error: { php_required: <<~VERSION, PHP is required to create an app project. For installation instructions, visit: {{underline:https://www.php.net/manual/en/install.php}} VERSION php_version_failure: <<~VERSION, Failed to get the current PHP version. Please make sure it is installed as per the instructions at: {{underline:https://www.php.net/manual/en/install.php.}} VERSION php_version_too_low: "Your PHP version is too low. Please use version %s or higher.", composer_required: <<~COMPOSER, Composer is required to create an app project. Download at: {{underline:https://getcomposer.org/download/}} COMPOSER npm_required: "npm is required to create an app project. Download at https://www.npmjs.com/get-npm.", app_setup: "Failed to set up the app", }, php_version: "PHP %s", npm_version: "npm %s", app_setting_up: "Setting up app…", app_set_up: "App is now set up", }, }, deploy: { help: <<~HELP, Deploy the current app to a hosting service. Heroku ({{underline:https://www.heroku.com}}) is currently the only option, but more will be added in the future. Usage: {{command:%s app deploy [ heroku ]}} HELP extended_help: <<~HELP, {{bold:Subcommands:}} {{cyan:heroku}}: Deploys the current app to Heroku. Usage: {{command:%s app deploy heroku}} HELP error: { missing_platform: <<~MESSAGE, The platform argument is missing. Usage: {{command:%s app deploy [ heroku ]}} MESSAGE invalid_platform: <<~MESSAGE, The platform argument passed {{command:%s}} is not supported. Usage: {{command:%s app deploy [ heroku ]}} MESSAGE }, heroku: { downloading: "Downloading Heroku CLI…", downloaded: "Downloaded Heroku CLI", installing: "Installing Heroku CLI…", installing_windows: "Running Heroku CLI install wizard…", installed: "Installed Heroku CLI", authenticated_with_account: "{{v}} Authenticated with Heroku as {{green:%s}}", authenticating: "Authenticating with Heroku…", authenticated: "{{v}} Authenticated with Heroku", deploying: "Deploying to Heroku…", deployed: "{{v}} Deployed to Heroku", php: { post_deploy: <<~DEPLOYED, {{v}} Deployed to Heroku, you can access your app at {{green:%s}} If you're deploying this app for the first time, make sure to set up your database and your app's environment at {{bold:App dashboard -> Settings -> Config Vars}}. When setting your config vars, don't forget to set up your database and the appropriate Laravel values for it, particularly {{bold:DB_CONNECTION and DB_DATABASE}}. DEPLOYED error: { generate_app_key: "Failed to generate Laravel APP_KEY", }, }, rails: { db_check: { validating: "Validating application…", checking: "Checking database type…", validated: "Database type \"%s\" validated for platform \"Heroku\"", problem: "A problem was encountered while checking your database type.", sqlite: <<~SQLITE, Heroku does not support deployment using the SQLite database system. Change the database type using {{command:rails db:system:change --to=[new_db_type]}}. For more info: {{underline:https://gorails.com/episodes/rails-6-db-system-change-command}} SQLITE }, }, git: { checking: "Checking git repo…", initialized: "Git repo initialized", what_branch: "What branch would you like to deploy?", branch_selected: "{{v}} Git branch {{green:%s}} selected for deploy", }, app: { no_apps_found: "No existing Heroku app found. What would you like to do?", name: "What is your Heroku app’s name?", select: "Specify an existing Heroku app", selecting: "Selecting Heroku app %s…", selected: "{{v}} Heroku app {{green:%s}} selected", create: "Create a new Heroku app", creating: "Creating new Heroku app…", created: "{{v}} New Heroku app created", setting_configs: "Setting Shopify app configs…", configs_set: "{{v}} Shopify app configs set", }, }, }, connect: { help: <<~HELP, {{command:%s app connect}}: Connects an existing app to Shopify CLI. Creates a config file. Usage: {{command:%s app connect}} HELP connected: "Project now connected to {{green:%s}}", production_warning: <<~MESSAGE, {{yellow:! Warning: if you have connected to an {{bold:app in production}}, running {{command:serve}} may update the app URL and cause an outage. MESSAGE }, tunnel: { help: <<~HELP, Start or stop an http tunnel to your local development app using ngrok. Usage: {{command:%s app tunnel [ auth | start | stop ]}} HELP extended_help: <<~HELP, {{bold:Subcommands:}} {{cyan:auth}}: Writes an ngrok auth token to ~/.ngrok2/ngrok.yml to connect with an ngrok account. Visit https://dashboard.ngrok.com/signup to sign up. Usage: {{command:%1$s app tunnel auth <token>}} {{cyan:start}}: Starts an ngrok tunnel, will print the URL for an existing tunnel if already running. Usage: {{command:%1$s app tunnel start}} {{cyan:stop}}: Stops the ngrok tunnel. Usage: {{command:%1$s app tunnel stop}} HELP error: { token_argument_missing: "{{x}} {{red:auth requires a token argument}}\n\n", }, }, serve: { help: <<~HELP, Start a local development server for your project, as well as a public ngrok tunnel to your localhost. Usage: {{command:%s app serve}} HELP extended_help: <<~HELP, {{bold:Options:}} {{cyan:--host=HOST}}: Bypass running tunnel and use custom host. HOST must be HTTPS url. {{cyan:--port=PORT}}: Use custom port. {{cyan:--no-update}}: Skips the dashboard URL update step HELP open_info: <<~MESSAGE, {{*}} To install and start using your app, open this URL in your browser: {{green:%s}} MESSAGE running_server: "Running server…", error: { host_must_be_https: "HOST must be a HTTPS url.", invalid_port: "%s is not a valid port.", }, }, open: { help: <<~HELP, Open your local development app in the default browser. Usage: {{command:%s app open}} HELP }, }, extension: { push: { web_pixel_extension: { error: { file_read_error: "There was a problem reading %s", missing_config_key_error: "Configuration is missing key: %s", invalid_config_value_error: "Configuration value is invalid: %s", }, }, checkout_ui_extension: { localization: { error: { bundle_too_large: "Total size of all locale files must be less than %s.", duplicate_locale_code: "Duplicate locale found: `%s`; locale codes"\ " should be unique and are case insensitive.", file_empty: "Locale file `%s` is empty.", file_too_large: "Locale file `%s` too large; size must be less than %s.", invalid_file_extension: "Invalid locale filename: `%s`; only .json files are allowed.", invalid_locale_code: "Invalid locale filename: `%s`; locale code should be 2 or 3 letters,"\ " optionally followed by a two-letter region code, e.g. `fr-CA`.", invalid_file_encoding: "Invalid file encoding for `%s`; file encoding should be UTF-8.", single_default_locale: "There must be one and only one locale identified as the default locale,"\ " e.g. `en.default.json`", }, }, }, }, }, error_reporting: { unhandled_error: { message: "{{x}} {{red:An unexpected error occured.}}", issue_message: "{{red:\tTo \e]8;;%s\e\\submit an issue\e]8;;\e\\"\ " include the stack trace.}}", stacktrace_message: "{{red:\tTo print the stack trace, add the environment variable %s.}}", }, report_error: { question: "Send an anonymized error report to Shopify?", yes: "Yes, send", no: "No, don't send", }, }, analytics: { enable_prompt: { uncaught_error: { question: "Automatically send reports from now on?", yes: "Yes, automatically send anonymized reports to Shopify", no: "No, don't send", }, usage: { question: "Automatically send anonymized usage and error reports to Shopify? We use these"\ " to make development on Shopify better.", yes: "Yes, automatically send anonymized reports to Shopify", no: "No, don't send", }, }, }, connect: { already_connected_warning: "{{yellow:! This app appears to be already connected}}", project_type_select: "What type of project would you like to connect?", cli_yml_saved: ".shopify-cli.yml saved to project root", }, context: { open_url: <<~OPEN, Please open this URL in your browser: {{green:%s}} OPEN }, env_file: { saving_header: "writing %s file…", saving: "writing %s file", saved: "%s saved to project root", }, config: { help: <<~HELP, Change configuration of how the CLI operates Usage: {{command:%s config [ feature | analytics ] }} HELP feature: { help: <<~HELP, Change configuration of various features Usage: {{command:%s config [ feature ] [ feature_name ] }} HELP enabled: "{{v}} feature {{green:%s}} has been enabled", disabled: "{{v}} feature {{green:%s}} has been disabled", is_enabled: "{{v}} feature {{green:%s}} is currently enabled", is_disabled: "{{v}} feature {{green:%s}} is currently disabled", }, analytics: { help: <<~HELP, Opt in/out of anonymous usage reporting Usage: {{command:%s config [ analytics ] }} HELP enabled: "{{v}} analytics have been enabled", disabled: "{{v}} analytics have been disabled", is_enabled: "{{v}} analytics are currently enabled", is_disabled: "{{v}} analytics are currently disabled", }, }, git: { error: { directory_exists: "Project directory already exists. Please create a project with a new name.", no_branches_found: "Could not find any git branches", nonexistent: "Git needs to be installed: https://git-scm.com/download", repo_not_initiated: "Git repo is not initiated. Please run {{command:git init}} and make at least one commit.", no_commits_made: "No git commits have been made. Please make at least one commit.", remote_not_added: "Remote could not be added.", sparse_checkout_not_enabled: "Sparse checkout could not be enabled.", sparse_checkout_not_set: "Sparse checkout set command failed.", pull_failed: "Pull failed.", pull_failed_bad_branch: "Pull failed. Branch %s cannot be found. Check the branch name and try again.", merge_failed: "The file %s merge failed.", }, cloning: "Cloning %s into %s…", cloned: "{{v}} Cloned into %s", pulling_from_to: "Pulling %s into %s…", pulling: "Pulling…", pulled: "Pulled into %s", }, help: { error: { command_not_found: "Command %s not found.", }, preamble: <<~MESSAGE, Use {{command:%s help <command>}} to display detailed information about a specific command. MESSAGE }, heroku: { error: { authentication: "Could not authenticate with Heroku", creation: "Heroku app could not be created", deploy: "Could not deploy to Heroku", download: "Heroku CLI could not be downloaded", install: "Could not install Heroku CLI", could_not_select_app: "Heroku app {{green:%s}} could not be selected", set_config: "Failed to set config %s to %s in Heroku app", add_buildpacks: "Failed to add buildpacks in Heroku app", }, }, js_deps: { error: { missing_package: "expected to have a file at: %s", invalid_package: "{{info:%s}} was not valid JSON. Fix this then try again", install_spinner_error: "Unable to install all %d dependencies", install_error: "An error occurred while installing dependencies", }, installing: "Installing dependencies with %s…", installed: "Dependencies installed", npm_installing_deps: "Installing %d dependencies…", npm_installed_deps: "%d npm dependencies installed", }, login: { help: <<~HELP, Log in to the Shopify CLI by authenticating with a store or partner organization Usage: {{command:%s login [--store/-s STORE]}} HELP invalid_shop: <<~MESSAGE, Invalid store provided (%s). Please provide the store in the following format: my-store.myshopify.com MESSAGE shop_prompt: <<~PROMPT, What store are you connecting to? (e.g. my-store.myshopify.com; do {{bold:NOT}} include protocol part, e.g., https://) PROMPT spinner: { initiating: "Initiating authentication", finalizing: "Finalizing authentication", loading_organizations: "Loading available partner organizations", }, }, logout: { help: <<~HELP, Log out of an authenticated partner organization and store, or clear invalid credentials Usage: {{command:%s logout}} HELP success: "Successfully logged out of your account", }, switch: { help: <<~HELP, Switch between development stores in your partner organization Usage: {{command:%s switch [--store/-s STORE]}} HELP disabled_as_shopify_org: "Can't switch development stores logged in as {{green:Shopify partners org}}", success: "Switched development store to {{green:%s}}", }, identity_auth: { error: { timeout: "Timed out while waiting for response from Shopify", local_identity_not_running: "Identity needs to be running locally in order to proceed.", reauthenticate: "Please login again with {{command:shopify login}}", invalid_destination: "The store %s doesn't exist. Please log out and try again.", }, location: { admin: "development store", partner: "Shopify Partners account", shopifolk: "{{green:Shopify Employee account}}", }, authentication_required: "{{i}} Authentication required. Login to the URL below with your %s credentials to continue.", servlet: { success_response: "You've successfully logged into the Shopify CLI!", invalid_request_response: "Invalid request: %s", invalid_state_response: "The anti-forgery state token does not match the initial request.", }, login_prompt: "Please ensure you've logged in with {{command:%s login}} and try again", token_authentication: "%s environment variable. We'll authenticate using its value as a token.", }, options: { help_text: "Print help for command", }, partners_api: { org_name_and_id: "%s (%s)", error: { account_not_found: <<~MESSAGE, {{x}} error: Your account was not found. Please sign up at https://partners.shopify.com/signup For authentication issues, run {{command:%s logout}} to clear invalid credentials MESSAGE }, }, php_deps: { error: { missing_package: "Expected to have a file at: %s", invalid_package: "{{info:%s}} was not valid JSON. Fix this then try again", install: "Failed to install %s packages", install_spinner_error: "Unable to install all %d dependencies", install_error: "An error occurred while installing dependencies", }, installing: "Installing Composer dependencies…", installed: "Dependencies installed", installed_count: "%d dependencies installed", }, api: { error: { failed_auth: "Failed to authenticate with Shopify. Please try again later.", failed_auth_debugging: "{{red:Please provide this information with your report:}}\n%s\n\n", forbidden: <<~FORBIDDEN, Command not allowed with current login. Please check your login details with {{command:%s whoami}}. You may need to request additional permissions for this action. FORBIDDEN theme_access_invalid_password: "Invalid password. Please check that it was generated from Theme Access app"\ " for the current store.", theme_access_no_store: "No store found. Please pass it through the environment variable SHOPIFY_SHOP", internal_server_error: "{{red:{{x}} An unexpected error occurred on Shopify.}}", internal_server_error_debug: "\n{{red:Response details:}}\n%s\n\n", invalid_url: "Invalid URL: %s", }, }, populate: { help: <<~HELP, Populate a Shopify store with example customers, orders, or products. Usage: {{command:%s populate [ customers | draftorders | products ]}} HELP extended_help: <<~HELP, {{bold:Subcommands:}} {{cyan:customers [options]}}: Add dummy customers to the specified store. Usage: {{command:%1$s populate customers}} {{cyan:draftorders [options]}}: Add dummy orders to the specified store. Usage: {{command:%1$s populate draftorders}} {{cyan:products [options]}}: Add dummy products to the specified store. Usage: {{command:%1$s populate products}} {{bold:Options:}} {{cyan:--count [integer]}}: The number of dummy items to populate. Defaults to 5. {{cyan:--silent}}: Silence the populate output. {{cyan:--help}}: Display more options specific to each subcommand. {{bold:Examples:}} {{command:%1$s populate products}} Populate your store with 5 additional products. {{command:%1$s populate customers --count 30}} Populate your store with 30 additional customers. {{command:%1$s populate draftorders}} Populate your store with 5 additional orders. {{command:%1$s populate products --help}} Display the list of options available to customize the {{command:%1$s populate products}} command. HELP error: { no_shop: "No store found. Please run {{command:%s login --store/-s STORE}} to login to a specific store", }, customer: { added: "%s added to {{green:%s}} at {{underline:%scustomers/%d}}", }, draft_order: { added: "DraftOrder added to {{green:%s}} at {{underline:%sdraft_orders/%d}}", }, options: { header: "{{bold:{{cyan:%s}} options:}}", count_help: "Number of resources to generate", }, populating: "Populating %d %ss…", completion_message: <<~COMPLETION_MESSAGE, Successfully added %d %s to {{green:%s}} {{*}} View all %ss at {{underline:%s%ss}} COMPLETION_MESSAGE product: { added: "%s added to {{green:%s}} at {{underline:%sproducts/%d}}", }, }, project: { error: { not_in_project: <<~MESSAGE, {{x}} You are not in a Shopify app project {{yellow:{{*}}}}{{reset: Run}}{{cyan: shopify app create}}{{reset: to create your app}} MESSAGE }, }, yaml: { error: { not_hash: "{{x}} %s was not a proper YAML file. Expecting a hash.", invalid: "{{x}} %s contains invalid YAML: %s", not_found: "{{x}} %s not found", }, }, project_type: { error: { cannot_override_core: "Can't register duplicate core command '%s' from %s", }, }, system: { help: <<~HELP, Print details about the development system. Usage: {{command:%s system [all]}} {{cyan:all}}: displays more details about development system and environment HELP error: { unknown_option: "{{x}} {{red:unknown option '%s'}}", }, header: "{{bold:Shopify CLI}}", shop_header: "{{bold:Current Shop}}", const: "%17s = %s", ruby_header: <<~RUBY_MESSAGE, {{bold:Ruby (via RbConfig)}} %s RUBY_MESSAGE rb_config: "%-25s - RbConfig[\"%s\"]", command_header: "{{bold:Commands}}", command_with_path: "{{v}} %s, %s", command_not_found: "{{x}} %s", ngrok_available: "{{v}} ngrok, %s", ngrok_not_available: "{{x}} ngrok NOT available", project: { header: "{{bold:In a {{cyan:%s}} project directory}}", command_with_path: "{{v}} %s, %s, version %s", command_not_found: "{{x}} %s", env_header: "{{bold:Project environment}}", env_not_set: "not set", env: "%-18s = %s", no_env: "{{x}} .env file not present", }, environment_header: "{{bold:Environment}}", env: "%-17s = %s", identity_header: "{{bold:Identity}}", identity_is_shopifolk: "{{v}} Checked user settings: you’re Shopify staff!", }, store: { help: <<~HELP, Display current store. Usage: {{command:%s store}} HELP shop: "You're currently logged into {{green:%s}}", }, tasks: { confirm_store: { prompt: "You are currently logged into {{green:%s}}. Do you want to proceed using this store?", confirmation: "Proceeding using {{green:%s}}", cancelling: "Cancelling…", }, ensure_env: { organization_select: "To which partner organization does this project belong?", no_development_stores: <<~MESSAGE, No development stores available. Visit {{underline:https://partners.shopify.com/%d/stores}} to create one MESSAGE development_store_select: "Which development store would you like to use?", app_select: "To which app does this project belong?", no_apps: "You have no apps to connect to, creating a new app.", app_name: "App name", app_type: { select: "What type of app are you building?", select_public: "Public: An app built for a wide merchant audience.", select_custom: "Custom: An app custom built for a single client.", selected: "App type {{green:%s}}", }, }, ensure_dev_store: { could_not_verify_store: "Couldn't verify your store. If you don't have a development store set up, "\ "please create one in your Partners dashboard and run `shopify app connect`.", convert_to_dev_store: <<~MESSAGE, Do you want to convert %s to a development store? Doing this will allow you to install your app, but the store will become {{bold:transfer-disabled}}. Learn more: https://shopify.dev/tutorials/transfer-a-development-store-to-a-merchant#transfer-disabled-stores MESSAGE transfer_disabled: "{{v}} Transfer has been disabled on %s.", }, ensure_project_type: { wrong_project_type: "This command can only be run within %s projects.", }, update_dashboard_urls: { updated: "{{v}} Whitelist URLS updated in Partners Dashboard}}", update_error: "{{x}} error: For authentication issues, run {{command:%s logout}} to clear invalid credentials", }, select_org_and_shop: { authentication_issue: "For authentication issues, run {{command:%s logout}} to clear invalid credentials", create_store: "Visit {{underline:https://partners.shopify.com/%s/stores}} to create one", development_store: "Using development store {{green:%s}}", development_store_select: "Select a development store", error: { no_development_stores: "{{x}} No Development Stores available.", no_organizations: "No partner organizations available.", organization_not_found: "Cannot find a partner organization with that ID", shopifolk_notice: <<~MESSAGE, {{i}} As a {{green:Shopify}} employee, the authentication should take you to the Shopify Okta login, NOT the partner account login. Please run {{command:%s logout}} and try again. MESSAGE }, first_party: "Are you working on a {{green:Shopify project}} on behalf of the"\ " {{green:Shopify partners org}}?", identified_as_shopify: "We've identified you as a {{green:Shopify}} employee.", organization: "Partner organization {{green:%s (%s)}}", organization_select: "Select partner organization", }, }, tunnel: { error: { stop: "ngrok tunnel could not be stopped. Try running {{command:killall -9 ngrok}}", url_fetch_failure: "Unable to fetch external url", prereq_command_required: "%1$s is required for installing ngrok. Please install %1$s using the appropriate"\ " package manager for your system.", ngrok: "Something went wrong with ngrok installation,"\ "please make sure %s exists within %s before trying again", signup_required: "A free ngrok account is required: {{underline:https://ngrok.com/signup}}. After you "\ "signup, install your personal authorization token using {{command:%s app tunnel auth <token>}}.", }, installing: "Installing ngrok…", not_running: "{{green:x}} ngrok tunnel not running", prereq_command_location: "%s @ %s", start_with_account: "{{v}} ngrok tunnel running at {{underline:%s}}, with account %s", stopped: "{{green:x}} ngrok tunnel stopped", timed_out: "{{x}} ngrok tunnel has timed out, restarting…", will_timeout: "{{*}} This tunnel will timeout in {{red:%s}}", }, version: { help: <<~HELP, Prints version number. Usage: {{command:%s version}} HELP }, warning: { development_version: <<~DEVELOPMENT, {{*}} {{yellow:You are running a development version of the CLI at:}} {{yellow:%s}} DEVELOPMENT new_version: <<~MESSAGE, {{*}} {{yellow:A new version of Shopify CLI is available! You have version %s and the latest version is %s. To upgrade, follow the instructions for the package manager you’re using: {{underline:https://shopify.dev/themes/tools/cli/upgrade-uninstall}}}} MESSAGE in_3_0_directory: <<~MESSAGE, {{*}} {{yellow:You appear to be working with a CLI 3.0 project, but running a CLI 2.0 command. New syntax documentation: https://shopify.dev/apps/tools/cli/commands#command-syntax}} For more information on CLI 3.0, see the documentation: {{underline:https://shopify.dev/apps/tools/cli}} Already have CLI 3.0 installed? Run it using your node package manager, as explained here: {{underline:https://shopify.dev/apps/tools/cli/cli-2#running-shopify-cli-2-x-and-3-x-in-the-same-environment}} MESSAGE sunset: <<~MESSAGE, {{*}} {{yellow:Note that CLI 2.x will be sunset on May 31, 2023.}} MESSAGE sunset_create_app: <<~MESSAGE, {{*}} {{yellow:Note that this CLI 2.x command will be sunset on April 28, 2023. Check here for instructions on how to migrate over to CLI 3.x: {{underline:https://shopify.dev/apps/tools/cli/migrate}}.}} MESSAGE sunset_app: <<~MESSAGE, {{*}} {{yellow:Note that CLI 2.x will be sunset on May 31, 2023. Check here for instructions on how to migrate over to CLI 3.x: {{underline:https://shopify.dev/apps/tools/cli/migrate}}.}} MESSAGE sunset_theme: <<~MESSAGE, {{*}} {{yellow:Note that CLI 2.x will be sunset on May 31, 2023. Check here for instructions on how to migrate over to CLI 3.x: {{underline:https://shopify.dev/themes/tools/cli/migrate}}.}} MESSAGE }, reporting: { help: <<~HELP, Turns anonymous reporting on or off. Usage: {{command:%s reporting on}} HELP invalid_argument: <<~MESSAGE, {{command:%s reporting %s}} is not supported. The valid values are {{command:on}} or {{command:off}} MESSAGE missing_argument: <<~MESSAGE, {{command:%s reporting}} expects an argument {{command:on}} or {{command:off}} MESSAGE turned_on_message: <<~MESSAGE, Anonymized reports will be sent to Shopify. MESSAGE turned_off_message: <<~MESSAGE, Turn on automatic reporting later with {{command:%s reporting on}}. MESSAGE }, whoami: { help: <<~HELP, Identifies which partner organization or store you are currently logged into. Usage: {{command:%s whoami}} HELP not_logged_in: <<~MESSAGE, It doesn't appear that you're logged in. You must log into a partner organization or a store staff account. If trying to log into a store staff account, please use {{command:%s login --store/-s STORE}} to log in. MESSAGE logged_in_shop_only: <<~MESSAGE, Logged into store {{green:%s}} as staff (no partner organizations available for this login) MESSAGE logged_in_partner_only: "Logged into partner organization {{green:%s}}", logged_in_partner_and_shop: "Logged into store {{green:%s}} in partner organization {{green:%s}}", }, error: "Error", try_this: "Try this", }, }.freeze end end