module DataSift #The PushSubscription class represents a stream definition. class PushSubscription < PushDefinition #Constant for the stream hash type. HASH_TYPE_STREAM = 'stream' #Constant for the historic hash type. HASH_TYPE_HISTORIC = 'historic' #Constant for the "active" status. STATUS_ACTIVE = 'active' #Constant for the "paused" status. STATUS_PAUSED = 'paused' #Constant for the "stopped" status. STATUS_STOPPED = 'stopped' #Constant for the "finishing" status. STATUS_FINISHING = 'finishing' #Constant for the "finished" status. STATUS_FINISHED = 'finished' #Constant for the "failed" status. STATUS_FAILED = 'failed' #Constant for the "deleted" status. STATUS_DELETED = 'deleted' #Constant for the order by ID option. ORDERBY_ID = 'id' #Constant for the order by created_at option. ORDERBY_CREATED_AT = 'created_at' #Constant for the order by request_time option. ORDERBY_REQUEST_TIME = 'request_time' #Constant for ascending order option. ORDERDIR_ASC = 'asc' #Constnat for the descending order option. ORDERDIR_DESC = 'desc' #Get a single Push subscription by ID. #=== Parameters #* +id+ - The subscription ID. #=== Returns #A PushSubscription object. def self.get(user, id) return new(user, user.callAPI('push/get', { 'id' => id })) end #Get a page of Push subscriptions in the given user's account, where each #page contains up to per_page items. Results will be ordered according to #the supplied ordering parameters. #=== Parameters #* +user+ - The user object making the request. #* +page+ - The page number to get. #* +per_page+ - The number of items per page. #* +order_by+ - The field by which to order the results. #* +order_dir+ - Ascending or descending. #* +include_finished+ - True to include subscriptions against finished Historics queries. #* +hash_type+ - Optional hash type to look for (hash is also required) #* +hash* - Optional hash to look for (hash_type is also required) #=== Returns #A Hash containing... #* +count+ - The total number of matching Push subscriptions in your account. #* +subscriptions+ - An array of Hashes where each Hash is a Push subscription. def self.list(user, page = 1, per_page = 20, order_by = ORDERBY_CREATED_AT, order_dir = ORDERDIR_ASC, include_finished = false, hash_type = false, hash = false) begin raise InvalidDataError, 'The specified page number is invalid' unless page >= 1 raise InvalidDataError, 'The specified per_page value is invalid' unless per_page >= 1 params = { 'page' => page, 'per_page' => per_page, 'order_by' => order_by, 'order_dir' => order_dir } if hash_type and hash params[hash_type] = hash end if include_finished params['include_finished'] = 1 end res = user.callAPI('push/get', params) retval = { 'count' => res['count'], 'subscriptions' => [] } for subscription in res['subscriptions'] retval['subscriptions'].push(new(user, subscription)) end return retval rescue APIError => err case err.http_code when 400 # Missing or invalid parameters raise InvalidDataError, err else raise, 'Unexpected APIError code: ' + err.http_code.to_s + ' [' + err.message + ']' end end end #Get a page of Push subscriptions for the given stream hash, where each #page contains up to per_page items. Results will be ordered according to #the supplied ordering parameters. #=== Parameters #* +user+ - The user object making the request. #* +hash+ - The stream hash. #* +page+ - The page number to get. #* +per_page+ - The number of items per page. #* +order_by+ - The field by which to order the results. #* +order_dir+ - Ascending or descending. #* +include_finished+ - True to include subscriptions against finished Historics queries. #=== Returns #A Hash containing... #* +count+ - The total number of matching Push subscriptions in your account. #* +subscriptions+ - An array of Hashes where each Hash is a Push subscription. def self.listByStreamHash(user, hash, page = 1, per_page = 20, order_by = ORDERBY_CREATED_AT, order_dir = ORDERDIR_ASC) return self.list(user, page, per_page, order_by, order_dir, false, 'hash', hash) end #Get a page of Push subscriptions for the given stream hash, where each #page contains up to per_page items. Results will be ordered according to #the supplied ordering parameters. #=== Parameters #* +user+ - The user object making the request. #* +playback_id+ - The playback ID. #* +page+ - The page number to get. #* +per_page+ - The number of items per page. #* +order_by+ - The field by which to order the results. #* +order_dir+ - Ascending or descending. #* +include_finished+ - True to include subscriptions against finished Historics queries. #=== Returns #A Hash containing... #* +count+ - The total number of matching Push subscriptions in your account. #* +subscriptions+ - An array of Hashes where each Hash is a Push subscription. def self.listByPlaybackId(user, playback_id, page = 1, per_page = 20, order_by = ORDERBY_CREATED_AT, order_dir = ORDERDIR_ASC, include_finished = false) return self.list(user, page, per_page, order_by, order_dir, include_finished, 'playback_id', playback_id) end #Page through recent Push subscription log entries, specifying the sort #order. #=== Parameters #* +user+ - The user object making the request. #* +page+ - The page number to get. #* +per_page+ - The number of items per page. #* +order_by+ - The field by which to order the results. #* +order_dir+ - Ascending or descending. #* +id+ - Optional subscription ID. #=== Returns #A Hash containing... #* +count+ - The total number of matching log entries. #* +log_entries+ - An array of Hashes where each Hash is a log entry. def self.getLogs(user, page = 1, per_page = 20, order_by = ORDERBY_REQUEST_TIME, order_dir = ORDERDIR_DESC, id = false) begin raise InvalidDataError, 'The specified page number is invalid' unless page >= 1 raise InvalidDataError, 'The specified per_page value is invalid' unless per_page >= 1 params = { 'page' => page, 'per_page' => per_page, 'order_by' => order_by, 'order_dir' => order_dir } if id != false params['id'] = id end return user.callAPI('push/log', params) rescue APIError => err case err.http_code when 400 # Missing or invalid parameters raise InvalidDataError, err else raise, 'Unexpected APIError code: ' + err.http_code.to_s + ' [' + err.message + ']' end end end #The ID of this subscription. attr_reader :id #The date/time when this subscription was created. attr_reader :created_at #The friendly name of this subscription. attr_reader :name #The current status of this subscription. attr_reader :status #The stream hash or Historics query playback_id to which this subscription is subscribed. attr_reader :hash #The type of hash that hash is, 'stream' or 'historic'. attr_reader :hash_type #The date/time of the last time the subscription tried to push data to the endpoint, or null if it never has. attr_reader :last_request #The date/time of the last time the endpoint successfully accepted data from the subscription, or null if it never has. attr_reader :last_success #Whether this Push subscription has been deleted. attr_reader :is_deleted #Constructor. A User object is required, along with a Hash containing the #subscription data. #=== Parameters #* +user+ - The DataSift::User object. #* +data+ - The Hash containing the subscription data. def initialize(user, data) super(user) init(data) end #Extract the subscription data from a Hash. #=== Parameters #* +data+ - The Hash containing the subscription data. def init(data) raise InvalidDataError, 'No id found' unless data.has_key?('id') @id = data['id'] raise InvalidDataError, 'No name found' unless data.has_key?('name') @name = data['name'] raise InvalidDataError, 'No created_at found' unless data.has_key?('created_at') @created_at = DateTime.strptime(String(data['created_at']), '%s') unless data['created_at'].nil? raise InvalidDataError, 'No status found' unless data.has_key?('status') @status = data['status'] raise InvalidDataError, 'No hash_type found' unless data.has_key?('hash_type') @hash_type = data['hash_type'] raise InvalidDataError, 'No hash found' unless data.has_key?('hash') @hash = data['hash'] raise InvalidDataError, 'No last_request found' unless data.has_key?('last_request') @last_request = DateTime.strptime(String(data['last_request']), '%s') unless data['last_request'].nil? raise InvalidDataError, 'No last_success found' unless data.has_key?('last_success') @last_success = DateTime.strptime(String(data['last_success']), '%s') unless data['last_success'].nil? raise InvalidDataError, 'No output_type found' unless data.has_key?('output_type') @output_type = data['output_type'] raise InvalidDataError, 'No output_params found' unless data.has_key?('output_params') @output_params = parseOutputParams(data['output_params']) @is_deleted = true if @status == STATUS_DELETED end #Reload the data for this subscription from the API. def reload() init(@user.callAPI('push/get', { 'id' => @id })) end #Name setter. Raises an InvalidDataError if this subscription has been #deleted. def name=(new_name) raise InvalidDataError, 'Cannot set the name of a deleted Push subscription' unless not @is_deleted @name = new_name end #Save changes to the name and output_params to the API. def save() raise InvalidDataError, 'Cannot save changes to a deleted Push subscription' unless not @is_deleted params = { 'id' => @id, 'name' => @name } @output_params.each { |k,v| params[OUTPUT_PARAMS_PREFIX + k] = v } init(@user.callAPI('push/update', params)) end #Pause this subscription. def pause() raise InvalidDataError, 'Cannot pause a deleted Push subscription' unless not @is_deleted init(@user.callAPI('push/pause', { 'id' => @id })) end #Resume this subscription. def resume() raise InvalidDataError, 'Cannot resume a deleted Push subscription' unless not @is_deleted init(@user.callAPI('push/resume', { 'id' => @id })) end #Stop this subscription. def stop() raise InvalidDataError, 'Cannot stop a deleted Push subscription' unless not @is_deleted init(@user.callAPI('push/stop', { 'id' => @id })) end #Delete this subscription. def delete() raise InvalidDataError, 'Cannot delete a deleted Push subscription' unless not @is_deleted @user.callAPI('push/delete', { 'id' => @id }) # The delete API call does not return the object, so set the status # manually. @status = STATUS_DELETED end #Get a page of the log for this subscription, ordered as specified. #=== Parameters #* +page+ - The page number to get. #* +per_page+ - The number of items per page. #* +order_by+ - The field by which to order the results. #* +order_dir+ - Ascending or descending. #=== Returns #A Hash containing... #* +count+ - The total number of matching log entries. #* +log_entries+ - An array of Hashes where each Hash is a log entry. def getLog(page = 1, per_page = 20, order_by = ORDERBY_REQUEST_TIME, order_dir = ORDERDIR_DESC) return PushSubscription.getLogs(@user, page, per_page, order_by, order_dir, @id) end private #Recursive method to parse the output_params as received from the API into #the flattened dot-notation used by the client libraries. #=== Parameters #* +params+ - A hash of parameters. #* +prefix+ - The current key prefix. #=== Returns #A Hash containing the flattened data. def parseOutputParams(params, prefix = '') retval = {} params.each do |k,v| if v.kind_of?(Hash) retval = retval.merge(parseOutputParams(v, prefix + k + '.')) else retval[prefix + k] = v end end return retval end end end