module CyberarmEngine class BorderCanvas attr_reader :element, :top, :right, :bottom, :left def initialize(element:) @element = element @top = @right = @bottom = @left = end def color=(color) if color.is_a?(Numeric) @top.background = color @right.background = color @bottom.background = color @left.background = color elsif color.is_a?(Gosu::Color) @top.background = color @right.background = color @bottom.background = color @left.background = color elsif color.is_a?(Array) if color.size == 1 color=color.first elsif color.size == 2 @top.background = color.first @right.background = color.first @bottom.background = color.last @left.background = color.last elsif color.size == 4 @top.background = color[0] @right.background = color[1] @bottom.background = color[2] @left.background = color[3] else raise ArgumentError, "color array was empty or had wrong number of elements (expected 2 or 4 elements)" end elsif color.is_a?(Hash) @top.background = color[:top] @right.background = color[:right] @bottom.background = color[:bottom] @left.background = color[:left] else raise ArgumentError, "color '#{color}' of type '#{color.class}' was not able to be processed" end end def draw @top.draw @right.draw @bottom.draw @left.draw end def update # TOP @top.x = @element.x# + @element.border_thickness_left @top.y = @element.y @top.z = @element.z @top.width = @element.width @top.height = @element.border_thickness_top # RIGHT @right.x = @element.x + @element.width @right.y = @element.y + @element.border_thickness_top @right.z = @element.z @right.width = -@element.border_thickness_right @right.height = @element.height - @element.border_thickness_top # BOTTOM @bottom.x = @element.x @bottom.y = @element.y + @element.height @bottom.z = @element.z @bottom.width = @element.width - @element.border_thickness_right @bottom.height = -@element.border_thickness_bottom # LEFT @left.x = @element.x @left.y = @element.y @left.z = @element.z @left.width = @element.border_thickness_left @left.height = @element.height - @element.border_thickness_bottom @top.update @right.update @bottom.update @left.update end end end