module PremailerRails module CSSLoaders # Loads the CSS from cache when not in development env. module CacheLoader extend self def load(path) unless Rails.env.development? CSSHelper.cache[path] end end end # Loads the CSS from Hassle middleware if present. module HassleLoader extend self def load(path) if hassle_enabled?"#{Rails.root}/tmp/hassle#{normalized_path(path)}") end end def hassle_enabled? Rails.configuration.middleware.include? Hassle rescue false end def normalized_path(path) path == :default ? '/stylesheets/email.css' : path end end # Loads the CSS from the asset pipeline. module AssetPipelineLoader extend self def load(path) if assets_enabled? file = file_name(path) if asset = Rails.application.assets.find_asset(file) asset.to_s else request_and_unzip(file) end end end def assets_enabled? Rails.configuration.assets.enabled rescue false end def file_name(path) if path == :default 'email.css' else path.sub("#{Rails.configuration.assets.prefix}/", '') \ .sub(/-.*\.css$/, '.css') end end def request_and_unzip(file) url = [ Rails.configuration.action_controller.asset_host, Rails.configuration.assets.prefix.sub(/^\//, ''), Rails.configuration.assets.digests[file] ].join('/') response = begin rescue Zlib::GzipFile::Error, Zlib::Error response.rewind end end end # Loads the CSS from the file system. module FileSystemLoader extend self def load(path)"#{Rails.root}/public#{normalized_path(path)}") end def normalized_path(path) path == :default ? '/stylesheets/email.css' : path end end end end