/* * Phusion Passenger - https://www.phusionpassenger.com/ * Copyright (c) 2012-2018 Phusion Holding B.V. * * "Passenger", "Phusion Passenger" and "Union Station" are registered * trademarks of Phusion Holding B.V. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ /* * For an introduction see SpawningKit's README.md, section "The SpawnEnvSetupper". */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include using namespace std; using namespace Passenger; extern "C" { extern char **environ; } namespace Passenger { namespace SpawnEnvSetupper { enum Mode { BEFORE_MODE, AFTER_MODE }; struct Context { string workDir; Mode mode; Json::Value args; SpawningKit::JourneyStep step; }; } // namespace SpawnEnvSetupper } // namespace Passenger using namespace Passenger::SpawnEnvSetupper; static Json::Value readArgsJson(const string &workDir) { Json::Reader reader; Json::Value result; string contents = unsafeReadFile(workDir + "/args.json"); if (reader.parse(contents, result)) { return result; } else { P_CRITICAL("Cannot parse " << workDir << "/args.json: " << reader.getFormattedErrorMessages()); exit(1); // Never reached return Json::Value(); } } static void initializeLogLevel(const Json::Value &args) { if (args.isMember("log_level")) { LoggingKit::setLevel(LoggingKit::Level(args["log_level"].asInt())); } } static bool tryWriteFile(const StaticString &path, const StaticString &value) { try { createFile(path.c_str(), value); return true; } catch (const FileSystemException &e) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: %s\n", e.what()); return false; } } static void recordJourneyStepBegin(const Context &context, SpawningKit::JourneyStep step, SpawningKit::JourneyStepState state) { string stepString = journeyStepToStringLowerCase(step); string stepDir = context.workDir + "/response/steps/" + stepString; tryWriteFile(stepDir + "/state", SpawningKit::journeyStepStateToString(state)); tryWriteFile(stepDir + "/begin_time_monotonic", doubleToString( SystemTime::getMonotonicUsecWithGranularity() / 1000000.0)); } static void recordJourneyStepEnd(const Context &context, SpawningKit::JourneyStep step, SpawningKit::JourneyStepState state) { string stepString = journeyStepToStringLowerCase(step); string stepDir = context.workDir + "/response/steps/" + stepString; tryWriteFile(stepDir + "/state", SpawningKit::journeyStepStateToString(state)); if (!fileExists(stepDir + "/begin_time") && !fileExists(stepDir + "/begin_time_monotonic")) { tryWriteFile(stepDir + "/begin_time_monotonic", doubleToString( SystemTime::getMonotonicUsecWithGranularity() / 1000000.0)); } tryWriteFile(stepDir + "/end_time_monotonic", doubleToString( SystemTime::getMonotonicUsecWithGranularity() / 1000000.0)); } static void recordErrorCategory(const string &workDir, SpawningKit::ErrorCategory category) { string path = workDir + "/response/error/category"; tryWriteFile(path, errorCategoryToString(category)); } static void recordAdvancedProblemDetails(const string &workDir, const string &message) { string path = workDir + "/response/error/advanced_problem_details"; tryWriteFile(path, message); } static void recordErrorSummary(const string &workDir, const string &message, bool isAlsoAdvancedProblemDetails) { string path = workDir + "/response/error/summary"; tryWriteFile(path, message); if (isAlsoAdvancedProblemDetails) { recordAdvancedProblemDetails(workDir, message); } } static void recordAndPrintErrorSummary(const string &workDir, const string &message, bool isAlsoAdvancedProblemDetails) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", message.c_str()); recordErrorSummary(workDir, message, isAlsoAdvancedProblemDetails); } static void recordProblemDescriptionHTML(const string &workDir, const string &message) { string path = workDir + "/response/error/problem_description.html"; tryWriteFile(path, message); } static void recordSolutionDescriptionHTML(const string &workDir, const string &message) { string path = workDir + "/response/error/solution_description.html"; tryWriteFile(path, message); } static void reopenStdout(int fd) { dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO); } static void dumpEnvvars(const string &workDir) { FILE *f = fopen((workDir + "/envdump/envvars").c_str(), "w"); if (f == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: cannot open %s/envdump/envvars for writing\n", workDir.c_str()); return; } const char *command[] = { "env", NULL }; SubprocessInfo info; runCommand(command, info, true, true, boost::bind(reopenStdout, fileno(f))); fclose(f); } static void dumpUserInfo(const string &workDir) { FILE *f = fopen((workDir + "/envdump/user_info").c_str(), "w"); if (f == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: cannot open %s/envdump/user_info for writing\n", workDir.c_str()); return; } const char *command[] = { "id", NULL }; SubprocessInfo info; runCommand(command, info, true, true, boost::bind(reopenStdout, fileno(f))); fclose(f); } static void dumpUlimits(const string &workDir) { FILE *f = fopen((workDir + "/envdump/ulimits").c_str(), "w"); if (f == NULL) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: cannot open %s/envdump/ulimits for writing\n", workDir.c_str()); return; } // On Linux, ulimit is a shell builtin and not a command. const char *command[] = { "/bin/sh", "-c", "ulimit -a", NULL }; SubprocessInfo info; runCommand(command, info, true, true, boost::bind(reopenStdout, fileno(f))); fclose(f); } static void dumpAllEnvironmentInfo(const string &workDir) { dumpEnvvars(workDir); dumpUserInfo(workDir); dumpUlimits(workDir); } static bool setUlimits(const Json::Value &args) { if (!args.isMember("file_descriptor_ulimit")) { return false; } rlim_t fdLimit = (rlim_t) args["file_descriptor_ulimit"].asUInt(); struct rlimit limit; int ret; limit.rlim_cur = fdLimit; limit.rlim_max = fdLimit; do { ret = setrlimit(RLIMIT_NOFILE, &limit); } while (ret == -1 && errno == EINTR); if (ret == -1) { int e = errno; fprintf(stderr, "Error: unable to set file descriptor ulimit to %u: %s (errno=%d)", (unsigned int) fdLimit, strerror(e), e); } return ret != -1; } static bool canSwitchUser(const Json::Value &args) { return args.isMember("user") && geteuid() == 0; } static void lookupUserGroup(const Context &context, uid_t *uid, struct passwd **userInfo, gid_t *gid) { const Json::Value &args = context.args; errno = 0; *userInfo = getpwnam(args["user"].asCString()); if (*userInfo == NULL) { int e = errno; if (looksLikePositiveNumber(args["user"].asString())) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: error looking up system user database" " entry for user '%s': %s (errno=%d)\n", args["user"].asCString(), strerror(e), e); *uid = (uid_t) atoi(args["user"].asString()); } else { recordJourneyStepEnd(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_ERRORED); recordErrorCategory(context.workDir, SpawningKit::OPERATING_SYSTEM_ERROR); if (e == 0) { recordAndPrintErrorSummary(context.workDir, "Cannot lookup system user database entry for user '" + args["user"].asString() + "': entry not found", true); } else { recordAndPrintErrorSummary(context.workDir, "Cannot lookup system user database entry for user '" + args["user"].asString() + "': " + strerror(e) + " (errno=" + toString(e) + ")", true); } exit(1); } } else { *uid = (*userInfo)->pw_uid; } errno = 0; struct group *groupInfo = getgrnam(args["group"].asCString()); if (groupInfo == NULL) { int e = errno; if (looksLikePositiveNumber(args["group"].asString())) { fprintf(stderr, "Warning: error looking up system group database entry for group '%s':" " %s (errno=%d)\n", args["group"].asCString(), strerror(e), e); *gid = (gid_t) atoi(args["group"].asString()); } else { recordJourneyStepEnd(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_ERRORED); recordErrorCategory(context.workDir, SpawningKit::OPERATING_SYSTEM_ERROR); if (e == 0) { recordAndPrintErrorSummary(context.workDir, "Cannot lookup up system group database entry for group '" + args["group"].asString() + "': entry not found", true); } else { recordAndPrintErrorSummary(context.workDir, "Cannot lookup up system group database entry for group '" + args["group"].asString() + "': " + strerror(e) + " (errno=" + toString(e) + ")", true); } exit(1); } } else { *gid = groupInfo->gr_gid; } } static void chownNewWorkDirFiles(const Context &context, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) { chown((context.workDir + "/response/steps/subprocess_before_first_exec/state").c_str(), uid, gid); chown((context.workDir + "/response/steps/subprocess_before_first_exec/duration").c_str(), uid, gid); chown((context.workDir + "/response/steps/subprocess_spawn_env_setupper_before_shell/state").c_str(), uid, gid); chown((context.workDir + "/response/steps/subprocess_spawn_env_setupper_before_shell/duration").c_str(), uid, gid); chown((context.workDir + "/envdump/envvars").c_str(), uid, gid); chown((context.workDir + "/envdump/user_info").c_str(), uid, gid); chown((context.workDir + "/envdump/ulimits").c_str(), uid, gid); } static void finalizeWorkDir(const Context &context, uid_t uid, gid_t gid) { SpawningKit::HandshakeWorkDir::finalize(context.workDir, uid, gid); } static void enterLveJail(const Context &context, const struct passwd *userInfo) { string lveInitErr; adhoc_lve::LibLve &liblve = adhoc_lve::LveInitSignleton::getInstance(&lveInitErr); if (liblve.is_error()) { if (!lveInitErr.empty()) { lveInitErr = ": " + lveInitErr; } recordJourneyStepEnd(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_ERRORED); recordErrorCategory(context.workDir, SpawningKit::INTERNAL_ERROR); recordAndPrintErrorSummary(context.workDir, "Failed to initialize LVE library: " + lveInitErr, true); exit(1); } if (!liblve.is_lve_available()) { return; } string jailErr; int ret = liblve.jail(userInfo, jailErr); if (ret < 0) { recordJourneyStepEnd(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_ERRORED); recordErrorCategory(context.workDir, SpawningKit::INTERNAL_ERROR); recordAndPrintErrorSummary(context.workDir, "enterLve() failed: " + jailErr, true); exit(1); } } static void switchGroup(const Context &context, uid_t uid, const struct passwd *userInfo, gid_t gid) { if (userInfo != NULL) { bool setgroupsCalled = false; #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) || defined(__FreeBSD__) #ifdef __APPLE__ int groups[1024]; int ngroups = sizeof(groups) / sizeof(int); #else gid_t groups[1024]; int ngroups = sizeof(groups) / sizeof(gid_t); #endif boost::scoped_array gidset; int ret = getgrouplist(userInfo->pw_name, gid, groups, &ngroups); if (ret == -1) { int e = errno; recordJourneyStepEnd(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_ERRORED); recordErrorCategory(context.workDir, SpawningKit::OPERATING_SYSTEM_ERROR); recordAndPrintErrorSummary(context.workDir, "getgrouplist(" + string(userInfo->pw_name) + ", " + toString(gid) + ") failed: " + strerror(e) + " (errno=" + toString(e) + ")", true); exit(1); } if (ngroups <= NGROUPS_MAX) { setgroupsCalled = true; gidset.reset(new gid_t[ngroups]); for (int i = 0; i < ngroups; i++) { gidset[i] = groups[i]; } if (setgroups(ngroups, gidset.get()) == -1) { int e = errno; recordJourneyStepEnd(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_ERRORED); recordErrorCategory(context.workDir, SpawningKit::OPERATING_SYSTEM_ERROR); recordAndPrintErrorSummary(context.workDir, "setgroups(" + toString(ngroups) + ", ...) failed: " + strerror(e) + " (errno=" + toString(e) + ")", true); exit(1); } } #endif if (!setgroupsCalled && initgroups(userInfo->pw_name, gid) == -1) { int e = errno; recordJourneyStepEnd(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_ERRORED); recordErrorCategory(context.workDir, SpawningKit::OPERATING_SYSTEM_ERROR); recordAndPrintErrorSummary(context.workDir, "initgroups(" + string(userInfo->pw_name) + ", " + toString(gid) + ") failed: " + strerror(e) + " (errno=" + toString(e) + ")", true); exit(1); } } if (setgid(gid) == -1) { int e = errno; recordJourneyStepEnd(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_ERRORED); recordErrorCategory(context.workDir, SpawningKit::OPERATING_SYSTEM_ERROR); recordAndPrintErrorSummary(context.workDir, "setgid(" + toString(gid) + ") failed: " + strerror(e) + " (errno=" + toString(e) + ")", true); exit(1); } } static void switchUser(const Context &context, uid_t uid, const struct passwd *userInfo) { if (setuid(uid) == -1) { int e = errno; recordJourneyStepEnd(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_ERRORED); recordErrorCategory(context.workDir, SpawningKit::OPERATING_SYSTEM_ERROR); recordAndPrintErrorSummary(context.workDir, "setuid(" + toString(uid) + ") failed: " + strerror(e) + " (errno=" + toString(e) + ")", true); exit(1); } if (userInfo != NULL) { setenv("USER", userInfo->pw_name, 1); setenv("LOGNAME", userInfo->pw_name, 1); setenv("SHELL", userInfo->pw_shell, 1); setenv("HOME", userInfo->pw_dir, 1); } else { unsetenv("USER"); unsetenv("LOGNAME"); unsetenv("SHELL"); unsetenv("HOME"); } } static string lookupCurrentUserShell() { struct passwd *userInfo = getpwuid(getuid()); if (userInfo == NULL) { int e = errno; fprintf(stderr, "Warning: cannot lookup system user database" " entry for UID %d: %s (errno=%d)\n", (int) getuid(), strerror(e), e); return "/bin/sh"; } else { return userInfo->pw_shell; } } static vector inferAllParentDirectories(const string &path) { vector components, result; split(path, '/', components); P_ASSERT_EQ(components.front(), ""); components.erase(components.begin()); for (unsigned int i = 0; i < components.size(); i++) { string path2; for (unsigned int j = 0; j <= i; j++) { path2.append("/"); path2.append(components[j]); } if (path2.empty()) { path2 = "/"; } result.push_back(path2); } P_ASSERT_EQ(result.back(), path); return result; } static void setCurrentWorkingDirectory(const Context &context) { string appRoot = context.args["app_root"].asString(); // Already absolutized by HandshakePreparer vector appRootAndParentDirs = inferAllParentDirectories(appRoot); vector::const_iterator it; int ret; for (it = appRootAndParentDirs.begin(); it != appRootAndParentDirs.end(); it++) { struct stat buf; ret = stat(it->c_str(), &buf); if (ret == -1 && errno == EACCES) { char parent[PATH_MAX]; const char *end = strrchr(it->c_str(), '/'); memcpy(parent, it->c_str(), end - it->c_str()); parent[end - it->c_str()] = '\0'; recordJourneyStepEnd(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_ERRORED); recordErrorCategory(context.workDir, SpawningKit::OPERATING_SYSTEM_ERROR); recordAndPrintErrorSummary(context.workDir, "Directory '" + string(parent) + "' is inaccessible because of a" " filesystem permission error.", false); recordProblemDescriptionHTML(context.workDir, "

" "The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried to start the" " web application as user '" + escapeHTML(lookupSystemUsernameByUid(getuid())) + "' and group '" + escapeHTML(lookupSystemGroupnameByGid(getgid())) + "'. During this process, " SHORT_PROGRAM_NAME " must be able to access its application root directory '" + escapeHTML(appRoot) + "'. However, the parent directory '" + escapeHTML(parent) + "' has wrong permissions, thereby preventing this" " process from accessing its application root directory." "

"); recordSolutionDescriptionHTML(context.workDir, "

" "Please fix the permissions of the directory '" + escapeHTML(appRoot) + "' in such a way that the directory is accessible by user '" + escapeHTML(lookupSystemUsernameByUid(getuid())) + "' and group '" + escapeHTML(lookupSystemGroupnameByGid(getgid())) + "'." "

"); exit(1); } else if (ret == -1) { int e = errno; recordJourneyStepEnd(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_ERRORED); recordErrorCategory(context.workDir, SpawningKit::OPERATING_SYSTEM_ERROR); recordAndPrintErrorSummary(context.workDir, "Unable to stat() directory '" + *it + "': " + strerror(e) + " (errno=" + toString(e) + ")", true); exit(1); } } ret = chdir(appRoot.c_str()); if (ret != 0) { int e = errno; recordJourneyStepEnd(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_ERRORED); recordErrorCategory(context.workDir, SpawningKit::OPERATING_SYSTEM_ERROR); recordAndPrintErrorSummary(context.workDir, "Unable to change working directory to '" + appRoot + "': " + strerror(e) + " (errno=" + toString(e) + ")", true); if (e == EPERM || e == EACCES) { recordProblemDescriptionHTML(context.workDir, "

The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried to start the" " web application as user " + escapeHTML(lookupSystemUsernameByUid(getuid())) + " and group " + escapeHTML(lookupSystemGroupnameByGid(getgid())) + ", with a working directory of " + escapeHTML(appRoot) + ". However, it encountered a filesystem" " permission error while doing this.

"); } else { recordProblemDescriptionHTML(context.workDir, "

The " PROGRAM_NAME " application server tried to start the" " web application as user " + escapeHTML(lookupSystemUsernameByUid(getuid())) + " and group " + escapeHTML(lookupSystemGroupnameByGid(getgid())) + ", with a working directory of " + escapeHTML(appRoot) + ". However, it encountered a filesystem" " error while doing this.

"); } exit(1); } // The application root may contain one or more symlinks // in its path. If the application calls getcwd(), it will // get the resolved path. // // It turns out that there is no such thing as a path without // unresolved symlinks. The shell presents a working directory with // unresolved symlinks (which it calls the "logical working directory"), // but that is an illusion provided by the shell. The shell reports // the logical working directory though the PWD environment variable. // // See also: // https://github.com/phusion/passenger/issues/1596#issuecomment-138154045 // http://git.savannah.gnu.org/cgit/coreutils.git/tree/src/pwd.c // http://www.opensource.apple.com/source/shell_cmds/shell_cmds-170/pwd/pwd.c setenv("PWD", appRoot.c_str(), 1); } static void setDefaultEnvvars(const Json::Value &args) { setenv("PYTHONUNBUFFERED", "1", 1); setenv("NODE_PATH", args["node_libdir"].asCString(), 1); setenv("RAILS_ENV", args["app_env"].asCString(), 1); setenv("RACK_ENV", args["app_env"].asCString(), 1); setenv("WSGI_ENV", args["app_env"].asCString(), 1); setenv("NODE_ENV", args["app_env"].asCString(), 1); setenv("PASSENGER_APP_ENV", args["app_env"].asCString(), 1); if (args.isMember("expected_start_port")) { setenv("PORT", toString(args["expected_start_port"].asInt()).c_str(), 1); } if (args["base_uri"].asString() != "/") { setenv("RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT", args["base_uri"].asCString(), 1); setenv("RACK_BASE_URI", args["base_uri"].asCString(), 1); setenv("PASSENGER_BASE_URI", args["base_uri"].asCString(), 1); } else { unsetenv("RAILS_RELATIVE_URL_ROOT"); unsetenv("RACK_BASE_URI"); unsetenv("PASSENGER_BASE_URI"); } } static void setGivenEnvVars(const Json::Value &args) { const Json::Value &envvars = args["environment_variables"]; Json::Value::const_iterator it, end = envvars.end(); for (it = envvars.begin(); it != end; it++) { string key = it.name(); setenv(key.c_str(), it->asCString(), 1); } } static bool shouldLoadShellEnvvars(const Json::Value &args, const string &shell) { // Note: `shell` could be empty: // https://github.com/phusion/passenger/issues/2078 if (args["load_shell_envvars"].asBool()) { string shellName = extractBaseName(shell); bool result = shellName == "bash" || shellName == "zsh" || shellName == "ksh"; #if defined(__linux__) || defined(__APPLE__) // On Linux, /bin/sh is usually either bash or dash, which // supports -l. // On macOS, it is not clear what /bin/sh is but // it supports -l. // This cannot be said of other platforms: for example on // FreeBSD, /bin/sh does not support -l. result = result || shellName == "sh"; #endif P_DEBUG("shellName = '" << shellName << "' detected as supporting '-l': " << (result ? "true" : "false")); return result; } else { return false; } } static string commandArgsToString(const vector &commandArgs) { vector::const_iterator it; string result; for (it = commandArgs.begin(); it != commandArgs.end(); it++) { if (*it != NULL) { result.append(*it); result.append(1, ' '); } } return strip(result); } static bool executedThroughShell(const Context &context) { return fileExists(context.workDir + "/execute_through_os_shell"); } static void execNextCommand(const Context &context, const string &shell) { vector commandArgs; SpawningKit::JourneyStep nextJourneyStep; string binShPath, binShParam; // Note: do not try to set a process title in this function by messing with argv[0]. // https://code.google.com/p/phusion-passenger/issues/detail?id=855 if (context.mode == BEFORE_MODE) { // Note: `shell` could be empty: // https://github.com/phusion/passenger/issues/2078 if (shouldLoadShellEnvvars(context.args, shell)) { nextJourneyStep = SpawningKit::SUBPROCESS_OS_SHELL; commandArgs.push_back(shell.c_str()); if (LoggingKit::getLevel() >= LoggingKit::DEBUG3) { commandArgs.push_back("-x"); } commandArgs.push_back("-lc"); commandArgs.push_back("exec \"$@\""); commandArgs.push_back("SpawnEnvSetupperShell"); // Will be used by 'spawn-env-setupper --after' to determine // whether it should set the SUBPROCESS_OS_SHELL step to the // PERFORMED state. tryWriteFile(context.workDir + "/execute_through_os_shell", ""); } else { nextJourneyStep = SpawningKit::SUBPROCESS_SPAWN_ENV_SETUPPER_AFTER_SHELL; } commandArgs.push_back(context.args["passenger_agent_path"].asCString()); commandArgs.push_back("spawn-env-setupper"); commandArgs.push_back(context.workDir.c_str()); commandArgs.push_back("--after"); } else { if (context.args["starts_using_wrapper"].asBool()) { nextJourneyStep = SpawningKit::SUBPROCESS_EXEC_WRAPPER; } else { nextJourneyStep = SpawningKit::SUBPROCESS_APP_LOAD_OR_EXEC; } if (context.args.isMember("_bin_sh_path")) { // Used in unit tests binShPath = context.args["_bin_sh_path"].asString(); } else { binShPath = "/bin/sh"; } binShParam = "exec " + context.args["start_command"].asString(); commandArgs.push_back(binShPath.c_str()); commandArgs.push_back("-c"); commandArgs.push_back(binShParam.c_str()); } commandArgs.push_back(NULL); recordJourneyStepEnd(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_PERFORMED); recordJourneyStepBegin(context, nextJourneyStep, SpawningKit::STEP_IN_PROGRESS); execvp(commandArgs[0], (char * const *) &commandArgs[0]); int e = errno; recordJourneyStepEnd(context, nextJourneyStep, SpawningKit::STEP_ERRORED); recordErrorCategory(context.workDir, SpawningKit::OPERATING_SYSTEM_ERROR); recordAndPrintErrorSummary(context.workDir, "Unable to execute command '" + commandArgsToString(commandArgs) + "': " + strerror(e) + " (errno=" + toString(e) + ")", true); exit(1); } int spawnEnvSetupperMain(int argc, char *argv[]) { setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0); setvbuf(stderr, NULL, _IONBF, 0); if (argc != 4) { fprintf(stderr, "Usage: PassengerAgent spawn-env-setupper <--before|--after>\n"); exit(1); } oxt::initialize(); oxt::setup_syscall_interruption_support(); LoggingKit::initialize(); SystemTime::initialize(); Context context; context.workDir = argv[2]; context.mode = (strcmp(argv[3], "--before") == 0) ? BEFORE_MODE : AFTER_MODE; context.step = (context.mode == BEFORE_MODE) ? SpawningKit::SUBPROCESS_SPAWN_ENV_SETUPPER_BEFORE_SHELL : SpawningKit::SUBPROCESS_SPAWN_ENV_SETUPPER_AFTER_SHELL; setenv("IN_PASSENGER", "1", 1); setenv("PASSENGER_SPAWN_WORK_DIR", context.workDir.c_str(), 1); if (context.mode == BEFORE_MODE) { recordJourneyStepEnd(context, SpawningKit::SUBPROCESS_BEFORE_FIRST_EXEC, SpawningKit::STEP_PERFORMED); } recordJourneyStepBegin(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_IN_PROGRESS); try { context.args = readArgsJson(context.workDir); bool shouldTrySwitchUser = canSwitchUser(context.args); string shell; initializeLogLevel(context.args); dumpAllEnvironmentInfo(context.workDir); if (context.mode == BEFORE_MODE) { struct passwd *userInfo = NULL; uid_t uid; gid_t gid; setDefaultEnvvars(context.args); dumpEnvvars(context.workDir); if (shouldTrySwitchUser) { lookupUserGroup(context, &uid, &userInfo, &gid); shell = userInfo->pw_shell; } else { uid = geteuid(); gid = getegid(); shell = lookupCurrentUserShell(); } if (setUlimits(context.args)) { dumpUlimits(context.workDir); } if (shouldTrySwitchUser) { chownNewWorkDirFiles(context, uid, gid); finalizeWorkDir(context, uid, gid); enterLveJail(context, userInfo); switchGroup(context, uid, userInfo, gid); dumpUserInfo(context.workDir); switchUser(context, uid, userInfo); dumpEnvvars(context.workDir); dumpUserInfo(context.workDir); } else { finalizeWorkDir(context, uid, gid); } } else if (executedThroughShell(context)) { recordJourneyStepEnd(context, SpawningKit::SUBPROCESS_OS_SHELL, SpawningKit::STEP_PERFORMED); } else { recordJourneyStepEnd(context, SpawningKit::SUBPROCESS_OS_SHELL, SpawningKit::STEP_NOT_STARTED); } setCurrentWorkingDirectory(context); dumpEnvvars(context.workDir); if (context.mode == AFTER_MODE) { setDefaultEnvvars(context.args); setGivenEnvVars(context.args); dumpEnvvars(context.workDir); } execNextCommand(context, shell); } catch (const oxt::tracable_exception &e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n%s\n", e.what(), e.backtrace().c_str()); recordJourneyStepEnd(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_ERRORED); recordErrorCategory(context.workDir, SpawningKit::inferErrorCategoryFromAnotherException( e, context.step)); recordErrorSummary(context.workDir, e.what(), true); return 1; } catch (const std::exception &e) { fprintf(stderr, "Error: %s\n", e.what()); recordJourneyStepEnd(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_ERRORED); recordErrorCategory(context.workDir, SpawningKit::inferErrorCategoryFromAnotherException( e, context.step)); recordErrorSummary(context.workDir, e.what(), true); return 1; } // Should never be reached recordJourneyStepEnd(context, context.step, SpawningKit::STEP_ERRORED); recordAndPrintErrorSummary(context.workDir, "*** BUG IN SpawnEnvSetupper ***: end of main() reached", true); return 1; }