/*** = Description ** The HWindow component can contain subviews and its position and size ** is modifiable by the user (within limits). ** Its label is the title of the HWindow and its constructor support a ** few additions to the set of HDynControl#controlDefaults. ** See #controlDefaults ** ***/ var//RSence.Controls HWindow = HDynControl.extend({ componentName: 'window', /** = Description * In addition to the standard HControl#constructor options, * the following properties can be set: * * Key:: Description * +minX+:: The minimum X-coordinate allowed to be dragged or resized to. * Defaults to +0+. * +minY+:: The minimum Y-coordinate allowed to be dragged or resized to. * Defaults to +0+. * +maxX+:: The maximum X-coordinate allowed to be dragged or resized to. * Defaults to the browser window width. * +maxY+:: The maximum Y-coordinate allowed to be dragged or resized to. * Defaults to the browser window height. * +minSize+:: An array containing exactly two values: +[ width, height ]+. * Defines the minimum size allowed for resizing. * Defaults to +[ 96, 54 ]+ * +maxSize+:: An array containing exactly two values: +[ width, height ]+. * Defines the maximum size allowed for resizing. * Defaults to the browser window size. * +resizeW+:: The size of the west (left) resizable edge. Defaults to +6+. * +resizeE+:: The size of the east (right) resizable edge. Defaults to +6+. * +resizeN+:: The size of the north (top) resizable edge. Defaults to +6+. * +resizeS+:: The size of the south (bottom) resizable edge. Default to +6+. * +resizeNW+:: The size of the north-west (left top) resizable corner. * Defaults to +[ 6, 6 ]+ * +resizeNE+:: The size of the north-east (right top) resizable corner. * Defaults to +[ 6, 6 ]+ * +resizeSW+:: The size of the south-west (left bottom) resizable corner. * Defaults to +[ 6, 6 ]+ * +resizeSE+:: The size of the south-east (right bottom) resizable corner. * Defaults to +[ 16, 16 ]+ * +noResize+:: A flag (when true) disables all resizing and only allows * moving. Does not disable the (-) and (+) buttons. * +fullWindowMove+:: A flag (when true) enables the full HWindow area * responds to drag events. By default it's false, * meaning only the title bar is draggable. * +closeButton+:: A flag (when true) enables the close button of HWindow. * By default, it's disabled. When enabled, extend the * HWindow#windowClose method. By default it destructs * the HWindow instance. * +collapseButton+:: A flag (when true) enables the collapse (or minimize) * button of the HWindow instance. By default it's * disabled. When enabled, extend the * HWindow#windowCollapse method, which by default * zooms the window to its +minSize+. * +minimizeButton+:: An alias for +collapseButton+ * +zoomButton+:: A flag (when true) enables the zoom (or maximize) * button of the HWindow instance. By default it's * disabled. When enabled, extend the * HWindow#windowZoom method, which by default zooms the * contents of the HWindow to fit or the +maxSize+ depending * on which is smaller. * +resizeButton+:: An alias for +zoomButton+ * +maximizeButton+:: An alias for +zoomButton+ * **/ controlDefaults: HDynControl.prototype.controlDefaults.extend({ maxX: 'auto', maxY: 'auto', maxSize: 'auto', resizeW: 4, resizeE: 4, resizeN: 4, resizeS: 4, fullWindowMove: false, closeButton: false, collapseButton: false, minimizeButton: false, zoomButton: false, resizeButton: false, maximizeButton: false }), customOptions: function(_options){ var _winSize = ELEM.windowSize(), _winWidth = _winSize[0], _winHeight = _winSize[1]; if(!_options.minSize){ _options.minSize = [96,54]; } if(!_options.maxSize){ _options.maxSize = _winSize; } if(!_options.maxX ){ _options.maxX = _winWidth-_options.minSize[0]; } if(!_options.maxY ){ _options.maxY = _winHeight-_options.minSize[1]; } if(!_options.resizeNW){ _options.resizeNW = [ 6, 6 ]; } if(!_options.resizeNE){ _options.resizeNE = [ 6, 6 ]; } if(!_options.resizeSW){ _options.resizeSW = [ 6, 6 ]; } if(!_options.resizeSE){ _options.resizeSE = [ 25, 25 ]; } }, defaultEvents: { draggable: true }, draw: function(){ var _drawn = this.drawn; this.base(); if(!_drawn){ HSystem.windowFocus(this); } }, markupElemNames: [ 'label', 'control', 'subview', 'close', 'collapse', 'zoom', 'resize' ], refreshWidgetStates: function(){ if(!this.drawn){ return; } var _this = this, _opts = _this.options, _elemId, _elem, // _elemId = _this.markupElemIds.zoom, // _elem = ELEM.get(_elemId), _enablePrefix = 'enable_', _disablePrefix = 'disable_', _listenEvent = 'click', _addClass, _delClass, _widgets = [ [ 'zoom', (_this.enabled && (_opts.zoomButton || _opts.maximizeButton || _opts.resizeButton)), function(){_this.windowZoom();} ], [ 'collapse', (_this.enabled && (_opts.collapseButton || _opts.minimizeButton)), function(){_this.windowCollapse();} ], [ 'close', (_this.enabled && _opts.closeButton), function(){_this.windowClose();} ] ], _elemName, _enabled, _callback, _item, i = 0; for(;i<_widgets.length;i++){ _item = _widgets[i]; _elemName = _item[0]; _enabled = _item[1]; _callback = _item[2]; _elemId = _this.markupElemIds[_elemName]; _elem = ELEM.get(_elemId); Event.stopObserving( _elem, _listenEvent, _callback ); if(_enabled){ Event.observe( _elem, _listenEvent, _callback ); _addClass = _enablePrefix+_elemName; _delClass = _disablePrefix+_elemName; } else { _delClass = _enablePrefix+_elemName; _addClass = _disablePrefix+_elemName; } ELEM.addClassName( _elemId, _addClass ); ELEM.delClassName( _elemId, _delClass ); } _this.setStyleOfPart('resize','visibility',(_opts.noResize?'hidden':'inherit')); }, drawSubviews: function(){ this.base(); this.refreshWidgetStates(); }, setEnabled: function(_state){ this.base(_state); this.refreshWidgetStates(); }, // -- overrides the drag rules to adapt to the !fullWindowMove as well // as disabling draggability in window button areas. ++ /** = Description * makeRectRules function * * **/ makeRectRules: function(){ var _this = this, _rectRules = _this.base(), _rect = _this.rect, _opts = _this.options, _leftPx=_opts.resizeW; if(!_opts.fullWindowMove){ if(_opts.zoomButton || _opts.maximizeButton || _opts.resizeButton){ _leftPx = 61; } else if(_opts.collapseButton || _opts.minimizeButton){ _leftPx = 46; } else if(_opts.closeButton){ _leftPx = 27; } _rectRules[8] = [_leftPx,_opts.resizeN,_rect.width-_opts.resizeE,25]; } return _rectRules; }, maxRect: function(){ var _rect = this.base(), _opts = this.options; if(_rect[2]<_opts.minSize[0]){ _rect[2] = _opts.minSize[0]; } else if(_rect[2]>_opts.maxSize[0]){ _rect[2] = _opts.maxSize[0]; } if(_rect[3]<_opts.minSize[1]){ _rect[3] = _opts.minSize[1]; } else if(_rect[3]>_opts.maxSize[1]){ _rect[3] = _opts.maxSize[1]; } return _rect; }, hasWindowFocus: false, /** Reports to HSystem that this window has the focus and the * previously active window needs to blur **/ gainedActiveStatus: function(){ HSystem.windowFocus(this); }, /** HSystem calls this method, whenever this window is allowed to be focused **/ windowFocus: function(){ this.hasWindowFocus = true; this.toggleCSSClass(this.elemId, 'inactive', false); }, /** HSystem calls this method, whenever this window needs to lose its * focus (another window focused) **/ windowBlur: function(){ this.hasWindowFocus = false; this.toggleCSSClass(this.elemId, 'inactive', true); this.setStyle('cursor','default'); }, /** This method gets called, whenever the close button has been clicked **/ windowClose: function(){ this.die(); // extend this to this.app.die(), if your app needs to die instead of just the window }, setLabel: function(_label){ this.base(_label); var _labelWidth = 128 + _win.stringWidth( _win.label ); if(this._origMinWidth === undefined){ this._origMinWidth = this.options.minSize[0]; } if(this._origMinWidth<_labelWidth){ this.options.minSize[0] = _labelWidth; } else{ this.options.minSize[0] = this._origMinWidth; } this.makeRectRules(); }, /** This method gets called, whenever the collapse (minimize) button has * been clicked **/ windowCollapse: function(_rectOnly){ var _win = this, _opts = _win.options; if(HSystem.globalCollapseHandler && !_rectOnly && HSystem.globalCollapseHandler( _win )){ return; } if(_opts.collapseUsing && !_rectOnly){ _opts.collapseUsing( this ); } else { var _labelSize = 128 + _win.stringWidth( _win.label ), _minWidth = (_opts.minSize[1] > _labelSize)?_opts.minSize[0]:_labelSize, _minRect = HRect.nu( _win.rect.leftTop, _win.rect.leftTop.subtract( 0-_minWidth, 0-_opts.minSize[1] ) ); if(_rectOnly){ return _minRect; } if(!_win.rect.equals(_minRect)){ _win.prevRect = HRect.nu(_minRect); _win.animateTo( _minRect ); } } this.makeRectRules(); }, /** This method gets called, whenever the zoom (maximize/restore) * button has been clicked **/ windowZoom: function(){ var _maxSize = this.options.maxSize === 'auto' ? this.parentSize() : this.options.maxSize, _maxRect = HRect.nu( this.options.minX, this.options.minY, _maxSize[0], _maxSize[1] ), _fitsRect = HRect.nu( this.rect ), _newRect, i = 0, _views = this.views, _view, _size, _right, _bottom; for( ; i < _views.length; i++ ){ _view = HSystem.views[_views[i]]; _size = ELEM.getSize(_view.elemId); _pos = ELEM.getVisiblePosition(_view.elemId); _right = _size[0]+_pos[0]-this.pageX(); _bottom = _size[1]+_pos[1]-this.pageY(); if(_right > _fitsRect.width){ _fitsRect.setWidth(_right); } if(_bottom > _fitsRect.height){ _fitsRect.setHeight(_bottom); } } if(_fitsRect.width > _maxSize[0]){ _fitsRect.setWidth( _maxSize[0] ); } else if(_fitsRect.width < this.options.minSize[0]){ _fitsRect.setWidth( this.options.minSize[0] ); } if(_fitsRect.height > _maxSize[1]){ _fitsRect.setHeight( _maxSize[1] ); } else if(_fitsRect.height < this.options.minSize[1]){ _fitsRect.setHeight( this.options.minSize[1] ); } // doesn't fit or right-clicked or alt-clicked, maximize: if (!_fitsRect.equals(_maxRect) && (EVENT.status.button2 || EVENT.status.altKeyDown) ){ // console.log('force-max'); this.animateTo( _maxRect ); this.prevRect = HRect.nu( this.rect ); this.animateTo( _maxRect ); } // already fits content else if(this.rect.contains(_fitsRect)){ // restore previous if(this.prevRect && !this.prevRect.equals(_fitsRect) && !this.prevRect.equals(this.windowCollapse(true))){ // restore previous size and position: if( this.rect.equals( _maxRect ) ){ // console.log('restore'); this.animateTo( HRect.nu(this.prevRect) ); // this.prevRect = HRect.nu( this.rect ); } else if( this.prevRect.equals( this.rect ) && !this.prevRect.equals(_fitsRect) ){ // console.log('smart-down'); this.animateTo( _fitsRect ); // this.prevRect = HRect.nu( this.rect ); } else if( this.prevRect.equals( this.rect ) && this.prevRect.equals(_fitsRect) ){ // console.log('smart-max'); this.animateTo( _maxRect ); this.prevRect = HRect.nu( this.rect ); } else{ // console.log('prev-size'); _newRect = HRect.nu( this.prevRect ); _newRect.offsetTo(this.rect.leftTop); this.animateTo( _newRect ); this.prevRect = HRect.nu( _newRect ); } } // restore previous size only: else if( this.rect.equals( _fitsRect ) && this.prevRect && !this.prevRect.equals(this.rect) ){ // console.log('restore-smart'); this.animateTo( this.prevRect ); // this.prevRect = HRect.nu( this.rect ); } // maximize else { // console.log('max'); this.prevRect = HRect.nu( this.rect ); this.animateTo( _maxRect ); } } // smart-resize to fit content: else { // console.log('smart-up'); // this.prevRect = HRect.nu(_fitsRect); this.animateTo( _fitsRect ); } } });