require File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'spec_helper') describe "Sequel::Schema::Generator dump methods" do before do @d = @g = Sequel::Schema::Generator end it "should allow the same table information to be converted to a string for evaling inside of another instance with the same result" do g = do Integer :a varchar :b column :dt, DateTime column :vc, :varchar primary_key :c foreign_key :d, :a foreign_key :e foreign_key [:d, :e], :name=>:cfk constraint :blah, "a=1" check :a=>1 unique [:e] index :a index [:c, :e] index [:b, :c], :type=>:hash index [:d], :unique=>true spatial_index :a full_text_index [:b, :c] end g2 = do instance_eval(g.dump_columns, __FILE__, __LINE__) instance_eval(g.dump_constraints, __FILE__, __LINE__) instance_eval(g.dump_indexes, __FILE__, __LINE__) end g.columns.should == g2.columns g.constraints.should == g2.constraints g.indexes.should == g2.indexes end it "should allow dumping indexes as separate add_index and drop_index methods" do g = do index :a index [:c, :e], :name=>:blah index [:b, :c], :unique=>true end t = <<END_CODE add_index :t, [:a] add_index :t, [:c, :e], :name=>:blah add_index :t, [:b, :c], :unique=>true END_CODE g.dump_indexes(:add_index=>:t).should == t.strip t = <<END_CODE drop_index :t, [:a] drop_index :t, [:c, :e], :name=>:blah drop_index :t, [:b, :c], :unique=>true END_CODE g.dump_indexes(:drop_index=>:t).should == t.strip end it "should raise an error if you try to dump a Generator that uses a constraint with a proc" do proc{{check{a>1}}.dump_constraints}.should raise_error(Sequel::Error) end end describe "Sequel::Database dump methods" do before do @d = @d.meta_def(:tables){|o| [:t1, :t2]} @d.meta_def(:schema) do |t, *o| case t when :t1 [[:c1, {:db_type=>'integer', :primary_key=>true, :allow_null=>false}], [:c2, {:db_type=>'varchar(20)', :allow_null=>true}]] when :t2 [[:c1, {:db_type=>'integer', :primary_key=>true, :allow_null=>false}], [:c2, {:db_type=>'numeric', :primary_key=>true, :allow_null=>false}]] when :t3 [[:c1, {:db_type=>'date', :default=>"'now()'", :allow_null=>true}], [:c2, {:db_type=>'datetime', :allow_null=>false}]] when :t5 [[:c1, {:db_type=>'blahblah', :allow_null=>true}]] when :t6 [[:c1, {:db_type=>'bigint', :primary_key=>true, :allow_null=>true}]] end end end it "should support dumping table schemas as create_table method calls" do @d.dump_table_schema(:t1).should == "create_table(:t1) do\n primary_key :c1\n String :c2, :size=>20\nend" end it "should dump non-Integer primary key columns with explicit :type" do @d.dump_table_schema(:t6).should == "create_table(:t6) do\n primary_key :c1, :type=>Bignum\nend" end it "should use a composite primary_key calls if there is a composite primary key" do @d.dump_table_schema(:t2).should == "create_table(:t2) do\n Integer :c1, :null=>false\n BigDecimal :c2, :null=>false\n \n primary_key [:c1, :c2]\nend" end it "should include index information if available" do @d.meta_def(:indexes) do |t| {:i1=>{:columns=>[:c1], :unique=>false}, :t1_c2_c1_index=>{:columns=>[:c2, :c1], :unique=>true}} end @d.dump_table_schema(:t1).should == "create_table(:t1, :ignore_index_errors=>true) do\n primary_key :c1\n String :c2, :size=>20\n \n index [:c1], :name=>:i1\n index [:c2, :c1], :unique=>true\nend" end it "should support dumping the whole database as a migration" do @d.dump_schema_migration.should == <<-END_MIG do def up create_table(:t1) do primary_key :c1 String :c2, :size=>20 end create_table(:t2) do Integer :c1, :null=>false BigDecimal :c2, :null=>false primary_key [:c1, :c2] end end def down drop_table(:t1, :t2) end end END_MIG end it "should sort table names when dumping a migration" do @d.meta_def(:tables){|o| [:t2, :t1]} @d.dump_schema_migration.should == <<-END_MIG do def up create_table(:t1) do primary_key :c1 String :c2, :size=>20 end create_table(:t2) do Integer :c1, :null=>false BigDecimal :c2, :null=>false primary_key [:c1, :c2] end end def down drop_table(:t1, :t2) end end END_MIG end it "should honor the :same_db option to not convert types" do @d.dump_table_schema(:t1, :same_db=>true).should == "create_table(:t1) do\n primary_key :c1\n column :c2, \"varchar(20)\"\nend" @d.dump_schema_migration(:same_db=>true).should == <<-END_MIG do def up create_table(:t1) do primary_key :c1 column :c2, "varchar(20)" end create_table(:t2) do column :c1, "integer", :null=>false column :c2, "numeric", :null=>false primary_key [:c1, :c2] end end def down drop_table(:t1, :t2) end end END_MIG end it "should honor the :indexes => false option to not include indexes" do @d.meta_def(:indexes) do |t| {:i1=>{:columns=>[:c1], :unique=>false}, :t1_c2_c1_index=>{:columns=>[:c2, :c1], :unique=>true}} end @d.dump_table_schema(:t1, :indexes=>false).should == "create_table(:t1) do\n primary_key :c1\n String :c2, :size=>20\nend" @d.dump_schema_migration(:indexes=>false).should == <<-END_MIG do def up create_table(:t1) do primary_key :c1 String :c2, :size=>20 end create_table(:t2) do Integer :c1, :null=>false BigDecimal :c2, :null=>false primary_key [:c1, :c2] end end def down drop_table(:t1, :t2) end end END_MIG end it "should support dumping just indexes as a migration" do @d.meta_def(:tables){|o| [:t1]} @d.meta_def(:indexes) do |t| {:i1=>{:columns=>[:c1], :unique=>false}, :t1_c2_c1_index=>{:columns=>[:c2, :c1], :unique=>true}} end @d.dump_indexes_migration.should == <<-END_MIG do def up add_index :t1, [:c1], :ignore_errors=>true, :name=>:i1 add_index :t1, [:c2, :c1], :ignore_errors=>true, :unique=>true end def down drop_index :t1, [:c1], :ignore_errors=>true, :name=>:i1 drop_index :t1, [:c2, :c1], :ignore_errors=>true, :unique=>true end end END_MIG end it "should handle not null values and defaults" do @d.dump_table_schema(:t3).should == "create_table(:t3) do\n Date :c1\n DateTime :c2, :null=>false\nend" end it "should handle converting common defaults" do @d.meta_def(:schema) do |t, *os| s = [[:c1, {:db_type=>'boolean', :default=>"false", :type=>:boolean, :allow_null=>true}], [:c2, {:db_type=>'varchar', :default=>"'blah'", :type=>:string, :allow_null=>true}], [:c3, {:db_type=>'integer', :default=>"-1", :type=>:integer, :allow_null=>true}], [:c4, {:db_type=>'float', :default=>"1.0", :type=>:float, :allow_null=>true}], [:c5, {:db_type=>'decimal', :default=>"100.50", :type=>:decimal, :allow_null=>true}], [:c6, {:db_type=>'blob', :default=>"'blah'", :type=>:blob, :allow_null=>true}], [:c7, {:db_type=>'date', :default=>"'2008-10-29'", :type=>:date, :allow_null=>true}], [:c8, {:db_type=>'datetime', :default=>"'2008-10-29 10:20:30'", :type=>:datetime, :allow_null=>true}], [:c9, {:db_type=>'time', :default=>"'10:20:30'", :type=>:time, :allow_null=>true}], [:c10, {:db_type=>'interval', :default=>"'6 weeks'", :type=>:interval, :allow_null=>true}]] s.each{|_, c| c[:ruby_default] = column_schema_to_ruby_default(c[:default], c[:type])} s end @d.dump_table_schema(:t4).gsub(/[+-]\d\d:\d\d"\)/, '")').should == "create_table(:t4) do\n TrueClass :c1, :default=>false\n String :c2, :default=>\"blah\"\n Integer :c3, :default=>-1\n Float :c4, :default=>1.0\n BigDecimal :c5, :default=>\"0.1005E3\")\n File :c6, :default=>\"blah\")\n Date :c7, :default=>Date.parse(\"2008-10-29\")\n DateTime :c8, :default=>DateTime.parse(\"2008-10-29T10:20:30\")\n Time :c9, :default=>Time.parse(\"10:20:30\"), :only_time=>true\n String :c10\nend" @d.dump_table_schema(:t4, :same_db=>true).gsub(/[+-]\d\d:\d\d"\)/, '")').should == "create_table(:t4) do\n column :c1, \"boolean\", :default=>false\n column :c2, \"varchar\", :default=>\"blah\"\n column :c3, \"integer\", :default=>-1\n column :c4, \"float\", :default=>1.0\n column :c5, \"decimal\", :default=>\"0.1005E3\")\n column :c6, \"blob\", :default=>\"blah\")\n column :c7, \"date\", :default=>Date.parse(\"2008-10-29\")\n column :c8, \"datetime\", :default=>DateTime.parse(\"2008-10-29T10:20:30\")\n column :c9, \"time\", :default=>Time.parse(\"10:20:30\")\n column :c10, \"interval\", :default=>\"'6 weeks'\".lit\nend" end it "should not use a '...'.lit as a fallback if using MySQL with the :same_db option" do @d.meta_def(:database_type){:mysql} @d.meta_def(:schema) do |t, *os| s = [[:c10, {:db_type=>'interval', :default=>"'6 weeks'", :type=>:interval, :allow_null=>true}]] s.each{|_, c| c[:ruby_default] = column_schema_to_ruby_default(c[:default], c[:type])} s end @d.dump_table_schema(:t5, :same_db=>true).should == "create_table(:t5) do\n column :c10, \"interval\"\nend" end it "should convert unknown database types to strings" do @d.dump_table_schema(:t5).should == "create_table(:t5) do\n String :c1\nend" end it "should convert many database types to ruby types" do types = %w"mediumint smallint int integer mediumint(6) smallint(7) int(8) integer(9) tinyint tinyint(2) bigint bigint(20) real float double boolean tinytext mediumtext longtext text clob date datetime timestamp time char character varchar varchar(255) varchar(30) bpchar string money decimal decimal(10,2) numeric numeric(15,3) number bytea tinyblob mediumblob longblob blob varbinary varbinary(10) binary binary(20) year" + ["double precision", "timestamp with time zone", "timestamp without time zone", "time with time zone", "time without time zone", "character varying(20)"] + %w"nvarchar ntext smalldatetime smallmoney binary varbinary nchar" @d.meta_def(:schema) do |t, *o| i = 0{|x| [:"c#{i+=1}", {:db_type=>x, :allow_null=>true}]} end table = <<END_MIG create_table(:x) do Integer :c1 Integer :c2 Integer :c3 Integer :c4 Integer :c5 Integer :c6 Integer :c7 Integer :c8 Integer :c9 Integer :c10 Bignum :c11 Bignum :c12 Float :c13 Float :c14 Float :c15 TrueClass :c16 String :c17, :text=>true String :c18, :text=>true String :c19, :text=>true String :c20, :text=>true String :c21, :text=>true Date :c22 DateTime :c23 DateTime :c24 Time :c25, :only_time=>true String :c26, :fixed=>true String :c27, :fixed=>true String :c28 String :c29, :size=>255 String :c30, :size=>30 String :c31 String :c32 BigDecimal :c33, :size=>[19, 2] BigDecimal :c34 BigDecimal :c35, :size=>[10, 2] BigDecimal :c36 BigDecimal :c37, :size=>[15, 3] BigDecimal :c38 File :c39 File :c40 File :c41 File :c42 File :c43 File :c44 File :c45, :size=>10 File :c46 File :c47, :size=>20 Integer :c48 Float :c49 DateTime :c50 DateTime :c51 Time :c52, :only_time=>true Time :c53, :only_time=>true String :c54, :size=>20 String :c55 String :c56, :text=>true DateTime :c57 BigDecimal :c58, :size=>[19, 2] File :c59 File :c60 String :c61, :fixed=>true end END_MIG @d.dump_table_schema(:x).should == table.chomp end end