h1. Context-oriented Programming in Ruby h1. → 'contextr' h2. What TODO h2. Installing Nothing more than typing
sudo gem install contextrh2. The basics In your code use
require 'rubygems' require 'contextr'and ContextR will be ready to use. h2. Demonstration of usage
require "rubygems" require "contextr" class Person attr_accessor :name, :address, :university def initialize name, address, university self.name = name self.address = address self.university = university end def to_s "Name: #{name}" end end class University attr_accessor :name, :address def initialize name, address self.name = name self.address = address end def to_s "Name: #{name}" end end class Person layer :address, :education address.post :to_s do | n | n.return_value += "; Address: #{address}" end education.post :to_s do | n | n.return_value += ";\n[Education] #{university}" end end class University layer :address address.post :to_s do | n | n.return_value += "; Address: #{address}" end end hpi = University.new( "Hasso-Plattner-Institut", "Potsdam" ) somePerson = Person.new( "Gregor Schmidt", "Berlin", hpi ) puts puts somePerson ContextR::with_layers :education do puts puts somePerson ContextR::with_layers :address do puts puts somePerson ContextR::without_layers :education do puts puts somePerson end end end putsThe above code prints:
Name: Gregor Schmidt Name: Gregor Schmidt; [Education] Name: Hasso-Plattner-Institut Name: Gregor Schmidt; Address: Berlin; [Education] Name: Hasso-Plattner-Institut; Address: Potsdam Name: Gregor Schmidt; Address: BerlinYou may find other examples in the
h2. Other resources
* "Rubyforge Project Page":http://rubyforge.org/projects/contextr
* "Author's Development Blog - The Ruby Ahead":http://www.nach-vorne.de
* "ContextR Statistics on ohloh":http://www.ohloh.net/projects/5037
h2. License
This code is free to use under the same terms as Ruby
h2. Contact
Comments are welcome. Send an email to "Gregor Schmidt":mailto:ruby@schmidtwisser.de