require 'active_support/concern' require 'jsonapi_actions/authorization' require 'jsonapi_actions/eager_loader' require 'jsonapi_actions/error_handling' require 'jsonapi_actions/inclusion_mapper' require 'jsonapi_actions/version' module JsonapiActions extend ActiveSupport::Concern included do include ErrorHandling include Authorization # The model's Class OR the class name self.model = nil self.serializer = nil self.model_name = 'ApplicationRecord' # defines a set of parent associations to scope the index result by # i.e. [{ param: :project_id, attribute: :project_id }] # OR [{ param: :project_id, association: :project }] self.parent_associations = [] before_action :set_record, only: %i[show update destroy] def index authorize model, :index? @records = policy_scope(model.all) @records = parent_scope(@records) @records = filter(@records) @records = sort(@records) @records = paginate(@records) @records = eager_load(@records) render json_response(@records, meta: pagination_meta(@records).merge(metadata)) end def show render json_response(@record) end def create @record = @record.assign_attributes(record_params) = id_param if id_param authorize(@record) if @record.reload # ensure we have after commit stuff from things like carrierwave render json_response(@record, status: :created) else render unprocessable_entity(@record) end end def update if @record.update(record_params) @record.reload # ensure we have after commit stuff from things like carrierwave render json_response(@record) else render unprocessable_entity(@record) end end def destroy if @record.destroy render json: {}, status: 204 else render unprocessable_entity(@record) end end private def metadata {} end def parent_scope(records) return records if self.class.parent_associations.blank? self.class.parent_associations.each do |parent| next if params[parent[:param]].blank? records = records.joins(parent[:association]) unless parent[:association].blank? records = if parent[:table] records.where(parent[:table] => { parent[:attribute] => params[parent[:param]] }) else records.where(parent[:attribute] => params[parent[:param]]) end end records end def filter(records) records end def sort(records) return records if params[:sort].blank? order = {} params[:sort].split(',').each do |sort| if sort[0] == '-' order[sort[1..-1]] = :desc else order[sort] = :asc end end return records.order(order) end def paginate(records)[:number]).per(page[:size]) end def page @page ||= begin page = {} page[:number] = (params.dig(:page, :number) || 1).to_i page[:size] = [[(params.dig(:page, :size) || 20).to_i, 1000].min, 1].max page end end def set_record @record = model.find(params[:id]) authorize(@record) end def id_param params.require(:data).permit(policy(@record).permitted_attributes)[:id] end def record_params params.require(:data).require(:attributes).permit(policy(@record).permitted_attributes) end def include_param if %w[* **].include? params[:include] inclusion_map else params[:include].to_s.split(',').reject(&:blank?).map(&:to_sym) end end def inclusion_map, include: params[:include]).map end def unprocessable_entity(record) Rails.logger.debug(record.errors.messages) { json: record.errors.messages, status: :unprocessable_entity } end def pagination_meta(collection) return {} if collection.nil? { current_page: collection.current_page, next_page: collection.next_page, prev_page: collection.prev_page, total_pages: collection.total_pages, total_count: collection.total_count } end def model self.class.model || self.class.model_name.constantize end def json_response(data, options = {}) if defined?(FastJsonapi) { json: serializer(data).new(data, options.deep_merge( include: include_param, meta: metadata, params: { current_user: try(:current_user) }) ) } elsif defined?(ActiveModel::Serializer) { json: data }.merge(meta: metadata, include: include_param).merge(options) else { json: { data: data }.merge(options) } end end def serializer(data = nil) serializer_classes = [ self.class.serializer, data.try(:serializer_class), "#{}Serializer".safe_constantize, data.try(:first).try(:serializer_class), "#{data.try(:first)}Serializer".safe_constantize ].compact if serializer_classes.any? serializer_classes.first else "#{}Serializer".safe_constantize end rescue NoMethodError, NameError raise 'Unknown serializer' end def eager_load(records) records end end module ClassMethods attr_accessor :model, :parent_associations, :model_name, :serializer end end