# frozen_string_literal: true # Copyright (c) 2017-2018 THL A29 Limited, a Tencent company. All Rights Reserved. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. module TencentCloud module Irp module V20220324 # 作者信息 class AuthorInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Id: 作者id # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Id: String # @param Name: 作者名称 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Name: String # @param SourceId: 作者来源 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type SourceId: Integer # @param FollowType: 关注类型:1-关注,2-取关 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type FollowType: Integer # @param IconUrl: 作者头像icon地址 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type IconUrl: String attr_accessor :Id, :Name, :SourceId, :FollowType, :IconUrl def initialize(id=nil, name=nil, sourceid=nil, followtype=nil, iconurl=nil) @Id = id @Name = name @SourceId = sourceid @FollowType = followtype @IconUrl = iconurl end def deserialize(params) @Id = params['Id'] @Name = params['Name'] @SourceId = params['SourceId'] @FollowType = params['FollowType'] @IconUrl = params['IconUrl'] end end # 不喜欢信息 class DislikeInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Type: 不喜欢的物料类别,对应物料上传协议中的字段名,如authorId,keyword,topic等 # @type Type: String # @param Value: type对应字段名的值,如具体的topic名,作者id等 # @type Value: String attr_accessor :Type, :Value def initialize(type=nil, value=nil) @Type = type @Value = value end def deserialize(params) @Type = params['Type'] @Value = params['Value'] end end # 行为数据 class DocBehavior < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ItemId: 内容唯一ID,如 2824324234 # @type ItemId: String # @param BehaviorType: 行为类型 # @type BehaviorType: Integer # @param BehaviorValue: 行为值 # @type BehaviorValue: String # @param BehaviorTimestamp: 行为时间戳: 秒级时间戳(默认为当前时间),不能延迟太久,尽量实时上报,否则会影响推荐结果的准确性。 # @type BehaviorTimestamp: Integer # @param SceneId: 场景id,在控制台创建场景后获取。 # @type SceneId: String # @param UserIdList: 用户id列表 # @type UserIdList: Array # @param RecTraceId: 会话id,使用获取推荐结果中返回的RecTraceId填入。
注意:如果和在线推荐请求中的traceId不同,会影响行为特征归因,影响推荐算法效果 # @type RecTraceId: String # @param Source: 算法来源:用来区分行为来源于哪个算法。值为**business,tencent,other** 三者之一
● business 表示业务自己的算法对照组
● tencent 为腾讯算法
● other 为其他算法 # @type Source: String # @param ItemType: 物料类型 # @type ItemType: Integer # @param AppId: 微信开放平台上查看appId # @type AppId: String # @param VideoPlayDuration: 回传video_over事件的时候,回传的用户播放视频的总时长(真正播放的,拖动不算,单位为秒) # @type VideoPlayDuration: Integer # @param ReferrerItemId: 来源物料内容:用来标识在指定内容页面产生的行为,如需要统计用户在A内容详情页里,对推荐内容B点击等行为,则ReferrerItemId代表内容A,ItemId代表内容B # @type ReferrerItemId: String # @param Country: 国家,统一用简写,比如中国则填写CN # @type Country: String # @param Province: 省 # @type Province: String # @param City: 城市 # @type City: String # @param District: 区县 # @type District: String # @param IP: 客户端ip # @type IP: String # @param Network: 客户端网络类型 # @type Network: String # @param Platform: 客户端平台,ios/android/h5 # @type Platform: String # @param AppVersion: 客户端app版本 # @type AppVersion: String # @param OsVersion: 操作系统版本 # @type OsVersion: String # @param DeviceModel: 机型 # @type DeviceModel: String # @param Extension: json字符串,用于行为数据的扩展 # @type Extension: String attr_accessor :ItemId, :BehaviorType, :BehaviorValue, :BehaviorTimestamp, :SceneId, :UserIdList, :RecTraceId, :Source, :ItemType, :AppId, :VideoPlayDuration, :ReferrerItemId, :Country, :Province, :City, :District, :IP, :Network, :Platform, :AppVersion, :OsVersion, :DeviceModel, :Extension def initialize(itemid=nil, behaviortype=nil, behaviorvalue=nil, behaviortimestamp=nil, sceneid=nil, useridlist=nil, rectraceid=nil, source=nil, itemtype=nil, appid=nil, videoplayduration=nil, referreritemid=nil, country=nil, province=nil, city=nil, district=nil, ip=nil, network=nil, platform=nil, appversion=nil, osversion=nil, devicemodel=nil, extension=nil) @ItemId = itemid @BehaviorType = behaviortype @BehaviorValue = behaviorvalue @BehaviorTimestamp = behaviortimestamp @SceneId = sceneid @UserIdList = useridlist @RecTraceId = rectraceid @Source = source @ItemType = itemtype @AppId = appid @VideoPlayDuration = videoplayduration @ReferrerItemId = referreritemid @Country = country @Province = province @City = city @District = district @IP = ip @Network = network @Platform = platform @AppVersion = appversion @OsVersion = osversion @DeviceModel = devicemodel @Extension = extension end def deserialize(params) @ItemId = params['ItemId'] @BehaviorType = params['BehaviorType'] @BehaviorValue = params['BehaviorValue'] @BehaviorTimestamp = params['BehaviorTimestamp'] @SceneId = params['SceneId'] unless params['UserIdList'].nil? @UserIdList = [] params['UserIdList'].each do |i| useridinfo_tmp = UserIdInfo.new useridinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @UserIdList << useridinfo_tmp end end @RecTraceId = params['RecTraceId'] @Source = params['Source'] @ItemType = params['ItemType'] @AppId = params['AppId'] @VideoPlayDuration = params['VideoPlayDuration'] @ReferrerItemId = params['ReferrerItemId'] @Country = params['Country'] @Province = params['Province'] @City = params['City'] @District = params['District'] @IP = params['IP'] @Network = params['Network'] @Platform = params['Platform'] @AppVersion = params['AppVersion'] @OsVersion = params['OsVersion'] @DeviceModel = params['DeviceModel'] @Extension = params['Extension'] end end # 推荐物料信息 class DocItem < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ItemId: 内容唯一id # @type ItemId: String # @param ItemType: 内容类型 # @type ItemType: Integer # @param Status: 内容状态:1 - 上架, 2 - 下架 # @type Status: Integer # @param PublishTimestamp: 内容生成时间,秒级时间戳(1639624786),需大于0 # @type PublishTimestamp: Integer # @param SourceId: 物料来源ID # @type SourceId: Integer # @param Title: 标题名称 # @type Title: String # @param Content: 内容正文 # @type Content: String # @param Author: 作者 # @type Author: String # @param AuthorId: 作者id # @type AuthorId: String # @param Keyword: 标签关键词,多个用英文分号分割 # @type Keyword: String # @param Desc: 内容物料描述:物料的描述信息,推荐系统会对内容的描述信息,使用否LP技术,进行分词、提取关键词,作为news的特征使用。 # @type Desc: String # @param PicUrlList: 图片url # @type PicUrlList: Array # @param VideoUrlList: 视频url # @type VideoUrlList: Array # @param VideoDuration: 视频时长,时间秒 # @type VideoDuration: Integer # @param CategoryLevel: 类目层级数,例如3级类目,则填3,和CategoryPath字段的类数据匹配 # @type CategoryLevel: Integer # @param CategoryPath: 类目路径,一级二级三级等依次用英文冒号联接,如体育:“足球:巴塞罗那” # @type CategoryPath: String # @param Country: 国家,统一用简写,比如中国则填写CN # @type Country: String # @param Province: 省 # @type Province: String # @param City: 城市 # @type City: String # @param District: 区县 # @type District: String # @param ExpireTimestamp: 内容过期时间,秒级时间戳(1639624786),如未填,则默认PublishTimestamp往后延一年 # @type ExpireTimestamp: Integer # @param Topic: 所属话题 # @type Topic: String # @param AuthorFans: 作者粉丝数 # @type AuthorFans: Integer # @param AuthorLevel: 作者评级 # @type AuthorLevel: String # @param CollectCnt: 内容累计收藏次数 # @type CollectCnt: Integer # @param PraiseCnt: 内容累积点赞次数 # @type PraiseCnt: Integer # @param CommentCnt: 内容累计评论次数 # @type CommentCnt: Integer # @param ShareCnt: 内容累计分享次数 # @type ShareCnt: Integer # @param RewardCnt: 内容累积打赏数 # @type RewardCnt: Integer # @param Score: 内容质量评分,类似豆瓣电影的评分,这里为100分制,比如97分,满分100分,最低0分,范围外的将会被拦截 # @type Score: Float # @param PoolIdList: 内容池id,用于分内容池召回,一个内容支持指定一个或多个内容池, 内容池id不建议使用0(0表示不区分内容池) # @type PoolIdList: Array # @param TagInfoList: 描述用户标签 # @type TagInfoList: Array # @param Extension: json字符串,用于物料数据的扩展 # @type Extension: String attr_accessor :ItemId, :ItemType, :Status, :PublishTimestamp, :SourceId, :Title, :Content, :Author, :AuthorId, :Keyword, :Desc, :PicUrlList, :VideoUrlList, :VideoDuration, :CategoryLevel, :CategoryPath, :Country, :Province, :City, :District, :ExpireTimestamp, :Topic, :AuthorFans, :AuthorLevel, :CollectCnt, :PraiseCnt, :CommentCnt, :ShareCnt, :RewardCnt, :Score, :PoolIdList, :TagInfoList, :Extension def initialize(itemid=nil, itemtype=nil, status=nil, publishtimestamp=nil, sourceid=nil, title=nil, content=nil, author=nil, authorid=nil, keyword=nil, desc=nil, picurllist=nil, videourllist=nil, videoduration=nil, categorylevel=nil, categorypath=nil, country=nil, province=nil, city=nil, district=nil, expiretimestamp=nil, topic=nil, authorfans=nil, authorlevel=nil, collectcnt=nil, praisecnt=nil, commentcnt=nil, sharecnt=nil, rewardcnt=nil, score=nil, poolidlist=nil, taginfolist=nil, extension=nil) @ItemId = itemid @ItemType = itemtype @Status = status @PublishTimestamp = publishtimestamp @SourceId = sourceid @Title = title @Content = content @Author = author @AuthorId = authorid @Keyword = keyword @Desc = desc @PicUrlList = picurllist @VideoUrlList = videourllist @VideoDuration = videoduration @CategoryLevel = categorylevel @CategoryPath = categorypath @Country = country @Province = province @City = city @District = district @ExpireTimestamp = expiretimestamp @Topic = topic @AuthorFans = authorfans @AuthorLevel = authorlevel @CollectCnt = collectcnt @PraiseCnt = praisecnt @CommentCnt = commentcnt @ShareCnt = sharecnt @RewardCnt = rewardcnt @Score = score @PoolIdList = poolidlist @TagInfoList = taginfolist @Extension = extension end def deserialize(params) @ItemId = params['ItemId'] @ItemType = params['ItemType'] @Status = params['Status'] @PublishTimestamp = params['PublishTimestamp'] @SourceId = params['SourceId'] @Title = params['Title'] @Content = params['Content'] @Author = params['Author'] @AuthorId = params['AuthorId'] @Keyword = params['Keyword'] @Desc = params['Desc'] @PicUrlList = params['PicUrlList'] @VideoUrlList = params['VideoUrlList'] @VideoDuration = params['VideoDuration'] @CategoryLevel = params['CategoryLevel'] @CategoryPath = params['CategoryPath'] @Country = params['Country'] @Province = params['Province'] @City = params['City'] @District = params['District'] @ExpireTimestamp = params['ExpireTimestamp'] @Topic = params['Topic'] @AuthorFans = params['AuthorFans'] @AuthorLevel = params['AuthorLevel'] @CollectCnt = params['CollectCnt'] @PraiseCnt = params['PraiseCnt'] @CommentCnt = params['CommentCnt'] @ShareCnt = params['ShareCnt'] @RewardCnt = params['RewardCnt'] @Score = params['Score'] @PoolIdList = params['PoolIdList'] unless params['TagInfoList'].nil? @TagInfoList = [] params['TagInfoList'].each do |i| taginfo_tmp = TagInfo.new taginfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @TagInfoList << taginfo_tmp end end @Extension = params['Extension'] end end # 画像信息 class PortraitInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param UserIdList: 用户id列表 # @type UserIdList: Array # @param AppId: 如果"userIdType"是10则必传,在微信开放平台上查看appId # @type AppId: String # @param Age: 用户年龄,值域在 0-200 # @type Age: Integer # @param Gender: 用户性别:0-未知,1-男, 2-女 # @type Gender: Integer # @param Degree: 用户学历 :小学,初中,高中,大专,本科,硕士,博士 # @type Degree: String # @param School: 用户毕业学校全称 # @type School: String # @param Occupation: 用户职业,保证业务的唯一性 # @type Occupation: String # @param Industry: 用户所属行业,保证业务的唯一性 # @type Industry: String # @param ResidentCountry: 用户常驻国家,统一用简写,比如中国则填写CN # @type ResidentCountry: String # @param ResidentProvince: 用户常驻省份 # @type ResidentProvince: String # @param ResidentCity: 用户常驻城市 # @type ResidentCity: String # @param ResidentDistrict: 用户常驻区县 # @type ResidentDistrict: String # @param PhoneMd5: 用户手机的MD5值 # @type PhoneMd5: String # @param PhoneImei: 用户手机的IMEI号 # @type PhoneImei: String # @param Idfa: 设备idfa信息 # @type Idfa: String # @param RegisterTimestamp: 用户注册时间,秒级时间戳(1639624786) # @type RegisterTimestamp: Integer # @param MembershipLevel: 用户会员等级 # @type MembershipLevel: String # @param LastLoginTimestamp: 用户上一次登录时间,秒级时间戳(1639624786) # @type LastLoginTimestamp: Integer # @param LastLoginIp: 用户上一次登录的ip # @type LastLoginIp: String # @param LastModifyTimestamp: 用户信息的最后修改时间戳,秒级时间戳(1639624786) # @type LastModifyTimestamp: Integer # @param TagInfoList: 用户标签 # @type TagInfoList: Array # @param AuthorInfoList: 用户关注作者列表 # @type AuthorInfoList: Array # @param DislikeInfoList: 用户不喜欢列表 # @type DislikeInfoList: Array # @param Extension: json字符串,用于画像数据的扩展 # @type Extension: String # @param Oaid: 设备oaid信息 # @type Oaid: String # @param AndroidId: 设备AndroidId信息 # @type AndroidId: String attr_accessor :UserIdList, :AppId, :Age, :Gender, :Degree, :School, :Occupation, :Industry, :ResidentCountry, :ResidentProvince, :ResidentCity, :ResidentDistrict, :PhoneMd5, :PhoneImei, :Idfa, :RegisterTimestamp, :MembershipLevel, :LastLoginTimestamp, :LastLoginIp, :LastModifyTimestamp, :TagInfoList, :AuthorInfoList, :DislikeInfoList, :Extension, :Oaid, :AndroidId def initialize(useridlist=nil, appid=nil, age=nil, gender=nil, degree=nil, school=nil, occupation=nil, industry=nil, residentcountry=nil, residentprovince=nil, residentcity=nil, residentdistrict=nil, phonemd5=nil, phoneimei=nil, idfa=nil, registertimestamp=nil, membershiplevel=nil, lastlogintimestamp=nil, lastloginip=nil, lastmodifytimestamp=nil, taginfolist=nil, authorinfolist=nil, dislikeinfolist=nil, extension=nil, oaid=nil, androidid=nil) @UserIdList = useridlist @AppId = appid @Age = age @Gender = gender @Degree = degree @School = school @Occupation = occupation @Industry = industry @ResidentCountry = residentcountry @ResidentProvince = residentprovince @ResidentCity = residentcity @ResidentDistrict = residentdistrict @PhoneMd5 = phonemd5 @PhoneImei = phoneimei @Idfa = idfa @RegisterTimestamp = registertimestamp @MembershipLevel = membershiplevel @LastLoginTimestamp = lastlogintimestamp @LastLoginIp = lastloginip @LastModifyTimestamp = lastmodifytimestamp @TagInfoList = taginfolist @AuthorInfoList = authorinfolist @DislikeInfoList = dislikeinfolist @Extension = extension @Oaid = oaid @AndroidId = androidid end def deserialize(params) unless params['UserIdList'].nil? @UserIdList = [] params['UserIdList'].each do |i| useridinfo_tmp = UserIdInfo.new useridinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @UserIdList << useridinfo_tmp end end @AppId = params['AppId'] @Age = params['Age'] @Gender = params['Gender'] @Degree = params['Degree'] @School = params['School'] @Occupation = params['Occupation'] @Industry = params['Industry'] @ResidentCountry = params['ResidentCountry'] @ResidentProvince = params['ResidentProvince'] @ResidentCity = params['ResidentCity'] @ResidentDistrict = params['ResidentDistrict'] @PhoneMd5 = params['PhoneMd5'] @PhoneImei = params['PhoneImei'] @Idfa = params['Idfa'] @RegisterTimestamp = params['RegisterTimestamp'] @MembershipLevel = params['MembershipLevel'] @LastLoginTimestamp = params['LastLoginTimestamp'] @LastLoginIp = params['LastLoginIp'] @LastModifyTimestamp = params['LastModifyTimestamp'] unless params['TagInfoList'].nil? @TagInfoList = [] params['TagInfoList'].each do |i| taginfo_tmp = TagInfo.new taginfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @TagInfoList << taginfo_tmp end end unless params['AuthorInfoList'].nil? @AuthorInfoList = [] params['AuthorInfoList'].each do |i| authorinfo_tmp = AuthorInfo.new authorinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @AuthorInfoList << authorinfo_tmp end end unless params['DislikeInfoList'].nil? @DislikeInfoList = [] params['DislikeInfoList'].each do |i| dislikeinfo_tmp = DislikeInfo.new dislikeinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @DislikeInfoList << dislikeinfo_tmp end end @Extension = params['Extension'] @Oaid = params['Oaid'] @AndroidId = params['AndroidId'] end end # 推荐内容信息 class RecItemData < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param ItemId: 推荐的内容id,即用户行为上报中的itemId # @type ItemId: String # @param ItemType: 物料子类型,包括如下: 1-图文、2-长视频(横视频)、3-短视频(横视频)、4-小说、5-小视频(竖视频)、6-纯文本 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type ItemType: Integer # @param Weight: 推荐内容的权重,取值范围[0,1000000] # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Weight: Integer # @param Score: 推荐预测分 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Score: Float # @param Keyword: 关键词,多个用英文分号分割,和物料上传的keyword一致 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Keyword: String attr_accessor :ItemId, :ItemType, :Weight, :Score, :Keyword def initialize(itemid=nil, itemtype=nil, weight=nil, score=nil, keyword=nil) @ItemId = itemid @ItemType = itemtype @Weight = weight @Score = score @Keyword = keyword end def deserialize(params) @ItemId = params['ItemId'] @ItemType = params['ItemType'] @Weight = params['Weight'] @Score = params['Score'] @Keyword = params['Keyword'] end end # RecommendContent请求参数结构体 class RecommendContentRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Bid: 业务id # @type Bid: String # @param SceneId: 场景id:比如有“猜你喜欢”,“热门内容”等推荐模块,每一个模块都有一个scene_id来表示。 在控制台创建场景后获取。需要跟行为上报时的id一致 # @type SceneId: String # @param UserIdList: 用户唯一ID数组,每个数组元素详见userId结构体,若不填,则接口返回热门结果 # @type UserIdList: Array # @param RecTraceId: 会话id:必须和行为数据上报时所填写的traceId相同,用于行为数据来自于那次在线推荐请求的归因。**注意:此处如果没传,则响应会返回一个全局唯一ID返回给客户,并需客户透传给行为日志上报接口** # @type RecTraceId: String # @param ItemCnt: 推荐数量:物料优选的结果, 默认50个,目前最多支持200个的内容返回,如果返回个数更多,会影响性能,容易超时。 # @type ItemCnt: Integer # @param PoolId: 物料池id,用于召回该pool_id下的商品,如果有多个,用英文;分割。**注意:此处poolId需和物料上报时的poolIdList对应上** # @type PoolId: String # @param CurrentItemId: 来源物料id,即用户当前浏览的物料id,用于在内容详情页获取关联推荐内容 # @type CurrentItemId: String # @param ResponseTimeout: 请求响应超时时间,单位ms,默认300ms,数值设置的过小,会影响推荐效果,最小支持250ms # @type ResponseTimeout: Integer # @param ItemTypeRatio: 返回结果中不同物料类型的比例,比例顺序需严格按照(图文,长视频,短视频,小视频)进行。只允许传[0,100]数字,多个请用**英文冒号**分割,且加起来不能超过100,以及比例数量不能超过**场景绑定的物料类型**(图文,长视频,短视频,小视频)数。**示例:**图文和短视频比例为40%:60%时,则填40:60图文和短视频比例为0%:100%时,则填0:100图文,长视频和短视频的比例为,图文占20%,剩余80%由长视频和短视频随机返回,则填20:80或仅填20均可 # @type ItemTypeRatio: String attr_accessor :Bid, :SceneId, :UserIdList, :RecTraceId, :ItemCnt, :PoolId, :CurrentItemId, :ResponseTimeout, :ItemTypeRatio def initialize(bid=nil, sceneid=nil, useridlist=nil, rectraceid=nil, itemcnt=nil, poolid=nil, currentitemid=nil, responsetimeout=nil, itemtyperatio=nil) @Bid = bid @SceneId = sceneid @UserIdList = useridlist @RecTraceId = rectraceid @ItemCnt = itemcnt @PoolId = poolid @CurrentItemId = currentitemid @ResponseTimeout = responsetimeout @ItemTypeRatio = itemtyperatio end def deserialize(params) @Bid = params['Bid'] @SceneId = params['SceneId'] unless params['UserIdList'].nil? @UserIdList = [] params['UserIdList'].each do |i| useridinfo_tmp = UserIdInfo.new useridinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @UserIdList << useridinfo_tmp end end @RecTraceId = params['RecTraceId'] @ItemCnt = params['ItemCnt'] @PoolId = params['PoolId'] @CurrentItemId = params['CurrentItemId'] @ResponseTimeout = params['ResponseTimeout'] @ItemTypeRatio = params['ItemTypeRatio'] end end # RecommendContent返回参数结构体 class RecommendContentResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RecTraceId: 推荐追踪id,用于行为上报。每次接口调用返回的traceId不同 # @type RecTraceId: String # @param DataList: 标识具体的物料信息 # @type DataList: Array # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RecTraceId, :DataList, :RequestId def initialize(rectraceid=nil, datalist=nil, requestid=nil) @RecTraceId = rectraceid @DataList = datalist @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RecTraceId = params['RecTraceId'] unless params['DataList'].nil? @DataList = [] params['DataList'].each do |i| recitemdata_tmp = RecItemData.new recitemdata_tmp.deserialize(i) @DataList << recitemdata_tmp end end @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # ReportAction请求参数结构体 class ReportActionRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Bid: 业务id # @type Bid: String # @param DocBehaviorList: 上报的行为对象数组,数量不超过50 # @type DocBehaviorList: Array attr_accessor :Bid, :DocBehaviorList def initialize(bid=nil, docbehaviorlist=nil) @Bid = bid @DocBehaviorList = docbehaviorlist end def deserialize(params) @Bid = params['Bid'] unless params['DocBehaviorList'].nil? @DocBehaviorList = [] params['DocBehaviorList'].each do |i| docbehavior_tmp = DocBehavior.new docbehavior_tmp.deserialize(i) @DocBehaviorList << docbehavior_tmp end end end end # ReportAction返回参数结构体 class ReportActionResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # ReportMaterial请求参数结构体 class ReportMaterialRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Bid: 业务id # @type Bid: String # @param DocItemList: 上报的信息流数组,一次数量不超过50 # @type DocItemList: Array attr_accessor :Bid, :DocItemList def initialize(bid=nil, docitemlist=nil) @Bid = bid @DocItemList = docitemlist end def deserialize(params) @Bid = params['Bid'] unless params['DocItemList'].nil? @DocItemList = [] params['DocItemList'].each do |i| docitem_tmp = DocItem.new docitem_tmp.deserialize(i) @DocItemList << docitem_tmp end end end end # ReportMaterial返回参数结构体 class ReportMaterialResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # ReportPortrait请求参数结构体 class ReportPortraitRequest < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Bid: 推荐平台上的业务id # @type Bid: String # @param PortraitList: 上报的用户画像数组,数量不超过50 # @type PortraitList: Array attr_accessor :Bid, :PortraitList def initialize(bid=nil, portraitlist=nil) @Bid = bid @PortraitList = portraitlist end def deserialize(params) @Bid = params['Bid'] unless params['PortraitList'].nil? @PortraitList = [] params['PortraitList'].each do |i| portraitinfo_tmp = PortraitInfo.new portraitinfo_tmp.deserialize(i) @PortraitList << portraitinfo_tmp end end end end # ReportPortrait返回参数结构体 class ReportPortraitResponse < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param RequestId: 唯一请求 ID,每次请求都会返回。定位问题时需要提供该次请求的 RequestId。 # @type RequestId: String attr_accessor :RequestId def initialize(requestid=nil) @RequestId = requestid end def deserialize(params) @RequestId = params['RequestId'] end end # 标题信息 class TagInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param Id: 标签id # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Id: String # @param Name: 标签名 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Name: String # @param Weight: 推荐权重 # 注意:此字段可能返回 null,表示取不到有效值。 # @type Weight: Float attr_accessor :Id, :Name, :Weight def initialize(id=nil, name=nil, weight=nil) @Id = id @Name = name @Weight = weight end def deserialize(params) @Id = params['Id'] @Name = params['Name'] @Weight = params['Weight'] end end # 用户信息 class UserIdInfo < TencentCloud::Common::AbstractModel # @param UserIdType: 用户ID类型: # 1 - qq # 2 - qq_md5:md5后的qq # 3 - imei:设备imei(安卓10之后不会再授权imei,安卓10之后的imei映射关系可能拿不到,故安卓10之后的设备建议用oaid) # 4 - imei_md5:md5后的imei # 5 - idfa: Apple 向用户设备随机分配的设备标识符 # 6 - idfa_md5:md5之后的idfa # 7 - gdt_openid:广点通生成的openid # 8 - oaid:安卓10之后一种非永久性设备标识符 # 9 - oaid_md5:md5后的oaid # 10 - wx_openid:微信openid # 11 - qq_openid:QQ的openid # 12 - phone:电话号码 # 13 - phone_md5:md5后的电话号码 # 14 - phone_sha256:SHA256加密的手机号 # 15 - phone_sm3:国密SM3加密的手机号 # 1000 - 客户自定义id # @type UserIdType: Integer # @param UserId: 用户id # @type UserId: String attr_accessor :UserIdType, :UserId def initialize(useridtype=nil, userid=nil) @UserIdType = useridtype @UserId = userid end def deserialize(params) @UserIdType = params['UserIdType'] @UserId = params['UserId'] end end end end end