shared_context "parallels" do let(:parallels_context) { true } let(:uuid) { "1234-here-is-uuid-5678" } let(:parallels_version) { "9" } let(:subprocess) { double("Vagrant::Util::Subprocess") } let(:driver) { subject.instance_variable_get("@driver") } # this is a helper that returns a duck type suitable from a system command # execution; allows setting exit_code, stdout, and stderr in stubs. def subprocess_result(options={}) defaults = {exit_code: 0, stdout: "", stderr: ""} double("subprocess_result", defaults.merge(options)) end before do # we don't want unit tests to ever run commands on the system; so we wire # in a double to ensure any unexpected messages raise exceptions stub_const("Vagrant::Util::Subprocess", subprocess) # drivers will blow up on instantiation if they cannot determine the # Parallels Desktop version, so wire this stub in automatically subprocess.stub(:execute). with("prlctl", "--version", an_instance_of(Hash)). and_return(subprocess_result(stdout: "prlctl version #{parallels_version}.0.98765")) # drivers also call vm_exists? during init; subprocess.stub(:execute). with("prlctl", "list", uuid, kind_of(Hash)). and_return(subprocess_result(exit_code: 0)) end end