module Utils # Data transformation from Inspec result output into usable data for XCCDF conversions. class FromInspec DATA_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE = 'N/A'.freeze # Convert raw Inspec result json into format acceptable for XCCDF transformation. def parse_data_for_xccdf(json) # rubocop:disable Metrics/AbcSize, Metrics/CyclomaticComplexity, Metrics/MethodLength, Metrics/PerceivedComplexity data = {} controls = [] if json['profiles'].nil? controls = json['controls'] elsif json['profiles'].length == 1 controls = json['profiles'].last['controls'] else json['profiles'].each do |profile| controls.concat(profile['controls']) end end c_data = {} controls.each do |control| c_id = control['id'].to_sym c_data[c_id] = {} c_data[c_id]['id'] = control['id'] || DATA_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE c_data[c_id]['title'] = control['title'] if control['title'] # Optional attribute c_data[c_id]['desc'] = control['desc'] || DATA_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE c_data[c_id]['severity'] = control['tags']['severity'] || 'unknown' c_data[c_id]['gid'] = control['tags']['gid'] || control['id'] c_data[c_id]['gtitle'] = control['tags']['gtitle'] if control['tags']['gtitle'] # Optional attribute c_data[c_id]['gdescription'] = control['tags']['gdescription'] if control['tags']['gdescription'] # Optional attribute c_data[c_id]['rid'] = control['tags']['rid'] || 'r_' + c_data[c_id]['gid'] c_data[c_id]['rversion'] = control['tags']['rversion'] if control['tags']['rversion'] # Optional attribute c_data[c_id]['rweight'] = control['tags']['rweight'] if control['tags']['rweight'] # Optional attribute where N/A is not schema compliant c_data[c_id]['stig_id'] = control['tags']['stig_id'] || DATA_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE c_data[c_id]['cci'] = control['tags']['cci'] if control['tags']['cci'] # Optional attribute c_data[c_id]['nist'] = control['tags']['nist'] || ['unmapped'] c_data[c_id]['check'] = control['tags']['check'] || DATA_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE c_data[c_id]['checkref'] = control['tags']['checkref'] || DATA_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE c_data[c_id]['fix'] = control['tags']['fix'] || DATA_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE c_data[c_id]['fix_id'] = control['tags']['fix_id'] if control['tags']['fix_id'] # Optional attribute where N/A is not schema compliant c_data[c_id]['rationale'] = control['tags']['rationale'] || DATA_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE c_data[c_id]['cis_family'] = control['tags']['cis_family'] || DATA_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE c_data[c_id]['cis_rid'] = control['tags']['cis_rid'] || DATA_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE c_data[c_id]['cis_level'] = control['tags']['cis_level'] || DATA_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE c_data[c_id]['impact'] = control['impact'].to_s || DATA_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE c_data[c_id]['code'] = control['code'].to_s || DATA_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE c_data[c_id]['results'] = parse_results_for_xccdf(control['results']) if control['results'] end data['controls'] = c_data.values data['profiles'] = parse_profiles_for_xccdf(json['profiles']) data['status'] = 'success' data['inspec_version'] = json['version'] data end private # Convert profile information for result processing # @param profiles [Array[Hash]] - The profiles section of the JSON output def parse_profiles_for_xccdf(profiles) return [] unless profiles do |profile| data = {} data['name'] = profile['name'] data['version'] = profile['version'] data end end # Convert the test result data to a parseable Hash for downstream processing # @param results [Array[Hash]] - The results section of the JSON output def parse_results_for_xccdf(results) do |result| data = {} data['status'] = result['status'] data['code_desc'] = result['code_desc'] data['run_time'] = result['run_time'] data['start_time'] = result['start_time'] data['resource'] = result['resource'] data['message'] = result['message'] data['skip_message'] = result['skip_message'] data end end end end