require 'thor' require 'sequelizer' require 'psych' require 'json' require 'pp' require_relative 'query' module ConceptQL class CLI < Thor include Sequelizer class_option :adapter, aliases: :a, desc: 'adapter for database' class_option :host, aliases: :h, banner: 'localhost', desc: 'host for database' class_option :username, aliases: :u, desc: 'username for database' class_option :password, aliases: :P, desc: 'password for database' class_option :port, aliases: :p, type: :numeric, banner: '5432', desc: 'port for database' class_option :database, aliases: :d, desc: 'database for database' class_option :search_path, aliases: :s, desc: 'schema for database (PostgreSQL only)' desc 'run_statement statement_file', 'Reads the ConceptQL statement from the statement file and executes it against the DB' def run_statement(statement_file) q =, criteria_from_file(statement_file)) puts q.sql puts q.statement.to_yaml pp q.execute end desc 'show_graph statement_file', 'Reads the ConceptQL statement from the file and shows the contents as a ConceptQL graph' def show_graph(file) graph_it(criteria_from_file(file)) end desc 'show_and_tell_file statement_file', 'Reads the ConceptQL statement from the file and shows the contents as a ConceptQL graph, then executes the statement against the DB' option :full def show_and_tell_file(file) show_and_tell(criteria_from_file(file), options) end desc 'fake_graph file', 'Reads the ConceptQL statement from the file and shows the contents as a ConceptQL graph' def fake_graph(file) require_relative 'fake_grapher', '/tmp/graph') system('open /tmp/graph.pdf') end private desc 'show_and_tell_db conceptql_id', 'Fetches the ConceptQL from a DB and shows the contents as a ConceptQL graph, then executes the statement against our test database' option :full def show_and_tell_db(conceptql_id) result = fetch_conceptql(conceptql_id, options) puts "Concept: #{result[:label]}" show_and_tell(result[:statement].to_hash, options, result[:label]) end desc 'show_db_graph conceptql_id', 'Shows a graph for the conceptql statement represented by conceptql_id in the db specified by db_url' def show_db_graph(conceptql_id) result = fetch_conceptql(conceptql_id, options) graph_it(result[:statement].to_hash, db, result[:label]) end def fetch_conceptql(conceptql_id) my_db = db(options) my_db.extension(:pg_array, :pg_json) my_db[:concepts].where(concept_id: conceptql_id).select(:statement, :label).first end def show_and_tell(statement, options, title = nil) my_db = db(options) q =, statement) puts 'YAML' puts q.statement.to_yaml puts 'JSON' puts JSON.pretty_generate(q.statement) STDIN.gets graph_it(statement, my_db, title) STDIN.gets puts q.query.sql STDIN.gets results = q.execute if options[:full] pp results else pp filtered(results) end puts results.length end def graph_it(statement, title = nil) require_relative 'graph' require_relative 'tree', dangler: true, title: title, db: db(options) ).graph_it('/tmp/graph') system('open /tmp/graph.pdf') end def criteria_from_file(file) case File.extname(file) when '.json' JSON.parse( else eval( end end def filtered(results) results.each { |r| r.delete_if { |k,v| v.nil? } } end end end