# Release History ### 1.9.0 / 2018-10-25 * Add clustering fields to LoadJob, QueryJob and Table * Add DDL/DML support * Update QueryJob#data to not return table rows for DDL/DML * Add DDL/DML statistics attrs to QueryJob and Data * Add #numeric to Table::Updater and LoadJob::Updater (@leklund) ### 1.8.2 / 2018-09-20 * Update documentation. * Change documentation URL to googleapis GitHub org. * Fix circular require warning. ### 1.8.1 / 2018-09-12 * Add missing documentation files to package. ### 1.8.0 / 2018-09-10 * Add support for OCR format. * Update documentation. ### 1.7.1 / 2018-08-21 * Update documentation. ### 1.7.0 / 2018-06-29 * Add #schema_update_options to LoadJob and #schema_update_options= to LoadJob::Updater. * Add time partitioning for the target table to LoadJob and QueryJob. * Add #statement_type, #ddl_operation_performed, #ddl_target_table to QueryJob. ### 1.6.0 / 2018-06-22 * Documentation updates. * Updated dependencies. ### 1.5.0 / 2018-05-21 * Add Schema.load and Schema.dump to read/write a table schema from/to a JSON file or other IO source. The JSON file schema is the same as for the bq CLI. * Add support for the NUMERIC data type. * Add documentation for enabling logging. ### 1.4.0 / 2018-05-07 * Add Parquet support to #load and #load_job. ### 1.3.0 / 2018-04-05 * Add insert_ids option to #insert in Dataset, Table, and AsyncInserter. * Add BigQuery Project#service_account_email. * Add support for setting Job location to nil in blocks for Job properties. ### 1.2.0 / 2018-03-31 * Add geo-regionalization (location) support to Jobs. * Add Project#encryption support to Jobs. * Rename Encryption to EncryptionConfiguration. * Add blocks for setting Job properties to all Job creation methods. * Add support for lists of URLs to #load and #load_job. (jeremywadsack) * Fix Schema::Field type helpers. * Fix Table#load example in README. ### 1.1.0 / 2018-02-27 * Support table partitioning by field. * Support Shared Configuration. * Improve AsyncInserter performance. ### 1.0.0 / 2018-01-10 * Release 1.0.0 * Update authentication documentation * Update Data documentation and code examples * Remove reference to sync and async queries * Allow use of URI objects for Dataset#load, Table#load, and Table#load_job ### 0.30.0 / 2017-11-14 * Add `Google::Cloud::Bigquery::Credentials` class. * Rename constructor arguments to `project_id` and `credentials`. (The previous arguments `project` and `keyfile` are still supported.) * Support creating `Dataset` and `Table` objects without making API calls using `skip_lookup` argument. * Add `Dataset#reference?` and `Dataset#resource?` helper method. * Add `Table#reference?` and `Table#resource?` and `Table#resource_partial?` and `Table#resource_full?` helper methods. * `Dataset#insert_async` and `Dataset#insert_async` now yields a `Table::AsyncInserter::Result` object. * `View` is removed, now uses `Table` class. * Needed to support `skip_lookup` argument. * Calling `Table#data` on a view now raises (breaking change). * Performance improvements for queries. * Updated `google-api-client`, `googleauth` dependencies. ### 0.29.0 / 2017-10-09 This is a major release with many new features and several breaking changes. #### Major Changes * All queries now use a new implementation, using a job and polling for results. * The copy, load, extract methods now all have high-level and low-level versions, similar to `query` and `query_job`. * Added asynchronous row insertion, allowing data to be collected and inserted in batches. * Support external data sources for both queries and table views. * Added create-on-insert support for tables. * Allow for customizing job IDs to aid in organizing jobs. #### Change Details * Update high-level queries as follows: * Update `QueryJob#wait_until_done!` to use `getQueryResults`. * Update `Project#query` and `Dataset#query` with breaking changes: * Remove `timeout` and `dryrun` parameters. * Change return type from `QueryData` to `Data`. * Add `QueryJob#data` * Alias `QueryJob#query_results` to `QueryJob#data` with breaking changes: * Remove the `timeout` parameter. * Change the return type from `QueryData` to `Data`. * Update `View#data` with breaking changes: * Remove the `timeout` and `dryrun` parameters. * Change the return type from `QueryData` to `Data`. * Remove `QueryData`. * Update `Project#query` and `Dataset#query` with improved errors, replacing the previous simple error with one that contains all available information for why the job failed. * Rename `Dataset#load` to `Dataset#load_job`; add high-level, synchronous version as `Dataset#load`. * Rename `Table#copy` to `Table#copy_job`; add high-level, synchronous version as `Table#copy`. * Rename `Table#extract` to `Table#extract_job`; add high-level, synchronous version as `Table#extract`. * Rename `Table#load` to `Table#load_job`; add high-level, synchronous version as `Table#load`. * Add support for querying external data sources with `External`. * Add `Table::AsyncInserter`, `Dataset#insert_async` and `Table#insert_async` to collect and insert rows in batches. * Add `Dataset#insert` to support creating a table while inserting rows if the table does not exist. * Update retry logic to conform to the [BigQuery SLA](https://cloud.google.com/bigquery/sla). * Use a minimum back-off interval of 1 second; for each consecutive error, increase the back-off interval exponentially up to 32 seconds. * Retry if all error reasons are retriable, not if any of the error reasons are retriable. * Add support for labels to `Dataset`, `Table`, `View` and `Job`. * Add `filter` option to `Project#datasets` and `Project#jobs`. * Add support for user-defined functions to `Project#query_job`, `Dataset#query_job`, `QueryJob` and `View`. * In `Dataset`, `Table`, and `View` updates, add the use of ETags for optimistic concurrency control. * Update `Dataset#load` and `Table#load`: * Add `null_marker` option and `LoadJob#null_marker`. * Add `autodetect` option and `LoadJob#autodetect?`. * Fix the default value for `LoadJob#quoted_newlines?`. * Add `job_id` and `prefix` options for controlling client-side job ID generation to `Project#query_job`, `Dataset#load`, `Dataset#query_job`, `Table#copy`, `Table#extract`, and `Table#load`. * Add `Job#user_email`. * Set the maximum delay of `Job#wait_until_done!` polling to 60 seconds. * Automatically retry `Job#cancel`. * Allow users to specify if a `View` query is using Standard vs. Legacy SQL. * Add `project` option to `Project#query_job`. * Add `QueryJob#query_plan`, `QueryJob::Stage` and `QueryJob::Step` to expose query plan information. * Add `Table#buffer_bytes`, `Table#buffer_rows` and `Table#buffer_oldest_at` to expose streaming buffer information. * Update `Dataset#insert` and `Table#insert` to raise an error if `rows` is empty. * Update `Error` with a mapping from code 412 to `FailedPreconditionError`. * Update `Data#schema` to freeze the returned `Schema` object (as in `View` and `LoadJob`.) ### 0.28.0 / 2017-09-28 * Update Google API Client dependency to 0.14.x. ### 0.27.1 / 2017-07-11 * Add `InsertResponse::InsertError#index` (zedalaye) ### 0.27.0 / 2017-06-28 * Add `maximum_billing_tier` and `maximum_bytes_billed` to `QueryJob`, `Project#query_job` and `Dataset#query_job`. * Add `Dataset#load` to support creating, configuring and loading a table in one API call. * Add `Project#schema`. * Upgrade dependency on Google API Client. * Update gem spec homepage links. * Update examples of field access to use symbols instead of strings in the documentation. ### 0.26.0 / 2017-04-05 * Upgrade dependency on Google API Client ### 0.25.0 / 2017-03-31 * Add `#cancel` to `Job` * Updated documentation ### 0.24.0 / 2017-03-03 Major release, several new features, some breaking changes. * Standard SQL is now the default syntax. * Legacy SQL syntax can be enabled by providing `legacy_sql: true`. * Several fixes to how data values are formatted when returned from BigQuery. * Returned data rows are now hashes with Symbol keys instead of String keys. * Several fixes to how data values are formatted when importing to BigQuery. * Several improvements to manipulating table schema fields. * Removal of `Schema#fields=` and `Data#raw` methods. * Removal of `fields` argument from `Dataset#create_table` method. * Dependency on Google API Client has been updated to 0.10.x. ### 0.23.0 / 2016-12-8 * Support Query Parameters using `params` method arguments to `query` and `query_job` * Add `standard_sql`/`legacy_sql` method arguments to to `query` and `query_job` * Add `standard_sql?`/`legacy_sql?` attributes to `QueryJob` * Many documentation improvements ### 0.21.0 / 2016-10-20 * New service constructor Google::Cloud::Bigquery.new ### 0.20.2 / 2016-09-30 * Add list of projects that the current credentials can access. (remi) ### 0.20.1 / 2016-09-02 * Fix for timeout on uploads. ### 0.20.0 / 2016-08-26 This gem contains the Google BigQuery service implementation for the `google-cloud` gem. The `google-cloud` gem replaces the old `gcloud` gem. Legacy code can continue to use the `gcloud` gem. * Namespace is now `Google::Cloud` * The `google-cloud` gem is now an umbrella package for individual gems