== 2017-07-26 version 0.15.5 * use Ruby 2.2.8 #193 * fix table_delete wording #192 == 2017-07-26 version 0.15.4 * Fix the wrong handling of HTTP redirection #186 * Avoid exception on downloading digdag #187 * fix raise_error is not defined #188 * Use paralle.gem 1.x #190 == 2017-06-08 version 0.15.3 * add jsonl.gz format #153 * add workflow:update command #178 == 2016-11-29 version 0.15.2 * Deprecate Pig query engine #172 * Add export:result and export:table #175 == 2016-10-20 version 0.15.1 * Add --wait[=SECONDS] to query subcommand #171 * Drop Ruby 2.0.0 support * Show sql_alias if exist #170 == 2016-09-06 version 0.15.0 * Add `td workflows` command. #167 * Add `td connector:update` options to allow configuring several additional data connector settings. #127 #155 == 2016-07-11 version 0.14.1 * Use td-client-ruby v0.8.82 * Add conflicts_with to AlreadyExistError (treasure-data/td-client-ruby#84) * Rewrite job_result_download logic (treasure-data/td-client-ruby#85) == 2016-04-25 version 0.14.0 * Use parallel v1.8.0 #161 * Support `td query --domain-key=KEY` #157 * Add encryption of export worker #156 #159 * Support dummy schedule #152 * output bulkload config with `td job:show` #151 * fix: make jar_update more solid #150 == 2016-01-25 version 0.13.2 * Replace Infinity and NaN inside Array or Hash * fix command line arguments handling on Windows == 2015-12-14 version 0.13.1 * fix table:import with no '-t' or '--time-key' option * fix show names on connector:list * fix create unnecessary file in spec == 2015-10-29 version 0.13.0 * fix command error when recive 40X errror from server * support show config_diff in connector:[list,show,create,delete] * add new command `table:rename`. This command can rename table. * fix connector:history crash if history has queueing state. * fix connector:run time argument bug. * support query, job:show write Hash format JSON. If you use it, you set --column-header and -f json options. * change default file name create by connector:guess rename to `config.yml`. * remove --exclude option from connector:issue * support --g option for connector:config. It can specified guess plugin. * improve progressbar * support filter section for config file. * remove --primary-key option from table:create == 2015-08-10 version 0.12.0 * Improve error message from APIError split API backtrace from error message * Update Toolbelt Ruby version to 2.2.2. So, can't `td update` from td version 0.11.14. Please, re-install. == 2015-08-03 version 0.11.14 * fix connector:history was broken. == 2015-07-29 version 0.11.13 * allow retry when `td query -w` fail show result. * `connector:issue` create database and table if use `--auto-create-table` == 2015-07-27 version 0.11.12 * query command support msgpack.gz format save * fix `--format msgpack.gz` save gz format. If you want the operation up to this, please use `--format msgpack`. * update td-client version. This update is required in order to be able to save in gz format. And, include update httpclient dependency version. == 2015-07-23 version * downgrade bundle ruby version for windows(2.2.2 -> 1.9.3). * downgrade dependency td-client version (0.8.71 -> 0.8.70). == 2015-07-16 version * fix: broken the connector:issue command. * Version Down bundled Ruby for Mac. == 2015-07-10 version 0.11.11 * Updated 'td-client' gem dependency to 0.8.71. The new gem removed to/from parameter from table/tail API. * Version up bundled Ruby for Mac and Windows. * Remove -t (to) and -f (from) from table:tail command. * connector:guess shows help message if no arguments are set. * table:* unsupported 'item' table. * upgrade rubyzip == 2015-05-19 version 0.11.10 * Updated 'td-client' gem dependency to 0.8.70. The new gem removed client side validation for connector commands to allow additional plugin configs we're going to add in the future. * connector:guess dumps configuration file to stdout that is guessed by the server to check the config file easier. * connector:preview shows full column name (not truncated) in the table. * add --pool-name option to job registration. * add sched:result command to show job results for a saved query. * save to temporary file while downloading job result in job:show. * show job duration in job list. == 2015-04-17 version 0.11.9 * add connector commands. * add tsv.gz format to export command. * add --null option to job:show that specifies what character to represent null value in csv or tsv format. It emits 'null' by default for backward compatibility but you can specify '--null ""' to use empty string instead of 'null'. * fix: remove illegal TAB character at the end of header record. Thanks y-ken! * fix: do fancy format of numbers in table:list only if format is 'table'. * fix: job:show to convert NaN to empty String if format is csv or tsv. The column data NaN, Infinity and -Infinity caused an error if previous versions. If json format is specified it still raises an error because JSON format does not have representation of those values. * fix: internal cwd handling for auto jar update that caused import:upload to fail by changing cwd before reading specified file. * fix: table:list to consider import_only databases. It just skips such databases and no longer crashes with insufficient permission. == 2015-02-20 version 0.11.8 * Fix: save CSV/TSV file without transcoding. The fix in 9d74b44b533878ee5f2a84db3506279f87f85bef at 0.11.7 broke the job:show command when the download format is CSV or TSV and the target query result contains non UTF-8 encoded byte sequence. 0.11.6 and before does transcoding and *sanitizes* non UTF-8 byte sequence before saving to file. So the generated file is always in UTF-8, but could be broken when query result is not in UTF-8. 0.11.7 simply removes that transcoding logic by 9d74b44b533878ee5f2a84db3506279f87f85bef for performance and crashes for non UTF-8 encoded byte sequence. This release fixes 0.11.7 and saves non UTF-8 encoded byte sequence as-is (through 'BINARY' encoding) so that the generated file should be properly encoded in UTF-8, Shift_JIS, or whatever. == 2015-02-16 version 0.11.7 * Fix server:endpoint command not working * Experimental new feature: timeout for import subcommands. To prevent Java process stall this option allows user to specify maximum execution seconds for import subcommands by --bulk-import-timeout option. When execution exceeds specified seconds the command fails after sending SIGQUIT to internal java process if it's not running on Windows. NOTE1: the execution time is measured against all subcommand execution. If the command parameter designates perform and commit execution the whole time could be longer than just uploading part files. NOTE2: this option is not shown in help at this moment. * Show full query text for CSV, TSV, and JSON output format (It's now only truncated in table format) * msgpack.gz to CSV/TSV perf optimization. It should be faster around 2 times than before. * Allow to disable table data expiration by setting the period to 0. * Fix sched:history crash when scheduled_at == "" * Several spec fixes. Thanks @yakitorii! == 2014-12-03 version 0.11.6 * Support HTTP proxy for bulk import == 2014-10-16 version 0.11.5 * Updated 'td-client' gem dependency to 0.8.66. The new gem addresses the recently exposed SSLv3 'Poodle' vulnerability by upgrading both the HTTPClient dependency and patching the Net::HTTP gem to force SSLv3 disabled. == 2014-09-25 version 0.11.4 * Expand file path containing wildcards and not escaped by the underlying shell * Add a global '-r / --retry-post-requests' option to enable the td-client-ruby retrying mechanism for post request. Note: -r option must be right after 'td' before subcommands like: td -r query WARNING: enabling this option can lead to unexpected results because the retrying mechanism can caused the creation of duplicated resources since the POST methods are not idempotent. == 2014-07-31 version 0.11.3 * Support name updates for schedules using sched:update command * Update Bulk Import JAR file repository to Central Maven Repository where the Bulk Import JAR file is now hosted * Require Ruby v1.9 or superior for td to work ==> deprecated Ruby v1.8 * Limit the number of keys in the input file (JSON, Msgoack) that can be imported in one import to 512 as per the backend's limitations * Fixed import:create to work with import-only permissions and write-only API keys * Handle NotFoundError, AuthError, and ForbiddenError to suppress printing of the exception stack traces but yet show the exception class name for reference back to the actual HTTP error code * validate the endpoints provided by -e / --endpoint using the Health-check REST API /v3/system/server_status. Validation is avoided for any command that does not require connectivity with the Treasure Data REST API server * JAR update errors are ignored when running import:prepare. This command does not require connectivity and can be ran even when the machine is not connected to the internet * Fixed Time based progress indicator to reflect the update interval exactly * Read logging.properties Logging configuration file from ~/.td/java first, then the td repository's location (default). This allows customization of the logging for the Java Bulk Import CLI (td-import-java). * Improve job result downloading by showing the total downloaded size and percentage progress (Size based progress indicator). This is done when printing the result in tabular format or writing the result on file in csv, tsv, json, msgpack, or msgpack.gz formats. When displaying the result in csv, tsv, and json format on stdout, the progress indicator is not used since the data is progressively streamed in as it's received from the API server == 2014-06-18 version 0.11.2 * Improve the update experience by showing a download progress indicator * Fix issue on Windows OS where the JAR version file handle was not closed and caused permissions access problems to the file in subsequent attempts to open the file * Add support for other/alternative backends using the -e / --endpoint option. The backend can be also saved on the configuration file of use via the 'td server:endpoint' or when running 'td -e account' command. The TD_API_SERVER environment variable still takes precedence over all these settings * Removed Treasure Data Result Output database and table name client side validation since it's performed in the API backend * Suppress stack traces for APIError exceptions from the client library * Changed the default HTTP port from 80 to 443 when interacting with the API server to support SSL * Support working entirely without a configuration file (hence without having to run 'td account' prior to using the CLI) by passing the -k option on the command line * don't wipe out the current JAR file if an attempt to retrieve the most updated JAR file failed because of network connectivity problems * Show the job result only for finished jobs: unfinished jobs don't have any result to display anyway) * Honor the HTTP_PROXY setting also when updating the JAR file or the Toolbelt itself * Fix parsing of the HTTP_PROXY variable for the Bulk Loader's usage * Allow optionally disabling the JAR file auto-update feature by setting the TD_TOOLBELT_JAR_UPDATE environment variable to 0 == 2014-04-29 version 0.11.1 * Fix Treasure Data query result output database and table validation regular expression * Fixed auto updater which threw a warning due to a constant being reinitialized * Interpret the CPU time as number of milliseconds as opposed to number of seconds in the job:show output * when outputting the query result to file, flush the data every 100 records == 2014-04-23 version 0.11.0 * Show cumulative CPU time in the job:list and job:show outputs * The error message when the specified schema has columns containing upper case alphanumeric characters is improved to be more representative of the problem * 'td query' commands with result output to Treasure Data (--result td://xxxx) validate the database and table naming convention before running the query * The Java bulk import JAR file is now auto-updated. Checking for an updated version is performed hourly * 'td query' commands with result output specification invite the user to use the '-x / --exclude' option to avoid outputting the query result to stdout as well * The 'Destination' field in the summary for the Bulk import perform output from the jobs:show command contains the destination table name in the form of a LOAD DATA SESSION query * Returning the correct non-zero error codes in the occurrence of an exception * Declare the 'td query' option '--sampling' obsolete. A warning indicating the option is obsolete and has no effect will be printed to warn the user == 2014-02-26 version 0.10.99 * job:show, query: limit the number of records ouputted when printing on stdout using the -l / --limit option * job:show, query: optionally output/store csv and tsv files with headers using the -c / --column-names option * job:show, query: support result output from Presto == 2014-02-21 version 0.10.98 * import:unfreeze: fixed NoMethodError error * import:show uses more efficient REST API * Update td-client-ruby to 0.8.57 == 2013-12-18 version 0.10.97 * import:commit accepts --wait option. * import:jar_update command to download correct jar file * Fix no error message when impala query failed immediately == 2013-12-04 version 0.10.96 * Add --format option to some subcommands to specify render format. json, csv and tsv. * job:show and query subcommand now accept --format option without --output * Show -k option in command result message if -k option is given. * Support import:jar_update subcommand to update td-import separately == 2013-11-20 version 0.10.95 * Fix import:prepare command. It cannot parse time-format options that includes ',' charactor. * Fix import:upload command. It cannot re-upload data by the problem of retry mechanism. == 2013-11-14 version 0.10.94 * Update td-client-ruby to 0.8.56 == 2013-11-14 version 0.10.93 * Improve import:prepare command. 'all-string' option is added. * Fix import:prepare command. NumberFormatException often occurs. (When sample method in CSVFileReader class is executed. SimpleDateFormat objects are used in non synchronized block.) * Fix import:prepare command. There are incompatibility with bulk_import command regarding 'NULL' string. * Fix import:prepare command. NullPointerException occurs when unknown column type is specified as 'column-types' option. * Support item type in table:create * Remove organization, role and ip_limit subcommands * Enable query result download even if job status is error == 2013-11-05 version 0.10.92 * Improve import commands. It can parse string values of 'HH:mm:ss' time format automatically without specifying '%T' and transfer into long Unix timestamp. * Improve import commands. It can parse string values of 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss' time format automatically without specifying 'time-format' and transfer into long Unix timestamp. * Improve import commands. It can parse string values of 'yyyy/MM/dd HH:mm:ss Z' time format automatically without specifying 'time-format' and transfer into long Unix timestamp. * Add 'regexp' to source file format option of import:prepare command. * Fix import:upload command. NullPointerException often occurs when data files are uploaded. == 2013-10-04 version 0.10.91 * Fix import command doesn't work on Windows == 2013-10-02 version 0.10.90 * Fix table:import permission error with sub user * Fix import:prepare command. NullPointerException occurred when value of 'time' column was null. * Fix import:prepare command. 'time' column parser was not thread-safe. * Improve import:prepare command. Users can use %L in 'time-format' as milliseconds representation. * Improve help message of import:auto command == 2013-09-25 version 0.10.89 * Update td-bulk-import.jar to 0.2.5 * import command now support nested json format == 2013-09-13 version 0.10.88 * Update td-client-ruby to 0.8.55 * Update td-bulk-import.jar to 0.2.4 * Add import:java_version subcommand to show bundled td-bulk-import-java version == 2013-09-05 version 0.10.87 * Add auto-delete option to import:auto subcommand * Update td-bulk-import.jar to 0.2.2 == 2013-08-26 version 0.10.86 * Improve bulk_import and import command explanation * Add import:auto subcommand == 2013-08-23 version 0.10.85 * Fix 'undefined method job_priority_id_of' error * Add table:expire_days subcommand * Update bulk-import-java to 0.2.1 * Add import command to support new bulk import == 2013-07-25 version 0.10.84 * bulk_import now checks first argument is correct session name * Convert bignum into string type. Please use cast in your query. * Improve error message of export -F option * td-client v0.8.53 == 2013-07-03 version 0.10.83 * Add -x option to query, exlude result from automatically being downloaded * Update td-bulk-import-java to 0.2.0-snapshot * Add line-json.gz format to bulk_export == 2013-06-24 version 0.10.82 * table:list shows 'last log timestamp' column == 2013-06-17 version 0.10.81 * 0.10.80 is yanked because rubygems is unstable and rubygems generates broken gem == 2013-06-17 version 0.10.80 * Relax dependent gem version == 2013-06-13 version 0.10.79 * -h option shows --version option * Show more messages when network related error occurred * Fix bulk import encoding issue when -e option is specified * Add user:apikey:add subcommand * Add user:apikey:remove subcommand == 2013-05-27 version 0.10.78 * Add -q(--query) option to sched:create command * Add -x option to job:show, exclude result from automatically being downloaded * Update parallel gem dependency to 0.6.1 or later * user:add now requires email and password * td-client v0.8.50 == 2013-05-06 version 0.10.77 * Fix 'invalid byte sequence in UTF-8' at job result writing to CSV * Fix installed version check mechanism of auto updater * Remove using curses to detect terminal height for Windows unexpected behavior * Set User-Agent header == 2013-04-22 version 0.10.76 * Add auto update feature for td-toolbelt * Add -T to specify query type * Include Ruby binary for Mac TD toolbelt * td-client v0.8.48 == 2013-04-09 version 0.10.75 * Fix unparsed regexp pattern in Ruby 1.8 * Move gems directory into under vendor directory == 2013-03-29 version 0.10.74 * Include zsh and bash completion * Use SSL by default * Add --insecure option to disable SSL * Add IP limitation features: * ip_limit:set * ip_limit:delete * ip_limit:list * ip_limit:show * td-client v0.8.46 == 2013-03-15 version 0.10.73 * Add --sampling option to query subcommand * Add --show-bytes option to table:list subcommand * Update README and Rakefile for td-toolbelt building * Show warn message if table name is Hive reserved keyword == 2013-02-27 version 0.10.72 * Add -q(--query) option to query subcommand * Hide password input on Windows * 'td help sample' is now available == 2013-02-05 version 0.10.71 * bulk_import:upload_parts: improved retry algorithm to use exponential wait time * bulk_import:upload_parts: improved error messages == 2013-01-25 version 0.10.70 * Add status to job subcommand, td job:status job_id * td-client v0.8.45 == 2013-01-23 version 0.10.69 * Fixed the undefined local variable problem of table:list when no databases * Add --org option to some subcommands * td-client v0.8.43 == 2013-01-22 version 0.10.68 * Fixed command-line argument handling problems of bulk_import:prepare_parts2 subcommand == 2013-01-18 version 0.10.67 * Added bulk_import:prepare_parts2 subcommand which is faster and more reliable == 2013-01-16 version 0.10.66 * td-client v0.8.42 * query, sched:create, sched:update subcommands support -R, --retry option == 2012-12-27 version 0.10.65 * td-client v0.8.40 * Use Yajl.dump instead of to_json to avoid invalid encoding problem. * Fix table:list displays broken database list in Ruby 1.8 * Fix -e option handling in bulk_import * Add 'Last import' column to table:list https://github.com/treasure-data/td/issues/6 == 2012-12-10 version 0.10.64 * td-client v0.8.39 * Add 'bulk_import' to "Basic commands" list == 2012-12-05 version 0.10.63 * bulk_import:prepare_parts handles binary data which is invalid in UTF-8 == 2012-12-05 version 0.10.62 * Add --slow option to job:list subcommand. == 2012-11-19 version 0.10.61 * Add --auto-create-table option to table:import subcommand. issue #9 == 2012-11-16 version 0.10.60 * td-client v0.8.37 == 2012-11-16 version 0.10.59 * td-client v0.8.35 * td-logger v0.3.16 * remove json gem from dependency == 2012-11-02 version 0.10.58 * status and table:list display each table size == 2012-10-30 version 0.10.57 * job:show and query subcommands support --format 'msgpack.gz' option * query subcommand reads SQL from STDIN if the first argument is '-' == 2012-10-11 version 0.10.56 * Updated td-client v0.8.33 which supports deflate and gzip compressed data transfer == 2012-10-09 version 0.10.55 * Added table:swap subcommand * user:create supports -G option to create an organization at the same time == 2012-10-04 version 0.10.54 * job:result checks invalid byte sequence in UTF-8 string before rendering results on console == 2012-10-02 version 0.10.53 * bulk_import:prepare_parts works with Ruby 1.8 * bulk_import:prepare_parts supports 'msgpack' format * bulk_import:prepare_parts supports gzip decompression == 2012-09-26 version 0.10.52 * bulk_import:upload_parts subcommand supports --parallel option to upload files in parallel (default=2, max=8) == 2012-09-21 version 0.10.51 * job:list and job:show show database name * Widened display table size of job:list == 2012-09-20 version 0.10.50 * Changed packaging method from Jeweler to Bundler * Updated packaging scripts for Windows * Updated packaging scripts for Mac OS X == 2012-09-19 version 0.10.49 * query and job:show subcommands support -G, --vertical option == 2012-09-17 version 0.10.48 * Fixed an encoding problem with job:result command to display results to the console == 2012-09-13 version 0.10.47 * Added account:usage subcommand * Name length limit is changed from 32 characters to 256 characters == 2012-09-12 version 0.10.45 * bulk_import:prepare_parts supports --true and --false type conversion options * bulk_import:prepare_parts supports --time-value option * bulk_import:prepare_parts converts /null/i to NULL by default == 2012-09-04 version 0.10.44 * Added password:change subcommand == 2012-09-04 version 0.10.43 * Updated user:password:change subcomamnd == 2012-09-04 version 0.10.42 * Added user:password:change subcomamnd == 2012-08-30 version 0.10.41 * Supports HTTP_PROXY environment variable to use a proxy server == 2012-08-07 version 0.10.40 * Added bulk_import:delete_parts * Hide obsoleted bulk_import:upload_part and :delete_part subcommands * bulk_import:upload_parts supports --auto-perform option == 2012-08-07 version 0.10.39 * Added bulk_import:prepare_parts and bulk_import:upload_parts subcommands == 2012-08-06 version 0.10.38 * *:list and *:show: subcommands show organization name if it's set == 2012-08-06 version 0.10.37 * Added access control * acl:list * acl:grant * acl:revoke * Added multiuser features * org:list * org:show * org:create * org:delete * user:list * user:show * user:create * user:delete * user:apikey:list * role:list * role:show * role:create * role:delete * role:grant * role:revoke == 2012-07-27 version 0.10.36 * More friendly message for 'td account' == 2012-07-23 version 0.10.35 * Updated td-client-ruby v0.8.20 == 2012-07-23 version 0.10.34 * Fixed bulk_import with ruby-1.8 == 2012-07-05 version 0.10.33 * Improved compatibility with ruby-1.8.7 when table:import deals with msgpack.gz format == 2012-07-03 version 0.10.32 * Added table:partial_delete subcommand * query, sched:create and sched:update subcommands support -P, --priority option == 2012-06-27 version 0.10.31 * table:tail supports -P option which enable pretty printing == 2012-06-26 version 0.10.30 * job:show with -o option doesn't read all data into memory == 2012-06-25 version 0.10.29 * job:list shows 'Type' field == 2012-06-21 version 0.10.28 * query and job:show rescue network related errors and retry upto 10 times == 2012-06-12 version 0.10.27 * Consider binary/text modes for Windows == 2012-06-11 version 0.10.26 * Updated job:list --running, --success and --error options to proceed them on the server == 2012-05-31 version 0.10.25 * Updated dependency: td-logger-0.3.12 * query subcommand doesn't show progress url which is not implemented == 2012-05-10 version 0.10.24 * Added bulk_import subcommands * bulk_import:list * bulk_import:show * bulk_import:create * bulk_import:upload_part * bulk_import:delete_part * bulk_import:perform * bulk_import:error_records * bulk_import:commit * bulk_import:delete * bulk_import:freeze * bulk_import:unfreeze == 2012-04-26 version 0.10.23 * Added result:list, result:create and result:delete subcommands * query subcommand supports -r option * sched:create subcommand supports -r option * Added table:export subcommand == 2012-04-04 version 0.10.22 * Added missing data/sample_apache.json file == 2012-04-04 version 0.10.21 * Added sample:apache subcommand * table:import --json and --msgpack use 'time' as the default value for --time-key option == 2012-04-03 version 0.10.20 * db:list: show number of records == 2012-04-03 version 0.10.19 * job:show: show result column names == 2012-03-12 version 0.10.18 * sched:run shows IDs of submitted jobs * Use td-client v0.8.12 == 2012-03-01 version 0.10.17 * Use td-client v0.8.11 == 2012-02-27 version 0.10.16 * apikey:show shows the apikey if it's already set by heroku-td or -k arguments == 2012-02-27 version 0.10.15 * Updated dependency: td-logger-0.3.8 * sched:run: shows the scheduled time at the end of command == 2012-02-22 version 0.10.14 * Added sched:update and sched:run * sched:list shows 'Database' * sched:history shows information of the schedule == 2012-02-21 version 0.10.13 * table:delete asks y/N before deleting a table == 2012-02-02 version 0.10.12 * Use td-client v0.8.8 == 2012-02-02 version 0.10.11 * Use SSL in the account subcommand == 2012-01-30 version 0.10.10 * table:tail works without curses * set Encoding.default_external = 'UTF-8' == 2012-01-23 version 0.10.9 * table:tail subcommand supports --from option * schema:set validates types on the server-side only to support array<...> == 2012-01-19 version 0.10.8 * Updated td-client 0.8.6 * query: shows 'queued...' instead of 'running...' == 2012-01-19 version 0.10.7 * Fixed job:show on ruby-1.8 * Fixed command aliases on ruby-1.8 == 2011-12-13 version 0.10.6 * Fixed force_encoding error with Ruby 1.8 == 2011-12-04 version 0.10.5 * Added new feature: result * Added new feature: status * Refined usage message * Fixed argument length check * help subcommand shows command-line examples * table:tail subcommand reduced default max row number * job:list subcommand supports --running and --error options == 2011-11-11 version 0.10.4 * Updated dependency: td-logger-0.3.7 == 2011-11-11 version 0.10.3 * Updated dependency: td-logger-0.3.6 == 2011-11-10 version 0.10.2 * Updated dependency: td-logger-0.3.4 == 2011-11-10 version 0.10.1 * Updated dependency: td-logger-0.3.3 == 2011-11-10 version 0.10.0 * Updated dependency: td-logger-0.3.2 == 2011-11-08 version 0.9.12 * Fixed 'undefined method `localtime' for nil:NilClass' error in job subcommand == 2011-10-17 version 0.9.11 * Updated dependency: td-logger-0.2.8 == 2011-10-09 version 0.9.10 * Updated dependency: td-logger-0.2.7 == 2011-10-06 version 0.9.9 * Updated dependency: td-logger-0.2.5 == 2011-10-03 version 0.9.8 * Added table:tail subcommand == 2011-09-30 version 0.9.7 * Use local time zone at job:list and sched:history subcommands * Updated dependency: td-logger-0.2.5 == 2011-09-13 version 0.9.6 * Implement main routine on TreasureData::Command::Runner to support heroku-td * Fixed help message to show options == 2011-09-13 version 0.9.5 * Supports scheduled queries == 2011-09-13 version 0.9.4 * Updated dependency: td-logger-0.2.4 == 2011-09-13 version 0.9.3 * Fixed import subcommand == 2011-09-08 version 0.9.2 * Added job:kill subcommand * Added apikey:show and apikey:set subcommands * requires td-logger for Rails * Fixed command/account.rb file is missed == 2011-09-08 version 0.9.1 * Accepts the 'TREASURE_DATA_API_KEY' environment variable to set API key == 2011-09-08 version 0.9.0 * Changed subcommands grammar: action-group -> group:action * Fixed import subcommand to strip \n == 2011-08-21 version 0.8.0 * Splits API libraries to td-client gem == 2011-08-18 version 0.7.5 * set-schema: adds column instead of replacing all columns * set-schema: adds -R, --reset option == 2011-08-18 version 0.7.4 * Added set-schema subcommand * Added describe-table subcommand == 2011-08-15 version 0.7.3 * show-jobs: removed --from and --around options * changed library namespace from TD to TreasureData == 2011-08-15 version 0.7.2 * Supports TD_API_KEY and TD_CONFIG_PATH environment variable * query, show-job: supports --output and --format options * show-jobs: supports --page, --skip, --from and --around options == 2011-08-15 version 0.7.1 * Validate name of a database/table on create-database/create-log-table subcommands * -d, --database DB_NAME option is now required on query subcommand * Uses /v3/job/result?format=msgpack API to get result of a job * API server can be changed using TD_API_SERVER=HOST:PORT environment variable == 2011-08-06 version 0.7.0 * import subcommand accepts UNIX time integer value on --json and --msgpack format * Renamed command name (trd -> td) == 2011-07-18 version 0.6.3 * show-jobs: shows elapsed time * query: updated behavior of the -w option for new api * import: supported --json and --msgpack format * Added 'version' command == 2011-06-27 version 0.6.2