require 'ffi' # This is a collection of binding to OpenSSL that are missing in standard library in Ruby 2.0. # You need an 'ffi' gem to make it work. module BTC module OpenSSL include ::FFI::Library extend self if ffi_lib 'libeay32', 'ssleay32' else ffi_lib 'ssl' end NID_secp256k1 = 714 POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED = 0x02 POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED = 0x04 attach_function :SSL_library_init, [], :int attach_function :ERR_load_crypto_strings, [], :void attach_function :SSL_load_error_strings, [], :void attach_function :RAND_poll, [], :int attach_function :BN_CTX_free, [:pointer], :int attach_function :BN_CTX_new, [], :pointer attach_function :BN_new, [], :pointer attach_function :BN_free, [:pointer], :int attach_function :BN_copy, [:pointer, :pointer], :pointer attach_function :BN_dup, [:pointer], :pointer attach_function :BN_bin2bn, [:pointer, :int, :pointer], :pointer attach_function :BN_bn2bin, [:pointer, :pointer], :void attach_function :BN_num_bits, [:pointer], :int attach_function :BN_cmp, [:pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :BN_set_word, [:pointer, :int], :int attach_function :BN_add, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :BN_sub, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :BN_div, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :BN_mod_inverse, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :pointer attach_function :BN_mod_mul, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :BN_mod_add, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :BN_mod_add_quick, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :BN_mod_sub, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :BN_mul_word, [:pointer, :int], :int attach_function :BN_rshift, [:pointer, :pointer, :int], :int attach_function :BN_rshift1, [:pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name, [:int], :pointer attach_function :EC_GROUP_free, [:pointer], :void attach_function :EC_GROUP_get_curve_GFp, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :EC_GROUP_get_degree, [:pointer], :int attach_function :EC_GROUP_get_order, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :EC_GROUP_get0_generator, [:pointer], :pointer attach_function :EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name, [:int], :pointer attach_function :EC_KEY_free, [:pointer], :void attach_function :EC_KEY_get0_group, [:pointer], :pointer attach_function :EC_KEY_get0_private_key, [:pointer], :pointer attach_function :EC_KEY_set_conv_form, [:pointer, :int], :void attach_function :EC_KEY_set_private_key, [:pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :EC_KEY_set_public_key, [:pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :d2i_ECPrivateKey, [:pointer, :pointer, :long], :pointer attach_function :i2d_ECPrivateKey, [:pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :o2i_ECPublicKey, [:pointer, :pointer, :long], :pointer attach_function :i2o_ECPublicKey, [:pointer, :pointer], :uint attach_function :EC_POINT_new, [:pointer], :pointer attach_function :EC_POINT_free, [:pointer], :int attach_function :EC_POINT_is_at_infinity, [:pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :EC_POINT_mul, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :EC_POINT_set_compressed_coordinates_GFp, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :int, :pointer], :int attach_function :EC_POINT_copy, [:pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :EC_POINT_point2bn, [:pointer, :pointer, :int, :pointer, :pointer], :pointer attach_function :EC_POINT_bn2point, [:pointer, :pointer, :pointer, :pointer], :pointer attach_function :ECDSA_SIG_new, [], :pointer attach_function :ECDSA_SIG_free, [:pointer], :void attach_function :ECDSA_do_sign, [:pointer, :uint, :pointer], :pointer attach_function :ECDSA_verify, [:int, :pointer, :int, :pointer, :int, :pointer], :int attach_function :i2d_ECDSA_SIG, [:pointer, :pointer], :int attach_function :d2i_ECDSA_SIG, [:pointer, :pointer, :long], :pointer def BN_num_bytes(a) # in openssl this is defined by a macro (BN_num_bits(a)+7)/8 end def prepare_if_needed if !@prepared_openssl SSL_library_init() ERR_load_crypto_strings() SSL_load_error_strings() RAND_poll() @prepared_openssl = true end end def group @group ||= EC_GROUP_new_by_curve_name(NID_secp256k1) end def group_order @group_order ||= begin n = BN_new() bn_ctx = BN_CTX_new() EC_GROUP_get_order(, n, bn_ctx) BN_CTX_free(bn_ctx) n end end def group_half_order @group_half_order ||= begin halforder = BN_new() BN_rshift1(halforder, self.group_order) halforder end end # Creates autorelease pool from which various objects can be created. # When block returns, pool deallocates all created objects. # Available methods on pool instance: # - ec_key - last EC_KEY (created lazily if needed) # - group - group of the ec_key # - bn_ctx - lazily created single instance of BN_CTX # - new_ec_key - creates new instance of EC_KEY # - new_bn - creates new instance of BIGNUM # - new_ec_point - creates new instance of EC_POINT def autorelease(&block) # {|pool| } prepare_if_needed result = nil begin pool = result = yield(pool) ensure pool.drain end result end def public_key_with_compression(pubkey, compressed) raise ArgumentError, "Public key is missing" if !pubkey autorelease do |pool| eckey = pool.new_ec_key # 1. Load EC_KEY with pubkey binary data. buf = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(pubkey) eckey = o2i_ECPublicKey(pointer_to_pointer(eckey), pointer_to_pointer(buf), buf.size-1) if eckey.null? raise BTCError, "OpenSSL failed to create EC_KEY with public key: #{BTC::Data.hex_from_data(pubkey).inspect}" end # 2. Extract re-compressed pubkey from EC_KEY EC_KEY_set_conv_form(eckey, compressed ? POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED : POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED); length = i2o_ECPublicKey(eckey, nil) buf =, length) if i2o_ECPublicKey(eckey, pointer_to_pointer(buf)) == length public_key = buf.read_string(length) else raise BTCError, "OpenSSL failed to regenerate a public key." end public_key end end # Returns a pair of private key, public key def regenerate_keypair(private_key, public_key_compressed: false) autorelease do |pool| eckey = pool.new_ec_key priv_bn = pool.new_bn(private_key) pub_key = pool.new_ec_point EC_POINT_mul(, pub_key, priv_bn, nil, nil, pool.bn_ctx) EC_KEY_set_private_key(eckey, priv_bn) EC_KEY_set_public_key(eckey, pub_key) length = i2d_ECPrivateKey(eckey, nil) buf =, length) if i2d_ECPrivateKey(eckey, pointer_to_pointer(buf)) == length # We have a full DER representation of private key, it contains a length # of a private key at offset 8 and private key at offset 9. size = buf.get_array_of_uint8(8, 1)[0] private_key2 = buf.get_array_of_uint8(9, size).pack("C*").rjust(32, "\x00") else raise BTCError, "OpenSSL failed to convert private key to DER format" end if private_key2 != private_key raise BTCError, "OpenSSL somehow regenerated a wrong private key." end EC_KEY_set_conv_form(eckey, public_key_compressed ? POINT_CONVERSION_COMPRESSED : POINT_CONVERSION_UNCOMPRESSED); length = i2o_ECPublicKey(eckey, nil) buf =, length) if i2o_ECPublicKey(eckey, pointer_to_pointer(buf)) == length public_key = buf.read_string(length) else raise BTCError, "OpenSSL failed to regenerate a public key." end [ private_key2, public_key ] end end # Returns k value computed deterministically from message hash and privkey. # See def rfc6979_ecdsa_nonce(hash, privkey) raise ArgumentError, "Hash must be 32 bytes long" if hash.bytesize != 32 raise ArgumentError, "Private key must be 32 bytes long" if privkey.bytesize != 32 autorelease do |pool| order = self.group_order # Step 3.2.a. hash = H(message). Already performed by the caller. # Step 3.2.b. V = 0x01 0x01 0x01 ... 0x01 (32 bytes equal 0x01) v = "\x01".b*32 # Step 3.2.c. K = 0x00 0x00 0x00 ... 0x00 (32 bytes equal 0x00) k = "\x00".b*32 # Step 3.2.d. K = HMAC-SHA256(key: K, data: V || 0x00 || int2octets(privkey) || bits2octets(hash)) h1 = pool.new_bn(hash) BN_div(nil, h1, h1, order, pool.bn_ctx) # h1 = h1 % order h1data = data_from_bn(h1, min_length: 32) k = BTC.hmac_sha256(key: k, data: v + "\x00".b + privkey + h1data) # Step 3.2.e. V = HMAC-SHA256(key: K, data: V) v = BTC.hmac_sha256(key: k, data: v) # Step 3.2.f. K = HMAC-SHA256(key: K, data: V || 0x01 || int2octets(privkey) || bits2octets(hash)) k = BTC.hmac_sha256(key: k, data: v + "\x01".b + privkey + h1data) # Step 3.2.g. V = HMAC-SHA256(key: K, data: V) v = BTC.hmac_sha256(key: k, data: v) # Step 3.2.h. zero32 = "\x00".b*32 10000.times do t = BTC.hmac_sha256(key: k, data: v) tn = pool.new_bn(t) if BN_cmp(tn, order) < 0 nonce = data_from_bn(tn, min_length: 32) if nonce != zero32 return nonce end end # Note: the probability of not succeeding at the first try is about 2^-127. k = BTC.hmac_sha256(key: k, data: v + zero32) v = BTC.hmac_sha256(key: k, data: v) end # we generated 10000 numbers, none of them is good -> fail. raise "Cannot find any good ECDSA nonce after 10000 iterations of RFC6979." end end # Computes a deterministic ECDSA signature with canonical (lowest) S value. # Nonce k is equal to HMAC-SHA256(data: hash, key: privkey) def ecdsa_signature(hash, privkey, normalized: true) raise ArgumentError, "Hash is missing" if !hash raise ArgumentError, "Cannot make a ECDSA signature without the private key" if !privkey # ECDSA signature is a pair of numbers: (Kx, s) # Where Kx = x coordinate of k*G mod n (n is the order of secp256k1). # And s = (k^-1)*(h + Kx*privkey). # By default, k is chosen randomly on interval [0, n - 1]. # But this makes signatures harder to test and allows faulty or # backdoored RNGs to leak private keys from ECDSA signatures. # To avoid these issues, we'll generate k = Hash256(hash || privatekey) # and make all computations by hand. autorelease do |pool| # Order of our curve n = self.group_order halfn = self.group_half_order # Generate k deterministically from private key and message using HMAC-SHA256 # This is an important point #1. kdata = rfc6979_ecdsa_nonce(hash, privkey) k = pool.new_bn(kdata) # Enforce k within group order: k = k % n BN_div(nil, k, k, n, pool.bn_ctx) # Compute K = k*G #(can't use K variable name because Ruby does not allow # constant assignment in methods) kG = pool.new_ec_point EC_POINT_mul(, kG, k, nil, nil, pool.bn_ctx) # Compute r = K.x. This is first half of the signature. r = pool.new_bn EC_POINT_get_affine_coordinates_GFp(, kG, r, nil, pool.bn_ctx) # Compute s = (k^-1)*(h + r*privkey). h = pool.new_bn(hash) p = pool.new_bn(privkey) tmp = pool.new_bn s = pool.new_bn BN_mod_mul(tmp, r, p, n, pool.bn_ctx) # tmp = r*privkey BN_mod_add_quick(s, tmp, h, n) # s = h + tmp = h + r*privkey BN_mod_inverse(k, k, n, pool.bn_ctx) # k' = k^-1 BN_mod_mul(s, s, k, n, pool.bn_ctx) # s = k'*(h + r*privkey) # Enforce low S values, by negating the value (modulo the order) if above order/2. # This is an important point #2. Not doing that would yield (sometimes) # non-canonical signatures that will be rejected by many relaying nodes. if normalized if BN_cmp(s, halfn) > 0 BN_sub(s, n, s) end end # Fill in ECDSA_SIG structure so we can convert it into a proper DER format. sig = sig[:r] = r sig[:s] = s # Encode signature in DER format. sig_size = 72 # typical size of a signature (when both numbers are 33 bytes). # allocate a bit more memory just in case (cargo cult) buffer =, sig_size + 16) sig_size = i2d_ECDSA_SIG(sig.pointer, pointer_to_pointer(buffer)) # read actual number of bytes composed by OpenSSL signature = buffer.read_string(sig_size) signature end end # Normalizes S value of the signature and returns normalized signature. # Returns nil if signature is completely invalid. def ecdsa_normalized_signature(signature) raise ArgumentError, "Signature is missing" if !signature autorelease do |pool| # Order of our curve n = self.group_order halfn = self.group_half_order # ECDSA_SIG *psig = NULL; # d2i_ECDSA_SIG(&psig, &input, vchSig.size()); buf = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(signature) psig = d2i_ECDSA_SIG(nil, pointer_to_pointer(buf), buf.size-1) if psig.null? raise BTCError, "OpenSSL failed to read ECDSA signature with DER: #{BTC::Data.hex_from_data(signature).inspect}" end sig = # read sig from its pointer s = sig[:s] # Enforce low S values, by negating the value (modulo the order) if above order/2. if BN_cmp(s, halfn) > 0 BN_sub(s, n, s) end # Note: we'll place new s value back to s bignum, # so we don't need another sig structure. # Encode signature in DER format. sig_size = 72 # typical size of a signature (when both numbers are 33 bytes). # allocate a bit more memory just in case (cargo cult) buffer =, sig_size + 16) sig_size = i2d_ECDSA_SIG(sig.pointer, pointer_to_pointer(buffer)) # read actual number of bytes composed by OpenSSL signature = buffer.read_string(sig_size) # Free the signature created by d2i_ECDSA_SIG above. ECDSA_SIG_free(psig) signature end end def ecdsa_verify(signature, hash, public_key) raise ArgumentError, "Signature is missing" if !signature raise ArgumentError, "Hash is missing" if !hash raise ArgumentError, "Public key is missing" if !public_key autorelease do |pool| eckey = pool.new_ec_key buf = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(public_key) eckey = o2i_ECPublicKey(pointer_to_pointer(eckey), pointer_to_pointer(buf), buf.size - 1) if eckey.null? raise BTCError, "OpenSSL failed to create EC_KEY with public key: #{BTC::Data.hex_from_data(public_key).inspect}" end # -1 = error, 0 = bad sig, 1 = good hash_buf = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(hash) sig_buf = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(signature) result = ECDSA_verify(0, hash_buf, hash_buf.size-1, sig_buf, sig_buf.size-1, eckey) if result == 1 return true end if result == 0 Diagnostics.current.add_message("OpenSSL detected invalid ECDSA signature. Signature: #{BTC::Data.hex_from_data(signature).inspect}; Hash: #{BTC::Data.hex_from_data(hash).inspect}; Pubkey: #{BTC::Data.hex_from_data(public_key).inspect}") else raise BTCError, "OpenSSL failed with error while verifying ECDSA signature. Signature: #{BTC::Data.hex_from_data(signature).inspect}; Hash: #{BTC::Data.hex_from_data(hash).inspect}; Pubkey: #{BTC::Data.hex_from_data(public_key).inspect}" end return false end false end # extract private key from uncompressed DER format def private_key_from_der_format(der_key) raise ArgumentError, "Missing DER private key" if !der_key prepare_if_needed buf = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(der_key) ec_key = d2i_ECPrivateKey(nil, pointer_to_pointer(buf), buf.size-1) if ec_key.null? raise BTCError, "OpenSSL failed to create EC_KEY with DER private key" end bn = EC_KEY_get0_private_key(ec_key) BN_bn2bin(bn, buf) buf.read_string(32) end # Returns data from bignum def data_from_bn(bn, min_length: nil, required_length: nil) raise ArgumentError, "Missing big number" if !bn length = BN_num_bytes(bn) buf = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string("\x00"*length) BN_bn2bin(bn, buf) s = buf.read_string(length) s = s.rjust(min_length, "\x00") if min_length if required_length && s.bytesize != required_length raise BTCError, "Non-matching length of the number: #{s.bytesize} bytes vs required #{required_length}" end s end protected # Returns instance of **SomeType for input of type *SomeType. def pointer_to_pointer(pointer), pointer) end # typedef struct ECDSA_SIG_st { # BIGNUM *r; # BIGNUM *s; # } ECDSA_SIG; class ECDSA_SIG < ::FFI::Struct layout :r, :pointer, :s, :pointer end class AutoreleasePool LIB = BTC::OpenSSL # Returns last created EC_KEY or creates one on the fly. attr_reader :ec_key # Returns current BN_CTX object or creates one on the fly. attr_reader :bn_ctx def initialize @ec_keys = [] @bns = [] @ec_points = [] end def ec_key @ec_keys.last || new_ec_key end def bn_ctx @bn_ctx ||= LIB.BN_CTX_new() end def new_ec_key eckey = LIB.EC_KEY_new_by_curve_name(NID_secp256k1) @ec_keys << eckey return eckey end # Creates new bignum object optionally initialized with binary data (bin2bn) def new_bn(data = nil) bn = LIB.BN_new() if data && data.size > 0 data_ptr = FFI::MemoryPointer.from_string(data) # size-1 to skip \0 terminator bn = LIB.BN_bin2bn(data_ptr, data_ptr.size - 1, bn) end @bns << bn return bn end def new_ec_point p = LIB.EC_POINT_new( @ec_points << p return p end def drain @ec_keys.each {|eckey| LIB.EC_KEY_free(eckey) }; @ec_keys = nil @bns.each {|bn| LIB.BN_free(bn) }; @bns = nil @ec_points.each {|p| LIB.EC_POINT_free(p) }; @ec_points = nil if @bn_ctx LIB.BN_CTX_free(@bn_ctx) @bn_ctx = nil end return nil end end end end