Rails migrations in non-Rails (and non Ruby) projects. [![Build Status](https://github.com/thuss/standalone-migrations/actions/workflows/CI.yml/badge.svg)](https://github.com/thuss/standalone-migrations/actions) WHAT'S NEW ========== In the 7.x release we've added support for Rails 7 migrations thanks to multiple community submitted PR's! In the 6.x release we've added support for Rails 6 migrations thanks to [Marco Adkins](https://github.com/marcoadkins). In the 5.x release we have moved to using Rails 5 migrations instead of maintaining our own migration related code. Just about anything you can do with Rails 5 migrations you can now do with [Standalone Migrations](https://github.com/thuss/standalone-migrations) too! CONTRIBUTE ========== [Standalone Migrations](https://github.com/thuss/standalone-migrations) relies on the contributions of the open-source community! To submit a fix or an enhancement fork the repository, make your changes, add your name to the *Contributors* section in README.markdown, and send us a pull request! If you're active and do good work we'll add you as a collaborator! USAGE ===== Install Ruby, RubyGems and a ruby-database driver (e.g. `gem install mysql` or `gem install mysql2`) then: $ gem install standalone_migrations or use a Gemfile (and then `bundle install`): ``` source 'https://rubygems.org' gem 'standalone_migrations' gem 'pg' # or mysql2 ``` Add to `Rakefile` in your projects base directory: ```ruby require 'standalone_migrations' StandaloneMigrations::Tasks.load_tasks ``` Add database configuration to `db/config.yml` in your projects base directory e.g.: development: adapter: sqlite3 database: db/development.sqlite3 pool: 5 timeout: 5000 production: adapter: mysql encoding: utf8 reconnect: false database: somedatabase_dev pool: 5 username: root password: socket: /var/run/mysqld/mysqld.sock test: &test adapter: sqlite3 database: db/test.sqlite3 pool: 5 timeout: 5000 ### To create a new database migration: rake db:new_migration name=foo_bar_migration edit db/migrate/20081220234130_foo_bar_migration.rb #### If you really want to, you can just execute raw SQL: ```ruby def up execute "insert into foo values (123,'something');" end def down execute "delete from foo where field='something';" end ``` ### To apply your newest migration: rake db:migrate ### To migrate to a specific version (for example to rollback) rake db:migrate VERSION=20081220234130 ### To migrate a specific database (for example your "testing" database) rake db:migrate RAILS_ENV=test ### To execute a specific up/down of one single migration rake db:migrate:up VERSION=20081220234130 ### To revert your last migration rake db:rollback ### To revert your last 3 migrations rake db:rollback STEP=3 ### Custom configuration By default, Standalone Migrations will assume there exists a "db/" directory in your project. But if for some reason you need a specific directory structure to work with, you can use a configuration file named .standalone_migrations in the root of your project containing the following: ```yaml db: seeds: db/seeds.rb migrate: db/migrate schema: db/schema.rb config: database: db/config.yml ``` These are the configurable options available. You can omit any of the keys and Standalone Migrations will assume the default values. ### on_loaded callbacks If you would like to use an external library such as [foreigner](https://github.com/matthuhiggins/foreigner) with standalone migrations, you can add the following to your `Rakefile`: ```ruby require 'foreigner' StandaloneMigrations.on_loaded do Foreigner.load end ``` ### Multiple database support #### Structure Create a custom configuration file for each database and name them `.database_name.standalone_migrations`. The same conditions apply as described under Custom Configuration, however you are most likely want to specify all options to avoid conflicts and errors. An example set up would look like this: ``` app/ |-- db/ | |-- migrate/ | | |-- db1/ | | | |-- 001_migration.rb | | | | | |-- db2/ | | |-- 001_migration.rb | | | |-- config_db1.yml | |-- config_db2.yml | |-- seeds_db1.rb | |-- seeds_db2.rb | |-- schema_db1.rb | |-- schema_db2.rb | |-- .db1.standalone_migrations |-- .db2.standalone_migrations ``` Sample config file: ```yaml db: seeds: db/seeds_db1.rb migrate: db/migrate/db1 schema: db/schema_db1.rb config: database: db/config_db1.yml ``` Of course you can achieve a different layout by simply editing the paths. ##### Running You can run the Rake tasks on a particular database by passing the `DATABASE` environment variable to it: $ rake db:version DATABASE=db1 Combined with the environment selector: $ rake db:migrate DATABASE=db2 RAILS_ENV=production #### Changing environment config in runtime If you are using Heroku or have to create or change your connection configuration based on runtime aspects (maybe environment variables), you can use the `StandaloneMigrations::Configurator.environments_config` method. Check the usage example: ```ruby require 'tasks/standalone_migrations' StandaloneMigrations::Configurator.environments_config do |env| env.on "production" do if (ENV['DATABASE_URL']) db = URI.parse(ENV['DATABASE_URL']) return { :adapter => db.scheme == 'postgres' ? 'postgresql' : db.scheme, :host => db.host, :username => db.user, :password => db.password, :database => db.path[1..-1], :encoding => 'utf8' } end nil end end ``` You have to put this anywhere on your `Rakefile`. If you want to change some configuration, call the #on method on the object received as argument in your block passed to ::environments_config method call. The #on method receives the key to the configuration that you want to change within the block. The block should return your new configuration hash or nil if you want the configuration to stay the same. Your logic to decide the new configuration need to access some data in your current configuration? Then you should receive the configuration in your block, like this: ```ruby require 'tasks/standalone_migrations' StandaloneMigrations::Configurator.environments_config do |env| env.on "my_custom_config" do |current_custom_config| p current_custom_config # => the values on your current "my_custom_config" environment nil end end ``` #### Exporting Generated SQL If instead of the database-agnostic `schema.rb` file you'd like to save the database-specific SQL generated by the migrations, simply add this to your `Rakefile`. ```ruby require 'tasks/standalone_migrations' ActiveRecord::Base.schema_format = :sql ``` You should see a `db/structure.sql` file the next time you run a migration. Contributors ============ - [Todd Huss](http://gabrito.com/) - [Michael Grosser](http://pragmatig.wordpress.com) - [Ricardo Valeriano](http://ricardovaleriano.com/) - [Two Bit Labs](http://twobitlabs.com/) - [Windandtides](http://windandtides.com/) - [Eric Lindvall](http://bitmonkey.net) - [Steve Hodgkiss](http://stevehodgkiss.com/) - [Rich Meyers](https://github.com/richmeyers) - [Wes Bailey](http://exposinggotchas.blogspot.com/) - [Robert J. Berger](http://blog.ibd.com/) - [Federico Builes](http://mheroin.com/) - [Gazler](http://blog.gazler.com/) - [Yuu Yamashita](https://github.com/yyuu) - [Koen Punt](http://www.koen.pt/) - [Parker Moore](http://www.parkermoore.de/) - [Marcell Jusztin](http://www.morcmarc.com) - [Eric Hayes](http://ejhay.es) - [Yi Wen](https://github.com/ywen) - [Jonathan Rochkind](https://github.com/jrochkind) - [Michael Mikhailov](https://github.com/yohanson) - [Benjamin Dobell](https://github.com/Benjamin-Dobell) - [Hassan Mahmoud](https://github.com/HassanTC) - [Marco Adkins](https://github.com/marcoadkins) - [Mithun James](https://github.com/drtechie) - [Sarah Ridge](https://github.com/smridge) - [John Bachir](https://jjb.cc) - [Pysis](https://github.com/Pysis868)