# require File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__) + '/hydra_jetty.rb') require "active-fedora" require "solrizer-fedora" require "active_support" # This is just to load ActiveSupport::CoreExtensions::String::Inflections require "hydra/fixture_loader" namespace :hydra do desc "Delete and re-import the fixture identified by pid" task :refresh_fixture => :init do # If a destination url has been provided, attampt to export from the fedora repository there. if ENV["destination"] Fedora::Repository.register(ENV["destination"]) end if ENV["pid"].nil? raise "You must specify a valid pid. Example: rake hydra:refresh_fixture pid=demo:12" end begin ActiveFedora::FixtureLoader.new('test_support/fixtures').reload(ENV["pid"]) rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e puts "Can't connect to Fedora! Are you sure jetty is running?" rescue Exception => e logger.error("Received a Fedora error while loading #{pid}\n#{e}") end end desc "Delete the object identified by pid. Example: rake hydra:delete pid=demo:12" task :delete => :init do # If a destination url has been provided, attampt to export from the fedora repository there. if ENV["destination"] Fedora::Repository.register(ENV["destination"]) end if ENV["pid"].nil? raise "You must specify a valid pid. Example: rake hydra:delete pid=demo:12" else pid = ENV["pid"] puts "Deleting '#{pid}' from #{ActiveFedora::RubydoraConnection.instance.options[:url]}" begin ActiveFedora::FixtureLoader.delete(pid) rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED => e puts "Can't connect to Fedora! Are you sure jetty is running?" rescue Exception => e logger.error("Received a Fedora error while deleting #{pid}\n#{e}") end logger.info "Deleted '#{pid}' from #{ActiveFedora::RubydoraConnection.instance.options[:url]}" end end desc "Delete a range of objects in a given namespace. ie 'rake hydra:purge_range[demo, 22, 50]' will delete demo:22 through demo:50" task :purge_range => :init do |t, args| # If Fedora Repository connection is not already initialized, initialize it using ActiveFedora defaults # ActiveFedora.init unless Thread.current[:repo] namespace = ENV["namespace"] start_point = ENV["start"].to_i stop_point = ENV["stop"].to_i unless start_point < stop_point raise StandardError "start point must be less that end point." end puts "Deleting #{stop_point - start_point} objects from #{namespace}:#{start_point.to_s} to #{namespace}:#{stop_point.to_s}" i = start_point while i <= stop_point do pid = namespace + ":" + i.to_s begin ActiveFedora::Base.load_instance(pid).delete rescue ActiveFedora::ObjectNotFoundError # The object has already been deleted (or was never created). Do nothing. end puts "Deleted '#{pid}' from #{Fedora::Repository.instance.fedora_url}" i += 1 end end namespace :fixtures do desc "Refresh the fixtures applicable to this hydra head" task :refresh => ["hydra:default_fixtures:refresh"] do end end desc "Export the object identified by pid into test_support/fixtures. Example:rake hydra:harvest_fixture pid=druid:sb733gr4073 source=http://fedoraAdmin:fedoraAdmin@" task :harvest_fixture => :init do # If a source url has been provided, attampt to export from the fedora repository there. if ENV["source"] Fedora::Repository.register(ENV["source"]) end if ENV["pid"].nil? puts "You must specify a valid pid. Example: rake hydra:harvest_fixture pid=demo:12" else pid = ENV["pid"] puts "Exporting '#{pid}' from #{Fedora::Repository.instance.fedora_url}" foxml = Fedora::Repository.instance.export(pid) filename = File.join("test_support","fixtures","#{pid.gsub(":","_")}.foxml.xml") file = File.new(filename,"w") file.syswrite(foxml) puts "The object has been saved as #{filename}" end end desc "Import the fixture located at the provided path. Example: rake hydra:import_fixture fixture=test_support/fixtures/demo_12.foxml.xml" task :import_fixture => [:init] do # If a destination url has been provided, attampt to export from the fedora repository there. if ENV["destination"] Fedora::Repository.register(ENV["destination"]) end if !ENV["fixture"].nil? body = ActiveFedora::FixtureLoader.import_to_fedora(ENV["fixture"]) elsif !ENV["pid"].nil? body = ActiveFedora::FixtureLoader.new('test_support/fixtures').import_and_index(ENV["pid"]) else raise "You must specify a path to the fixture or provide its pid. Example: rake hydra:import_fixture fixture=test_support/fixtures/demo_12.foxml.xml" end puts "The fixture has been ingested as #{body}" end desc "Init Hydra configuration" task :init => [:environment] do # We need to just start rails so that all the models are loaded end desc "Load hydra-head models" task :load_models do require "hydra" Dir.glob(File.join(File.expand_path(File.dirname(__FILE__)), "..",'app','models', '*.rb')).each do |model| load model end end namespace :default_fixtures do FIXTURES = [ "hydrangea:fixture_mods_article1", "hydrangea:fixture_mods_article3", "hydrangea:fixture_file_asset1", "hydrangea:fixture_mods_article2", "hydrangea:fixture_uploaded_svg1", "hydrangea:fixture_archivist_only_mods_article", "hydrangea:fixture_mods_dataset1", "libra-oa:1", "libra-oa:2", "libra-oa:7", "hydrus:admin_class1", "hydra:test_generic_content", "hydra:test_generic_image", "hydra:test_default_partials", "hydra:test_no_model" ] desc "Load default Hydra fixtures" task :load do FIXTURES.each do |fixture| ENV["fixture"] = nil ENV["pid"] = fixture Rake::Task["hydra:import_fixture"].reenable Rake::Task["hydra:import_fixture"].invoke end end desc "Remove default Hydra fixtures" task :delete do FIXTURES.each do |fixture| ENV["fixture"] = nil ENV["pid"] = fixture Rake::Task["hydra:delete"].reenable Rake::Task["hydra:delete"].invoke end end desc "Refresh default Hydra fixtures" task :refresh do FIXTURES.each do |fixture| logger.debug("Refreshing #{fixture}") ENV["fixture"] = nil ENV["pid"] = fixture Rake::Task["hydra:delete"].reenable Rake::Task["hydra:delete"].invoke Rake::Task["hydra:import_fixture"].reenable Rake::Task["hydra:import_fixture"].invoke end end end end