require 'silk_icons/info' require 'pathname' require 'tmpdir' namespace :silk_icons do docs_dir = Pathname('doc/silk_icons').expand_path images_dir = Pathname('app/assets/images/silk_icons').expand_path stylesheets_dir = Pathname('app/assets/stylesheets') directory "#{docs_dir}" directory "#{images_dir}" directory "#{stylesheets_dir}" task :dev_only do unless Pathname('silk_icons.gemspec').exist? puts 'This task is for the development of silk_icons gem itself.' exit end end desc 'Unpack the archive and place files in appropriate locations' task unpack: [ :dev_only, "#{docs_dir}", "#{images_dir}" ] do basename = File.basename(SilkIcons::ARCHIVE_URL.path) Dir.mktmpdir do |dir| Dir.chdir dir do sh 'curl -O %s' % SilkIcons::ARCHIVE_URL sh 'unzip -q %s' % basename %w(readme.html readme.txt).each do |file| file = Pathname(file) mv file, docs_dir + file.basename end Dir['icons/*'].each do |icon| icon = Pathname(icon) mv icon, images_dir + icon.basename end end end end file "#{stylesheets_dir + 'silk_icons.css.scss'}" => [ :dev_only, "#{stylesheets_dir}" ] do |t| icons = FileList["#{images_dir}/*.png"].pathmap('%n') content = do |icon| ".silk_icon-#{icon} { background: image-url('silk_icons/#{icon}.png') no-repeat; }" end.join("\n") File.write(, content, encoding: 'US-ASCII') end end