class AssetUploader < EffectiveAssetsUploader # resize_to_fit # Resize the image to fit within the specified dimensions while retaining the # original aspect ratio. The image may be shorter or narrower than specified in the smaller dimension # but will not be larger than the specified values. # # Probably best for taking a big image and making it smaller. # Keeps the aspect ratio # An uploaded image that is smaller will not be made bigger. # resize_to_fill # Resize the image to fit within the specified dimensions while retaining the # aspect ratio of the original image. If necessary, crop the image in the larger dimension. # resize_to_limit # # Keep in mind, resize_to_fit will scale up images if they are smaller than 100px. # If you don't want it to do that, then replace that with resize_to_limit. version :thumb, :if => :image? do process :resize_to_fit => [70, 70] process :record_info => :thumb # process :watermark! => [70, 70] # process :grayscale! # process :transparent! => ['#3F7F42', '12%'] end # If you want to do a watermark, you can use something like this # def watermark!(width, height) # manipulate! do |image| # logo ="#{ Rails.root }/app/assets/images/watermark.png") # logo.resize("#{ width }x#{ height }>") # result = image.composite(logo) do |comp| # comp.gravity "center" # end # end # end # If you want to Grayscale images, you can use something like this # def grayscale! # manipulate! do |image| # image.colorspace("Gray") # image = yield(image) if block_given? # image # end # end # If you want to make a certain color in the image transparent (assumes gif or png), you can use something like this # def transparent!(color, fuzz) # manipulate! do |image| # image.transparent(color) do |cmd| # cmd.fuzz fuzz # end # # image = yield(image) if block_given? # image # end # end end