Strava Ruby Client ================== [![Gem Version](]( [![Build Status](]( A newer Ruby client for the [Strava API v3]( Unlike [strava-api-v3]( provides complete OAuth refresh token flow support, a richer first class interface to Strava models, natively supports pagination and implements more consistent error handling. # Table of Contents - [Installation](#installation) - [Usage](#usage) - [API](#api) - [Athlete](#athlete) - [Athlete Activities](#athlete-activities) - [Athlete Clubs](#athlete-clubs) - [Club Activities](#club-activities) - [Create Activity](#create-activity) - [Update Activity](#update-activity) - [Get Activity](#get-activity) - [Activity Comments](#activity-comments) - [Activity Kudoers](#activity-kudoers) - [Activity Laps](#activity-laps) - [Activity Zones](#activity-zones) - [Pagination](#pagination) - [OAuth](#oauth) - [Configuration](#configuration) - [Web Client Options](#web-client-options) - [API Client Options](#api-client-options) - [OAuth Client Options](#oauth-client-options) - [Errors](#errors) - [Tools](#tools) - [Strava OAuth Token](#strava-oauth-token) - [Contributing](#contributing) - [Copyright and License](#copyright-and-license) ## Installation Add to Gemfile. ``` gem 'strava-ruby-client' ``` Run `bundle install`. ## Usage ### API Use an access token obtained from [My API Application]( in the Strava UI, the [strava-oauth-token tool](#strava-oauth-token) or the [OAuth Workflow](#oauth) in your application. ```ruby client = access_token: "12345678987654321" ) ``` #### Athlete Get currently logged-in athlete. ```ruby client.athlete # => Strava::Models::Athlete ``` See [Strava::Models::Athlete](lib/strava/models/athlete.rb) for all available properties. #### Athlete Activities Get currently logged-in athlete activities. ```ruby activities = client.athlete_activities # => Array[Strava::Models::Activity] activity = activities.first # => Strava::Models::Activity # => 'NYC TCS Marathon 2018' activity.strava_url # => '' activity.type_emoji # => '🏃' activity.distance_s # => '42.2km' activity.moving_time_in_hours_s # => '3h38m5s' activity.elapsed_time_in_hours_s # => '3h42m13s' activity.pace_s # => '5m15s/km' activity.pace_per_mile_s # => '8m28s/mi' activity.speed_s # => '11.4km/h' activity.miles_per_hour_s # => '7.1mph' activity.total_elevation_gain_s # => '270.9m' activity.total_elevation_gain_in_feet_s # => '888.8ft' ``` See [Strava::Models::Activity](lib/strava/models/activity.rb), [Strava::Models::Mixins::Distance](lib/strava/models/mixins/distance.rb), [Strava::Models::Mixins::Elevation](lib/strava/models/mixins/elevation.rb) and [Strava::Models::Mixins::Time](lib/strava/models/mixins/time.rb) for all available properties. #### Athlete Clubs Get currently logged-in athlete clubs. ```ruby clubs = client.athlete_clubs # => Array[Strava::Models::Club] club = clubs.first # => Strava::Models::Activity # => 'NYRR' activity.strava_url # => '' ``` See [Strava::Models::Club](lib/strava/models/club.rb) for all available properties. #### Club Activities Get club activities. ```ruby activities = client.club_activities(id: 108605) # => Array[Strava::Models::Activity] activity = activities.first # => Strava::Models::Activity # => 'Afternoon Run' ``` See [Strava::Models::Activity](lib/strava/models/activity.rb) for all available properties. Note that Strava does not return activity or athlete ID via this API. #### Create Activity Create an activity. ```ruby activity = client.create_activity( name: 'Afternoon Run', type: 'Run', start_date_local:, elapsed_time: 1234, # in seconds description: 'Test run.', distance: 1000 # in meters ) # => 'Afternoon Run' activity.strava_url # => '' ``` #### Update Activity Update an activity. ```ruby activity = client.update_activity( id: 1982980795, name: 'Afternoon Run (Updated)', type: 'Run', description: 'It was cold.' ) # => 'Afternoon Run (Updated)' activity.strava_url # => '' ``` #### Get Activity Get a detailed activity by ID, including description, photos, gear, splits, segments and laps. ```ruby activity = client.activity(id: 1982980795) # => 'Afternoon Run' activity.strava_url # => '' ``` #### Activity Comments Get activity comments. ```ruby comments = client.activity_comments(id: 1982980795) # => Array[Strava::Models::Comment] comment = comments.first # => Strava::Models::Comment comment.text # => 'Молодчина!' comment.athlete.username # => 'zolotov' ``` See [Strava::Models::Comment](lib/strava/models/comment.rb) for all available properties. #### Activity Kudoers Get activity kodoers. ```ruby kudoers = client.activity_kudos(id: 1982980795) # => Array[Strava::Models::Athlete] kodoer = kudoers.first # => Strava::Models::Athlete kudoer.username # => 'zolotov' ``` #### Activity Laps Get activity laps. ```ruby laps = client.activity_laps(id: 1982980795) # => Array[Strava::Models::Lap] lap = laps.first # => Strava::Models::Lap # => 'Lap 1' ``` See [Strava::Models::Lap](lib/strava/models/lap.rb) for all available properties. #### Activity Zones Get activity zones. ```ruby zones = client.activity_zones(id: 1982980795) # => Array[Strava::Models::ActivityZone] zone = zones.first # => Strava::Models::ActivityZone zones.type # => 'heartrate' distribution_bucket = activity_zone.distribution_buckets.first # => Strava::Models::TimedZoneRange distribution_bucket.min # => 0 distribution_bucket.max # => 123 distribution_bucket.time # => 20 ``` See [Strava::Models::ActivityZone](lib/strava/models/activity_zone.rb) and [Strava::Models::TimedZoneRange](lib/strava/models/timed_zone_range.rb) for all available properties. #### Pagination Some Strava APIs, including [athlete_activities](#athlete-activities) support pagination when supplying an optional `page` and `per_page` parameter. By default the client retrieves one page of data, which Strava currently defaults to 30 items. You can paginate through more data by supplying a block and an optional `per_page` parameter. The underlying implementation makes page-sized calls and increments the `page` argument. ```ruby client.athlete_activities(per_page: 30) do |activity| activity # => Strava::Models::Activity end ``` ### OAuth Obtain a redirect URL. ```ruby client = client_id: "12345", client_secret: "12345678987654321" ) redirect_url = client.authorize_url( redirect_uri: '', approval_prompt: 'force', response_type: 'code', scope: 'activity:read_all', state: 'magic' ) ``` Once the user is redirected to your application, perform a token exchange to obtain a refresh and access token. ```ruby response = client.oauth_token(code: '1234556789901234567890') response # => Strava::Models::Token response.access_token # access token response.refresh_token # refresh token response.expires_at # timestamp when the access token expires response.athlete # => Strava::Models::Athlete ``` See [Strava authentication documentation](, [Strava::Models::Token](lib/strava/models/token.rb) and [Strava::Models::Athlete](lib/strava/models/athlete.rb) for all available properties in the response. If the access token is expired, refresh it before making any requests. You will get back all new tokens. ```ruby response = client.oauth_token( refresh_token: '...', grant_type: 'refresh_token' ) response.access_token # new access token response.refresh_token # new refresh token response.expires_at # new timestamp when the access token expires ``` ## Configuration ### Web Client Options You can configure web client options used in the OAuth and API clients, globally. ```ruby Strava::Web::Client.configure do |config| config.user_agent = 'Strava Ruby Client/1.0' end ``` The following settings are supported. setting | description --------------------|------------ user_agent | User-agent, defaults to _Strava Ruby Client/version_. proxy | Optional HTTP proxy. ca_path | Optional SSL certificates path. ca_file | Optional SSL certificates file. logger | Optional `Logger` instance that logs HTTP requests. timeout | Optional open/read timeout in seconds. open_timeout | Optional connection open timeout in seconds. ### API Client Options The API client inherits web client options and provides additional application configuration. These can be configured globally or for a client instance. ```ruby Strava::API.configure do |config| config.access_token = "..." # Strava access token end ``` ```ruby client = access_token: "...", user_agent: "..." ) ``` The following settings are supported. setting | description --------------------|------------ access_token | Access token to pass in the `Authorization` header. endpoint | Defaults to ``. ### OAuth Client Options The OAuth client inherits web client options and provides additional application configuration. These can be configured globally or for a client instance. ```ruby Strava::OAuth.configure do |config| config.client_id = "..." # Strava client ID config.client_secret = "..." # Strava client secret end ``` ```ruby client = client_id: "...", client_secret: "...", user_agent: "..." ) ``` The following settings are supported. setting | description --------------------|------------ client_id | Application client ID. client_secret | Application client secret. endpoint | Defaults to ``. ## Errors All errors that return HTTP codes 400-600 result in either `Faraday::Error::ResourceNotFound`, `Faraday::Error::ConnectionFailed` or [Strava::Errors::Fault](lib/strava/errors/fault.rb) exceptions. ```ruby begin client.oauth_token(code: 'invalid') rescue Strava::Errors::Fault => e e.message # => Bad Request e.errors # => [{ 'code' => 'invalid', 'field' => 'code', 'resource' => 'RequestToken' }] end ``` ## Tools ### Strava OAuth Token Use [strava-oauth-token](bin/strava-outh-token.rb) to obtain a token from the command-line. This will open a new browser window, navigate to Strava, request the appropriate permissions, then handle OAuth in a local redirect. The token type, refresh token, access token and token expiration will be displayed in the browser. ```bash $ STRAVA_CLIENT_ID=... STRAVA_CLIENT_SECRET=... strava-oauth-token ``` ## Contributing See [CONTRIBUTING]( ## Copyright and License Copyright (c) 2018, [Daniel Doubrovkine]( and [Contributors]( This project is licensed under the [MIT License](