# -*- coding: utf-8; -*- # 50sp.rb - select-plugins plugin SP_PREFIX = 'sp' @sp_path = [( @conf["#{SP_PREFIX}.path"] || "#{TDiary::PATH}/misc/plugin" )].flatten @sp_path = @sp_path.collect do |path| /\/$/ =~ path ? path.chop : path end @sp_path << "#{TDiary::PATH}/misc/plugin" if @sp_path.include?('misc/plugin') # FIXME: dirty hack, it should create TDiary::Server::Config.plugin_path TDiary::Contrib::Plugin.setup( @sp_path ) if defined?(TDiary::Contrib) # get plugin option def sp_option( key ) @conf["#{SP_PREFIX}.#{key}"] end # hash of paths from array of dirs def sp_hash_from_dirs( dirs ) r = Hash.new dirs.each do |dir| Dir::glob( "#{dir}/*.rb" ).each do |path| filename = File.basename( path ) unless r[ filename ] then r[ filename ] = path end end end r end # url of the document def sp_doc_url( file ) "http://docs.tdiary.org/#{@conf.lang}/?#{CGI::escape( file )}" end #
  • list of plugins def sp_li_plugins( paths, is_checked ) r = '' paths.collect { |path| File.basename( path ) }.sort.each do |file| r += <<-_HTML
  • #{h file} _HTML end r end # lists of plugins def sp_list_plugins( sp_opt ) r = '' if ( sp_opt && !sp_opt.empty? ) then # categorize the available plugins used = Array.new notused = Array.new unknown = Array.new # File.basenmame needed to read option from 01sp.rb <= 1.10 selected_array = sp_option( 'selected' ) ? sp_option( 'selected').split( /\n/ ).collect{ |p| File.basename( p ) } : [] notselected_array = sp_option( 'notselected' ) ? sp_option( 'notselected').split( /\n/ ).collect{ |p| File.basename( p ) } : [] sp_opt.keys.each do |path| if selected_array.include?( path ) then used << path elsif notselected_array.include?( path ) then notused << path else unknown << path end end # list up r += @sp_label_please_select unless unknown.empty? then r += @sp_label_new r += "\n" end # selected plugins unless used.empty? then r += @sp_label_used r += "\n" end # not selected plugins unless notused.empty? then r += @sp_label_notused r += "\n" end else r += @sp_label_noplugin end r end # things needed to configure this plugin if SP_PREFIX == (@cgi.params['conf'] && @cgi.params['conf'][0]) then # list of plugins @sp_opt = sp_hash_from_dirs( @sp_path ) # update options # we have to do this when we are eval'ed to update the config menu if /saveconf/ =~ @mode then @conf["#{SP_PREFIX}.selected"] = '' @conf["#{SP_PREFIX}.notselected"] = '' @sp_opt.each_key do |file| if 't' == @cgi.params["#{SP_PREFIX}.#{file}"][0] then @conf["#{SP_PREFIX}.selected"] << "#{file}\n" else @conf["#{SP_PREFIX}.notselected"] << "#{file}\n" end end end end # configuration menu # options are updated when we are eval'ed add_conf_proc( SP_PREFIX, @sp_label, 'basic' ) do r = @sp_label_description + sp_list_plugins( @sp_opt ) end # Finally, we can eval the selected plugins as tdiary.rb does if sp_option( 'selected' ) then sp_option( 'selected' ).untaint.split( /\n/ ).collect{ |p| File.basename( p ) }.sort.each do |filename| @sp_path.each do |dir| path = "#{dir}/#{filename}" if File.readable?( path ) then begin load_plugin( path ) @plugin_files << path rescue ArgumentError next rescue Exception raise PluginError::new( "Plugin error in '#{path}'.\n#{$!}" ) end break end end end end # Local Variables: # mode: ruby # indent-tabs-mode: t # tab-width: 3 # ruby-indent-level: 3 # End: