Module Kernel
In: lib/contract/integration.rb
Method Contract Module UnboundMethod Contract::Check::Any Contract::Check::All Contract::Check::None Contract::Check::Block Contract::Check::Base Contract::Check::Quack MethodSignatureMixin Kernel lib/contract/integration.rb



Public Instance methods

Adds an adaption route from the specified type to the specified type. Basic usage looks like this:

  adaption :from => StringIO, :to => String, :via => :read

This method takes various options. Here’s a complete list:

:from:The type that can be converted from. Defaults to self meaning you can safely omit it in Class, Module or Contract context.
:to:The type that can be converted to. Defaults to self meaning you can safely omit it in Class, Module or Contract context.

Note that you need to specify either :from or :to.

:via:How the :from type will be converted to the :to type. If this is a Symbol the conversion will be done by invoking the method identified by that Symbol on the source object. Otherwise this should be something that responds to the call method (for example Methods and Procs) which will get the source object as its argument and which should return the target object.
:if:The conversion can only be performed if this condition is met. This can either be something that implements the === case equivalence operator or something that implements the call method. So Methods, Procs, Modules, Classes and Contracts all make sense in this context. You can also specify a Symbol in which case the conversion can only be performed if the source object responds to the method identified by that Symbol.

Note that the :if option will default to the same value as the :via option if the :via option is a Symbol.

If you invoke this method with a block it will be used instead of the :via option.

See Contract.adapt for how conversion look-ups are performed.


     # File lib/contract/integration.rb, line 512
512:   def adaption(options = {}, &block) # :yield: source_object
513:     options = {
514:       :from => self,
515:       :to => self
516:     }.merge(options)
518:     if block then
519:       if options.include?(:via) then
520:         raise(ArgumentError, "Can't use both block and :via")
521:       else
522:         options[:via] = block
523:       end
524:     end
526:     if options[:via].respond_to?(:to_sym) then
527:       options[:via] = options[:via].to_sym
528:     end
530:     options[:if] ||= options[:via] if options[:via].is_a?(Symbol)
532:     if options[:via].is_a?(Symbol) then
533:       symbol = options[:via]
534:       options[:via] = lambda { |obj| obj.send(symbol) }
535:     end
537:     if options[:if].respond_to?(:to_sym) then
538:       options[:if] = options[:if].to_sym
539:     end
541:     if options[:if].is_a?(Symbol) then
542:       options[:if] = Contract::Check::Quack[options[:if]]
543:     elsif options[:if].respond_to?(:call) then
544:       callable = options[:if]
545:       options[:if] = Contract::Check.block { |obj| }
546:     end
548:     if options[:from] == self and options[:to] == self then
549:       raise(ArgumentError, "Need to specify either :from or :to")
550:     elsif options[:from] == options[:to] then
551:       raise(ArgumentError, "Self-adaption: :from and :to both are " +
552:         options[:to].inspect)
553:     end
555:     unless options[:via]
556:       raise(ArgumentError, "Need to specify how to adapt (use :via or block)")
557:     end
559:     Contract.adaptions[options[:to]] << options
560:   end
