module MachineConfigure module CLIConstants # Hash containing all valid arguments, # which may be passed to the CLI. VALID_ARGUMENTS = { single: { help: [ [?h], false ], version: [ [?v], false ], name: [ [?n], true ], zipfile: [ [?z], true ] }, double: { help: [ ['help'], false ], version: [ ['version'], false ], name: [ ['name'], true ], zipfile: [ ['zip'], true ] }, keywords: { export: [['export', ?e], :INPUT, :INPUTS], import: [['import', ?i], :INPUTS] } } # The --help text. cli_name = DIR[:caller].basename HELP_TEXT = <<-END_HELP_TEXT USAGE $ #{cli_name} [--help|--version] $ #{cli_name} export DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME [ZIP_FILE] $ #{cli_name} import ZIP_FILE KEYWORDS export Export existing configuration files from the docker-machine instance DOCKER_MACHINE_NAME. Optionally, add a ZIP_FILE name. import Import an exported ZIP_FILE. OPTIONS --help -h Print this text and exit. --version -v Print the current version number and exit. EXAMPLES Export an existing docker-machine instance with the name "my_machine", to a new zip file "": $ #{cli_name} export my_machine The same as above, but specify the output zip file name: $ #{cli_name} export my_machine my_machine_configs Import a new docker-machine instance from the zip file "": $ #{cli_name} import END_HELP_TEXT end end