require 'ostruct' require 'csv' require 'erb' require 'active_record' require 'flextures/flextures_base_config' require 'flextures/flextures' require 'flextures/flextures_factory' module Flextures # data loader class Loader module ArrayEx refine Array do # @params [Array] keys hash keys # @return [Hash] tanslated Hash data def to_hash(keys) values = self values = values[0..keys.size-1] if keys.size < values.size values = values + [nil] * (keys.size-values.size) if keys.size > values.size [keys, values].transpose.reduce({}){ |h,(k,v)| h[k]=v; h } end end end using ArrayEx PARENT = Flextures FORMATS = [ %i[csv erb], %i[erb csv], %i[csv], %i[yml erb], %i[erb yml], %i[yml] ] # column set default value COMPLETER = { binary:->{ 0 }, boolean:->{ false }, date:->{ }, datetime:->{ }, decimal:->{ 0 }, float:->{ 0.0 }, integer:->{ 0 }, string:->{ "" }, text:->{ "" }, time:->{ }, timestamp:->{ }, } # colum data translate TRANSLATER = { binary:->(d){ return d if d.nil? Base64.decode64(d) }, boolean:->(d){ return d if d.nil? !("FALSE"==d || "false"==d || "0"==d || ""==d || 0==d || !d) }, date:->(d){ return d if d.nil? return nil if d=="" Date.parse(d.to_s) }, datetime:->(d){ return d if d.nil? return nil if d=="" DateTime.parse(d.to_s) }, decimal:->(d){ return d if d.nil? d.to_i }, float:->(d){ return d if d.nil? d.to_f }, integer:->(d){ return d if d.nil? d.to_i }, string:->(d){ return d if d.nil? or d.is_a?(Hash) or d.is_a?(Array) d.to_s }, text:->(d){ return d if d.nil? or d.is_a?(Hash) or d.is_a?(Array) d.to_s }, time:->(d){ return d if d.nil? return nil if d=="" DateTime.parse(d.to_s) }, timestamp:->(d){ return d if d.nil? return nil if d=="" DateTime.parse(d.to_s) }, } def initialize(*_) # 読み込み状態を持っておく @options = {} @already_loaded_fixtures = {} end def loads(*fixtures) # キャッシュが有効 ∧ 呼んだ事無いファイル load_list = self.class.parse_flextures_options(@options, *fixtures) load_list.sort(&self.class.loading_order).each do |params| load(params) end end def load(params) self.class.load(params) end def self.cache?(params) return unless params.first.is_a?(Hash) param = params.first param[:cache] == true end # compare def equal_table_data?(src, dst) return false unless src.is_a?(Hash) return false unless dst.is_a?(Hash) (src.to_a - dst.to_a).empty? end # called by Rspec or Should # set options # @params [Hash] options exmple : { cashe: true, dir: "models/users" } def set_options(options) @options.merge!(options) end # called by Rspec or Should after filter # reflesh options def delete_options @options = {} end # return current option status # @return [Hash] current option status def flextures_options @options end # parse flextures function arguments # @params [Hash] fixtures function arguments # @return [Array] formatted load options def self.parse_flextures_options(base_options, *fixtures) options = {} options = fixtures.shift if fixtures.size > 1 and fixtures.first.is_a?(Hash) options[:dir] = self.parse_controller_option(options) if options[:controller] options[:dir] = self.parse_model_options(options) if options[:model] # :all value load all loadable fixtures fixtures = Flextures::deletable_tables if fixtures.size==1 and :all == fixtures.first last_hash = fixtures.last.is_a?(Hash) ? fixtures.pop : {} load_hash = fixtures.reduce({}){ |h,name| h[name.to_sym] = name.to_s; h } # if name is string is buged load_hash.merge!(last_hash) { |k,v| { table: k, file: v, loader: :fun }.merge(base_options).merge(options) } end # load fixture datas # # example: # flextures :all # load all table data # flextures :users, :items # load table data, received arguments # flextures :users => :users2 # :table_name => :file_name # # @params [Hash] fixtures load table data def self.flextures(*fixtures) loader = loader.loads(*fixtures) end # @return [Proc] order rule block (user Array#sort methd) def self.loading_order ->(a,b) do a = Flextures::Configuration.table_load_order.index(a) || -1 b = Flextures::Configuration.table_load_order.index(b) || -1 b <=> a end end # load fixture data # fixture file prefer YAML to CSV # @params [Hash] format file load format(table name, file name, options...) def self.load(format) file_name, *exts = file_exist(format) format[:erb] = exts.include?(:erb) method = exts.detect { |k| [:csv, :yml].include?(k) } return unless self.file_loadable?(format, file_name) klass, filter = self.create_model_filter(format, file_name, method) case method when :csv self.load_csv(format, klass, filter, file_name) when :yml self.load_yml(format, klass, filter, file_name) else puts "Warning: #{file_name} is not exist!" unless format[:silent] end end def self.load_file(format, file_name) file = nil if format[:erb] str ={ |f| } file = else file = end end def self.load_csv(format, klass, filter, file_name) file = self.load_file(format, file_name) do |csv| self.load_csv_row(csv, format, klass, filter, file_name) end file_name end def self.load_csv_row(csv, format, klass, filter, file_name) attributes = keys = csv.shift # active record column names warning("CSV", attributes, keys) unless format[:silent] ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do csv.each do |values| h = values.to_hash(keys) o = false) end end end def self.load_yml(format, klass, filter, file_name) file = self.load_file(format, file_name) yaml = YAML.load(file) return false unless yaml # if file is empty attributes = ActiveRecord::Base.transaction do yaml.each do |k,h| warning("YAML", attributes, h.keys) unless format[:silent] o = false) end end file_name end # if parameter include controller, action value # load directroy is change # spec/fixtures/:controller_name/:action_name/ # @return [String] directory path def self.parse_controller_option(options) controller_dir = ["controllers"] controller_dir<< options[:controller] if options[:controller] controller_dir<< options[:action] if options[:controller] and options[:action] File.join(*controller_dir) end # if parameter include controller, action value # load directroy is change # spec/fixtures/:model_name/:method_name/ # @return [String] directory path def self.parse_model_options(options) model_dir = ["models"] model_dir<< options[:model] if options[:model] model_dir<< options[:method] if options[:model] and options[:method] File.join(*model_dir) end # example: # self.create_stair_list("foo/bar/baz") # return ["foo/bar/baz","foo/bar","foo",""] def self.stair_list(dir, stair=true) return [dir.to_s] unless stair l = [] dir.to_s.split("/").reduce([]){ |a,d| a<< d; l.unshift(a.join("/")); a } l<< "" l end # parse format option and return load file info # @param [Hash] format load file format informations # @return [Array] [file_name, filt_type(:csv or :yml)] def self.file_exist(format, type = [:csv, :yml]) table_name = format[:table].to_s file_name = (format[:file] || format[:table]).to_s base_dir_name = Flextures::Configuration.load_directory self.stair_list(format[:dir], format[:stair]).each do |dir| file_path = File.join(base_dir_name, dir, file_name) formats = { |fmt| (type & fmt).present? } formats.each do |fmt| return ["#{file_path}.#{fmt.join('.')}", *fmt] if File.exist?("#{file_path}.#{fmt.join('.')}") end end ["#{File.join(base_dir_name, file_name)}.csv", nil] end # file load check # @return [Bool] lodable is 'true' def self.file_loadable?(format, file_name) return unless File.exist?(file_name) puts "try loading #{file_name}" if !format[:silent] and ![:fun].include?(format[:loader]) true end # print warinig message that lack or not exist colum names def self.warning(format, attributes, keys) (attributes-keys).each { |name| puts "Warning: #{format} colum is missing! [#{name}]" } (keys-attributes).each { |name| puts "Warning: #{format} colum is left over! [#{name}]" } end # create filter and table info def self.create_model_filter(format, file_name, type) table_name = format[:table].to_s klass = PARENT::create_model(table_name) # if you use 'rails3_acts_as_paranoid' gem, that is not delete data 'delete_all' method klass.send(klass.respond_to?(:delete_all!) ? :delete_all! : :delete_all) filter = ->(h){ filter = create_filter(klass, LoadFilter[table_name.to_sym], file_name, type, format) o = o =, h) o } [klass, filter] end # return flextures data translate filter # translate filter is some functions # 1. column value is fill, if colum is not nullable # 2. factory filter # @params [ActiveRecord::Base] klass ActiveRecord model data # @params [Proc] factory FactoryFilter # @params [String] filename # @params [Symbol] ext file type (:csv or :yml) # @params [Hash] options other options # @return [Proc] translate filter def self.create_filter(klass, factory, filename, ext, options) columns = klass.columns # data translat array to hash column_hash = columns.reduce({}) { |h,col| h[] = col; h } lack_columns = columns.reject { |c| c.null and c.default }.map{ |o| } # default value shound not be null columns not_nullable_columns = columns.reject(&:null).map(&:name) strict_filter = ->(o,h){ # if value is not 'nil', value translate suitable form h.each{ |k,v| v.nil? || o[k] = (TRANSLATER[column_hash[k].type] && TRANSLATER[column_hash[k].type].call(v)) } # call FactoryFilter*[o, filename, ext][0, factory.arity]) if factory and !options[:unfilter] o } # receives hased data and translate ActiveRecord Model data # loose filter correct error values # strict filter don't correct errora values and raise error loose_filter = ->(o,h){ h.reject! { |k,v| options[:minus].include?(k) } if options[:minus] # if column name is not include database table columns, those names delete! { |k,v| column_hash[k] },h) # set default value if value is 'nil' not_nullable_columns.each { |k| o[k].nil? && o[k] = (column_hash[k] && COMPLETER[column_hash[k].type] && COMPLETER[column_hash[k].type].call) } # fill span values if column is not exist lack_columns.each { |k| o[k].nil? && o[k] = (column_hash[k] && COMPLETER[column_hash[k].type] && COMPLETER[column_hash[k].type].call) } o } (options[:strict]==true) ? strict_filter : loose_filter end end end