// ----------------------------------------------------------- @import "stipe/typography/mixins"; // Do not edit, needed to pull in necessary mixin $webfont_directory: "/fonts/" !default; // edit this directory in the '_config.scss' file if needed. // Pre-loaded web fonts for your use, enjoy! // Fonts needed to be loaded in path specified above // in relation to the rendered CSS file // ----------------------------------------------------------- // To activate 'zocial' uncomment both lines // @import "stipe/typography/web_fonts/zocial"; // @import "stipe/typography/web_fonts/zocial_characters"; // To activate 'font_awesome' uncomment both lines @import "stipe/typography/web_fonts/font_awesome"; @import "stipe/typography/web_fonts/font_awesome_pua"; // Install your own // ----------------------------------------------------------- //@font-face { // @include font-face ($font_family: [name of family], $font-file: [name of file], $font_weight: [value], $font_style: [value]); //} // Install google fonts // ----------------------------------------------------------- @import url(http://fonts.googleapis.com/css?family=Lato:400,700);