module ProMotion module UIWebScreenModule def web_view_setup self.webview = add, { frame: CGRectMake(0, 0, self.view.frame.size.width, self.view.frame.size.height), delegate: self, data_detector_types: data_detector_types } self.webview.autoresizingMask = UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleWidth | UIViewAutoresizingFlexibleHeight self.webview.scalesPageToFit = self.scale_to_fit self.webview.scrollView.decelerationRate = UIScrollViewDecelerationRateNormal end def evaluate(js) self.webview.stringByEvaluatingJavaScriptFromString(js) end def evaluate_async(js, &block) Dispatch::Queue.concurrent.async do result = evaluate(js) Dispatch::Queue.main.async do result end end end def go_to_item(item) # self.webview.goToBackForwardListItem(item) PM.logger.warn "`go_to_item` is not implemented with the older UIWebView, which doesn't support it." false end def back_forward_list # self.webview.backForwardList PM.logger.warn "`back_forward_list` is not implemented with the older UIWebView, which doesn't support it." false end def progress # self.webview.estimatedProgress PM.logger.warn "`progress` is not implemented with the older UIWebView, which doesn't support it." false end # CocoaTouch methods def webView(in_web, shouldStartLoadWithRequest:in_request, navigationType:in_type) if %w(http https).include?(in_request.URL.scheme) if self.external_links == true && in_type == UIWebViewNavigationTypeLinkClicked if defined?(OpenInChromeController) open_in_chrome in_request else open_in_safari in_request end return false # don't allow the web view to load the link. end end load_request_enable = true #return true on default for local file loading. load_request_enable = !!on_request(in_request, in_type) if self.respond_to?(:on_request) load_request_enable end def webViewDidStartLoad(webView) load_started if self.respond_to?(:load_started) end def webViewDidFinishLoad(webView) load_finished if self.respond_to?(:load_finished) end def webView(webView, didFailLoadWithError:error) load_failed(error) if self.respond_to?("load_failed:") end end end