module Caboose class CategoriesController < Caboose::ApplicationController #============================================================================= # Admin actions #============================================================================= # GET /admin/categories def admin_index return unless user_is_allowed('categories', 'view') @top_cat = Caboose::Category.where("site_id = ? and parent_id is null", if @top_cat.nil? @top_cat = Caboose::Category.create(:site_id =>, :name => 'All Products', :url => '/') end render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/categories/new def admin_new return unless user_is_allowed('categories', 'add') render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # POST /admin/categories def admin_add return unless user_is_allowed('categories', 'add') resp = p = Category.where(:id => params[:parent_id]).first if params[:parent_id].nil? || params[:parent_id].empty? || p.nil? resp.error = 'Please select a parent category.' elsif params[:name].nil? || params[:name].empty? resp.error = 'This title cannot be empty' else cat = :site_id =>, :parent_id =>, :name => params[:name], :status => 'Active' ) cat.slug = cat.generate_slug cat.url = "#{p.url}/#{cat.slug}" if resp.redirect = "/admin/categories/#{}" else resp.error = 'There was an error saving the category.' end end render :json => resp end # GET /admin/categories/:id def admin_edit return unless user_is_allowed('categories', 'edit') @category = Category.find(params[:id]) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # GET /admin/categories/:id/sort-children def admin_sort_children return unless user_is_allowed('categories', 'edit') @category = Category.find(params[:id]) render :layout => 'caboose/admin' end # PUT /admin/categories/:id/children/sort-order def admin_update_sort_order return unless user_is_allowed('categories', 'edit') params[:category_ids].each_with_index do |cat_id, i| cat = Category.find(cat_id) cat.sort_order = i end render :json => { :success => true } end # PUT /admin/categories/:id def admin_update return unless user_is_allowed('categories', 'edit') # Define category and initialize response cat = Category.find(params[:id]) resp ={ :attributes => {} }) # Iterate over params and update relevant attributes params.each do |key, value| case key when 'site_id' then = value when 'name' then = value when 'slug' then cat.slug = value when 'status' then cat.status = value when 'image' then cat.image = value end end # Try and save category resp.success = # If an image is passed, return the url resp.attributes[:image] = { :value => cat.image.url(:medium) } if params[:image] # Respond to update request render :json => resp end # DELETE /admin/categories/:id def admin_delete return unless user_is_allowed('categories', 'delete') resp = cat = Category.find(params[:id]) if cat.products.any? resp.error = "Can't delete a category that has products in it." elsif cat.children.any? resp.error = "You can't delete a category that has child categories." else resp.success = cat.destroy resp.redirect = '/admin/categories' end render :json => resp end # GET /admin/categories/status-options def admin_status_options render :json => [ { :value => 'Active' , :text => 'Active' }, { :value => 'Inactive' , :text => 'Inactive' }, { :value => 'Deleted' , :text => 'Deleted' } ] end # GET /admin/categories/options def admin_options @options = [] cat = Category.where("site_id = ? and parent_id is null", if cat.nil? cat = Category.create(:site_id =>, :name => 'All Products', :url => '/') end admin_options_helper(cat, '') render :json => @options end def admin_options_helper(cat, prefix) @options << { :value =>, :text => "#{prefix}#{}" } cat.children.each do |c| admin_options_helper(c, "#{prefix} - ") end end # GET /admin/categories/:category_id/products/json def admin_category_products query = ["select, P.title from store_category_memberships CM left join store_products P on = CM.product_id where CM.category_id = ? AND P.status = 'Active' order by CM.sort_order, P.title", params[:id]] rows = ActiveRecord::Base.connection.select_rows(ActiveRecord::Base.send(:sanitize_sql_array, query)) arr = rows.collect{ |row| { :id => row[0], :title => row[1] }} render :json => arr end end end