# Copyright 2017 Google LLC # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # https://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. require "addressable/uri" require "base64" require "cgi" require "openssl" require "google/cloud/storage/errors" module Google module Cloud module Storage class File ## # @private Create a signed_url for a file. class SignerV2 def initialize bucket, path, service @bucket = bucket @path = path @service = service end def self.from_file file new file.bucket, file.name, file.service end def self.from_bucket bucket, path new bucket.name, path, bucket.service end ## # The external path to the file, URI-encoded. # Will not URI encode the special `${filename}` variable. # "You can also use the ${filename} variable..." # https://cloud.google.com/storage/docs/xml-api/post-object # def ext_path path = "/#{@bucket}/#{@path}" escaped = Addressable::URI.encode_component path, Addressable::URI::CharacterClasses::PATH special_var = "${filename}" # Restore the unencoded `${filename}` variable, if present. if path.include? special_var return escaped.gsub "$%7Bfilename%7D", special_var end escaped end ## # The external url to the file. def ext_url root_url = @service.service.root_url.chomp "/" "#{root_url}#{ext_path}" end def apply_option_defaults options adjusted_expires = (Time.now.utc + (options[:expires] || 300)).to_i options[:expires] = adjusted_expires options[:method] ||= "GET" options end def signature_str options [options[:method], options[:content_md5], options[:content_type], options[:expires], format_extension_headers(options[:headers]) + ext_path].join "\n" end def determine_signing_key options = {} signing_key = options[:signing_key] || options[:private_key] || options[:signer] || @service.credentials.signing_key raise SignedUrlUnavailable, error_msg("signing_key (private_key, signer)") unless signing_key signing_key end def determine_issuer options = {} issuer = options[:issuer] || options[:client_email] || @service.credentials.issuer raise SignedUrlUnavailable, error_msg("issuer (client_email)") unless issuer issuer end def error_msg attr_name "Service account credentials '#{attr_name}' is missing. To generate service account credentials " \ "see https://cloud.google.com/iam/docs/service-accounts" end def post_object options options = apply_option_defaults options fields = { key: ext_path.sub("/", "") } p = options[:policy] || {} raise "Policy must be given in a Hash" unless p.is_a? Hash i = determine_issuer options s = determine_signing_key options policy_str = p.to_json policy = Base64.strict_encode64(policy_str).delete "\n" signature = generate_signature s, policy fields[:GoogleAccessId] = i fields[:signature] = signature fields[:policy] = policy Google::Cloud::Storage::PostObject.new GOOGLEAPIS_URL, fields end def signed_url options options = apply_option_defaults options i = determine_issuer options s = determine_signing_key options sig = generate_signature s, signature_str(options) generate_signed_url i, sig, options[:expires], options[:query] end def generate_signature signing_key, secret unencoded_signature = "" if signing_key.is_a? Proc unencoded_signature = signing_key.call secret else unless signing_key.respond_to? :sign signing_key = OpenSSL::PKey::RSA.new signing_key end unencoded_signature = signing_key.sign OpenSSL::Digest::SHA256.new, secret end Base64.strict_encode64(unencoded_signature).delete "\n" end def generate_signed_url issuer, signed_string, expires, query url = "#{ext_url}?GoogleAccessId=#{url_escape issuer}" \ "&Expires=#{expires}" \ "&Signature=#{url_escape signed_string}" query&.each do |name, value| url << "&#{url_escape name}=#{url_escape value}" end url end def format_extension_headers headers return "" if headers.nil? raise "Headers must be given in a Hash" unless headers.is_a? Hash flatten = headers.map do |key, value| "#{key.to_s.downcase}:#{value.gsub(/\s+/, ' ')}\n" end flatten.reject! { |h| h.start_with? "x-goog-encryption-key" } flatten.sort.join end def url_escape str CGI.escape String str end end end end end end