require 'active_support' require 'active_support/core_ext/string/inflections.rb' module Grape class Endpoint def content_types_for(target_class) content_types = (target_class.content_types || {}).values if content_types.empty? formats = [target_class.format, target_class.default_format].compact.uniq formats = Grape::Formatter::Base.formatters({}).keys if formats.empty? content_types = { |content_type, _mime_type| formats.include? content_type }.values end content_types.uniq end # swagger spec2.0 related parts # # required keys for SwaggerObject def swagger_object(target_class, request, options) { info: info_object(options[:info].merge(version: options[:api_version])), swagger: '2.0', produces: content_types_for(target_class), authorizations: options[:authorizations], host:, options, request.env['HTTP_HOST']), basePath:, options, request.env['SCRIPT_NAME']), tags:, schemes: options[:schemes].is_a?(String) ? [options[:schemes]] : options[:schemes] }.delete_if { |_, value| value.blank? } end # building info object def info_object(infos) { title: infos[:title] || 'API title', description: infos[:description], termsOfServiceUrl: infos[:terms_of_service_url], contact: contact_object(infos), license: license_object(infos), version: infos[:version] }.delete_if { |_, value| value.blank? } end # sub-objects of info object # license def license_object(infos) { name: infos.delete(:license), url: infos.delete(:license_url) }.delete_if { |_, value| value.blank? } end # contact def contact_object(infos) { name: infos.delete(:contact_name), email: infos.delete(:contact_email), url: infos.delete(:contact_url) }.delete_if { |_, value| value.blank? } end # building path and definitions objects def path_and_definition_objects(namespace_routes, options) @paths = {} @definitions = {} namespace_routes.keys.each do |key| routes = namespace_routes[key] path_item(routes, options) end add_definitions_from options[:models] GrapeSwagger::DocMethods::MoveParams.to_definition(@paths, @definitions) [@paths, @definitions] end def add_definitions_from(models) return if models.nil? models.each { |x| expose_params_from_model(x) } end # path object def path_item(routes, options) routes.each do |route| next if hidden?(route) @item, path =, options) @entity = route.route_entity || route.route_success method = route.route_method.downcase.to_sym request_params = method_object(route, options, path) if @paths.key?(path.to_sym) @paths[path.to_sym][method] = request_params else @paths[path.to_sym] = { method => request_params } end GrapeSwagger::DocMethods::Extensions.add(@paths[path.to_sym], @definitions, route) end end def method_object(route, options, path) method = {} method[:description] = description_object(route, options[:markdown]) method[:headers] = route.route_headers if route.route_headers method[:produces] = produces_object(route, options[:produces] || options[:format]) method[:consumes] = consumes_object(route, options[:format]) method[:parameters] = params_object(route) method[:responses] = response_object(route, options[:markdown]) method[:tags] = tag_object(route, options[:version]) method[:operationId] =, path) method.delete_if { |_, value| value.blank? } end def description_object(route, markdown) description = route.route_desc if route.route_desc.present? description = route.route_description if route.route_description.present? description = "# #{description} " if markdown description += "\n #{route.route_detail}" if route.route_detail description = markdown.markdown(description.to_s).chomp if markdown description end def produces_object(route, format) mime_types = route_mime_types = [:route_formats, :route_content_types, :route_produces].map do |producer| possible = route.send(producer) if possible.present? end.flatten.compact.uniq route_mime_types.present? ? route_mime_types : mime_types end def consumes_object(route, format) method = route.route_method.downcase.to_sym format = route.route_settings[:description][:consumes] if route.route_settings[:description] && route.route_settings[:description][:consumes] mime_types = if [:post, :put].include?(method) mime_types end def params_object(route) partition_params(route).map do |param, value| value = { required: false }.merge(value) if value.is_a?(Hash) _, value = default_type([[param, value]]).first if value == '', value, route) end end def response_object(route, markdown) default_code = GrapeSwagger::DocMethods::StatusCodes.get[route.route_method.downcase.to_sym] default_code[:model] = @entity if @entity default_code[:message] = route.route_description || default_code[:message].sub('{item}', @item) codes = [default_code] + (route.route_http_codes || route.route_failure || [])! { |x| x.is_a?(Array) ? { code: x[0], message: x[1], model: x[2] } : x } codes.each_with_object({}) do |value, memo| memo[value[:code]] = { description: value[:message] } response_model = @item response_model = expose_params_from_model(value[:model]) if value[:model] if memo.key?(200) && route.route_method == 'DELETE' && value[:model].nil? memo[204] = memo.delete(200) value[:code] = 204 end next if memo.key?(204) next unless !response_model.start_with?('Swagger_doc') && ((@definitions[response_model] && value[:code].to_s.start_with?('2')) || value[:model]) @definitions[response_model][:description] = description_object(route, markdown) # TODO: proof that the definition exist, if model isn't specified memo[value[:code]][:schema] = if route.route_is_array { 'type' => 'array', 'items' => { '$ref' => "#/definitions/#{response_model}" } } else { '$ref' => "#/definitions/#{response_model}" } end end end def tag_object(route, version) Array(route.route_path.split('{')[0].split('/').reject(&:empty?).delete_if { |i| ((i == route.route_prefix.to_s) || (i == version)) }.first) end private def partition_params(route) declared_params = route.route_settings[:declared_params] if route.route_settings[:declared_params].present? required, exposed = route.route_params.partition { |x| x.first.is_a? String } default_type(required) default_type(exposed) unless declared_params.nil? request_params = parse_request_params(required) end if !exposed.empty? exposed_params = exposed.each_with_object({}) { |x, memo| memo[x.first] = x.last } properties = parse_response_params(exposed_params) else properties = parse_response_params(required) end key = model_name(@entity || @item) unless properties.empty? || (route.route_method == 'DELETE' && !@entity) @definitions[key] = { type: 'object', properties: properties } unless @definitions.key?(key) @definitions[key][:properties].merge!(properties) if @definitions.key?(key) end return route.route_params if route.route_params && !route.route_settings[:declared_params].present? request_params || {} end def default_type(params) params.each do |param| param[-1] = param.last == '' ? { required: true, type: 'Integer' } : param.last end end def parse_request_params(required) required.each_with_object({}) do |param, memo| @array_key = param.first.to_s.gsub('[', '[][') if param.last[:type] == 'Array' possible_key = param.first.to_s.gsub('[', '[][') if @array_key && possible_key.start_with?(@array_key) key = possible_key param.last[:is_array] = true else key = param.first end memo[key] = param.last unless param.last[:type] == 'Hash' || param.last[:type] == 'Array' && !param.last.key?(:documentation) end end def parse_response_params(params) return if params.nil? params.each_with_object({}) do |x, memo| x[0] = x.last[:as] if x.last[:as] model = x.last[:using] if x.last[:using].present? model ||= x.last[:documentation][:type] if x.last[:documentation] && could_it_be_a_model?(x.last[:documentation]) if model name = expose_params_from_model(model) memo[x.first] = if x.last[:documentation] && x.last[:documentation][:is_array] { 'type' => 'array', 'items' => { '$ref' => "#/definitions/#{name}" } } else { '$ref' => "#/definitions/#{name}" } end else documented_type = x.last[:type] documented_type ||= x.last[:documentation][:type] if x.last[:documentation] data_type = if GrapeSwagger::DocMethods::DataType.primitive?(data_type) data = GrapeSwagger::DocMethods::DataType.mapping(data_type) memo[x.first] = { type: data.first, format: data.last } else memo[x.first] = { type: data_type } end memo[x.first][:enum] = x.last[:values] if x.last[:values] && x.last[:values].is_a?(Array) end memo[x.first][:description] = x.last[:documentation][:desc] if x.last[:documentation] && x.last[:documentation][:desc] end end def expose_params_from_model(model) model_name = model_name(model) # TODO: this should only be a temporary hack ;) if GrapeEntity::VERSION =~ /0\.4\.\d/ parameters = model.exposures ? model.exposures : model.documentation elsif GrapeEntity::VERSION =~ /0\.5\.\d/ parameters = model.root_exposures.each_with_object({}) do |value, memo| memo[value.attribute] = value.send(:options) end end properties = parse_response_params(parameters) @definitions[model_name] = { type: 'object', properties: properties } model_name end def model_name(name) name.respond_to?(:name) ? : name.split('::').last end def could_it_be_a_model?(value) ( value[:type].to_s.include?('Entity') || value[:type].to_s.include?('Entities') ) || ( value[:type] && value[:type].is_a?(Class) && !GrapeSwagger::DocMethods::DataType.primitive?(value[:type].name.downcase) && !value[:type] == Array ) end def hidden?(route) if route.route_hidden return route.route_hidden.is_a?(Proc) ? : route.route_hidden end false end end end