# encoding: utf-8 require "spec_helper" require "shelly/cli/main" describe Shelly::CLI::Main do let(:user) { Shelly::User.new } before do FileUtils.mkpath(File.expand_path("~")) FileUtils.stub(:chmod) @main = Shelly::CLI::Main.new Shelly::CLI::Main.stub(:new).and_return(@main) @client = mock @client.stub(:authorize!) @client.stub(:shellyapp_url).and_return("https://example.com") Shelly::Client.stub(:new).and_return(@client) Shelly::User.stub(:guess_email).and_return("") $stdout.stub(:puts) $stdout.stub(:print) Shelly::User.stub(:new => user) end describe "#version" do it "should return shelly's version" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("shelly version #{Shelly::VERSION}") invoke(@main, :version) end end describe "#help" do it "should display available commands" do out = IO.popen("bin/shelly --debug").read.strip out.should include("Tasks:") out.should include("shelly add # Add a new cloud") out.should include("shelly backup # Manage database backups") out.should include("shelly check # Check if application fulfills Shelly Cloud requirements") out.should include("shelly config # Manage application configuration files") out.should include("shelly console # Open application console") out.should include("shelly database # Manage databases") out.should include("shelly dbconsole # Run rails dbconsole") out.should include("shelly delete # Delete the cloud") out.should include("shelly deploy # View deploy logs") out.should include("shelly file # Upload and download files to and from persistent storage") out.should include("shelly help [TASK] # Describe available tasks or one specific task") out.should include("shelly info # Show basic information about cloud") out.should include("shelly list # List available clouds") out.should include("shelly login [EMAIL] # Log into Shelly Cloud") out.should include("shelly logout # Logout from Shelly Cloud") out.should include("shelly logs # View application logs") out.should include("shelly maintenance # Mange application maintenance events") out.should include("shelly mongoconsole # Run MongoDB console") out.should include("shelly open # Open application page in browser") out.should include("shelly organization # View organizations") out.should include("shelly rake TASK # Run rake task") out.should include("shelly redeploy # Redeploy application") out.should include("shelly ssh # Log into virtual server") out.should include("shelly redis-cli # Run redis-cli") out.should include("shelly register [EMAIL] # Register new account") out.should include("shelly setup # Set up git remotes for deployment on Shelly Cloud") out.should include("shelly start # Start the cloud") out.should include("shelly stop # Shutdown the cloud") out.should include("shelly user # Manage collaborators") out.should include("Options") out.should include("[--debug] # Show debug information") out.should include("-h, [--help] # Describe available tasks or one specific task") end it "should display help when user is not logged in" do out = IO.popen("bin/shelly list --help").read.strip out.should include("Usage:") out.should include("shelly list") out.should include("List available clouds") out.should_not include("You are not logged in. To log in use: `shelly login`") end end describe "#register" do before do @key_path = File.expand_path("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub") FileUtils.mkdir_p("~/.ssh") File.open("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub", "w") { |f| f << "ssh-key AAbbcc" } user.stub(:register).with("better@example.com", "secret") { true } user.stub(:upload_ssh_key) end it "should ask for email, password and password confirmation" do $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Email: ") $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Password: ") $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Password confirmation: ") fake_stdin(["better@example.com", "secret", "secret", "yes"]) do invoke(@main, :register) end end it "should suggest email and use it if user enters blank email" do user.should_receive(:register).with("kate@example.com", "secret") Shelly::User.stub(:guess_email).and_return("kate@example.com") $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Email (kate@example.com - default): ") fake_stdin(["", "secret", "secret", "yes"]) do invoke(@main, :register) end end it "should not ask about email if it's provided as argument" do user.should_receive(:register).with("kate@example.com", "secret") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Registering with email: kate@example.com") fake_stdin(["secret", "secret", "yes"]) do invoke(@main, :register, "kate@example.com") end end context "when user enters blank email" do it "should show error message and exit with 1" do Shelly::User.stub(:guess_email).and_return("") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mEmail can't be blank, please try again\e[0m") lambda { fake_stdin(["", "bob@example.com", "only-pass", "only-pass", "yes"]) do invoke(@main, :register) end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "on successful registration" do it "should display message about registration and email address confirmation" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Successfully registered!") fake_stdin(["better@example.com", "secret", "secret", "yes"]) do invoke(@main, :register) end end end context "on unsuccessful registration" do it "should display errors and exit with 1" do body = {"message" => "Validation Failed", "errors" => [["email", "has been already taken"]]} exception = Shelly::Client::ValidationException.new(body) user.stub(:register).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mEmail has been already taken\e[0m") lambda { fake_stdin(["better@example.com", "secret", "secret", "yes"]) do invoke(@main, :register) end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "on rejected Terms of Service" do it "should display error and exit with 1" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mYou must accept the Terms of Service to use Shelly Cloud\e[0m") lambda { fake_stdin(["kate@example.com", "pass", "pass", "no"]) do invoke(@main, :register) end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end end shared_examples "login" do before do Shelly::SshKey.any_instance.stub(:upload => nil, :uploaded? => false) FileUtils.mkdir_p("~/.ssh") File.open(key_path, "w") { |f| f << "ssh-rsa AAAAB3NzaC1" } @main.options = main_options @client.stub(:apps).and_return([ {"code_name" => "abc", "state" => "running", "state_description" => "running"}, {"code_name" => "fooo", "state" => "no_code", "state_description" => "turned off (no code pushed)"},]) end context "on successful login" do before do user.stub(:login).with("megan@example.com", "secret") { true } end it "should display message about successful login" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Login successful") fake_stdin(["megan@example.com", "secret"]) do invoke(@main, :login) end end it "should accept email as parameter" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Login successful") fake_stdin(["secret"]) do invoke(@main, :login, "megan@example.com") end end it "should accept given path to specific key as parameter" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Login successful") fake_stdin(["secret"]) do invoke(@main, :login, "megan@example.com") end end it "should upload user's public SSH key" do Shelly::SshKey.any_instance.should_receive(:upload) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Uploading your public SSH key from #{key_path}") fake_stdin(["megan@example.com", "secret"]) do invoke(@main, :login) end end it "should display list of applications to which user has access" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[32mYou have following clouds available:\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/ abc\s+\| running/) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/ fooo\s+\| turned off \(no code pushed\)/) fake_stdin(["megan@example.com", "secret"]) do invoke(@main, :login) end end context "SSH key already uploaded" do it "should display message to user" do Shelly::SshKey.any_instance.stub(:uploaded? => true) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Your SSH key from #{key_path} is already uploaded") fake_stdin(["megan@example.com", "secret"]) do invoke(@main, :login) end end end context "SSH key taken by other user" do it "should logout user" do body = {"message" => "Validation Failed", "errors" => [["fingerprint", "already exists. This SSH key is already in use"]]} ex = Shelly::Client::ValidationException.new(body) Shelly::SshKey.any_instance.stub(:upload).and_raise(ex) user.should_receive(:logout) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Fingerprint already exists. This SSH key is already in use") lambda { fake_stdin(["megan@example.com", "secret"]) do invoke(@main, :login) end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end end context "when local ssh key doesn't exists" do it "should display error message and return exit with 1" do FileUtils.rm_rf(key_path) File.exists?(key_path).should be_false $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mNo such file or directory - " + key_path + "\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mUse ssh-keygen to generate ssh key pair\e[0m") lambda { invoke(@main, :login) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "on unauthorized user" do it "should exit with 1 and display error message" do response = {"message" => "Unauthorized", "error" => "Wrong email or password", "url" => "https://admin.winniecloud.com/users/password/new"} exception = Shelly::Client::UnauthorizedException.new(response) @client.stub(:authorize_with_email_and_password).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mWrong email or password\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mYou can reset password by using link:\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mhttps://admin.winniecloud.com/users/password/new\e[0m") lambda { fake_stdin(["megan@example.com", "secret"]) do invoke(@main, :login) end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "on unconfirmed user" do it "should exit with 1 and display error message" do response = {"message" => "Unauthorized", "error" => "Unconfirmed account"} exception = Shelly::Client::UnauthorizedException.new(response) @client.stub(:authorize_with_email_and_password).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Unconfirmed account") lambda { fake_stdin(["megan@example.com", "secret"]) do invoke(@main, :login) end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end end describe "#login" do context "with default keys in place" do let(:key_path) { File.expand_path("~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub") } let(:main_options) { {} } it_behaves_like "login" end context "with given path to specific key" do let(:key_path) { File.expand_path("~/.ssh/specific.pub") } let(:main_options) { {:key => "~/.ssh/specific.pub"} } it_behaves_like "login" end end describe "#add" do before do FileUtils.mkdir_p("/projects/foo") Dir.chdir("/projects/foo") @app = Shelly::App.new @app.stub(:add_git_remote) @app.stub(:create) @app.stub(:create_cloudfile) @app.stub(:git_url).and_return("git@git.shellycloud.com:foooo.git") Shelly::App.stub(:inside_git_repository?).and_return(true) Shelly::App.stub(:new).and_return(@app) @client.stub(:token).and_return("abc") @app.stub(:attributes).and_return( {"organization" => {"credit" => 0, "details_present" => true}}) @app.stub(:git_remote_exist?).and_return(false) @main.stub(:check => true) @main.stub(:ask_for_organization) @main.stub(:ask_for_region).and_return('EU') end # This spec tests inside_git_repository? hook it "should exit with message if command run outside git repository" do Shelly::App.stub(:inside_git_repository?).and_return(false) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mCurrent directory is not a git repository. You need to initialize repository with `git init`. More info at http://git-scm.com/book/en/Git-Basics-Getting-a-Git-Repository\e[0m") lambda { fake_stdin(["", ""]) do invoke(@main, :add) end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end # This spec tests logged_in? hook it "should exit with message if user is not logged in" do exception = Shelly::Client::UnauthorizedException.new @client.stub(:authorize!).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "You are not logged in. To log in use: `shelly login`") lambda { fake_stdin(["", ""]) do invoke(@main, :add) end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end context "command line options" do context "invalid params" do it "should exit if databases are not valid" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mTry `shelly help add` for more information\e[0m") @main.options = {"code-name" => "foo", "databases" => ["not existing"]} lambda { invoke(@main, :add) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should exit if size is not valid" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[31mTry `shelly help add` for more information\e[0m") @main.options = {"size" => "wrong_size"} lambda { invoke(@main, :add) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "valid params" do it "should create app on shelly cloud" do @app.should_receive(:create) @main.options = {"code-name" => "foo", "databases" => ["postgresql"], "size" => "large"} invoke(@main, :add) end context "for zone param" do it "should use zone from option" do @app.should_receive(:zone=).with('zone') @main.options = {"zone" => "zone"} fake_stdin(["mycodename", ""]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should not ask about the region" do @app.should_not_receive(:region=) $stdout.should_not_receive(:puts). with("Select region for this cloud:") @main.options = {"zone" => "zone"} fake_stdin(["mycodename", ""]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end end it "should use region from option" do @app.should_receive(:region=).with('eu1') @main.options = {"region" => "eu1"} fake_stdin(["mycodename", ""]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end end end it "should use code name provided by user" do $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Cloud code name (foo - default): ") @app.should_receive(:code_name=).with("mycodename") fake_stdin(["mycodename", ""]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end context "when user provided empty code name" do it "should use 'current_dirname' as default" do $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Cloud code name (foo - default): ") @app.should_receive(:code_name=).with("foo") fake_stdin(["", ""]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end end it "should use database provided by user (separated by comma or space)" do $stdout.should_receive(:print). with("Which databases do you want to use " \ "postgresql, mysql, mongodb, redis, none (postgresql - default): ") @app.should_receive(:databases=).with(["postgresql", "mongodb", "redis"]) fake_stdin(["", "postgresql ,mongodb redis"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should ask again for databases if unsupported kind typed" do $stdout.should_receive(:print). with("Which databases do you want to use " \ "postgresql, mysql, mongodb, redis, none (postgresql - default): ") $stdout.should_receive(:print). with("Unknown database kind. Supported are: " \ "postgresql, mysql, mongodb, redis, none: ") fake_stdin(["", "postgresql,doesnt-exist", "none"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end context "when user provided empty database" do it "should use 'postgresql' database as default" do @app.should_receive(:databases=).with(["postgresql"]) fake_stdin(["", ""]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end end context "when user provided 'none' database" do it "shouldn't take it into account" do fake_stdin(["", "postgresql, none"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end @app.databases.should == ['postgresql'] end end it "should create the app on shelly cloud" do @app.should_receive(:create) fake_stdin(["", ""]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should create the app on shelly cloud and show credit information" do @app.stub(:attributes).and_return( "organization" => {"credit" => "40", "details_present" => false}) @app.stub(:organization_name).and_return("example") @app.should_receive(:create) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Billing information") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("40 Euro credit remaining.") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Remember to provide billing details before trial ends.") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("https://example.com/organizations/example/edit") fake_stdin(["", ""]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should create the app on shelly cloud and shouldn't show trial information" do @app.should_receive(:create) $stdout.should_not_receive(:puts).with(green "Billing information") fake_stdin(["", ""]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should display validation errors if they are any" do body = {"message" => "Validation Failed", "errors" => [["code_name", "has been already taken"]]} exception = Shelly::Client::ValidationException.new(body) @app.stub(:organization_name).and_return("org-name") @app.should_receive(:create).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Code name has been already taken") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Fix erros in the below command and type it again to create your cloud") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "shelly add --code-name=big-letters --databases=postgresql --organization=org-name --size=small --region=EU") lambda { fake_stdin(["BiG_LETTERS", ""]) do invoke(@main, :add) end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end context "git remote" do it "should add one if it doesn't exist" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Running: git remote add shelly git@git.shellycloud.com:foooo.git") @app.should_receive(:add_git_remote).with("shelly") fake_stdin(["foooo", ""]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end context "does exist" do before do @app.stub(:git_remote_exist?).and_return(true) end it "should ask if one exist and overwrite" do $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Git remote shelly exists, overwrite (yes/no): ") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Running: git remote add shelly git@git.shellycloud.com:foooo.git") @app.should_receive(:add_git_remote).with("shelly") fake_stdin(["foooo", "", "yes"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should ask if one exist and not overwrite" do @app.stub(:git_remote_exist?).with('test').and_return(false) $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Git remote shelly exists, overwrite (yes/no): ") $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Specify remote name: ") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Running: git remote add test git@git.shellycloud.com:foooo.git") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" git push test master") @app.should_receive(:add_git_remote).with("test") fake_stdin(["foooo", "", "no", "test"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end end end it "should create Cloudfile" do @app.should_receive(:create_cloudfile) fake_stdin(["foooo", ""]) { invoke(@main, :add) } end it "should display info about adding Cloudfile to repository" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[32mProject is now configured for use with Shelly Cloud:\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[32mYou can review changes using\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" git status") fake_stdin(["foooo", "none"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should display info on how to deploy to ShellyCloud" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[32mWhen you make sure all settings are correct, add changes to your repository:\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" git add .") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(' git commit -m "Application added to Shelly Cloud"') $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[32mDeploy to your cloud using:\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" git push shelly master") fake_stdin(["foooo", "none"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should check shelly requirements" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts) \ .with("\e[32mWhen you make sure all settings are correct, add changes to your repository:\e[0m") @main.should_receive(:check).with(false).and_return(true) fake_stdin(["foooo", "none"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should abort when shelly requirements are not met" do $stdout.should_not_receive(:puts) \ .with("\e[32mWhen you make sure all settings are correct, add changes to your repository:\e[0m") @main.should_receive(:check).with(false).and_return(false) fake_stdin(["foooo", "none"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should skip checking shelly requirements if --skip-requirements-check provided" do @main.options = {"skip-requirements-check" => true} @main.should_not_receive(:check) fake_stdin(["foooo", "none"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should show forbidden exception" do @main.options = {'organization' => "foobar"} exception = Shelly::Client::ForbiddenException.new @app.should_receive(:create).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "You have to be the owner of 'foobar' organization to add clouds") expect do fake_stdin(["foooo", "none"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end.to raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should show conflict exception" do exception = Shelly::Client::ConflictException.new({'error' => 'message'}) @app.should_receive(:create).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "message") expect do fake_stdin(["foo", "none"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end.to raise_error(SystemExit) end context "organization" do before do @main.unstub(:ask_for_organization) end it "should use --organization option" do @main.options = {"organization" => "foo"} @app.should_receive(:organization_name=).with("foo") fake_stdin(["foo", "none"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end context "ask user for organization" do before do @client.stub(:organizations).and_return([{"name" => "aaa"}]) end it "should ask user to choose organization" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with("Select organization for this cloud:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("existing organizations:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" 1) aaa") $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(green "Or leave empty to create a new organization") $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Organization: ") fake_stdin(["foo", "none", "aaa"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should keep asking until user will provide a valid option" do $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Organization: ").twice fake_stdin(["foo", "none", "bbb", "aaa"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should use choosen organization" do @app.should_receive(:organization_name=).with("aaa") fake_stdin(["foo", "none", "aaa"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should ask user to create a new organization" do @app.should_receive(:organization_name=).with('org-name') @client.should_receive(:create_organization). with({:name => "org-name", :redeem_code => nil}, nil) $stdout.should_receive(:print). with("Organization name (foo - default): ") $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(green "Organization 'org-name' created") fake_stdin(["foo", "none", "", "org-name"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should use --redeem-code option" do @main.options = {'redeem-code' => 'discount'} @client.should_receive(:create_organization). with({:name => "org-name", :redeem_code => 'discount'}, nil) fake_stdin(["foo", "none", "", "org-name"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should use --referral-code option" do @main.options = {'referral-code' => 'test'} @client.should_receive(:create_organization). with({:name => "org-name", :redeem_code=>nil}, 'test') fake_stdin(["foo", "none", "", "org-name"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end end it "should show that organization was not found" do @main.options = {"organization" => "foo"} response = {"resource" => "organization"} exception = Shelly::Client::NotFoundException.new(response) @app.should_receive(:create).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(red "Organization 'foo' not found") $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(red "You can list organizations you have access to with" \ " `shelly organization list`") expect do fake_stdin(["foooo", "none"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end.to raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "for region" do before do @main.unstub(:ask_for_region) end it "should use the value from the --region option" do @main.options = {"region" => "EU"} @app.should_receive(:region=).with("EU") fake_stdin(["foo", "none"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end it "should ask user to choose the region" do @app.should_receive(:region=).with("NA") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Select region for this cloud:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("available regions:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" 1) EU") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" 2) NA") $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Region: ") fake_stdin(["foo", "none", "NA"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end context "when given region is not available" do it "should print a warning message and ask again" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(yellow "ASIA region is not available") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("available regions:").twice fake_stdin(["foo", "none", "ASIA", "NA"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end end context "when given region does not accepts new apps" do it "should show that it is not available" do @main.options = {"region" => "NA"} response = {"error" => "Given region is unavailable"} exception = Shelly::Client::ConflictException.new(response) @app.should_receive(:create).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Given region is unavailable") expect do fake_stdin(["foo", "none", "NA"]) do invoke(@main, :add) end end.to raise_error(SystemExit) end end end end describe "#list" do before do @client.stub(:token).and_return("abc") @client.stub(:apps).and_return([ {"code_name" => "foo", "state" => "running", "state_description" => "running", "maintenance" => false}, {"code_name" => "bar", "state" => "deploy_failed", "state_description" => "running (last deployment failed)", "maintenance" => false}, {"code_name" => "baz", "state" => "deploy_failed", "state_description" => "admin maintenance in progress", "maintenance" => true} ]) end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@main, :list).should include(:logged_in?) end it "should display user's clouds" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[32mYou have following clouds available:\e[0m") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/foo\s+\| running/) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/bar\s+\| running \(last deployment failed\) \(deployment log: `shelly deploys show last -c bar`\)/) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(/baz\s+\| admin maintenance in progress/) invoke(@main, :list) end it "should display info that user has no clouds" do @client.stub(:apps).and_return([]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[32mYou have no clouds yet\e[0m") invoke(@main, :list) end context "#status" do it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@main, :status).should include(:logged_in?) end it "should have a 'status' alias" do @client.stub(:apps).and_return([]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\e[32mYou have no clouds yet\e[0m") invoke(@main, :status) end end end describe "#start" do before do setup_project @client.stub(:apps).and_return([ {"code_name" => "foo-production", "state" => "running", "state_description" => "running", "maintenance" => false}, {"code_name" => "foo-staging", "state" => "no_code", "state_description" => "turned off (no code pushed)", "maintenance" => false}]) @client.stub(:start_cloud => {"deployment" => {"id" => "DEPLOYMENT_ID"}}) @deployment = {"messages" => ["message1"], "result" => "success", "state" => "finished"} @app.stub(:deployment => @deployment) end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@main, :start).should include(:logged_in?) end context "single cloud in Cloudfile" do it "should start the cloud" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Starting cloud foo-production.") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green " ---> message1") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Starting cloud successful") invoke(@main, :start) end end # this tests multiple_clouds method used in majority of tasks context "without Cloudfile" do it "should use cloud from params" do Dir.chdir("/projects") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Starting cloud foo-production.") @main.options = {:cloud => "foo-production"} invoke(@main, :start) end it "should ask user to specify cloud, list all clouds and exit" do Shelly::App.unstub(:new) # makes Shelly::User#apps work Dir.chdir("/projects") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "You have to specify cloud.") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Select cloud using `shelly start --cloud CLOUD_NAME`") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "You have following clouds available:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" foo-production | running") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" foo-staging | turned off (no code pushed)") lambda { invoke(@main, :start) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end # this tests multiple_clouds method used in majority of tasks context "multiple clouds in Cloudfile" do before do Shelly::App.unstub(:new) File.open("Cloudfile", 'w') {|f| f.write("foo-staging:\nfoo-production:\n") } end it "should show information to start specific cloud and exit" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "You have multiple clouds in Cloudfile.") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Select cloud using `shelly start --cloud foo-production`") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Available clouds:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" * foo-production") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" * foo-staging") lambda { invoke(@main, :start) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should fetch from command line which cloud to start" do @client.should_receive(:start_cloud).with("foo-staging") @client.should_receive(:deployment). with("foo-staging", "DEPLOYMENT_ID").and_return(@deployment) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Starting cloud foo-staging.") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green " ---> message1") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Starting cloud successful") @main.options = {:cloud => "foo-staging"} invoke(@main, :start) end end context "on failure" do it "should show information that cloud is running" do raise_conflict("state" => "running") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Not starting: cloud 'foo-production' is already running") lambda { invoke(@main, :start) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should show information that cloud is deploying" do raise_conflict("state" => "deploying") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Not starting: cloud 'foo-production' is currently deploying") lambda { invoke(@main, :start) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should show information that cloud has no code" do @app.stub(:git_remote_name).and_return('shelly') raise_conflict("state" => "no_code") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Not starting: no source code provided") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Push source code using:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("`git push shelly master`") lambda { invoke(@main, :start) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should show information that cloud is in deploy_failed state" do raise_conflict("state" => "deploy_failed") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Not starting: deployment failed") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Support has been notified") $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(red "Check `shelly deploys show last --cloud foo-production` for reasons of failure") lambda { invoke(@main, :start) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should show that winnie is out of resources" do raise_conflict("state" => "not_enough_resources") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Sorry, There are no resources for your servers. We have been notified about it. We will be adding new resources shortly") lambda { invoke(@main, :start) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should show messages about billing" do raise_conflict("state" => "no_billing") @app.stub(:edit_billing_url).and_return("http://example.com/billing/edit") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Please fill in billing details to start foo-production.") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Visit: http://example.com/billing/edit") lambda { invoke(@main, :start) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should show messge about app turning off" do raise_conflict("state" => "turning_off") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Not starting: cloud 'foo-production' is turning off. Wait until cloud is in 'turned off' state and try again.") lambda { invoke(@main, :start) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should show message about blocked deploy" do exception = Shelly::Client::LockedException.new("message" => "reason of block") @client.should_receive(:start_cloud).with("foo-production").and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Deployment is currently blocked:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "reason of block") lambda { invoke(@main, :start) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end def raise_conflict(options = {}) body = {"state" => "no_code"}.merge(options) exception = Shelly::Client::ConflictException.new(body) @client.stub(:start_cloud).and_raise(exception) end end end describe "#stop" do before do @user = Shelly::User.new @client.stub(:token).and_return("abc") FileUtils.mkdir_p("/projects/foo") Dir.chdir("/projects/foo") File.open("Cloudfile", 'w') {|f| f.write("foo-production:\n") } Shelly::User.stub(:new).and_return(@user) @client.stub(:apps).and_return([{"code_name" => "foo-production"}, {"code_name" => "foo-staging"}]) @app = Shelly::App.new("foo-production") Shelly::App.stub(:new).and_return(@app) @client.stub(:stop_cloud => {"deployment" => {"id" => "DEPLOYMENT_ID"}}) @app.stub(:deployment => {"messages" => ["message1"], "result" => "success", "state" => "finished"}) end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@main, :stop).should include(:logged_in?) end # multiple_clouds is tested in main_spec.rb in describe "#start" block it "should ensure multiple_clouds check" do @main.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) fake_stdin(["yes"]) do invoke(@main, :stop) end end it "should stop the cloud" do $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Are you sure you want to shut down 'foo-production' cloud (yes/no): ") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\n") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green " ---> message1") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Stopping cloud successful") fake_stdin(["yes"]) do invoke(@main, :stop) end end context "on failure" do context "when application is in deploy_failed state" do it "should display error and `shelly deploy show last --cloud foo-production` command" do @app.stub(:deployment => {"messages" => ["message1"], "result" => "failure", "state" => "deploy_failed"}) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green " ---> message1") $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(red "Stopping cloud failed. See logs with `shelly deploy show last --cloud foo-production`") fake_stdin(["yes"]) do invoke(@main, :stop) end end end it "should exit if user doesn't have access to clouds in Cloudfile" do @client.stub(:stop_cloud).and_raise(Shelly::Client::NotFoundException.new("resource" => "cloud")) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "You have no access to 'foo-production' cloud defined in Cloudfile") lambda { fake_stdin(["yes"]) do invoke(@main, :stop) end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should show messages about app being deployed" do raise_conflict("state" => "deploying") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Your cloud is currently being deployed and it can not be stopped.") lambda do fake_stdin(["yes"]) do invoke(@main, :stop) end end.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should show messge about app's no_code" do raise_conflict("state" => "no_code") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "You need to deploy your cloud first.") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with('More information can be found at:') $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with('https://example.com/documentation/deployment') lambda do fake_stdin(["yes"]) do invoke(@main, :stop) end end.should raise_error(SystemExit) end it "should show messge about app turning off" do raise_conflict("state" => "turning_off") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Your cloud is turning off.") lambda do fake_stdin(["yes"]) do invoke(@main, :stop) end end.should raise_error(SystemExit) end def raise_conflict(options = {}) body = {"state" => "no_code"}.merge(options) exception = Shelly::Client::ConflictException.new(body) @client.stub(:stop_cloud).and_raise(exception) end end end describe "#info" do before do File.open("Cloudfile", 'w') { |f| f.write("foo-production:\n") } @app = Shelly::App.new("foo-production") @main.stub(:logged_in?).and_return(true) @app.stub(:attributes).and_return(response) @statistics = [{"name" => "app1", "memory" => {"kilobyte" => "276756", "percent" => "74.1"}, "swap" => {"kilobyte" => "44332", "percent" => "2.8"}, "cpu" => {"wait" => "0.8", "system" => "0.0", "user" => "0.1"}, "load" => {"avg15" => "0.13", "avg05" => "0.15", "avg01" => "0.04"}}] @app.stub(:statistics).and_return(@statistics) end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@main, :info).should include(:logged_in?) end # multiple_clouds is tested in main_spec.rb in describe "#start" block it "should ensure multiple_clouds check" do @main.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) invoke(@main, :info) end context "on success" do it "should display basic information about cloud" do @main.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Cloud foo-production:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Region: EU") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" State: running") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Deployed commit sha: 52e65ed2d085eaae560cdb81b2b56a7d76") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Deployed commit message: Commit message") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Deployed by: megan@example.com") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Repository URL: git@winniecloud.net:example-cloud") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Web server IP:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Statistics:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" app1:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Load average: 1m: 0.04, 5m: 0.15, 15m: 0.13") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" CPU: 0.8%, MEM: 74.1%, SWAP: 2.8%") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Usage:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Filesystem:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Current: 2.04 GiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Average: 182.39 MiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Database:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Current: 1.19 MiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Average: 18.24 MiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Traffic:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Incoming: 11.54 GiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Outgoing: 1.15 GiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Total: 12.69 GiB") invoke(@main, :info) end context "when usage and traffic is not present" do before do @app.stub(:attributes).and_return(response({ "billing" => { "current_month_costs" => { "usage" => [], "traffic" => { "incoming" => nil, "outgoing" => nil, "total" => nil } } }, })) end it "should print 0.0 B usage" do @main.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Usage:") $stdout.should_not_receive(:puts).with(" Filesystem:") $stdout.should_not_receive(:puts).with(" Database:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Traffic:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Incoming: 0.0 B") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Outgoing: 0.0 B") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Total: 0.0 B") invoke(@main, :info) end end context "when deploy failed" do context "and app is in maintenance" do it "should display basic information without instruction to show last app logs" do @app.stub(:attributes). and_return(response({"state" => "deploy_failed", "state_description" => "admin maintenance in progress", "maintenance" => true})) @main.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Cloud foo-production:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Region: EU") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" State: admin maintenance in progress") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Deployed commit sha: 52e65ed2d085eaae560cdb81b2b56a7d76") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Deployed commit message: Commit message") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Deployed by: megan@example.com") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Repository URL: git@winniecloud.net:example-cloud") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Web server IP:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Statistics:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" app1:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Load average: 1m: 0.04, 5m: 0.15, 15m: 0.13") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" CPU: 0.8%, MEM: 74.1%, SWAP: 2.8%") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Usage:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Filesystem:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Current: 2.04 GiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Average: 182.39 MiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Database:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Current: 1.19 MiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Average: 18.24 MiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Traffic:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Incoming: 11.54 GiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Outgoing: 1.15 GiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Total: 12.69 GiB") invoke(@main, :info) end end context "and app is not in maintenance" do it "should display basic information and instruction to show last app logs" do @app.stub(:attributes). and_return(response({"state" => "deploy_failed", "state_description" => "running (last deployment failed)", "maintenance" => false})) @main.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Cloud foo-production:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Region: EU") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" State: running (last deployment failed) (deployment log: `shelly deploys show last -c foo-production`)") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Deployed commit sha: 52e65ed2d085eaae560cdb81b2b56a7d76") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Deployed commit message: Commit message") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Deployed by: megan@example.com") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Repository URL: git@winniecloud.net:example-cloud") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Web server IP:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Statistics:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" app1:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Load average: 1m: 0.04, 5m: 0.15, 15m: 0.13") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" CPU: 0.8%, MEM: 74.1%, SWAP: 2.8%") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Usage:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Filesystem:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Current: 2.04 GiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Average: 182.39 MiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Database:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Current: 1.19 MiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Average: 18.24 MiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Traffic:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Incoming: 11.54 GiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Outgoing: 1.15 GiB") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" Total: 12.69 GiB") invoke(@main, :info) end end it "should not display statistics when statistics are empty" do @app.stub(:attributes).and_return(response({"state" => "turned_off", "state_description" => "turned off"})) @main.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) @app.stub(:statistics).and_return([]) $stdout.should_not_receive(:puts).with("Statistics:") invoke(@main, :info) end end context "on failure" do it "should raise an error if statistics unavailable" do @main.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) exception = Shelly::Client::GatewayTimeoutException.new @app.stub(:statistics).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Server statistics temporarily unavailable") lambda { invoke(@main, :info) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end end def response(options = {}) { "code_name" => "foo-production", "region" => "EU", "state" => "running", "state_description" => "running", "git_info" => { "deployed_commit_message" => "Commit message", "deployed_commit_sha" => "52e65ed2d085eaae560cdb81b2b56a7d76", "repository_url" => "git@winniecloud.net:example-cloud", "deployed_push_author" => "megan@example.com" }, "billing" => { "current_month_costs" => { "usage" => [ { "kind" => "filesystem", "avg" => 191248000, "current" => 2191248000 }, { "kind" => "database", "avg" => 19128000, "current" => 1248000 } ], "traffic" => { "incoming" => 12391283291, "outgoing" => 1239123843, "total" => 12391283291 + 1239123843 } } }, "web_server_ip" => [""]}.merge(options) end end describe "#setup" do before do Shelly::App.stub(:inside_git_repository?).and_return(true) @client.stub(:token).and_return("abc") @client.stub(:app).and_return("git_info" => {"repository_url" => "git_url"}) @app = Shelly::App.new("foo-staging") @app.stub(:git_remote_exist?).and_return(false) @app.stub(:system) Shelly::App.stub(:new).and_return(@app) File.open("Cloudfile", 'w') {|f| f.write("foo-staging:\n") } end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@main, :setup).should include(:logged_in?) end it "should ensure that user is inside git repo" do hooks(@main, :setup).should include(:inside_git_repository?) end # multiple_clouds is tested in main_spec.rb in describe "#start" block it "should ensure multiple_clouds check" do @main.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) invoke(@main, :setup) end it "should show info about adding remote and fetching changes" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Setting up foo-staging cloud") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Running: git remote add shelly git_url") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Running: git fetch shelly") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Your application is set up.") invoke(@main, :setup) end it "should add git remote" do @app.should_receive(:add_git_remote) invoke(@main, :setup) end it "should fetch remote" do @app.should_receive(:git_fetch_remote) invoke(@main, :setup) end context "when remote exists" do before do @app.stub(:git_remote_exist?).and_return(true) end context "and user answers yes" do it "should overwrite remote" do @app.should_receive(:add_git_remote) @app.should_receive(:git_fetch_remote) fake_stdin(["yes"]) do invoke(@main, :setup) end end it "should show info about adding default remote and fetching changes" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Setting up foo-staging cloud") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Running: git remote add shelly git_url") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Running: git fetch shelly") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Your application is set up.") fake_stdin(["yes"]) do invoke(@main, :setup) end end end context "and user answers no" do before do @app.stub(:git_remote_exist?).with('remote').and_return(false) end it "should display commands to perform manually" do $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Specify remote name: ") @app.should_receive(:add_git_remote).with('remote') @app.should_receive(:git_fetch_remote).with('remote') fake_stdin(["no", "remote"]) do invoke(@main, :setup) end end it "should show info about adding custom remote and fetching changes" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Setting up foo-staging cloud") $stdout.should_receive(:print).with("Specify remote name: ") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Running: git remote add remote git_url") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Running: git fetch remote") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Your application is set up.") fake_stdin(["no", "remote"]) do invoke(@main, :setup) end end end end end describe "#delete" do before do Shelly::App.stub(:inside_git_repository?).and_return(true) @user = Shelly::User.new @app = Shelly::App.new('foo-staging') @client.stub(:token).and_return("abc") @app.stub(:delete) Shelly::User.stub(:new).and_return(@user) Shelly::App.stub(:new).and_return(@app) @client.stub(:app).and_return("git_info" => {"repository_url" => "git_url"}) end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@main, :delete).should include(:logged_in?) end # multiple_clouds is tested in main_spec.rb in describe "#start" block it "should ensure multiple_clouds check" do @client.stub(:delete) @main.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) fake_stdin(["foo-staging"]) do invoke(@main, :delete) end end context "when cloud is given" do before do File.open("Cloudfile", 'w') {|f| f.write("foo-staging:\nfoo-production:\n") } end it "should display warning and ask about deleting the application" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("You are going to:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(" * remove all files stored in the persistent storage for" \ " foo-staging,") $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(" * remove all database data for foo-staging,") $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(" * remove foo-staging cloud from Shelly Cloud") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\n") $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(red "This action is permanent and can not be undone.") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\n") $stdout.should_receive(:print). with("Please confirm with the name of the cloud: ") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Scheduling application delete - done") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Removing git remote - done") @main.options = {:cloud => "foo-staging"} fake_stdin(["foo-staging"]) do invoke(@main, :delete) end end context 'when given code name does not match' do it "should print message and return exit 1" do @app.should_not_receive(:delete) $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(red "The name does not match. Operation aborted.") lambda{ fake_stdin(["foo-production"]) do @main.options = {:cloud => "foo-staging"} invoke(@main, :delete) end }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end it "should remove git remote" do @app.should_receive(:remove_git_remote) @main.options = {:cloud => "foo-staging"} fake_stdin(["foo-staging"]) do invoke(@main, :delete) end end end context "when git repository doesn't exist" do before do File.open("Cloudfile", 'w') {|f| f.write("foo-staging:\n") } end it "should say that Git remote missing" do Shelly::App.stub(:inside_git_repository?).and_return(false) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Missing git remote") fake_stdin(["foo-staging"]) do @main.options = {:cloud => "foo-staging"} invoke(@main, :delete) end end end context "when no cloud option is given" do before do File.open("Cloudfile", 'w') {|f| f.write("foo-staging:\n") } end it "should take the cloud from Cloudfile" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("You are going to:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(" * remove all files stored in the persistent storage for" \ " foo-staging,") $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(" * remove all database data for foo-staging,") $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(" * remove foo-staging cloud from Shelly Cloud") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\n") $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(red "This action is permanent and can not be undone.") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\n") $stdout.should_receive(:print). with("Please confirm with the name of the cloud: ") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Scheduling application delete - done") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Removing git remote - done") fake_stdin(["foo-staging"]) do invoke(@main, :delete) end end end end describe "#logout" do before do user.stub(:logout => true) user.stub(:delete_ssh_key => false) end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@main, :logout).should include(:logged_in?) end it "should logout from shelly cloud and show message" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("You have been successfully logged out") user.should_receive(:logout) invoke(@main, :logout) end it "should notify user that ssh key was removed" do user.ssh_keys.stub(:destroy => true) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Your public SSH key has been removed from Shelly Cloud") user.ssh_keys.should_receive(:destroy) invoke(@main, :logout) end context "option key" do it "should be removed" do sshkey = mock Shelly::SshKey.should_receive(:new).with('path/sshkey.pub').and_return(sshkey) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Your public SSH key has been removed from Shelly Cloud") sshkey.should_receive(:destroy).and_return(true) @main.options = {:key => "path/sshkey.pub"} invoke(@main, :logout) end end end describe "#rake" do before do setup_project @main.stub(:rake_args).and_return(%w(db:migrate)) end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@main, :rake).should include(:logged_in?) end # multiple_clouds is tested in main_spec.rb in describe "#start" block it "should ensure multiple_clouds check" do @app.stub(:rake) @main.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) invoke(@main, :rake, "db:migrate") end it "should invoke rake task" do @app.should_receive(:rake).with("db:migrate", nil) invoke(@main, :rake, "db:migrate") end describe "#rake_args" do before { @main.unstub!(:rake_args) } it "should return Array of rake arguments (skipping shelly gem arguments)" do argv = %w(rake -T db --server app1 --cloud foo-production --debug) @main.rake_args(argv).should == %w(-T db) end it "should take ARGV as default default argument" do # Rather poor, I test if method without args returns the same as method with ARGV @main.rake_args.should == @main.rake_args(ARGV) end end end describe "#redeploy" do before do setup_project @client.stub(:redeploy => {"deployment" => {"id" => "DEPLOYMENT_ID"}}) @app.stub(:deployment => {"messages" => ["message1"], "result" => "success", "state" => "finished"}) end # multiple_clouds is tested in main_spec.rb in describe "#start" block it "should ensure multiple_clouds check" do @main.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) invoke(@main, :redeploy) end it "should redeploy the application" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Redeploying your application for cloud 'foo-production'") @app.should_receive(:redeploy) invoke(@main, :redeploy) end it "should print deployment messages" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green " ---> message1") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green "Cloud redeploy successful") invoke(@main, :redeploy) end context "on redeploy failure" do context "when application is in deploy_failed state" do it "should display error and `shelly deploy show last --cloud foo-production` command" do @app.stub(:deployment => {"messages" => ["message1"], "result" => "failure", "state" => "deploy_failed"}) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(green " ---> message1") $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(red "Cloud redeploy failed. See logs with `shelly deploy show last --cloud foo-production`") invoke(@main, :redeploy) end end context "when application is in deploying state" do it "should display error that deploy is in progress" do exception = Shelly::Client::ConflictException.new("state" => "deploying") @client.should_receive(:redeploy).with("foo-production").and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Your application is being redeployed at the moment") lambda { invoke(@main, :redeploy) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end %w(no_code no_billing turned_off).each do |state| context "when application is in #{state} state" do it "should display error that cloud is not running" do exception = Shelly::Client::ConflictException.new("state" => state) @client.should_receive(:redeploy).with("foo-production").and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Cloud foo-production is not running") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("Start your cloud with `shelly start --cloud foo-production`") lambda { invoke(@main, :redeploy) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end end context "when deployment is blocked" do it "should display reason of the block" do exception = Shelly::Client::LockedException.new("message" => "reason of block") @client.should_receive(:redeploy).with("foo-production").and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Deployment is currently blocked:") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "reason of block") lambda { invoke(@main, :redeploy) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end it "should re-raise exception on unknown state" do exception = Shelly::Client::ConflictException.new("state" => "doing_something") @client.should_receive(:redeploy).with("foo-production").and_raise(exception) lambda { invoke(@main, :redeploy) }.should raise_error(Shelly::Client::ConflictException) end end end describe "#open" do before do setup_project @app.stub(:open) end # multiple_clouds is tested in main_spec.rb in describe "#start" block it "should ensure multiple_clouds check" do @client.stub(:open) @main.should_receive(:multiple_clouds).and_return(@app) invoke(@main, :open) end it "should open app" do @app.should_receive(:open) invoke(@main, :open) end end describe "#console" do before do setup_project end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@main, :console).should include(:logged_in?) end it "execute ssh command" do @app.should_receive(:console) invoke(@main, :console) end context "virtual servers are not running" do it "should display error" do @client.stub(:tunnel).and_raise(Shelly::Client::ConflictException) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Cloud foo-production is not running. Cannot run console.") lambda { invoke(@main, :console) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "virtual server not found" do it "should display error" do ex = Shelly::Client::NotFoundException.new("resource" => "virtual_server") @client.stub(:tunnel).and_raise(ex) @main.options = {:server => "foobar"} $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Virtual server 'foobar' not found or not configured for running console") lambda { invoke(@main, :console) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end end describe "#dbconsole" do before do setup_project end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@main, :dbconsole).should include(:logged_in?) end it "should execute ssh command" do @app.should_receive(:dbconsole) invoke(@main, :dbconsole) end context "Instances are not running" do it "should display error" do @client.stub(:configured_db_server).and_raise(Shelly::Client::ConflictException) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Cloud foo-production wasn't deployed properly. Can not run dbconsole.") lambda { invoke(@main, :dbconsole) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end end describe "#mongoconsole" do before do setup_project end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@main, :mongoconsole).should include(:logged_in?) end it "should execute ssh command" do @app.should_receive(:mongoconsole) invoke(@main, :mongoconsole) end context "Instances are not running" do it "should display error" do @client.stub(:configured_db_server).and_raise(Shelly::Client::ConflictException) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Cloud foo-production wasn't deployed properly. Can not run MongoDB console.") lambda { invoke(@main, :mongoconsole) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end end describe "#redis_cli" do before do setup_project end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@main, :redis_cli).should include(:logged_in?) end it "should execute ssh command" do @app.should_receive(:redis_cli) invoke(@main, :redis_cli) end context "Instances are not running" do it "should display error" do @client.stub(:configured_db_server).and_raise(Shelly::Client::ConflictException) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Cloud foo-production wasn't deployed properly. Can not run redis-cli.") lambda { invoke(@main, :redis_cli) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end end describe "#ssh" do before do setup_project end it "should ensure user has logged in" do hooks(@main, :ssh).should include(:logged_in?) end it "should execute ssh command" do @app.should_receive(:ssh_console) invoke(@main, :ssh) end context "virtual servers are not running" do it "should display error" do @client.stub(:tunnel).and_raise(Shelly::Client::ConflictException) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Cloud foo-production is not running. Cannot run ssh console.") lambda { invoke(@main, :ssh) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end context "virtual server not found" do it "should display error" do ex = Shelly::Client::NotFoundException.new("resource" => "virtual_server") @client.stub(:tunnel).and_raise(ex) @main.options = {:server => "foobar"} $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Virtual server 'foobar' not found or not configured for running ssh console") lambda { invoke(@main, :ssh) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end end describe "#check" do before do Shelly::App.stub(:inside_git_repository?).and_return(true) Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :specs, :map) \ .and_return(["thin", "pg", "delayed_job", "whenever", "sidekiq"]) Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :ruby_version). and_return(mock(:engine => 'ruby', :version => '1.9.3')) Shelly::StructureValidator.any_instance.stub(:repo_paths) \ .and_return(["config.ru", "Gemfile", "Gemfile.lock", "Rakefile"]) Shelly::StructureValidator.any_instance.stub(:tasks).and_return(["rake db:migrate"]) end it "should ensure user is in git repository" do hooks(@main, :check).should include(:inside_git_repository?) end context "when gemfile exists" do it "should show that Gemfile exists" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} Gemfile is present") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "when gemfile doesn't exist" do it "should show that Gemfile doesn't exist" do Shelly::StructureValidator.any_instance.stub(:repo_paths).and_return([]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Gemfile is missing in git repository") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "when gemfile exists" do it "should show that Gemfile exists" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} Gemfile is present") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "when gemfile doesn't exist" do it "should show that Gemfile doesn't exist" do Shelly::StructureValidator.any_instance.stub(:repo_paths).and_return([]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Gemfile is missing in git repository") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "application server" do context "when thin gem exists" do it "should show that necessary gem exists" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} Web server gem is present") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "when puma gem exists" do it "should show that necessary gem exists" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :specs, :map) \ .and_return(["puma", "pg", "delayed_job", "whenever", "sidekiq"]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} Web server gem is present") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "when neither thin nor puma present in Gemfile" do it "should show that necessary gem doesn't exist" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :specs, :map).and_return([]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Missing web server gem in Gemfile. Currently supported: 'thin' and 'puma'") invoke(@main, :check) end end end context "gemfile ruby version" do context "ruby engine" do context "supported version" do it "should show checked message" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :ruby_version). and_return(mock(:engine => 'ruby', :version => '1.9.3')) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} ruby 1.9.3 is supported") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "unsupported version" do it "should show error message" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :ruby_version). and_return(mock(:engine => 'ruby', :version => '1.9.2')) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} ruby 1.9.2 is currently unsupported\n See more at https://shellycloud.com/documentation/requirements#ruby_versions") invoke(@main, :check) end end end context "jruby engine" do context "supported version" do it "should show checked message" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :ruby_version). and_return(mock(:engine => 'jruby', :version => '1.9.3', :engine_version => '1.7.10')) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} jruby 1.7.10 (1.9 mode) is supported") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "unsupported version" do it "should show error message - ruby version" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :ruby_version). and_return(mock(:engine => 'jruby', :version => '1.8.7', :engine_version => '1.7.10')) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Only jruby 1.7.10 (1.9 mode) is currently supported\n See more at https://shellycloud.com/documentation/requirements#ruby_versions") invoke(@main, :check) end it "should show error message - engine version" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :ruby_version). and_return(mock(:engine => 'jruby', :version => '1.9.3', :engine_version => '1.7.3')) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Only jruby 1.7.10 (1.9 mode) is currently supported\n See more at https://shellycloud.com/documentation/requirements#ruby_versions") invoke(@main, :check) end end end context "patchlevel version" do it "should show unsupported error message" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :ruby_version). and_return(mock(:engine => 'ruby', :version => '1.9.3', :patchlevel => '111')) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Remove Ruby patchlevel from Gemfile\n Shelly Cloud takes care of upgrading Rubies whenever they are released\n See more at https://shellycloud.com/documentation/requirements#ruby_versions") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "other engines" do it "should show unsupported error message" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :ruby_version). and_return(mock(:engine => 'mswin', :version => '1.9.2')) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Your ruby engine: mswin is currently unsupported\n See more at https://shellycloud.com/documentation/requirements#ruby_versions") invoke(@main, :check) end end end context "when 'db:migrate' task exists" do it "should show that necessary task exists" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} Task 'db:migrate' is present") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "when 'db:migrate' task doesn't exist" do it "should show that necessary task doesn't exist" do Shelly::StructureValidator.any_instance.stub(:tasks).and_return([]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Task 'db:migrate' is missing") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "when config.ru exists" do it "should show that config.ru exists" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} config.ru is present") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "when config.ru doesn't exist" do it "should show that config.ru is neccessary" do Shelly::StructureValidator.any_instance.stub(:repo_paths).and_return([]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} config.ru is missing") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "when Rakefile exists" do it "should show that Rakefile exists" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} Rakefile is present") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "when Rakefile doesn't exist" do it "should show that Rakefile is neccessary" do Shelly::StructureValidator.any_instance.stub(:repo_paths).and_return([]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Rakefile is missing") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "when Gemfile contains 'shelly' gem" do it "should show warning" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :specs, :map). and_return(["shelly"]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(" #{yellow("ϟ")} Gem 'shelly' should not be a part of Gemfile.\n The versions of the thor gem used by shelly and Rails may be incompatible.") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "when Gemfile does not contains 'shelly' gem" do it "should show that 'shelly' is not a part of Gemfile" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts). with(" #{green("✓")} Gem 'shelly' is not a part of Gemfile") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "cloudfile" do before do cloud = mock(:code_name => "foo-staging", :cloud_databases => ["postgresql"], :whenever? => true, :delayed_job? => true, :sidekiq? => true, :thin? => true, :puma? => true, :to_s => "foo-staging") cloudfile = mock(:clouds => [cloud]) Shelly::Cloudfile.stub(:new).and_return(cloudfile) end context "whenever is enabled" do it "should show that necessary gem doesn't exist" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :specs, :map).and_return([]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Gem 'whenever' is missing in the Gemfile for 'foo-staging' cloud") invoke(@main, :check) end it "should show that necessary gem exists" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} Gem 'whenever' is present for 'foo-staging' cloud") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "delayed_job is enabled" do it "should show that necessary gem doesn't exist" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :specs, :map).and_return([]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Gem 'delayed_job' is missing in the Gemfile for 'foo-staging' cloud") invoke(@main, :check) end it "should show that necessary gem exists" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} Gem 'delayed_job' is present for 'foo-staging' cloud") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "sidekiq is enabled" do it "should show that necessary gem doesn't exist" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :specs, :map).and_return([]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Gem 'sidekiq' is missing in the Gemfile for 'foo-staging' cloud") invoke(@main, :check) end it "should show that necessary gem exists" do $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} Gem 'sidekiq' is present for 'foo-staging' cloud") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "postgresql is enabled" do it "should show that necessary gem doesn't exist" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :specs, :map).and_return([]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Postgresql driver is missing in the Gemfile for 'foo-staging' cloud,\n we recommend adding 'pg' gem to Gemfile") invoke(@main, :check) end it "should show that necessary gem exists - postgres" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :specs, :map).and_return(["postgres"]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} Postgresql driver is present for 'foo-staging' cloud") invoke(@main, :check) end it "should show that necessary gem exists - pg" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :specs, :map).and_return(["pg"]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} Postgresql driver is present for 'foo-staging' cloud") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "thin web server" do it "should show that necessary gem doesn't exist" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :specs, :map).and_return([]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Gem 'thin' is missing in the Gemfile for 'foo-staging' cloud") invoke(@main, :check) end it "should show that necessary gem exists" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :specs, :map).and_return(["thin"]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} Web server gem 'thin' is present for 'foo-staging' cloud") invoke(@main, :check) end end context "puma web server" do it "should show that necessary gem doesn't exist" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :specs, :map).and_return([]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Gem 'puma' is missing in the Gemfile for 'foo-staging' cloud") invoke(@main, :check) end it "should show that necessary gem exists" do Bundler::Definition.stub_chain(:build, :specs, :map).and_return(["puma"]) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} Web server gem 'puma' is present for 'foo-staging' cloud") invoke(@main, :check) end end end context "when bundler raise error" do it "should display error message" do exception = Bundler::BundlerError.new('Bundler error') Bundler::Definition.stub(:build).and_raise(exception) $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Bundler error") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(red "Try to run `bundle install`") lambda { invoke(@main, :check) }.should raise_error(SystemExit) end end it "should display only errors and warnings when in verbose mode" do $stdout.should_not_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} Gem 'thin' is present") $stdout.should_not_receive(:puts).with(" #{green("✓")} Task 'db:migrate' is present") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{yellow("ϟ")} Gem 'shelly-dependencies' is missing, we recommend to install it\n See more at https://shellycloud.com/documentation/requirements#shelly-dependencies") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Gem 'rake' is missing in the Gemfile") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with(" #{red("✗")} Task 'db:setup' is missing") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("\nFix points marked with #{red("✗")} to run your application on the Shelly Cloud") $stdout.should_receive(:puts).with("See more about requirements on https://shellycloud.com/documentation/requirements") @main.check(false) end end def setup_project(code_name = "foo") @app = Shelly::App.new("#{code_name}-production") Shelly::App.stub(:new).and_return(@app) FileUtils.mkdir_p("/projects/#{code_name}") Dir.chdir("/projects/#{code_name}") File.open("Cloudfile", 'w') { |f| f.write("#{code_name}-production:\n") } end end