require_relative '../lib/bio-publisci.rb' Given /^an ORM::DataCube entitled "(.*?)"$/ do |name| @cube = name) end Given /^an ORM::DataCube entitled "(.*?)" with the following options:$/ do |name, opts| options_hash = {name: name}{|hash| k = hash["key"] k = k[1..-1].to_sym if k[0] == ":" v = hash["value"] v = v[1..-1].to_sym if k[0] == ":" v = true if v =="true" v = false if v =="false" options_hash[k] = v } @cube = end Given(/^a turtle string from file (.*)$/) do |file| @string = end Given(/^the URI string "(.*?)"$/) do |uri| @string = uri end When(/^I call the ORM::DataCube class method load on it$/) do @cube = PubliSci::DataSet::ORM::DataCube.load(@string) end When /^I add a "(.*?)" dimension$/ do |dim| @cube.add_dimension(dim) end When /^I add a "(.*?)" measure$/ do |meas| @cube.add_measure(meas) end When /^I add the observation (.*)$/ do |obs| data = eval(obs) # obs.split(',').map{|entry| data[entry.chomp.strip.split(':')[0].to_s] = eval(entry.chomp.strip.split(':')[1])} @cube.add_observation(data) end When /^adding the observation (.*) should raise error (.*)$/ do |obs,err| data = eval(obs) expect { @cube.add_observation(data) }.to raise_error(err) end When /^I call the cubes (.*) method with the arguments (.*)$/ do |method,args| eval("args = #{args}") @cube.send(method.to_sym, *args) end Then /^the to_n3 method should return a string$/ do @cube.to_n3.is_a?(String).should be true end Then /^the to_n3 method should raise error (.*?)$/ do |err| expect { @cube.to_n3 }.to raise_error(err) end Then /^the to_n3 method should return a string with a "(.*?)"$/ do |search| @cube.to_n3[search].should_not be nil end Then(/^I should receive an ORM::DataCube object$/) do @cube.is_a?(PubliSci::DataSet::ORM::DataCube).should == true end