module Discorb
  # Represents a attachment file.
  class Attachment
    # Creates a new attachment.
    # @param [#read, String] source The Source of the attachment.
    # @param [String] filename The filename of the attachment. If not set, path or object_id of the IO is used.
    # @param [String] description The description of the attachment.
    # @param [String] content_type The content type of the attachment. If not set, it is guessed from the filename.
    #   If failed to guess, it is set to `application/octet-stream`.
    # @param [Boolean] will_close Whether the IO will be closed after the attachment is sent.
    def initialize: (
      untyped | String source,
      ?String? filename,
      ?description: String?,
      ?content_type: String?,
      ?will_close: bool
    ) -> void

    # Initializes the object from a hash.
    # @private
    def initialize_hash: (untyped data) -> untyped

    def inspect: -> String

    # Convert the attachment to hash.
    # @return [Hash] The action hash.
    def to_hash: -> Discorb::json

    # Creates a new file from a hash.
    # @private
    def self.from_hash: (untyped data) -> untyped

    # Creates a new file from a string.
    # @param [String] string The string to create the file from.
    # @param [String] filename The filename of the file. object_id of the string is used if not set.
    # @param [String] content_type The content type of the file. If not set, it is guessed from the filename.
    # @return [Discorb::Attachment] The new file.
    def self.from_string: (
      String string,
      ?String? filename,
      ?content_type: String?,
      ?description: untyped
    ) -> Discorb::Attachment

    # @return [#read] The file content.
    attr_reader io: untyped

    # @return [String] The attachment filename.
    attr_reader filename: String

    # @return [String] The attachment content type.
    attr_reader content_type: String

    # @return [String] The attachment description.
    attr_reader description: String?

    # @return [Discorb::Snowflake] The attachment id.
    attr_reader id: Discorb::Snowflake

    # @return [Integer] The attachment size in bytes.
    attr_reader size: Integer

    # @return [String] The attachment url.
    attr_reader url: String

    # @return [String] The attachment proxy url.
    attr_reader proxy_url: String

    # @return [Integer] The image height.
    # @return [nil] If the attachment is not an image.
    attr_reader height: Integer?

    # @return [Integer] The image width.
    # @return [nil] If the attachment is not an image.
    attr_reader width: Integer?

    # @return [:client, :discord] The attachment was created by.
    attr_reader created_by: :client | :discord

    # @private
    # @return [Boolean] Whether the attachment will be closed after it is sent.
    attr_reader will_close: bool

    # @return [Boolean] whether the file is an image.
    attr_reader image?: bool