#!/usr/bin/env rake require 'rubygems' require 'fileutils' require 'open-uri' require 'bundler/setup' require 'rake/testtask' require 'appoptics_apm/test' Rake::TestTask.new do |t| t.verbose = false t.warning = false t.ruby_opts = [] t.libs << 'test' # Since we support so many libraries and frameworks, tests # runs are segmented into gemfiles that have different # sets and versions of gems (libraries and frameworks). # # Here we detect the Gemfile the tests are being run against # and load the appropriate tests. # case AppOpticsAPM::Test.gemfile when /delayed_job/ require 'delayed/tasks' t.test_files = FileList['test/queues/delayed_job*_test.rb'] when /rails/ # Pre-load rails to get the major version number require 'rails' if Rails::VERSION::MAJOR == 5 t.test_files = FileList["test/frameworks/rails#{Rails::VERSION::MAJOR}x_test.rb"] + FileList["test/frameworks/rails#{Rails::VERSION::MAJOR}x_api_test.rb"] else t.test_files = FileList["test/frameworks/rails#{Rails::VERSION::MAJOR}x_test.rb"] end when /frameworks/ t.test_files = FileList['test/frameworks/sinatra*_test.rb'] + FileList['test/frameworks/padrino*_test.rb'] + FileList['test/frameworks/grape*_test.rb'] when /libraries/ t.test_files = FileList['test/support/*_test.rb'] + FileList['test/reporter/*_test.rb'] + FileList['test/instrumentation/*_test.rb'] + FileList['test/profiling/*_test.rb'] - ['test/instrumentation/twitter-cassandra_test.rb'] when /instrumentation_mocked/ # WebMock is interfering with other tests, so these have to run seperately t.test_files = FileList['test/mocked/*_test.rb'] when /noop/ t.test_files = FileList['test/noop/*_test.rb'] when /unit/ t.test_files = FileList['test/unit/*_test.rb'] + FileList['test/unit/*/*_test.rb'] end if defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) t.ruby_opts << ['-J-javaagent:/usr/local/tracelytics/tracelyticsagent.jar'] end end desc "Run all test suites defined by travis" task "docker_tests" do Dir.chdir('test/run_tests') exec('docker-compose run --service-ports ruby_appoptics /code/ruby-appoptics/test/run_tests/ruby_setup.sh test') end desc "Start docker container for testing and debugging" task "docker" do Dir.chdir('test/run_tests') exec('docker-compose run --service-ports ruby_appoptics /code/ruby-appoptics/test/run_tests/ruby_setup.sh bash') end desc "Fetch extension dependency files" task :fetch_ext_deps do swig_version = %x{swig -version} rescue '' swig_version = swig_version.scan(/swig version 3.0.\d*/i) if swig_version.empty? $stderr.puts '== ERROR =================================================================' $stderr.puts "Could not find required swig version 3.0.*, found #{swig_version.inspect}" $stderr.puts 'Please install swig "~ 3.0.8" and try again.' $stderr.puts '==========================================================================' raise end # The c-lib version is different from the gem version oboe_version = ENV['OBOE_VERSION'] || 'latest' oboe_s3_dir = "https://s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/rc-files-t2/c-lib/#{oboe_version}" ext_src_dir = File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal/src') # VERSION is used by extconf.rb to download the correct liboboe when installing the gem remote_file = File.join(oboe_s3_dir, 'VERSION') local_file = File.join(ext_src_dir, 'VERSION') puts "fetching #{remote_file} to #{local_file}" open(remote_file, 'rb') do |rf| content = rf.read File.open(local_file, 'wb') { |f| f.puts content } puts "C-Lib VERSION: #{content}" end # oboe and bson header files FileUtils.mkdir_p(File.join(ext_src_dir, 'bson')) %w(oboe.h oboe.hpp oboe_debug.h oboe.i bson/bson.h bson/platform_hacks.h).each do |filename| remote_file = File.join(oboe_s3_dir, 'include', filename) local_file = File.join(ext_src_dir, filename) puts "fetching #{remote_file} to #{local_file}" open(remote_file, 'rb') do |rf| content = rf.read File.open(local_file, 'wb') { |f| f.puts content } end end FileUtils.cd(ext_src_dir) do system('swig -c++ -ruby -module oboe_metal oboe.i') FileUtils.rm('oboe.i') end end desc "Build the gem's c extension" task :compile do if !defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) puts "== Building the c extension against Ruby #{RUBY_VERSION}" pwd = Dir.pwd ext_dir = File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal') final_so = File.expand_path('lib/oboe_metal.so') so_file = File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal/oboe_metal.so') Dir.chdir ext_dir ENV['APPOPTICS_FROM_S3'] = 'true' cmd = [Gem.ruby, 'extconf.rb'] sh cmd.join(' ') sh '/usr/bin/env make' File.delete(final_so) if File.exist?(final_so) if File.exist?(so_file) FileUtils.mv(so_file, final_so) Dir.chdir(pwd) puts "== Extension built and moved to #{final_so}" else Dir.chdir(pwd) puts '!! Extension failed to build (see above). Have the required binary and header files been fetched?' puts '!! Try the tasks in this order: clean > fetch_ext_deps > compile.' end else puts '== Nothing to do under JRuby.' end end desc 'Clean up extension build files' task :clean do if !defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) pwd = Dir.pwd ext_dir = File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal') symlinks = [ File.expand_path('lib/oboe_metal.so'), File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal/lib/liboboe.so'), File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal/lib/liboboe-1.0.so.0') ] symlinks.each do |symlink| FileUtils.rm_f symlink end Dir.chdir ext_dir sh '/usr/bin/env make clean' if File.exist? 'Makefile' Dir.chdir pwd else puts '== Nothing to do under JRuby.' end end desc 'Remove all built files and extensions' task :distclean do if !defined?(JRUBY_VERSION) pwd = Dir.pwd ext_dir = File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal') mkmf_log = File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal/mkmf.log') symlinks = [ File.expand_path('lib/oboe_metal.so'), File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal/lib/liboboe.so'), File.expand_path('ext/oboe_metal/lib/liboboe-1.0.so.0') ] if File.exist? mkmf_log symlinks.each do |symlink| FileUtils.rm_f symlink end Dir.chdir ext_dir sh '/usr/bin/env make distclean' if File.exist? 'Makefile' Dir.chdir pwd else puts 'Nothing to distclean. (nothing built yet?)' end else puts '== Nothing to do under JRuby.' end end desc "Rebuild the gem's c extension" task :recompile => [:distclean, :compile] task :environment do ENV['APPOPTICS_GEM_VERBOSE'] = 'true' Bundler.require(:default, :development) AppOpticsAPM::Config[:tracing_mode] = :always AppOpticsAPM::Test.load_extras if AppOpticsAPM::Test.gemfile?(:delayed_job) require 'delayed/tasks' end end task :console => :environment do ARGV.clear if AppOpticsAPM::Test.gemfile?(:delayed_job) require './test/servers/delayed_job' end Pry.start end # Used when testing Resque locally task 'resque:setup' => :environment do require 'resque/tasks' end