<%# Table of Contents -%> 2 <%# Parse classes -%> <%- if @data['puppet_classes'].any? -%>


<%- @data['puppet_classes'].each do |puppet_class| -%>

<%= puppet_class['name'] %>

<%- if puppet_class['docstring']['tags'] -%>

<%= h(puppet_class['docstring']['text']).gsub("\n\n", "
\n") %>

<%- api = puppet_class['docstring']['tags'].select { |a| a['tag_name'].eql? 'api' } -%> <%- if api.any? and api[0]['text'].eql? 'private' -%>

This class is private. It's intended solely for internal module usage.

<%- end -%> <%- for tag in puppet_class['docstring']['tags'] -%> <%- unless %w(param example api).include? tag['tag_name'] -%>

<%= tag['tag_name'].capitalize %>

<%= h tag['name'] %> <%= h tag['text'] %>

<%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%- params = puppet_class['docstring']['tags'].select { |a| a['tag_name'].eql? 'param' } -%> <%- if params.any? -%>


<%- end -%> <%- examples = puppet_class['docstring']['tags'].select { |a| a['tag_name'].eql? 'example' } -%> <%- if examples.any? -%>


<%- examples.each do |example| -%> <%= Strings2conf::Util::code_block(example['text'], title: example['name'], language: :ruby) -%> <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%= Strings2conf::Util::code_block(puppet_class['source'], title: puppet_class['file'], collapse: true, language: :ruby) -%> <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%# Parse defined types -%> <%- if @data['defined_types'].any? -%>

Defined Types

<%- @data['defined_types'].each do |defined_type| -%>

<%= defined_type['name'] %>

<%- if defined_type['docstring']['tags'] -%>

<%= h(defined_type['docstring']['text']).gsub("\n\n", "
\n") %>

<%- api = defined_type['docstring']['tags'].select { |a| a['tag_name'].eql? 'api' } -%> <%- if api.any? and api[0]['text'].eql? 'private' -%>

This defined type is private. It's intended solely for internal module usage.

<%- end -%> <%- for tag in defined_type['docstring']['tags'] -%> <%- unless %w(param example api).include? tag['tag_name'] -%>

<%= tag['tag_name'].capitalize %>

<%= h tag['name'] %> <%= h tag['text'] %>

<%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%- params = defined_type['docstring']['tags'].select { |a| a['tag_name'].eql? 'param' } -%> <%- if params.any? -%>


<%- end -%> <%- examples = defined_type['docstring']['tags'].select { |a| a['tag_name'].eql? 'example' } -%> <%- if examples.any? -%>


<%- examples.each do |example| -%> <%= Strings2conf::Util::code_block(example['text'], title: example['name'], language: :ruby) -%> <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%= Strings2conf::Util::code_block(defined_type['source'], title: defined_type['file'], collapse: true, language: :ruby) -%> <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%# Parse functions -%> <%- if @data['puppet_functions'].any? -%>


<%- @data['puppet_functions'].each do |puppet_function| -%>

<%= puppet_function['name'] %>

<%= h(puppet_function['docstring']['text']).gsub("\n\n", "
\n") %>

<%- tags = puppet_function['docstring']['tags'] examples = tags.select { |a| a['tag_name'].eql? 'example' } overloads = tags.select { |a| a['tag_name'].eql? 'overload' } -%> <%- if overloads.any? -%> <%- overloads.each_with_index do |overload, index| -%>

Signature #<%= index + 1 %>

<%= Strings2conf::Util::code_block(overload['signature'], language: :ruby, linenumbers: false) -%> <%- tags = overload['docstring']['tags'] -%> <%- params = tags.select { |a| a['tag_name'].eql? 'param' } -%> <%- returns = tags.select { |a| a['tag_name'].eql? 'return' } -%> <%- if params.any? -%>


<%- params.each do |param| -%> <%= Strings2conf::Util::parse_param(overload, param) %> <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%- if returns.any? -%>


<%- returns.each do |ret| -%>

[ <%= ret['types'].join(',') %> ] <%= ret['text'] %>

<%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%- else -%> <%- params = tags.select { |a| a['tag_name'].eql? 'param' } -%> <%- returns = tags.select { |a| a['tag_name'].eql? 'return' } -%> <%- if params.any? -%>


<%- params.each do |param| -%> <%= Strings2conf::Util::parse_param(puppet_function, param) %> <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%- if returns.any? -%>


<%- returns.each do |ret| -%>

[ <%= ret['types'].join(',') %> ] <%= ret['text'] %>

<%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%- if examples.any? -%>


<%- examples.each do |example| -%> <%= Strings2conf::Util::code_block(example['text'], title: example['name'], language: :ruby) -%> <%- end -%> <%- end -%> <%= Strings2conf::Util::code_block(puppet_function['source'], title: puppet_function['file'], collapse: true, language: :ruby) -%> <%- end -%> <%- end -%>