=begin rdoc == SphereLab Definition of Vector and Body objects used for n-body simulations. =end module RubyLabs module SphereLab =begin rdoc These class variables maintain the state of the display and other miscellaneous global values. =end @@sphereDirectory = File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), '..', 'data', 'spheres') @@viewerOptions = { :dotColor => '#000080', :dotRadius => 1.0, :origin => :center, } @@droppingOptions = { :canvasSize => 400, :mxmin => 100, :mymin => 50, :hmax => 100, :dash => 1, } @@robotOptions = { :canvasSize => 400, :polygon => [4,0,0,10,4,8,8,10], } @@drawing = nil @@delay = 0.1 NBodyView = Struct.new(:bodies, :origin, :scale, :options) TurtleView = Struct.new(:turtle, :options) MelonView = Struct.new(:bodies, :scale, :ground, :startloc, :options) =begin rdoc The constant G is the universal gravitational constant, assuming mass is in units of kilograms, distances are in meters, and time is in seconds. =end G = 6.67E-11 =begin rdoc A Vector is a 3-tuple of (x,y,z) coordinates. Operators defined for vector objects (where v is a vector and a is a scalar): v == v v + v v - v v * a v.add(v) (equivalent of v += v) v.sub(v) (equivalent of v -= v) v.scale(a) (equivalent of v *= a) v.norm =end class Vector attr_accessor :x, :y, :z =begin rdoc Make a new vector with the specified x, y, and z components. =end def initialize(*args) @x, @y, @z = args end def inspect pos = [@x,@y,@z].map { |x| sprintf "%.5g", x } return "(" + pos.join(",") + ")" end =begin rdoc v1 == v2 if the three components are the same =end def ==(v) return (@x == v.x) && (@y == v.y) && (@z == v.z) end =begin rdoc Arithmetic methods are invoked for a vector v1 when Ruby evaluates an expression of the form v1 v2 where is +, -, or *. They create a a new vector containing the result of the operation. + and - do element-wise addition or and subtraction, * is a vector-scalar multiplication. =end def +(v) Vector.new(@x + v.x, @y + v.y, @z + v.z) end def -(v) Vector.new(@x - v.x, @y - v.y, @z - v.z) end def *(a) Vector.new(@x * a, @y * a, @z * a) end =begin rdoc v1.add(v2) adds the components of v2 to v1 -- would be v1 += v2 if Ruby allowed us to overload += =end def add(v) @x += v.x @y += v.y @z += v.z self end =begin rdoc v1.sub(v2) subtracts the components of v2 from v1 -- would be v1 -= v2 if Ruby allowed us to overload -= =end def sub(v) @x -= v.x @y -= v.y @z -= v.z self end =begin rdoc v.scale(a) -- multiply each element in v by scalar a =end def scale(a) @x *= a @y *= a @z *= a end =begin rdoc The magnitude of a vector is the Euclidean norm: sqrt(x**2 + y**2 + z**2) =end def norm sqrt(@x*@x + @y*@y + @z*@z) end =begin rdoc Compute the angle between this vector and v -- used when drawing 2D vectors, so the z dimension is ignored =end def angle(v) acos((@x * v.x + @y * v.y) / (norm * v.norm)) end =begin rdoc Accessor functions for the coordinates as a vector of three floats =end def coords [@x, @y, @z] end def coords=(a) @x = a[0] @y = a[1] @z = a[2] end end # Vector =begin rdoc A Body object represents the state of a celestial body. A body has mass (a scalar), position (a vector), and velocity (a vector). A third vector, named force, is used when calculating forces acting on a body. The size and color attributes are used by the visualization methods. =end class Body attr_accessor :mass, :position, :velocity, :force attr_accessor :name, :size, :color, :prevx, :prevy, :graphic def initialize(*args) if args[1].class == Vector @mass, @position, @velocity, @name = args # elsif args[0] == :random # @mass = rand(10000) * 1e6 # @position = Vector.new(rand(300)-150, rand(300)-150, 0) # @velocity = Vector.new(rand(20)-10, rand(10)-5, 0) # @name = "b" + self.object_id.to_s # elsif args[0].is_a?(Numeric) && args[1].is_a?(Numeric) # @mass = args[0] # @position = Vector.new(args[1], 0.0, 0.0) # @velocity = Vector.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) # @name = args[2] # @linear = true else @mass = 0.0 @position = Vector.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) @velocity = Vector.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) @name = nil end @force = Vector.new(0.0, 0.0, 0.0) end def clone copy = super if graphic copy.position = position.clone copy.velocity = velocity.clone copy.force = force.clone copy.graphic = Canvas::Circle.new(prevx, prevy, size, :fill => color) end return copy end def inspect name = @name ? @name : "" return sprintf "%s: %.3g kg %s %s", name, @mass, @position.inspect, @velocity.inspect end =begin rdoc Reset the force vector to 0 (to get ready for a new round of interaction calculations). =end def clear_force @force.x = 0.0 @force.y = 0.0 @force.z = 0.0 end =begin rdoc Compute force acting on this body wrt body b =end def add_force(b) r = @position - b.position nr = r.norm ** 3 mr = b.mass / nr @force.add(r * mr) end =begin rdoc Move this body by applying current force vector for dt seconds =end def move(dt) acc = @force * G * -1.0 @velocity.add( acc * dt ) @position.add( @velocity * dt ) end =begin rdoc Class method to compute the interaction between bodies b1 and b2 and update their force vectors. =end def Body.interaction(b1, b2) r = b1.position - b2.position a = r.norm ** 3 b1.force.add(r * (b2.mass / a)) b2.force.add(r * (-b1.mass / a)) end end # Body =begin rdoc A class for rudimentary Turtle graphics. All we need is enough functionality to implement a robot that draws a circle by moving forward, then correcting its direction. Attributes: location and velocity vectors. =end class Turtle attr_accessor :position, :velocity, :reference, :graphic @@turtleOptions = { :x => 20, :y => 100, :heading => 0, :speed => 10, :track => :off, } @@north = Vector.new(0, 10, 0) def initialize(args = nil) args = { } if args.nil? raise "Turtle: initialize: args must be a Hash" unless args.class == Hash options = @@turtleOptions.merge(args) alpha = Canvas.radians(options[:heading] + 90.0) @position = Vector.new(options[:x], options[:y], 0.0) @velocity = Vector.new(-1.0 * options[:speed] * cos(alpha), options[:speed] * sin(alpha), 0.0) @graphic = nil @reference = nil @tracking = options[:track] end def inspect sprintf "#", @position.x, @position.y, heading, speed end def location return [@position.x, @position.y] end def heading d = Canvas.degrees( @velocity.angle(@@north) ) return (@velocity.x < 0) ? (360 - d) : d end def speed @velocity.norm end def turn(alpha) theta = -1.0 * Canvas.radians(alpha) x = @velocity.x * cos(theta) - @velocity.y * sin(theta) y = @velocity.x * sin(theta) + @velocity.y * cos(theta) @velocity.x = x @velocity.y = y if @graphic Canvas.rotate(@graphic,alpha) end return alpha end def advance(dt) prevx = @position.x prevy = @position.y @position.add( @velocity * dt ) if @graphic Canvas.move(@graphic, @position.x-prevx, prevy-@position.y, @tracking) end return dt end def orient if @reference.nil? puts "no reference point" return nil end mx, my = @reference tx, ty = @position.x, @position.y mid = Vector.new(tx-mx, ty-my, 0.0) theta = Canvas.degrees(mid.angle(@velocity)) alpha = 2 * (90.0 - theta) turn(alpha) return alpha end def track(val) case val when :off : @tracking = :off when :on : @tracking = :track else puts "tracking is either :on or :off" return nil end return val end end # class Turtle =begin rdoc Set up an experiment with a robot/turtle. Initialize the canvas, make the turtle, assign it a graphic. These methods are all defined with respect to a canvas, and they will print an error message if the experiment has not been set up with a call to init_robot (which sets @@drawing). =end def view_robot(userOptions = {}) options = @@robotOptions.merge(userOptions) poly = options[:polygon].clone edge = options[:canvasSize] (0...poly.length).step(2) do |i| poly[i] += edge/10 poly[i+1] += edge/2 end Canvas.init(edge, edge, "SphereLab::Robot") turtle = Turtle.new( :x => edge/10, :y => edge/2, :heading => 0, :speed => 10 ) turtle.graphic = Canvas::Polygon.new(poly, :outline => 'black', :fill => '#00ff88') if options[:flag] turtle.set_flag( *options[:flag] ) end if options[:track] turtle.track( options[:track] ) end class < 'darkblue' ) @reference = [ fx, fy ] end def robot if @@drawing.nil? puts "No robot; call view_robot to initialize" return nil else return @@drawing.turtle end end # :begin :make_circle def make_circle(nseg, time, angle) view_robot robot.turn( angle/2 ) nseg.times { robot.advance(time); robot.turn(angle) } robot.turn( -angle/2 ) return true end # :end :make_circle =begin rdoc These methods create a set of bodies with random size, location, and initial velocity. =end def random_vectors(r, i, n) theta = (2 * PI / n) * i + (PI * rand / n) # radius = r + (r/3)*(rand-0.5) radius = r + r * (rand-0.5) x = radius * cos(theta) y = radius * sin(theta) vtheta = (PI - theta) * -1 + PI * (rand-0.5) vx = radius/20 * cos(vtheta) vy = radius/20 * sin(vtheta) return Vector.new(x, y, 0), Vector.new(vx, vy, 0) end def random_velocity(v, r) res = Vector.new(-r * cos) end # todo -- put mm, mr in global options def random_bodies(n, big) big = 1 if big.nil? moving = true if moving.nil? res = [] mm = 1e12 # average mass mr = 150 # average distance from origin bigm = (mm * 100) / big big.times do |i| r, v = random_vectors(mr/2, i, big) ms = (1 + (rand/2 - 0.25) ) b = Body.new(bigm*ms, r, v) b.name = "b#{i}" b.color = '#0080ff' b.size = 10*ms res << b end (n-big).times do |i| r, v = random_vectors(mr, i, n-big) b = Body.new(mm, r, v) b.name = "b#{i+big}" b.color = '#0080ff' b.size = 5 res << b end return res end def falling_bodies(n) raise "n must be 5 or more" unless n >= 5 a = random_bodies(n-1, n-1) b = Body.new(1e13, (a[0].position + a[1].position), Vector.new(0,0,0)) # b = Body.new(1e13, (a[0].position + a[1].position)*0.85, Vector.new(0,0,0)) # pos = a[0].position # (1..(n-2)).each { |i| pos.add( a[i].position ) } # b = Body.new(1e14, pos * (1.0 / n), Vector.new(0,0,0)) b.name = "falling" b.size = 5 b.color = 'red' a.insert(0, b) return a end =begin rdoc Initialize a new n-body system, returning an array of body objects. The parameter is the name of a predefined system, the name of a file, or the symbol :random. =end def make_system(*args) bodies = [] begin raise "usage: make_system(id)" unless args.length > 0 if args[0] == :random raise "usage: make_system(:random, n, m)" unless args.length >= 2 && args[1].class == Fixnum return random_bodies(args[1], args[2]) elsif args[0] == :falling raise "usage: make_system(:falling, n)" unless args.length >= 1 && args[1].class == Fixnum return falling_bodies(args[1]) end filename = args[0] if filename.class == Symbol filename = File.join(@@sphereDirectory, filename.to_s + ".txt") end File.open(filename).each do |line| line.strip! next if line.length == 0 next if line[0] == ?# a = line.chomp.split for i in 1..7 a[i] = a[i].to_f end b = Body.new( a[1], Vector.new(a[2],a[3],a[4]), Vector.new(a[5],a[6],a[7]), a[0] ) b.size = a[-2].to_i b.color = a[-1] bodies << b end if args[0] == :melon class < b.color) b.prevx = x b.prevy = y end @@drawing = NBodyView.new(blist, origin, sf, options) if options.has_key?(:dash) options[:dashcount] = 0 options[:pendown] = :track elsif options.has_key?(:pendown) options[:pendown] = :track end return true end =begin rdoc Demonstrate adding force vectors by moving only one body =end def update_one(falling, stationary, time) if falling.graphic.nil? puts "display the system with view_system" return nil end stationary.each do |x| Body.interaction( falling, x ) end falling.move(time) if @@drawing.options.has_key?(:dash) @@drawing.options[:dashcount] = (@@drawing.options[:dashcount] + 1) % @@drawing.options[:dash] if @@drawing.options[:dashcount] == 0 @@drawing.options[:pendown] = @@drawing.options[:pendown].nil? ? :track : nil end end newx, newy = scale(falling.position, @@drawing.origin, @@drawing.scale) Canvas.move(falling.graphic, newx-falling.prevx, newy-falling.prevy, @@drawing.options[:pendown]) falling.prevx = newx falling.prevy = newy falling.clear_force return true end =begin rdoc Call SphereLab::step(bodies, time) to calculate the pairwise interactions between all Body objects in the array +bodies+ and then compute their new positions after +time+ seconds. =end # :begin :step_system def step_system(bodies, dt) nb = bodies.length for i in 0..(nb-1) # compute all pairwise interactions for j in (i+1)..(nb-1) Body.interaction( bodies[i], bodies[j] ) end end bodies.each do |b| b.move(dt) # apply the accumulated forces b.clear_force # reset force to 0 for next round end end # :end :step_system =begin rdoc After making a canvas with view_system, call this method to move the bodies on the canvas. =end def update_system(bodies, dt) return false unless @@drawing step_system(bodies, dt) if @@drawing.options.has_key?(:dash) @@drawing.options[:dashcount] = (@@drawing.options[:dashcount] + 1) % @@drawing.options[:dash] if @@drawing.options[:dashcount] == 0 @@drawing.options[:pendown] = @@drawing.options[:pendown].nil? ? :track : nil end end bodies.each do |b| next unless b.graphic newx, newy = scale(b.position, @@drawing.origin, @@drawing.scale) Canvas.move(b.graphic, newx-b.prevx, newy-b.prevy, @@drawing.options[:pendown]) b.prevx = newx b.prevy = newy end return true end =begin rdoc Map a simulation's (x,y) coordinates to screen coordinates using origin and scale factor =end def scale(vec, origin, sf) loc = vec.clone loc.scale(sf) loc.add(origin) return loc.x, loc.y end =begin rdoc Make a vector that defines the location of the origin (in pixels). =end def setOrigin(type) case type when :center Vector.new( Canvas.width/2, Canvas.height/2, 0) else Vector.new(0,0,0) end end =begin rdoc Set the scale factor. Use the parameter passed by the user, or find the largest coordinate in a list of bodies. Add 20% for a margin =end def setScale(blist, origin, scale) if scale == nil dmax = 0.0 blist.each do |b| b.position.coords.each { |val| dmax = val.abs if val.abs > dmax } end else dmax = scale end sf = (origin == :center) ? (Canvas.width / 2.0) : Canvas.width return (sf / dmax) * 0.8 end =begin rdoc Initialize the drawing for a "2-body system" with a small object and the earth. The parameters are the list of Body objects and viewing options. =end def view_melon(blist, userOptions = {}) options = @@droppingOptions.merge(userOptions) options[:dashcount] = 0 options[:pendown] = :track edge = options[:canvasSize] mxmin = options[:mxmin] mymin = options[:mymin] hmax = options[:hmax] Canvas.init(edge, edge, "SphereLab::Melon") earth = Canvas::Circle.new(200, 2150, 1800, :fill => blist[1].color) blist[1].graphic = earth mymax = earth.coords[1] melon = Canvas::Circle.new(mxmin, mymax, 5, :fill => blist[0].color) blist[0].graphic = melon scale = (mymax-mymin) / hmax.to_f @@drawing = MelonView.new(blist, scale, blist[0].position.y, melon.coords, options) return true end =begin rdoc Position the melon (body 0) at a specified height. If no drawing, save the current position in prevy, but if drawing, get the earth's surface from the drawing (this allows students to move the melon up or down in the middle of an experiment) =end def position_melon(blist, height) melon = blist[0] if @@drawing && blist[0].graphic if height < 0 || height > @@drawing.options[:hmax] puts "Height must be between 0 and #{@@drawing.options[:hmax]} meters" return false end melon.prevy = @@drawing.ground melon.position.y = @@drawing.ground + height a = @@drawing.startloc.clone a[1] -= height * @@drawing.scale a[3] -= height * @@drawing.scale melon.graphic.coords = a else melon.prevy = melon.position.y melon.position.y += height end melon.velocity.y = 0.0 return height end def update_melon(blist, dt) melon = blist[0] mx = melon.position.x my = melon.position.y return "splat" if melon.prevy.nil? || my < melon.prevy step_system(blist, dt) if @@drawing && blist[0].graphic if @@drawing.options[:dash] > 0 @@drawing.options[:dashcount] = (@@drawing.options[:dashcount] + 1) % @@drawing.options[:dash] if @@drawing.options[:dashcount] == 0 @@drawing.options[:pendown] = @@drawing.options[:pendown].nil? ? :track : nil end end dx = (melon.position.x - mx) * @@drawing.scale dy = (my - melon.position.y) * @@drawing.scale Canvas.move(melon.graphic, dx, dy, @@drawing.options[:pendown]) end return blist[0].height end # :begin :drop_melon def drop_melon(blist, dt) count = 0 loop do res = update_melon(blist, dt) break if res == "splat" count += 1 end return count * dt end # :end :drop_melon =begin rdoc Methods used in IRB sessions. =end # :begin :dist def dist(r, t) return r * t end # :end :dist # :begin :falling def falling(t) return 0.5 * 9.8 * t**2 end # :end :falling end # SphereLab end # RubyLabs