Feature: Bump Background: * the Stove config is empty * the CLI options are all off * I have a cookbook named "bacon" at version "1.0.0" Scenario: When the version has not changed * I run `bake 1.0.0 --bump` * it should fail with "version you are trying to bump already exists" Scenario: When the version is not greater than the current * I run `bake 0.1.0 --bump` * it should fail with "bump to is less than the existing version" Scenario: In isolation * I successfully run `bake 2.0.0 --bump` * the file "metadata.rb" should contain "2.0.0" Scenario: With the git plugin * I have a cookbook named "bacon" with git support * I successfully run `bake 1.0.0 --bump --git` * the git remote should have the commit "Version bump to 1.0.0"