package SectLabel::Tr2crfpp; ### # Created from version 3.4 by Min-Yen Kan . # Modified by Isaac Councill on 7/20/07: wrapped the code as a package for use by # an external controller. # # Copyright 2005 \251 by Min-Yen Kan (not sure what this means for IGC edits, but # what the hell -IGC) ### use utf8; use strict 'vars'; # Dependencies use FindBin; use Encode (); # Local libraries use SectLabel::Config; ### USER customizable section my $crf_test = $SectLabel::Config::crf_test; ### END user customizable section my %dict = (); my %func_word = (); my %keywords = (); my %bigrams = (); my %trigrams = (); my %fourthgrams = (); # list of tags trained in parsHed # those with value 0 do not have frequent keyword features my $all_tags = $SectLabel::Config::tags; my %config = ( '1token' => 0, '2token' => 0, '3token' => 0, '4token' => 0, # Token-level features 'parscit' => 0, # Use all Parscit original features 'parscit_char' => 0, # Parscit char features 'tokenCapital' => 0, 'tokenNumber' => 0, 'tokenName' => 0, 'tokenPunct' => 0, 'tokenKeyword' => 0, '1gram' => 0, '2gram' => 0, '3gram' => 0, '4gram' => 0, 'lineNum' => 0, 'linePunct' => 0, 'linePos' => 0, 'lineLength' => 0, 'lineCapital' => 0, # Pos 'xmlLoc' => 0, 'xmlAlign' => 0, 'xmlIndent' => 0, # Format 'xmlFontSize' => 0, 'xmlBold' => 0, 'xmlItalic' => 0, # Object 'xmlPic' => 0, 'xmlTable' => 0, 'xmlBullet' => 0, # Bigram differential features 'bi_xmlA' => 0, 'bi_xmlS' => 0, 'bi_xmlF' => 0, 'bi_xmlSF' => 0, 'bi_xmlSFBI' => 0, 'bi_xmlSFBIA' => 0, 'bi_xmlPara' => 0, # Unused 'xmlSpace' => 0, ); my %tag_map = ( "lineLevel" => "UL", "xml" => "UX", "bi_xml" => "B", # Bigram "1token" => "U1", "2token" => "U2", "3token" => "U3", "4token" => "U4", "1gram" => "U5", "2gram" => "U6", "3gram" => "U7", "4gram" => "U8", "capital" => "U9", "number" => "UA0", "punct" => "UA1", "func" => "UA2", "binary" => "UA3", ); binmode(STDERR, ":utf8"); binmode(STDOUT, ":utf8"); sub Initialize { my ($dict_file, $func_file, $config_file) = @_; ReadDict($dict_file); LoadListHash($func_file, \%func_word); if (defined $config_file && $config_file ne "") { LoadConfigFile($config_file, \%config); } else { die "!defined $config_file || $config_file eq \"\"\n"; } # if ($kFile ne "") { ReadKeywordDict($kFile, \%keywords); } # if ($biFile ne "") { ReadKeywordDict($biFile, \%bigrams); } # if ($triFile ne "") { ReadKeywordDict($triFile, \%trigrams); } # if ($fourthFile ne "") { ReadKeywordDict($fourthFile, \%fourthgrams); } } # Entry point called by sectLabel/ sub Tr2crfpp { my ($infile, $outfile, $dict_file, $func_file, $config_file, $is_generate_template) = @_; #$kFile, $biFile, $triFile, $fourthFile if(!defined $is_generate_template) { die "Die: Tr2crfpp::tr2crfpp - undefined is_generate_template\n"; } Initialize($dict_file, $func_file, $config_file); # File IOs open (IF, "<:utf8", $infile) || die "# crash\t\tCan't open \"$infile\""; my @lines = ; ProcessData(\@lines, $outfile, $is_generate_template); close (IF); } # Entry point called by SectLabel::Controller sub ExtractTestFeatures { my ($text_lines, $filename, $dict_file, $func_file, $config_file, $is_debug) = @_; my $tmpfile = BuildTmpFile($filename); Initialize($dict_file, $func_file, $config_file); my $is_generate_template = 0; ProcessData($text_lines, $tmpfile, $is_generate_template, $is_debug); return $tmpfile; } sub ProcessData { my ($lines, $outfile, $is_generate_template, $is_debug) = @_; open (OF, ">:utf8", $outfile) || die "# crash\t\tCan't open \"$outfile\""; my %count_map = (); GetDocLineCounts($lines, \%count_map); my $num_docs = scalar(keys %count_map); my $is_abstract = 0; my $is_intro = 0; my $doc_id = 0; my $tag = "noTag"; my $index = -1; my $num_lines = $count_map{$doc_id}; if ($is_debug) { print STDERR "numLines = $num_lines\n"; } my $xml_feature = ""; foreach my $line (@{$lines}) { chomp($line); $index++; # if ($line =~ /^\#/) { next; } # skip comments # Blank lines, new documents if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { print OF "\n"; # Reset $is_abstract = 0; $is_intro = 0; $index = -1; $doc_id++; $num_lines = $count_map{$doc_id}; next; } else { if ($line =~ /^(.+?) \|\|\| (.+)$/) { $tag = $1; $line = $2; if(!defined $all_tags->{$tag}) { # print STDERR "#! Warning: tag \"$tag\" not defined - skip \"$line\"\n"; next; } } if ($line =~ /^(.+) \|XML\| (.+?)$/) { $line = $1; $xml_feature = $2; } if ($line =~ /abstract/i) { $is_abstract = 1; } elsif ($line =~ /introduction/i) { $is_intro = 1; } else { if($is_abstract == 1) { $is_abstract = 2; } if($is_intro == 1) { $is_intro = 2; } } my @feats = (); my @templates = CRFFeature($line, $index, $num_lines, $is_abstract, $is_intro, $xml_feature, $tag, \@feats); # Generate CRF features if ($is_generate_template) { $is_generate_template = 0; # Done generate template file print STDOUT join("", @templates); } # if($index == -1) # { # last; # } print OF join (" ", @feats); print OF "\n"; } } close (OF); } sub GetDocLineCounts { my ($lines, $count_map) = @_; my $count = 0; my $doc_id = 0; my $flag = 0; foreach my $line (@{$lines}) { chomp($line); $count++; # Blank lines, new documents if ($line =~ /^\s*$/) { # More than 1 document $flag = 1; $count_map->{$doc_id} = $count; $count = 0; $doc_id++; } } if ($flag == 0) { $count_map->{$doc_id} = $count; } } ### # Main method to extract features ### sub CRFFeature { my ($line, $index, $num_lines, $is_abstract, $is_intro, $xml_feature, $tag, $feats) = @_; my $token = ""; my @templates = (); my %feature_counts = (); # To perform feature linking my @tmp_tokens = split(/\s+/, $line); # Filter out empty token my @tokens = (); foreach my $token (@tmp_tokens) { $token =~ s/^\s+//g; # Strip off leading spaces $token =~ s/\s+$//g; # Strip off trailing spaces if ($token ne "") { push(@tokens, $token); } } # Full form: does not count in crf template file, simply for outputing purpose to get the whole line data my $lineFull = join("|||", @tokens); push(@{$feats}, "$lineFull"); ### # Line-level features ### GenerateLineFeature($line, \@tokens, $index, $num_lines, $is_abstract, $is_intro, $feats, "# Line-level features\n", $tag_map{"lineLevel"}, \@templates, \%feature_counts); ### # XML features ### GenerateXmlFeature($xml_feature, $feats, "# Xml features\n", $tag_map{"xml"}, $tag_map{"bi_xml"}, \@templates, \%feature_counts); # GenerateNumberFeature(\@tokens, $feats, "#number. features\n", $tag_map{"number"}, \@templates, \%feature_counts); # Keyword features for (my $i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) { if ($config{"${i}gram"}) { my @top_tokens = (); GetNgrams($line, $i, \@top_tokens); GenerateKeywordFeature(\@top_tokens, $feats, \%keywords, "# ${i}gram features\n", $tag_map{"${i}gram"}, \@templates, \%feature_counts); } } ### # Token-level features ### # Apply most of Parscit features for (my $i = 1; $i <= 4; $i++) { if($config{"${i}token"}) { GenerateTokenFeature(\@tokens, ($i-1), \%keywords, $feats, "#${i}token general features\n", $tag_map{"${i}token"}, \@templates, \%feature_counts); } } ### # Feature linking ### my $i = undef; if ($config{"back1"}) { FeatureLink(\@templates, "UA", "#constraint on first token features at -1 relative position \n", $feature_counts{$tag_map{"1token"}}->{"start"}, $feature_counts{$tag_map{"1token"}}->{"end"}, "-1"); } push(@templates, "\n"); if ($config{"forw1"}) { FeatureLink(\@templates, "UB", "#constraint on first token features at +1 relative position \n", $feature_counts{$tag_map{"1token"}}->{"start"}, $feature_counts{$tag_map{"1token"}}->{"end"}, "1"); } push(@templates, "\n"); # Output tag push(@{$feats}, $tag); push(@templates, "# Output\nB0\n"); return @templates; } sub GenerateXmlFeature { my ($xml_feature, $feats, $msg, $label, $biLabel, $templates, $feature_counts) = @_; my @features = split(/\s+/, $xml_feature); my $count = 0; my $type = undef; my %bi_feature_flag = (); foreach my $feature (@features) { if ($feature =~ /^bi_xml/) { $bi_feature_flag{$count} = 1; } if ($feature =~ /^((bi_)?xml[a-zA-Z]+)\_.+$/) { $type = $1; if ($config{$type}) { push(@{$feats}, $feature); $count++; } } else { die "Die: xml feature doesn't match \"$feature\"\n"; } } UpdateTemplate(scalar(@{$feats}), $count, $msg, $label, $templates, $feature_counts, $biLabel, \%bi_feature_flag); } sub UpdateTemplate { my ($cur_size, $num_features, $msg, $label, $templates, $feature_counts, $biLabel, $bi_feature_flag) = @_; # Crfpp template push(@{$templates}, $msg); my $prev_size = $cur_size - $num_features; $feature_counts->{$label}->{"start"} = $prev_size; $feature_counts->{$label}->{"end"} = $cur_size; my $i = 0; for (my $j = $prev_size; $j < $cur_size; $j++) { if ($bi_feature_flag->{$i}) { push(@{$templates}, "$biLabel".$i++.":%x[0,$j]\n"); } else { push(@{$templates}, "$label".$i++.":%x[0,$j]\n"); } } push(@{$templates}, "\n"); } sub GenerateLineFeature { my ($line, $tokens, $index, $num_lines, $is_abstract, $is_intro, $feats, $msg, $label, $templates, $feature_counts) = @_; # Crfpp template push(@{$templates}, $msg); my $prev_size = scalar(@{$feats}); $feature_counts->{$label}->{"start"} = $prev_size; # Editor my $has_possible_editor = ($line =~ /[^A-Za-z](ed\.|editor|editors|eds\.)/) ? "possibleEditors" : "noEditors"; push(@{$feats}, $has_possible_editor); if ($config{"lineNum"}) { my $word = $tokens->[0]; my $num = ""; if (scalar(@{$tokens}) > 1) { $num = ($word =~ /^[1-9]\.[1-9]\.?$/) ? "posSubsec" : ($word =~ /^[1-9]\.[1-9]\.[1-9]\.?$/) ? "posSubsubsec" : ($word =~ /^\w\.[1-9]\.[1-9]\.?$/) ? "posCategory" : ""; } if ($num eq "") { $num = ($word =~ /^[1-9][A-Za-z]\w*$/) ? "numFootnote" : ($word =~ /^[1-9]\s*(http|www)/) ? "numWebfootnote" : "lineNumOthers"; } push(@{$feats}, $num); } if ($config{"linePunct"}) { my $punct = ""; $punct = ($line =~ /@\w+\./) ? "possibleEmail" : ($line =~ /(www|http)/) ? "possibleWeb" : ($line =~ /\(\d\d?\)\s*$/) ? "endNumbering" : "linePunctOthers"; push(@{$feats}, $punct); } if ($config{"lineCapital"}) { my $cap = GetCapFeature($tokens); push(@{$feats}, $cap); } if ($config{"linePos"}) { my $position = "POS-".int($index*8.0/$num_lines); push(@{$feats}, $position); } if ($config{"lineLength"}) { # Num tokens, words my @tokens = split(/\s+/, $line); my $num_words = 0; foreach my $token (@tokens) { if ($token =~ /^\p{P}*[a-zA-Z]+\p{P}*$/) { $num_words++; } } my $word_length = ($num_words >= 5) ? "5+Words" : "${num_words}Words"; push(@{$feats}, $word_length); } # For crfpp template my $cur_size = scalar(@{$feats}); $feature_counts->{$label}->{"end"} = $cur_size; my $i = 0; for (my $j = $prev_size; $j < $cur_size; $j++) { push(@{$templates}, "$label".$i++.":%x[0,$j]\n"); } push(@{$templates}, "\n"); } sub GenerateTokenFeature { my ($tokens, $index, $keywords, $feats, $msg, $label, $templates, $feature_counts) = @_; my $num_tokens = scalar(@{$tokens}); my $token = "EMPTY"; if ($num_tokens > $index) { $token = $tokens->[$index]; } # Crfpp template push(@{$templates}, $msg); my $prev_size = scalar(@{$feats}); $feature_counts->{$label}->{"start"} = $prev_size; # Prep my $word = $token; my $word_lc = lc($token); # No punctuation my $word_np = $token; $word_np =~ s/[^\w]//g; if ($word_np =~ /^\s*$/) { $word_np = "EMPTY"; } # Lowercased word, no punctuation my $word_lcnp = lc($word_np); if ($word_lcnp =~ /^\s*$/) { $word_lcnp = "EMPTY"; } # Lexical features push(@{$feats}, "TOKEN-$word"); # Lexical word push(@{$feats}, "$word_lc"); # Lowercased word push(@{$feats}, "$word_lcnp"); # Lowercased word, no punct # Parscit char feature if ($config{"parscit"}) { # Parscit char feature if ($config{"parscit_char"}) { my @chars = split(//,$word); my $last_char = $chars[-1]; if ($last_char =~ /[\p{IsLower}]/) { $last_char = 'a'; } elsif ($last_char =~ /[\p{IsUpper}]/) { $last_char = 'A'; } elsif ($last_char =~ /[0-9]/) { $last_char = '0'; } # 1 = last char push(@{$feats}, $last_char); # Thang added 02-Mar-10 this to avoid uninitialized warnning messages when using -w for (my $i = scalar(@chars); $i < 4;$i++) { push(@chars, '|'); } push(@{$feats}, $chars[0]); # 2 = first char push(@{$feats}, join("",@chars[0..1])); # 3 = first 2 chars push(@{$feats}, join("",@chars[0..2])); # 4 = first 3 chars push(@{$feats}, join("",@chars[0..3])); # 5 = first 4 chars push(@{$feats}, $chars[-1]); # 6 = last char push(@{$feats}, join("",@chars[-2..-1])); # 7 = last 2 chars push(@{$feats}, join("",@chars[-3..-1])); # 8 = last 3 chars push(@{$feats}, join("",@chars[-4..-1])); # 9 = last 4 chars } } # Capitalization features if ($config{"tokenCapital"}) { my $ortho = ($word_np =~ /^[\p{IsUpper}]$/) ? "singleCap" : ($word_np =~ /^[\p{IsUpper}][\p{IsLower}]+/) ? "InitCap" : ($word_np =~ /^[\p{IsUpper}]+$/) ? "AllCap" : "others"; push(@{$feats}, $ortho); } # Number features if ($config{"tokenNumber"}) { my $num = undef; if ($config{"parscit"}) { $num = ($word_np =~ /^(19|20)[0-9][0-9]$/) ? "year" : ($word =~ /[0-9]\-[0-9]/) ? "possiblePage" : ($word =~ /[0-9]\([0-9]+\)/) ? "possibleVol" : ($word_np =~ /^[0-9]$/) ? "1dig" : ($word_np =~ /^[0-9][0-9]$/) ? "2dig" : ($word_np =~ /^[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/) ? "3dig" : ($word_np =~ /^[0-9]+$/) ? "4+dig" : ($word_np =~ /^[0-9]+(th|st|nd|rd)$/) ? "ordinal" : ($word_np =~ /[0-9]/) ? "hasDig" : "nonNum"; } else { $num = ($word =~ /^[1-9]+\.$/) ? "endDot" : ($word =~ /^[1-9]+:$/) ? "endCol" : # Parscit features ($word_np =~ /^(19|20)[0-9][0-9]$/) ? "year" : ($word =~ /[0-9]\-[0-9]/) ? "possiblePage" : ($word =~ /[0-9]\([0-9]+\)/) ? "possibleVol" : ($word_np =~ /^[0-9]$/) ? "1dig" : ($word_np =~ /^[0-9][0-9]$/) ? "2dig" : ($word_np =~ /^[0-9][0-9][0-9]$/) ? "3dig" : ($word_np =~ /^[0-9]+$/) ? "4+dig" : ($word_np =~ /^[0-9]+(th|st|nd|rd)$/) ? "ordinal" : ($word_np =~ /[0-9]/) ? "hasDig" : "nonNum"; } push(@{$feats}, $num); } # Gazetteer (names) features if ($config{"tokenName"}) { my $dict_status = (defined $dict{$word_lcnp}) ? $dict{$word_lcnp} : 0; # my $is_in_dict = ($dict_status != 0) ? "is_in_dict" : "no"; my $is_in_dict = $dict_status; my ($publisher_name, $place_name, $month_name, $last_name, $female_name, $male_name) = undef; if ($dict_status >= 32) { $dict_status -= 32; $publisher_name = "publisherName" } else { $publisher_name = "no"; } if ($dict_status >= 16) { $dict_status -= 16; $place_name = "placeName" } else { $place_name = "no"; } if ($dict_status >= 8) { $dict_status -= 8; $month_name = "monthName" } else { $month_name = "no"; } if ($dict_status >= 4) { $dict_status -= 4; $last_name = "lastName" } else { $last_name = "no"; } if ($dict_status >= 2) { $dict_status -= 2; $female_name = "femaleName" } else { $female_name = "no"; } if ($dict_status >= 1) { $dict_status -= 1; $male_name = "maleName" } else { $male_name = "no"; } push(@{$feats}, $is_in_dict); # 13 = name status push(@{$feats}, $male_name); # 14 = male name push(@{$feats}, $female_name); # 15 = female name push(@{$feats}, $last_name); # 16 = last name push(@{$feats}, $month_name); # 17 = month name push(@{$feats}, $place_name); # 18 = place name push(@{$feats}, $publisher_name); # 19 = publisher name } # Punctuation features if ($config{"tokenPunct"}) { my $punct = undef; if ($config{"parscit"}) { $punct = ($word =~ /^[\"\'\`]/) ? "leadQuote" : ($word =~ /[\"\'\`][^s]?$/) ? "endQuote" : ($word =~ /\-.*\-/) ? "multiHyphen" : ($word =~ /[\-\,\:\;]$/) ? "contPunct" : ($word =~ /[\!\?\.\"\']$/) ? "stopPunct" : ($word =~ /^[\(\[\{\<].+[\)\]\}\>].?$/) ? "braces" : ($word =~ /^[0-9]{2-5}\([0-9]{2-5}\).?$/) ? "possibleVol" : "others"; } else { $punct = ($word =~ /^[a-z]\d$/) ? "possibleVar" : # x1, x2 # Parscit # ($word =~ /^[\"\'\`]/) ? "leadQuote" : # ($word =~ /[\"\'\`][^s]?$/) ? "endQuote" : # ($word =~ /\-.*\-/) ? "multiHyphen" : ($word =~ /[\-\,\:\;]$/) ? "contPunct" : ($word =~ /[\!\?\.\"\']$/) ? "stopPunct" : ($word =~ /^[\(\[\{\<].+[\)\]\}\>].?$/) ? "braces" : ($word =~ /^[0-9]{2-5}\([0-9]{2-5}\).?$/) ? "possibleVol" : "punctOthers"; # ($word =~ /^[\*\^\x{0608}\x{0708}\x{07A0}][A-Za-z]\w*$/ && $index == 0) ? "punctFootnote" : # ($word =~ /^[\p{P}\p{Math_Symbol}]*\p{Math_Symbol}\p{P}\p{Math_Symbol}]*/) ? "mathSym" : } push(@{$feats}, $punct); } if ($config{"tokenKeyword"}) { my $keyword_fea = "noKeyword"; my $token = $word; $token =~ s/^\p{P}+//g; # Strip out leading punctuations $token =~ s/\p{P}+$//g; # Strip out trailing punctuations $token =~ s/\d/0/g; # Canocalize number into "0" foreach (keys %{$all_tags}) { if ($all_tags->{$_} == 0) { next; } if ($keywords->{$_}->{$token}) { $keyword_fea = "keyword-$_"; last; } } push(@{$feats}, $keyword_fea); } # For crfpp template my $cur_size = scalar(@{$feats}); $feature_counts->{$label}->{"end"} = $cur_size; my $i = 0; for(my $j = $prev_size; $j < $cur_size; $j++) { push(@{$templates}, "$label".$i++.":%x[0,$j]\n"); } push(@{$templates}, "\n"); } sub GetCapFeature { my ($tokens) = @_; my $cap = "OthersCaps"; my $n = 0; my $count = 0; # non-word my $count1 = 0; my $line = ""; # Check capitalization my $is_skip = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i < scalar(@{$tokens}); $i++) { my $token = $tokens->[$i]; if ($token =~ /^\p{P}*$/) { next; } my @chars = split(//, $token); # Exclude non-word or an important words such as a, an, the, on, in ... if (scalar(@chars) < 4) { # Dont' consider skip if it is the first token as numbers if (!($i == 0 && $token =~ /\d/)) { $is_skip = 1; } next; } # Capitalized if ($token =~ /^[A-Z][A-Za-z]*$/) { $count++; $line .= "$token "; } $n++; } # Consider only if at lest 1 capitalized word if ($count >0) { if ($count == $n) { $cap = ($is_skip) ? "Most" : "All"; if($line =~ /[a-z]/) { $cap .= "InitCaps"; } else { $cap .= "CharCaps"; } # First token contains number if ($tokens->[0] =~ /\d/) { $cap = "number$cap"; } # Two few capitalized letter to conclude any pattern elsif ($count == 1) { $cap = "OthersCaps"; } } } return $cap; } sub FeatureLink { my ($templates, $label, $msg, $start, $end, $rel_pos) = @_; # To constraint on last token features at $rel_pos relative position my $i = 0; push(@{$templates}, $msg); for (my $j = $start; $j < $end; $j++) { push(@{$templates}, "$label".$i++.":%x[$rel_pos,$j]\n"); } push(@{$templates}, "\n"); } sub GenerateKeywordFeature { my ($tokens, $feats, $keywords, $msg, $label, $templates, $feature_counts) = @_; # Crfpp template push(@{$templates}, $msg); my $prev_size = scalar(@{$feats}); $feature_counts->{$label}->{"start"} = $prev_size; foreach (keys %{$all_tags}) { if($all_tags->{$_} == 0) { next; }; my $i=0; for(; $i{$_}->{$tokens->[$i]}) { push(@{$feats}, "$_-".$tokens->[$i]); last; } } if ($i==scalar(@{$tokens})) { push(@{$feats}, "none"); } } # For crfpp template my $cur_size = scalar(@{$feats}); $feature_counts->{$label}->{"end"} = $cur_size; my $i = 0; for (my $j = $prev_size; $j < $cur_size; $j++) { push(@{$templates}, "$label".$i++.":%x[0,$j]\n"); } push(@{$templates}, "\n"); } # Get ngrams sub GetNgrams { my ($line, $num_ngram, $ngrams) = @_; # $line = lc($line); my @tmp_tokens = split(/\s+/, $line); # Filter out empty token my @tokens = (); foreach my $token (@tmp_tokens) { if ($token ne "") { $token =~ s/^\s+//g; # Strip off leading spaces $token =~ s/\s+$//g; # Strip off trailing spaces $token =~ s/^\p{P}+//g; # Strip out leading punctuations $token =~ s/\p{P}+$//g; # Strip out trailing punctuations $token =~ s/\d/0/g; # Canocalize number into "0" # Email pattern, try to normalize if ($token =~ /(\w.*)@(.*\..*)/) { # $token =~ /(http:\/\/|www\.)/){ $token = $1; my $remain = $2; $token =~ s/\w+/x/g; $token =~ s/\d+/0/g; $token .= "@".$remain; } if ($token ne "") { push(@tokens, $token); } } } my $count = 0; for (my $i = 0; $i <= $#tokens; $i++) { # not enough ngrams if (($#tokens-$i + 1) < $num_ngram) { last; }; my $ngram = ""; for (my $j=$i; $j <= ($i+$num_ngram-1); $j++) { my $token = $tokens[$j]; if ($j < ($i+$num_ngram-1)) { $ngram .= "$token-"; } else { $ngram .= "$token"; } } if ($ngram =~ /^\s*$/) { next; } # Skip those with white spaces if ($ngram =~ /^\d*$/) { next; } # Skip those with only digits if ($func_word{$ngram}) { next; } # Skip function words, matter for ngram = 1 push(@{$ngrams}, $ngram); $count++; if ($count == 4) { last; } } } sub GenerateNumberFeature { my ($tokens, $feats, $msg, $label, $templates, $feature_counts) = @_; # crfpp template push(@{$templates}, $msg); my $prev_size = scalar(@{$feats}); $feature_counts->{$label}->{"start"} = $prev_size; my $line = join("", @{$tokens}); $line =~ s/\s+//g; my @chars = split(//, $line); my $count = 0; my $n = scalar(@chars); foreach(@chars) { if (/\d/) { $count++; } } my $num = "otherNum"; if ($n > 1) { my $ratio = $count/$n; if ($ratio >= 0.7) { $num = "HighNum"; } elsif ($ratio >= 0.4) { $num = "MeidumNum"; } } push(@{$feats}, $num); # For crfpp template my $cur_size = scalar(@{$feats}); $feature_counts->{$label}->{"end"} = $cur_size; my $i = 0; for (my $j = $prev_size; $j < $cur_size; $j++) { push(@{$templates}, "$label".$i++.":%x[0,$j]\n"); } push(@{$templates}, "\n"); } sub GenerateFuncFeature { my ($tokens, $feats, $msg, $label, $templates, $feature_counts) = @_; # Crfpp template push(@{$templates}, $msg); my $prev_size = scalar(@{$feats}); $feature_counts->{$label}->{"start"} = $prev_size; my $n = scalar(@{$tokens}); my $count = 0; foreach my $token (@{$tokens}) { $token =~ s/^\p{P}+//; # Strip leading punct $token =~ s/\p{P}+$//; # Strip traiing punct $token = lc($token); if ($func_word{$token}) { $count++; } } if ($count == 0) { push(@{$feats}, "NoFunc"); } elsif ($count <= 5) { push(@{$feats}, "FewFunc"); } else { push(@{$feats}, "AlotFunc"); } # For crfpp template my $cur_size = scalar(@{$feats}); $feature_counts->{$label}->{"end"} = $cur_size; my $i = 0; for (my $j = $prev_size; $j < $cur_size; $j++) { push(@{$templates}, "$label".$i++.":%x[0,$j]\n"); } push(@{$templates}, "\n"); } sub BuildTmpFile { my ($filename) = @_; my $tmpfile = $filename; $tmpfile =~ s/[\.\/]//g; $tmpfile .= $$ . time; # Untaint tmpfile variable if ($tmpfile =~ /^([-\@\w.]+)$/) { $tmpfile = $1; } return "/tmp/$tmpfile"; # Altered by Min (Thu Feb 28 13:08:59 SGT 2008) } sub Fatal { my $msg = shift; print STDERR "Fatal Exception: $msg\n"; } sub Decode { my ($infile, $model_file, $outfile) = @_; my $labeled_file = BuildTmpFile($infile); Execute("$crf_test -v1 -m $model_file $infile > $labeled_file"); # -v1: output confidence information open (PIPE, "<:utf8", $labeled_file) || die "# crash\t\tCan't open \"$labeled_file\""; open (OUT, ">:utf8", $outfile) || die "# crash\t\tCan't open \"$outfile\""; while() { chomp; print OUT "$_\n"; } close PIPE; close OUT; unlink($labeled_file); return 1; } sub ReadKeywordDict { my ($infile, $keywords) = @_; open (IF, "<:utf8", $infile) || die "fatal\t\tCannot open \"$infile\"!"; # Process input file while() { chomp; if (/^(.+?): (.+)$/) { my $tag = $1; my @tokens = split(/\s+/, $2); $keywords->{$tag} = (); foreach(@tokens) { $keywords->{$tag}->{$_} = 1; } } } close (IF); } sub LoadConfigFile { my ($infile, $configs) = @_; open (IF, "<:utf8", $infile) || die "fatal\t\tCannot open \"$infile\"!"; while() { chomp; if (/^(.+)=(.+)$/) { my $name = $1; my $value = $2; $configs->{$name} = $value; } } close (IF); } sub ReadDict { my ($dictFileLoc) = @_; my $mode = 0; open (DATA, "<:utf8", $dictFileLoc) || die "Could not open dict file $dictFileLoc: $!"; while () { if (/^\#\# Male/) { $mode = 1; } # male names elsif (/^\#\# Female/) { $mode = 2; } # female names elsif (/^\#\# Last/) { $mode = 4; } # last names elsif (/^\#\# Chinese/) { $mode = 4; } # last names elsif (/^\#\# Months/) { $mode = 8; } # month names elsif (/^\#\# Place/) { $mode = 16; } # place names elsif (/^\#\# Publisher/) { $mode = 32; } # publisher names elsif (/^\#/) { next; } else { chop; my $key = $_; my $val = 0; # Has probability if (/\t/) { ($key,$val) = split (/\t/,$_); } # Already tagged (some entries may appear in same part of lexicon more than once if (!$dict{$key}) { $dict{$key} = $mode; } else { if ($dict{$key} >= $mode) { next; } # Not yet tagged else { $dict{$key} += $mode; } } } } close (DATA); } sub LoadListHash { my ($infile, $hash) = @_; open(IF, "<:utf8", $infile) || die "#Can't open file \"$infile\""; while() { chomp; $hash->{$_} = 1; } close IF; } sub Untaint { my ($s) = @_; if ($s =~ /^([\w \-\@\(\),\.\/<>]+)$/) { $s = $1; # $data now untainted } else { die "Bad data in $s"; # Log this somewhere } return $s; } sub Execute { my ($cmd) = @_; $cmd = Untaint($cmd); system($cmd); } 1;