module Soywiki class Renamer attr_reader :repo_path, :old_name, :new_name attr_reader :memo include PathHelper def initialize(repo_path, old_name, new_name) @repo_path = ensure_path(repo_path) @old_path = ensure_path(old_name) @new_path = ensure_path(new_name) @old_name = repo_relative(@old_path).to_s @new_name = repo_relative(@new_path).to_s @memo = ["Updating inbound and outbound links..."] end def namespace(query=nil) self.instance_variable_get("@#{query}_name").namespace rescue nil end def page_title(query=nil) self.instance_variable_get("@#{query}_name").to_page_title rescue nil end def short_page_title(query=nil) self.instance_variable_get("@#{query}_name").short_page_title rescue nil end def report(file, oldname, newname) @memo << " - In #{file}: #{oldname} -> #{newname}" end def memorize(message) @memo ||= [] @memo << message if message.is_a?(String) @memo += message if message.is_a?(Array) message end def print_report puts @memo.join("\n") end def grep_for_files(search, where, ignore=/(\.swp|\.swo)$/) cmd = "grep -rlF '#{search}' #{where}" puts cmd files = `#{cmd}`.strip.split(/\n/) ignore ? { |f| f !~ ignore } : files end def change_all_absolute_links memorize "- Updating all absolute links" grep_for_files(page_title(:old), repo_path).each do |file| text = begin regex = /\b#{page_title(:old)}\b/ matches = text.scan(regex) text = text.gsub(regex, page_title(:new)), 'w') {|f| f.puts text} report file, page_title(:old), page_title(:new) rescue puts "Error processing #{file}: #$!" end end end def change_unqualified_inbound_links_in_same_namespace memorize "- Updating unqualified inbound links" grep_for_files(short_page_title(:old), in_repo(namespace(:old))).each do |file| text = begin text = text.gsub(/(\A|\s)(#{short_page_title(:old)}\b)/, '\1' + page_title(:new)), 'w') {|f| f.puts text} report file, short_page_title(:old), new_name rescue puts "Error processing #{file}: #$!" end end end RELATIVE_LINK_REGEX = /(\A|\s)([A-Z][a-z]+[A-Z0-9]\w*)/ def absolutize_unqualified_outbound_links memorize "Absolutizing unqualified inbound links" target_file = ensure_path(in_repo(new_name).to_s.to_file_path) if target_file.exist? text = begin matches = text.scan(RELATIVE_LINK_REGEX).map {|x| x[1]}. select {|match| match.strip != "" }. select {|match| in_repo("#{namespace(:old)}/#{match}").exist? } puts memorize(" - In file #{target_file}: matches: #{matches.inspect}") text = text.gsub(RELATIVE_LINK_REGEX) do |match| if matches.include?($2) res = "#$1#{namespace(:old)}.#{$2}" memorize " - In file #{target_file}: #{$2} -> #{res.strip}" res else memorize " - In file #{target_file}: skipping #{$2}" match end end, 'w') {|f| f.puts text} rescue puts "Error processing #{target_file}: #$!" end end end def rename # Three other cases to cover, involving namespaces: # # Case 1: newname is in same namespace as oldname # # In the directory for OldName's namespace, change all unqualified references to # OldName to NewName if namespace(:old) == namespace(:new) memorize "- Updating unqualified links in same namespace" grep_for_files(short_page_title(:old), in_repo(namespace(:old))).each do |file| text = begin text = text.gsub(/(\A|\s)(#{short_page_title(:old)})\b/, '\1' + short_page_title(:new)), 'w') {|f| f.puts text} report file, short_page_title(:old), short_page_title(:new) rescue puts "Error processing #{file}: #$!" end end # Case 2: newname is in different namespace from oldname # oldname.namespace != newname.namespace else # In the directory for OldName's namespace, change all unqualified references to # OldName to newnamespace.NewName (i.e. NewName). change_unqualified_inbound_links_in_same_namespace # And in the renamed file, change all unqualified references to # PageName to oldnamespace.PageName absolutize_unqualified_outbound_links end # Finally, change_all_absolute_links end end end