%h1 Layouts - render_region :top do |top| - top.help_text do %p Use layouts to apply a visual look to a Web page. Layouts can contain special tags to include page content and other elements such as the header or footer. Click on a layout name below to edit it or click Remove to delete it. %table#layouts.index{:cellspacing=>"0", :border=>"0", :cellpadding=>"0" } %thead %tr - render_region :thead do |thead| - thead.title_header do %th.layout Layout - thead.modify_header do %th.modify Modify %tbody - @layouts.each do |layout| %tr.node.level-1 - render_region :tbody do |tbody| - tbody.title_cell do %td.layout = image('layout', :alt => 'layout-icon') = link_to layout.name, edit_admin_layout_url(layout) - tbody.modify_cell do %td.remove = link_to image('remove', :alt => 'Remove Layout'), remove_admin_layout_url(layout) - render_region :bottom do |bottom| - bottom.new_button do %p = link_to image('new-layout', :alt => "New Layout"), new_admin_layout_url