:title: USAGE XSPF for Ruby implements a XML Shareable Playlist Format (XSPF[http://www.xspf.org]) v1 parser and generator in pure Ruby. It makes use of REXML to parse and generate the XML code, and Ruby-XSLT to export XSPF to different formats by means of XSLT transformations (XSPF for Ruby includes the XSLT templates by Lucas Gonze in its distribution). The API is quite straightforward if you know the XSPF specification. It is possible to combine parse and generation modes: you may load (parse) a file, then modify some of its attributes or contents and save it to XSPF again. The important thing to remember while using XSPF for Ruby is in generation mode you create objects by passing a hash or nil, and in parse mode you create objects by passing its 'parent' in the XSPF hierarchy. If a XSPF attribute or element is not set, the corresponding method will return _nil_. === Examples ==== Parse from file require 'xspf' f = File.new("playlist.xspf") x = XSPF.new(f) f.close pl = XSPF::Playlist.new(x) tl = XSPF::Tracklist.new(pl) puts "XML version: #{x.version}" puts "XML encoding: #{ x.encoding}" puts "XSPF version: #{pl.version}" puts "Namespace: #{pl.xmlns}" puts "Playlist title: #{pl.title}" puts "Playlist creator: #{pl.creator}" puts "Playlist annotation: #{pl.annotation}" puts "Playlist info: #{pl.info}" puts "Playlist identifier: #{pl.identifier}" puts "Playlist attribution: #{pl.attribution}" puts "Tracklist: #{pl.tracklist}" tl.tracks.each do |t| puts "Track identifier: #{t.identifier}" puts "Track title: #{t.title}" puts "Track creator: #{t.creator}" puts "Track duration: #{t.duration}" puts "Track metainformation: link=#{t.meta_rel} content=#{t.meta_content}" end # Convert the XSPF document to SMIL x.to_smil # Convert the XSPF document to HTML x.to_html # Convert the XSPF document in a M3U playlist x.to_m3u ==== Parse from string require 'xspf' playlist_document = <<-END_OF_PLAYLIST XSPlF it up! Mayhem & Chaos Coordinator Just a few songs to enjoy while you XSPlF it up! http://mayhem-chaos.net/xspf/xspf_it_up.html http://mayhem-chaos.net/xspf/xspf_it_up/1.0 ihttp://mayhem-chaos.net/xspf/xspf_it_up.html http://musicbrainz.org/track/bdab6db0-2fd6-4166-a5fa-fbf2ff213793 I Wanna Get High Cypress Hill 174613 http://musicbrainz.org/mm-2.1/track/bdab6db0-2fd6-4166-a5fa-fbf2ff213793 bdc846e7-6c26-4193-82a6-8d1b5a4d3429 Smoke Two Joints Sublime 175466 http://musicbrainz.org/mm-2.1/track/bdc846e7-6c26-4193-82a6-8d1b5a4d3429 http://musicbrainz.org/track/7d9776f7-d428-40dc-a425-3c6e3dce4d58 Hash Pipe Weezer 186533 http://musicbrainz.org/mm-2.1/track/7d9776f7-d428-40dc-a425-3c6e3dce4d58 END_OF_PLAYLIST x = XSPF.new(playlist_document) pl = XSPF::Playlist.new(x) tl = XSPF::Tracklist.new(pl) puts "XML version: #{x.version}" puts "XML encoding: #{ x.encoding}" puts "XSPF version: #{pl.version}" puts "Namespace: #{pl.xmlns}" puts "Playlist title: #{pl.title}" puts "Playlist creator: #{pl.creator}" puts "Playlist annotation: #{pl.annotation}" puts "Playlist info: #{pl.info}" puts "Playlist identifier: #{pl.identifier}" puts "Playlist attribution: #{pl.attribution}" puts "Tracklist: #{pl.tracklist}" tl.tracks.each do |t| puts "Track identifier: #{t.identifier}" puts "Track title: #{t.title}" puts "Track creator: #{t.creator}" puts "Track duration: #{t.duration}" puts "Track metainformation: link=#{t.meta_rel} content=#{t.meta_content}" end # Convert the XSPF document to SMIL x.to_smil # Convert the XSPF document to HTML x.to_html # Convert the XSPF document in a M3U playlist x.to_m3u ==== Generate require 'xspf' track1 = XSPF::Track.new( { :location => 'http://some.nifty.locati.on/file1.ogg', :identifier => 'http://musicbrainz.org/track/9f342af1-982d-4c26-9f61-3ac258957a83', :title => 'Plus au sud', :creator => 'Yann Tiersen', :tracknum => '1', :album => 'Tout est calme', :meta_rel => 'http://www.example.org/key', :meta_content => 'value' } ) track2 = XSPF::Track.new( { :location => 'http://some.nifty.locati.on/file2.ogg', :identifier => 'http://musicbrainz.org/track/eba1a9a9-1810-41f1-8cc9-2a00dda0a68c', :title => 'Les Grandes Marées', :creator => 'Yann Tiersen', :tracknum => '2', :album => 'Tout est calme', :meta_rel => 'http://www.example.org/key', :meta_content => 'value' } ) track3 = XSPF::Track.new( { :location => 'http://some.nifty.locati.on/file3.ogg', :identifier => 'http://musicbrainz.org/track/0c18ef8c-04fa-47d5-b078-66ab6a819a83', :title => 'La Crise', :creator => 'Yann Tiersen', :tracknum => '3', :album => 'Tout est calme', :meta_rel => 'http://www.example.org/key', :meta_content => 'value' } ) track4 = XSPF::Track.new( { :location => 'http://some.nifty.locati.on/file4.ogg', :identifier => 'http://musicbrainz.org/track/0f66dd52-bda0-4526-979d-af95ac637cc4', :title => 'Tout est calme', :creator => 'Yann Tiersen', :tracknum => '4', :album => 'Tout est calme', :meta_rel => 'http://www.example.org/key', :meta_content => 'value' } ) track5 = XSPF::Track.new( { :location => 'http://some.nifty.locati.on/file5.ogg', :identifier => 'http://musicbrainz.org/track/a06ef58e-019e-409a-bf72-9bd080012ac3', :title => 'La Rupture', :creator => 'Yann Tiersen', :tracknum => '5', :album => 'Tout est calme', :meta_rel => 'http://www.example.org/key', :meta_content => 'value' } ) track6 = XSPF::Track.new( { :location => 'http://some.nifty.locati.on/file6.ogg', :identifier => 'http://musicbrainz.org/track/f82c0a06-d4a8-41a5-9238-029e38fa9d7c', :title => 'La Relève', :creator => 'Yann Tiersen', :tracknum => '6', :album => 'Tout est calme', :meta_rel => 'http://www.example.org/key', :meta_content => 'value' } ) track7 = XSPF::Track.new( { :location => 'http://some.nifty.locati.on/file7.ogg', :identifier => 'http://musicbrainz.org/track/97591e2b-967e-47eb-b2b3-9a450cd33352', :title => 'La Pharmacie', :creator => 'Yann Tiersen', :tracknum => '7', :album => 'Tout est calme', :meta_rel => 'http://www.example.org/key', :meta_content => 'value' } ) track8 = XSPF::Track.new( { :location => 'http://some.nifty.locati.on/file8.ogg', :identifier => 'http://musicbrainz.org/track/ae7f8502-778d-4f5e-9dba-6fc5d553ad0e', :title => 'La Terrasse', :creator => 'Yann Tiersen', :tracknum => '8', :album => 'Tout est calme', :meta_rel => 'http://www.example.org/key', :meta_content => 'value' } ) track9 = XSPF::Track.new( { :location => 'http://some.nifty.locati.on/file9.ogg', :identifier => 'http://musicbrainz.org/track/6e937503-9d01-428c-84b5-1200bab9d1c6', :title => "L''Étal", :creator => 'Yann Tiersen', :tracknum => '9', :album => 'Tout est calme', :meta_rel => 'http://www.example.org/key', :meta_content => 'value' } ) track10 = XSPF::Track.new( { :location => 'http://some.nifty.locati.on/file10.ogg', :identifier => 'http://musicbrainz.org/track/2c4c845c-907a-4d96-940a-bbe8b2d0f126', :title => 'La Découverte', :creator => 'Yann Tiersen', :tracknum => '10', :album => 'Tout est calme', :meta_rel => 'http://www.example.org/key', :meta_content => 'value' } ) tracklist = XSPF::Tracklist.new tracklist << track1 tracklist << track2 tracklist << track3 tracklist << track4 tracklist << track5 tracklist << track6 tracklist << track7 tracklist << track8 tracklist << track9 tracklist << track10 playlist = XSPF::Playlist.new( { :xmlns => 'http://xspf.org/ns/0/', :title => 'Tout est calme', :creator => 'Yann Tiersen', :license => 'Redistribution or sharing not allowed', :info => 'http://www.yanntiersen.com/', :tracklist => tracklist, :meta_rel => 'http://www.example.org/key', :meta_content => 'value' } ) xspf = XSPF.new( { :playlist => playlist } ) f = File.open('playlist.xspf', 'w') f.write(xspf.to_xml) f.close ==== Parse and generate Say you want to modify an existing XSPF document. What would you do? There are two ways to do it: the right way and the wrong way. The best way to do it is: require 'xspf' f = File.new("playlist.xspf") x = XSPF.new(f) pl = x.playlist tl = pl.tracklist some_other_track = XSPF::Track.new( { :location => 'http://some.nifty.locati.on/file1.ogg', :identifier => 'http://musicbrainz.org/track/9f342af1-982d-4c26-9f61-3ac258957a83', :title => 'Plus au sud', :creator => 'Yann Tiersen', :tracknum => '1', :album => 'Tout est calme', :meta_rel => 'http://www.example.org/key', :meta_content => 'value' } ) tl << some_other_track pl.title = 'My modified playlist' f = File.open('playlist.xspf', 'w') f.write(x.to_xml) f.close Of course this would also work, but it means more work: require 'xspf' f = File.new("playlist.xspf") x = XSPF.new(f) pl = XSPF::Playlist.new(x) tl = XSPF::Tracklist.new(pl) some_other_track = XSPF::Track.new( { :location => 'http://some.nifty.locati.on/file1.ogg', :identifier => 'http://musicbrainz.org/track/9f342af1-982d-4c26-9f61-3ac258957a83', :title => 'Plus au sud', :creator => 'Yann Tiersen', :tracknum => '1', :album => 'Tout est calme', :meta_rel => 'http://www.example.org/key', :meta_content => 'value' } ) tl << some_other_track pl.title = 'My modified playlist' pl.tracklist = tl x.playlist = pl f = File.open('playlist.xspf', 'w') f.write(x.to_xml) f.close This way, which may seem intuitive, is wrong: require 'xspf' f = File.new("playlist.xspf") x = XSPF.new(f) pl = XSPF::Playlist.new(x) tl = XSPF::Tracklist.new(pl) some_other_track = XSPF::Track.new( { :location => 'http://some.nifty.locati.on/file1.ogg', :identifier => 'http://musicbrainz.org/track/9f342af1-982d-4c26-9f61-3ac258957a83', :title => 'Plus au sud', :creator => 'Yann Tiersen', :tracknum => '1', :album => 'Tout est calme', :meta_rel => 'http://www.example.org/key', :meta_content => 'value' } ) tl << some_other_track pl.title = 'My modified playlist' f = File.open('playlist.xspf', 'w') f.write(x.to_xml) f.close That will not work because 'pl' is a new object, unrelated to 'x'; and 'tl' is a new object, unrelated to 'pl'.