<% # we're going to use the body = Nokogiri::HTML(@body) title = body.css('h1').first&.text.presence || t('bullet_train.tagline') first_paragraph = body.css('p').first preceding_heading = first_paragraph&.xpath("preceding-sibling::h2") description = [preceding_heading&.text, first_paragraph&.text].select(&:present?).join(" — ") || t('bullet_train.description') image_url = "https://avatars.githubusercontent.com/u/5976880?s=280&v=4" site_name = "Bullet Train Developer Documentation" %> <% content_for :title do %> <%= [site_name, title, t('bullet_train.tagline')].select(&:present?).uniq.first(2).reverse.join(' — ') %> <% end %> <%= render 'themes/light/layouts/head' %> text-slate-700 text-sm font-normal dark:text-slate-300">
<% menu = capture do %>
<%= image_tag image_path("logo/logo.png"), class: 'h-5 w-auto mx-auto' %>
<% end %>
<%= yield %>
<% if ENV['HEROKU_APP_NAME'] && ENV['HEROKU_APP_NAME'] == "bullettrain-co" %> <% # We only show the docsearch widget in the demo site. %> <% # We avoid showing it in downstream apps because it wouldn't link to that app, but to the demo site. %> <% end %>