# # = Gruff. Graphs. # # Author:: Geoffrey Grosenbach boss@topfunky.com # # Date:: October 23, 2005 # # require 'rmagick' require 'yaml' module Gruff VERSION = '0.0.1' class Base include Magick # A hash of names for the individual columns, where the key is the array index for the column this label represents. # # Not all columns need to be named. # # Example: 0 => 2005, 3 => 2006, 5 => 2007, 7 => 2008 attr_accessor :labels # The large title of the graph displayed at the top attr_accessor :title # Font used for titles, labels, etc. Works best if you provide the full path to the TTF font file. # RMagick must be built with the Freetype libraries for this to work properly. attr_accessor :font # Graph is drawn at 4/3 ratio (800x600, 400x300, etc.). # # Looks for Bitstream Vera as the default font. Expects an environment var of MAGICK_FONT_PATH to be set. # (Uses RMagick's default font otherwise.) def initialize(target_width=800) @columns = target_width.to_f @rows = target_width.to_f * 0.75 # Internal for calculations @font = File.expand_path('Vera.ttf', ENV['MAGICK_FONT_PATH']) @marker_pointsize = 21.0 @raw_columns = 800.0 @raw_rows = 600.0 @column_count = 0 @maximum_value = 0 @data = Array.new @labels = Hash.new @labels_seen = Hash.new @scale = @columns / @raw_columns reset_themes() theme_keynote() end # Add a color to the list of available colors for lines. # # Example: # add_color('#c0e9d3') def add_color(colorname) @colors << colorname end # Replace the entire color list with a new array of colors. You need to have one more color # than the number of datasets you intend to draw. # # Example: # replace_colors('#cc99cc', '#d9e043', '#34d8a2') def replace_colors(color_list=[]) @colors = color_list end # A color scheme similar to the popular presentation software. def theme_keynote reset_themes() # Colors @blue = '#6886B4' @yellow = '#FDD84E' @green = '#72AE6E' @red = '#D1695E' @purple = '#8A6EAF' @orange = '#EFAA43' @white = 'white' @colors = [@yellow, @blue, @green, @red, @purple, @orange, @white] @marker_color = 'white' @base_image = render_gradiated_background('black', '#4a465a') end # A color scheme plucked from the colors on the popular usability blog. def theme_37signals reset_themes() # Colors @green = '#339933' @purple = '#cc99cc' @blue = '#336699' @yellow = '#FFF804' @red = '#ff0000' @orange = '#cf5910' @black = 'black' @colors = [@yellow, @blue, @green, @red, @purple, @orange, @black] @marker_color = 'black' @base_image = render_gradiated_background('#d1edf5', 'white') end # A color scheme from the colors used on the 2005 Rails keynote presentation at RubyConf. def theme_rails_keynote reset_themes() # Colors @green = '#00ff00' @grey = '#333333' @orange = '#ff5d00' @red = '#f61100' @white = 'white' @light_grey = '#999999' @black = 'black' @colors = [@green, @grey, @orange, @red, @white, @light_grey, @black] @marker_color = 'white' @base_image = render_gradiated_background('#0083a3', '#0083a3') end # A color scheme similar to that used on the popular podcast site. def theme_odeo reset_themes() # Colors @grey = '#202020' @white = 'white' @dark_pink = '#a21764' @green = '#8ab438' @light_grey = '#999999' @dark_blue = '#3a5b87' @black = 'black' @colors = [@grey, @white, @dark_blue, @dark_pink, @green, @light_grey, @black] @marker_color = 'white' @base_image = render_gradiated_background('#ff47a4', '#ff1f81') end # dataset is an array where the first element is the name of the dataset # and the value is an array of values to plot. # # Can be called multiple times with different datasets # for a multi-valued graph. # # Example: # data("Bart S.", [95, 45, 78, 89, 88, 76]) def data(name, data_points=[]) @data << [name, data_points] # Set column count if this is larger than previous counts @column_count = (data_points.length > @column_count) ? data_points.length : @column_count # Pre-normalize data_points.each do |data_point| @maximum_value = (data_point > @maximum_value) ? data_point : @maximum_value end end # Writes the graph to a file. Defaults to 'graph.png' # # Example: write('graphs/my_pretty_graph.png') def write(filename="graph.png") draw() @base_image.write(filename) end # TODO Return the graph as a rendered binary blob. def to_blob(filename="graph.png") draw() @base_image = @base_image.to_blob() end protected # Overridden by subclasses to do the actual plotting of the graph. # # Subclasses should start by calling super() for this method. def draw setup_drawing() # Subclasses will do some drawing here... #@d.draw(@base_image) end # Draws the decorations. # - line markers # - legend # - title def setup_drawing normalize() draw_line_markers() draw_legend() draw_title end # Make copy of data with values scaled between 0-100 def normalize @norm_data = Array.new @data.each do |data_row| norm_data_points = Array.new data_row[1].each do |data_point| norm_data_points << (data_point.to_f/@maximum_value.to_f) end @norm_data << [data_row[0], norm_data_points] end end # Draws horizontal background lines and labels def draw_line_markers @graph_left = 130.0 @graph_right = @raw_columns - 100.0 @graph_top = 150.0 @graph_bottom = @raw_rows - 110.0 @graph_height = @graph_bottom - @graph_top @graph_width = @graph_right - @graph_left # Draw horizontal line markers and annotate with numbers @d = @d.stroke(@marker_color) @d = @d.stroke_width 1 (0..4).each do |index| #y = ( index.to_f * (@graph_height.to_f/4.0) ) + @graph_top.to_f y = @graph_top + @graph_height - ( index.to_f * (@graph_height.to_f/4.0) ) @d = @d.line(@graph_left, y, @graph_right, y) marker_label = 0 marker_label = @maximum_value.to_f * (index.to_f/4.to_f) if index > 0 @d.fill = @marker_color @d.font = @font @d.stroke = 'transparent' @d.pointsize = scale_fontsize(@marker_pointsize) @d.gravity = EastGravity @d = @d.annotate_scaled( @base_image, 100, 20, -10, y - (@marker_pointsize/2.0), marker_label.to_s, @scale) end end # Draws a legend with the names of the datasets matched to the colors used to draw them. def draw_legend @color_index = 0 @legend_labels = @data.collect {|item| item[0] } legend_square_width = 20 # small square with color of this item metrics = @d.get_type_metrics(@base_image, @legend_labels.join('')) legend_text_width = metrics.width legend_width = legend_text_width + @legend_labels.length * (legend_square_width * 2.7) legend_left = scale(@raw_columns - legend_width) / 2 legend_increment = legend_width / @legend_labels.length.to_f current_x_offset = legend_left @legend_labels.each_with_index do |legend_label, index| # Draw label @d.fill = @marker_color @d.font = @font @d.pointsize = scale_fontsize(20) @d.stroke = 'transparent' @d.font_weight = NormalWeight @d.gravity = WestGravity @d = @d.annotate_scaled( @base_image, @raw_columns, 24, current_x_offset + (legend_square_width * 1.7), 70, legend_label.to_s, @scale) # Now draw box with color of this dataset legend_box_y_offset = 2 # Move box down slightly to center @d = @d.stroke 'transparent' @d = @d.fill current_color @d = @d.rectangle(current_x_offset, 70 + legend_box_y_offset, current_x_offset + legend_square_width, 70 + legend_square_width + legend_box_y_offset) increment_color() @d.pointsize = 20 metrics = @d.get_type_metrics(@base_image, legend_label.to_s) current_string_offset = metrics.width + (legend_square_width * 2.7) current_x_offset += current_string_offset end @color_index = 0 end def draw_title @d.fill = @marker_color @d.font = @font @d.stroke = 'transparent' @d.pointsize = scale_fontsize(36) @d.font_weight = BoldWeight @d.gravity = CenterGravity @d = @d.annotate_scaled( @base_image, @raw_columns, 50, 0, 10, @title, @scale) end def render_gradiated_background(top_color, bottom_color) Image.new(@columns, @rows, GradientFill.new(0, 0, 100, 0, top_color, bottom_color)) end def current_color @colors[@color_index] end def increment_color @color_index += 1 raise(ColorlistExhaustedException, "There are no more colors left to use.") if @color_index == @colors.length current_color end def reset_themes @color_index = 0 @labels_seen = Hash.new @d = Draw.new # Scale down from 800x600 used to calculate drawing. # NOTE: Font annotation is now affected and has to be done manually. @d = @d.scale(@scale, @scale) end def scale(value) value * @scale end def scale_fontsize(value) new_fontsize = value * @scale return 10 if new_fontsize < 10 return new_fontsize end end class ColorlistExhaustedException < StandardError; end end module Magick class Draw # Additional method since Draw.scale doesn't affect annotations. def annotate_scaled(img, width, height, x, y, text, scale) scaled_width = (width * scale) >= 1 ? (width * scale) : 1 scaled_height = (height * scale) >= 1 ? (height * scale) : 1 self.annotate( img, scaled_width, scaled_height, x * scale, y * scale, text) end end end