require 'effective_addresses' require 'effective_orders/engine' require 'effective_orders/version' module EffectiveOrders PENDING = 'pending'.freeze CONFIRMED = 'confirmed'.freeze PURCHASED = 'purchased'.freeze DECLINED = 'declined'.freeze STATES = { PENDING => PENDING, CONFIRMED => CONFIRMED, PURCHASED => PURCHASED, DECLINED => DECLINED } # Subscription statuses (as per stripe) ACTIVE = 'active'.freeze PAST_DUE = 'past_due'.freeze CANCELED = 'canceled'.freeze STATUSES = { ACTIVE => ACTIVE, PAST_DUE => PAST_DUE, CANCELED => CANCELED } # The following are all valid config keys mattr_accessor :orders_table_name mattr_accessor :order_items_table_name mattr_accessor :carts_table_name mattr_accessor :cart_items_table_name mattr_accessor :customers_table_name mattr_accessor :subscriptions_table_name mattr_accessor :products_table_name mattr_accessor :authorization_method mattr_accessor :layout mattr_accessor :mailer mattr_accessor :orders_collection_scope mattr_accessor :order_tax_rate_method mattr_accessor :obfuscate_order_ids mattr_accessor :billing_address mattr_accessor :shipping_address mattr_accessor :use_address_full_name mattr_accessor :collect_user_fields mattr_accessor :skip_user_validation mattr_accessor :collect_note mattr_accessor :collect_note_required mattr_accessor :collect_note_message mattr_accessor :terms_and_conditions mattr_accessor :terms_and_conditions_label mattr_accessor :minimum_charge # Features mattr_accessor :free_enabled mattr_accessor :mark_as_paid_enabled mattr_accessor :refunds_enabled mattr_accessor :pretend_enabled mattr_accessor :pretend_message # Payment processors. false or Hash mattr_accessor :cheque mattr_accessor :moneris mattr_accessor :paypal mattr_accessor :stripe mattr_accessor :subscriptions # Stripe subscriptions mattr_accessor :trial # Trial mode def self.setup yield self end def self.authorized?(controller, action, resource) @_exceptions ||= [Effective::AccessDenied, (CanCan::AccessDenied if defined?(CanCan)), (Pundit::NotAuthorizedError if defined?(Pundit))].compact return !!authorization_method unless authorization_method.respond_to?(:call) controller = controller.controller if controller.respond_to?(:controller) begin !!(controller || self).instance_exec((controller || self), action, resource, &authorization_method) rescue *@_exceptions false end end def self.authorize!(controller, action, resource) raise'Access Denied', action, resource) unless authorized?(controller, action, resource) end def self.permitted_params [ :note, :terms_and_conditions, billing_address: EffectiveAddresses.permitted_params, shipping_address: EffectiveAddresses.permitted_params, user_attributes: (EffectiveOrders.collect_user_fields || []), subscripter: [:stripe_plan_id, :stripe_token] ] end def self.cheque? cheque.kind_of?(Hash) end def free_enabled == true end def self.mark_as_paid? mark_as_paid_enabled == true end def self.moneris? moneris.kind_of?(Hash) end def self.paypal? paypal.kind_of?(Hash) end def self.pretend? pretend_enabled == true end def self.refunds? refunds_enabled == true end def self.stripe? stripe.kind_of?(Hash) end def self.subscriptions? subscriptions.kind_of?(Hash) end def self.trial? trial.kind_of?(Hash) end def self.single_payment_processor? [cheque?, moneris?, paypal?, stripe?].select { |enabled| enabled }.length == 1 end # The Effective::Order.payment_provider value must be in this collection def self.payment_providers [ ('cheque' if cheque?), ('free' if free?), ('moneris' if moneris?), ('paypal' if paypal?), ('pretend' if pretend?), ('stripe' if stripe?), ('credit card' if mark_as_paid?), ('other' if mark_as_paid?), 'none' ].compact end def self.can_skip_checkout_step1? return false if require_billing_address return false if require_shipping_address return false if collect_note return false if terms_and_conditions return false if collect_user_fields.present? true end def self.stripe_plans return {} unless (stripe? && subscriptions?) @stripe_plans ||= ( '[STRIPE] index plans' plans = Stripe::Plan.all.inject({}) do |h, plan| h[] = { id:, product_id: plan.product, name: plan.nickname, amount: plan.amount, currency: plan.currency, description: "$#{'%0.2f' % (plan.amount / 100.0)} #{plan.currency.upcase}/#{plan.interval}", interval: plan.interval, interval_count: plan.interval_count }; h end plans ) end class SoldOutException < Exception; end class AlreadyPurchasedException < Exception; end end